September iui

Hi All!
Lots going on here these days
TTCisapain - Glad to hear things are moving along quickly for you with the adoption process!

Vita - I had the same things happen to me. My MIL told everyone about my TTCing and then my miscarriages- something I was trying to be discrete about. Even worse, My husband was going through a church course last year to convert to Catholic - on the evening of one of our courses I miscarried. Being emotional, my husband and I confided in the priest why we wouln't be there that evening, and then he announced it to the entire group (10+ people I don't really know!) - it was horrible to have to go back for months after that with them all staring at me with sad faces - one even came up to me and told me I should of named my baby so I can grieve - I was so fumed to have my personal life out there for everyone

AFM - Sad last few days - my little doggie had to go to Heaven on Thursday, I am a complete mess. My husband had to scrape me off the hallway floor. Given all the stress I was under I had my beta redone yesterday to put my mind at ease. Should receive word sometime this morning on results. Hoping for this to be the one.
ugh im so sorry for ur doggie, :hugs:just went thru it last year. its a hard pain to shake and ppl withput animals will never know the pain.
come ooooooon beta!!!:happydance:
prayin for u today!
Hi All!
Lots going on here these days
TTCisapain - Glad to hear things are moving along quickly for you with the adoption process!

Vita - I had the same things happen to me. My MIL told everyone about my TTCing and then my miscarriages- something I was trying to be discrete about. Even worse, My husband was going through a church course last year to convert to Catholic - on the evening of one of our courses I miscarried. Being emotional, my husband and I confided in the priest why we wouln't be there that evening, and then he announced it to the entire group (10+ people I don't really know!) - it was horrible to have to go back for months after that with them all staring at me with sad faces - one even came up to me and told me I should of named my baby so I can grieve - I was so fumed to have my personal life out there for everyone

AFM - Sad last few days - my little doggie had to go to Heaven on Thursday, I am a complete mess. My husband had to scrape me off the hallway floor. Given all the stress I was under I had my beta redone yesterday to put my mind at ease. Should receive word sometime this morning on results. Hoping for this to be the one.

I am so sorry for your loss. I have been there. It is hard. I really hope your beta comes back positive!
Thanks ladies...
DH and I talked last night; he is angry and hurt over his mother's behavior and her lack of sensitivity to the situation also; so that makes me feel better.
We've decided to not tell anyone, his family or mine, about our situation. We'll give the ol' - "it'll happen if/when He feels it is time"
It's a little hard to keep her in the dark since she lives in our home...we've been helping her get on her own since my FIL passed unexpectedly a year and a half ago, but we're going to do what we need to - emotionally and mentally I can't handle the headache, the nasty and downright hurtful comments, and the disappointment from everyone else when we aren't getting positive results (we're disappointed enough, we don't need anyone else to comment on how upset they are that we're not pregnant or how ready they are for us to have a baby).

On another note, today was 14dpIUI...and I broke. I tested since AF was technically due yesterday and didn't come and then knowing they would have tested me today had my 2ww not ended on a Saturday... and I got a :bfn:
I don't see how I would get a false negative today and Monday morning it'd be we're on our way to our second cycle of IUI; praying for a better outcome!!
Thanks ladies...
DH and I talked last night; he is angry and hurt over his mother's behavior and her lack of sensitivity to the situation also; so that makes me feel better.
We've decided to not tell anyone, his family or mine, about our situation. We'll give the ol' - "it'll happen if/when He feels it is time"
It's a little hard to keep her in the dark since she lives in our home...we've been helping her get on her own since my FIL passed unexpectedly a year and a half ago, but we 're going to do what we need to - emotionally and mentally I can't handle the headache, the nasty and downright hurtful comments, and the disappointment from everyone else when we aren't getting positive results (we're disappointed enough, we don't need anyone else to comment on how upset they are that we're not pregnant or how ready they are for us to have a baby).

On another note, today was 14dpIUI...and I broke. I tested since AF was technically due yesterday and didn't come and then knowing they would have tested me today had my 2ww not ended on a Saturday... and I got a :bfn:
I don't see how I would get a false negative today and Monday morning it'd be we're on our way to our second cycle of IUI; praying for a better outcome!!
We are going through that as well. Mil lives with us and constantly talks about when we are going to have kids. We aren't telling her either. Sorry you feel like you are out. I hope next cycle is it then.
Thanks ladies...
DH and I talked last night; he is angry and hurt over his mother's behavior and her lack of sensitivity to the situation also; so that makes me feel better.
We've decided to not tell anyone, his family or mine, about our situation. We'll give the ol' - "it'll happen if/when He feels it is time"
It's a little hard to keep her in the dark since she lives in our home...we've been helping her get on her own since my FIL passed unexpectedly a year and a half ago, but we're going to do what we need to - emotionally and mentally I can't handle the headache, the nasