September iui

Alicatt-I always am in pain with IVF but this is rare especially since it started today and not before. Glad you feel it too and I'm not the only one. It worries me a bit.
Oh my goodness Iluv and Ali- wow! I'm not familiar with the IVF process so please excuse me if this is a dumb question but is the pain from producing eggs? Fingers crossed for you ladies that this is the only cycle you need to get your babies! Feel better and I'm sorry you're in so much pain :(
Oh my goodness Iluv and Ali- wow! I'm not familiar with the IVF process so please excuse me if this is a dumb question but is the pain from producing eggs? Fingers crossed for you ladies that this is the only cycle you need to get your babies! Feel better and I'm sorry you're in so much pain :(

The pain seems to start shortly after I take all the injections. I'm currently taking 225iu of Menopur and 300 of Bravelle. Just the side effects of the drugs I guess, that and my ovaries are getting big and swollen. I just hope that it doesn't last too much longer!!!
We'll see what they say after my next US tomorrow (Thursday).

Hope you are doing OK!! Any plans for this cycle that were different than last cycle?
I am sorry you are in so much pain. I hope it goes away soon and that it was worth it.
Oh my goodness Iluv and Ali- wow! I'm not familiar with the IVF process so please excuse me if this is a dumb question but is the pain from producing eggs? Fingers crossed for you ladies that this is the only cycle you need to get your babies! Feel better and I'm sorry you're in so much pain :(

The pain seems to start shortly after I take all the injections. I'm currently taking 225iu of Menopur and 300 of Bravelle. Just the side effects of the drugs I guess, that and my ovaries are getting big and swollen. I just hope that it doesn't last too much longer!!!
We'll see what they say after my next US tomorrow (Thursday).

Hope you are doing OK!! Any plans for this cycle that were different than last cycle?

Oh man- how long do you have to do the injections? FX for your u/s tomorrow.
My FS is putting me on Letrizol (Femera) because the Clomid thinned my lining... but... the nurse at my FS just called to see if I had gotten AF yet. I said no (17DPIUI) and and she said, not surprised since your progesterone was at a 6.3 (or a 63, whatever makes sense, haha) yesterday and you need to be at a zero to have your period. She asked if we had sex after the IUI and I said yes, a couple times. She says, well you did have 6 big follicles (4 on my non tube side) so you could have released another egg later and done it on your own. So she wants me to call if I do not get my period by Friday. Holy crap. My temp went up yesterday and dropped a little today but nothing significant like usual with AF is on her way. So now I am very confused and do not know what to think!
Oh my goodness Iluv and Ali- wow! I'm not familiar with the IVF process so please excuse me if this is a dumb question but is the pain from producing eggs? Fingers crossed for you ladies that this is the only cycle you need to get your babies! Feel better and I'm sorry you're in so much pain :(

The pain seems to start shortly after I take all the injections. I'm currently taking 225iu of Menopur and 300 of Bravelle. Just the side effects of the drugs I guess, that and my ovaries are getting big and swollen. I just hope that it doesn't last too much longer!!!
We'll see what they say after my next US tomorrow (Thursday).

Hope you are doing OK!! Any plans for this cycle that were different than last cycle?

Oh man- how long do you have to do the injections? FX for your u/s tomorrow.
My FS is putting me on Letrizol (Femera) because the Clomid thinned my lining... but... the nurse at my FS just called to see if I had gotten AF yet. I said no (17DPIUI) and and she said, not surprised since your progesterone was at a 6.3 (or a 63, whatever makes sense, haha) yesterday and you need to be at a zero to have your period. She asked if we had sex after the IUI and I said yes, a couple times. She says, well you did have 6 big follicles (4 on my non tube side) so you could have released another egg later and done it on your own. So she wants me to call if I do not get my period by Friday. Holy crap. My temp went up yesterday and dropped a little today but nothing significant like usual with AF is on her way. So now I am very confused and do not know what to think!

Sounds like you need to :test: See if maybe you did it on your own :) Now wouldn't that be a surprise! If not, the femara should be much easier on your body than Clomid. I don't know why they don't just start people on it before using Clomid. Dr's.. they just don't make sense sometimes! It doesn't give you nearly the side effects that clomid did, and it doesn't thin your lining either. Let us know what happens! I'm hoping for a :bfp: !!!
Oh my goodness Iluv and Ali- wow! I'm not familiar with the IVF process so please excuse me if this is a dumb question but is the pain from producing eggs? Fingers crossed for you ladies that this is the only cycle you need to get your babies! Feel better and I'm sorry you're in so much pain :(

The pain seems to start shortly after I take all the injections. I'm currently taking 225iu of Menopur and 300 of Bravelle. Just the side effects of the drugs I guess, that and my ovaries are getting big and swollen. I just hope that it doesn't last too much longer!!!
We'll see what they say after my next US tomorrow (Thursday).

Hope you are doing OK!! Any plans for this cycle that were different than last cycle?

Oh man- how long do you have to do the injections? FX for your u/s tomorrow.
My FS is putting me on Letrizol (Femera) because the Clomid thinned my lining... but... the nurse at my FS just called to see if I had gotten AF yet. I said no (17DPIUI) and and she said, not surprised since your progesterone was at a 6.3 (or a 63, whatever makes sense, haha) yesterday and you need to be at a zero to have your period. She asked if we had sex after the IUI and I said yes, a couple times. She says, well you did have 6 big follicles (4 on my non tube side) so you could have released another egg later and done it on your own. So she wants me to call if I do not get my period by Friday. Holy crap. My temp went up yesterday and dropped a little today but nothing significant like usual with AF is on her way. So now I am very confused and do not know what to think!

Sounds like you need to :test: See if maybe you did it on your own :) Now wouldn't that be a surprise! If not, the femara should be much easier on your body than Clomid. I don't know why they don't just start people on it before using Clomid. Dr's.. they just don't make sense sometimes! It doesn't give you nearly the side effects that clomid did, and it doesn't thin your lining either. Let us know what happens! I'm hoping for a :bfp: !!!

Thank you so much Ali- I really appreciate it :) I tested on Friday and it was negative and that let down was so huge that I did t test again at home and then had the blood test yesterday. Maybe if I don't have AF by Friday morning I'll test again...but I imagine I'll be going in for blood work on Friday if no AF... sigh this is all so confusing. I didnt temp for 4 days a couple days after my IUI because we were camping and now I'm kicking myself because I feel like my chart doesn't make much sense.
What are they looking for with your u/s tomorrow? I imagine it's to see how you reacted to the injections and how many/quality of your eggs, right?
Oh my goodness Iluv and Ali- wow! I'm not familiar with the IVF process so please excuse me if this is a dumb question but is the pain from producing eggs? Fingers crossed for you ladies that this is the only cycle you need to get your babies! Feel better and I'm sorry you're in so much pain :(

The pain seems to start shortly after I take all the injections. I'm currently taking 225iu of Menopur and 300 of Bravelle. Just the side effects of the drugs I guess, that and my ovaries are getting big and swollen. I just hope that it doesn't last too much longer!!!
We'll see what they say after my next US tomorrow (Thursday).

Hope you are doing OK!! Any plans for this cycle that were different than last cycle?

Oh man- how long do you have to do the injections? FX for your u/s tomorrow.
My FS is putting me on Letrizol (Femera) because the Clomid thinned my lining... but... the nurse at my FS just called to see if I had gotten AF yet. I said no (17DPIUI) and and she said, not surprised since your progesterone was at a 6.3 (or a 63, whatever makes sense, haha) yesterday and you need to be at a zero to have your period. She asked if we had sex after the IUI and I said yes, a couple times. She says, well you did have 6 big follicles (4 on my non tube side) so you could have released another egg later and done it on your own. So she wants me to call if I do not get my period by Friday. Holy crap. My temp went up yesterday and dropped a little today but nothing significant like usual with AF is on her way. So now I am very confused and do not know what to think!

Sounds like you need to :test: See if maybe you did it on your own :) Now wouldn't that be a surprise! If not, the femara should be much easier on your body than Clomid. I don't know why they don't just start people on it before using Clomid. Dr's.. they just don't make sense sometimes! It doesn't give you nearly the side effects that clomid did, and it doesn't thin your lining either. Let us know what happens! I'm hoping for a :bfp: !!!

Thank you so much Ali- I really appreciate it :) I tested on Friday and it was negative and that let down was so huge that I did t test again at home and then had the blood test yesterday. Maybe if I don't have AF by Friday morning I'll test again...but I imagine I'll be going in for blood work on Friday if no AF... sigh this is all so confusing. I didnt temp for 4 days a couple days after my IUI because we were camping and now I'm kicking myself because I feel like my chart doesn't make much sense.
What are they looking for with your u/s tomorrow? I imagine it's to see how you reacted to the injections and how many/quality of your eggs, right?

Yep, exactly. I had my first ultrasound yesterday and they found 8 follicles that were between 8 and 9mm in size and a total of 11 follicles (the others were smaller), my lining was 8mm and my estrogen was 227. They upped my meds and I'm now taking 225 iu Menopur and 300 iu of Bravelle, so we'll want to see more follicles and hopefully they will have grown, and I think they said something about my estrogen doubling, and hopefully my lining will be a little thicker too. I'm only at CD9 right now, and I doubt my follicles will be ready until Tues/Thur next week.

I hear you with respect to testing and figuring out what is going on with your cycle. Keep temping, and if things don't become clear by Friday I'm sure your FS will want to do another blood test. :dust:
Yikes. Good luck MrsJennyG. That does sound confusing. Friday is just around the corner.
Yikes. Good luck MrsJennyG. That does sound confusing. Friday is just around the corner.

Thanks so much Karen! I'm *trying* not to think about it or put too much stress on "what if" just incase it's nothing because I don't think I can take having my heart broken again this week!
jenny-You so need to test! Inquiring minds want to know! ;)

Feeling a lot better today. Just tired from the pain pills. Trying only to take them at night. Started the PIO and ouch my hip! So worth it though.
jenny-You so need to test! Inquiring minds want to know! ;)

Feeling a lot better today. Just tired from the pain pills. Trying only to take them at night. Started the PIO and ouch my hip! So worth it though.

Hang in there ILuvBabies! It is tough, and very painful, but let's hope we get a :bfp: :hug:
jenny-You so need to test! Inquiring minds want to know! ;)

Feeling a lot better today. Just tired from the pain pills. Trying only to take them at night. Started the PIO and ouch my hip! So worth it though.

Thanks Iluv! Temp drop this morning- still above cover line but I'm not holding out any hope that at 18dpiui I am going to get a magical BFP. Gah I wish that nurse never said there was a possibility I could have gotten pregnant after the IUI on my own... got my hopes up just a little- try as I might not too. Sigh. I hate clomid!
What's PIO? Man I never realized how much one has to go through for IVF- hang in there Iluv & Ali!!
That wasn't nice of the nurse to just get your hopes up. I am sorry you are dealing with that. It is rough. Been there. I am not sure what PIO is either. It is the only acronymn I can't seem to figure out. However, I think it has something to do with progesterone shots. Girls am I even close?
Hey All -

:hug: Jenny.. :dust: Have you asked your DR about Femara? It is simliar to Clomid, but doesn't thin the lining and has less side effects. It might be more expensive, but I think it has been proven to be a better option?

PIO - is progesterone in oil, I actually just picked some up from my Dr's this morning. With IVF you have to supplement with progesterone after the egg retrieval because they ruin the corpus luteum during the egg retrieval. In a normal cycle your corpus luteum forms after you ovulate and it produces progesterone in enough quantities to maintain your pregnancy until 10-12 weeks when the placenta takes over. Lack of progesterone is one of the leading causes of miscarriage, so it is important to get your levels checked around 7DPO or if you get pregnant to make sure your levels are high enough.

AFM - Had my CD10 scan, and I have 20 follicles on the left and 10 on the right, wow! :yipee: My lining is a triple lining at 10mm, YAY! :wohoo: The only issue is that the follicles aren't growing that fast, they are only around 9-10mm (the biggest ones). So they have only grown 1mm in 2 days. UGH. I have gone from 11 follicles to 30.. EEK! So they are going to wait for my estrogen bloodwork this afternoon, and suggest what to do with me then.
I am 4dpiui. I got my smiley face on Sunday and we did the insemination. This morning I had spotting once when I went and nothing since then. Of course Im crazy after the recent blood tests thinking all kinds of negative things. So after asking Dr. Google it is probably a poor ovulation but I would like to think it the egg making its way to snuggle in for 9 months. Fertility comes at the price of insanity. I havent had spotting before 4dpiui.
Fingers crossed for you JandK! Was it red or brown blood? I have read that you can have some bleeding with the IUI (depending how gentle they are) so if it was brown it could have been old blood from the IUI??

Wow Ali- there is so much I didn't know! Did you get the blood results back yet? I am sure there is something they can do to make those eggies bigger!

AFM- my regular nurse called (yesterday it was clearly an idiot who called) and she did not think it was necessary for me to come in tomorrow for blood work- she said AF should come in a few days. Well with my temp drop this morning, my lower back pain and the feeling that I want to strangle someone I think AF will be here sooner rather than later. Haha. Ali my doc did give me 2.5 mg of Letrizole for this cycles. Clomid thinned my lining last time so we're giving this a whirl. I actually didn't have a co-pay with this. I was shocked!
I am 4dpiui. I got my smiley face on Sunday and we did the insemination. This morning I had spotting once when I went and nothing since then. Of course Im crazy after the recent blood tests thinking all kinds of negative things. So after asking Dr. Google it is probably a poor ovulation but I would like to think it the egg making its way to snuggle in for 9 months. Fertility comes at the price of insanity. I havent had spotting before 4dpiui.

HAAA - "Fertility comes at the price of insanity" - just wanted to say I love that, I should adopt this as my new mantra!!!! Awesome.
Good luck to you JandK, I hope this is your cycle! Try not to stress, I know it's impossible.
Fingers crossed for you JandK! Was it red or brown blood? I have read that you can have some bleeding with the IUI (depending how gentle they are) so if it was brown it could have been old blood from the IUI??

Wow Ali- there is so much I didn't know! Did you get the blood results back yet? I am sure there is something they can do to make those eggies bigger!

AFM- my regular nurse called (yesterday it was clearly an idiot who called) and she did not think it was necessary for me to come in tomorrow for blood work- she said AF should come in a few days. Well with my temp drop this morning, my lower back pain and the feeling that I want to strangle someone I think AF will be here sooner rather than later. Haha. Ali my doc did give me 2.5 mg of Letrizole for this cycles. Clomid thinned my lining last time so we're giving this a whirl. I actually didn't have a co-pay with this. I was shocked!

Awesome about the letrizole :) I have heard good things about it. You'll have to let us know how you feel on it, and whether it was better than clomid.

Yep, I got my estrogen results back and they are doubling as we hoped, and more so, they were 227 2 days ago and now its 687. So now the DR wants me to take 6 vials of menopur and that is all. I know this is silly but when I inject myself I always think.. hmm and how much is this injection today? Only $432 today! :haha: It is insane how expensive the drugs are for IVF. Good news is that the stimming is coming to an end, or will be in another few days (I hope). Probably by Mon-Wed we should be ready to do the egg retrieval. Just need those follicles to get growing!

OH, and my FS said to take baby aspirin every day. So I guess it is a good thing to take when TTC? The nurse was like, you are taking your pre-natal vitamin and baby aspirin daily right? I'm like ummm.. pre-natal yes, but I didn't know I should take the baby aspirin! EEK! So I will start doing that today. I'm also going to use my heating pad tonight, and every night for the next few nights, as I have heard that the extra heat helps the follicles GROW!
I am 4dpiui. I got my smiley face on Sunday and we did the insemination. This morning I had spotting once when I went and nothing since then. Of course Im crazy after the recent blood tests thinking all kinds of negative things. So after asking Dr. Google it is probably a poor ovulation but I would like to think it the egg making its way to snuggle in for 9 months. Fertility comes at the price of insanity. I havent had spotting before 4dpiui.

I'm praying that it was a little implantation spotting, it could be! Stranger things have happened :thumbup: Just need to wait and see I guess. UGH, I know how :wacko: the 2WW is, I do hope you are successful this month :hug:

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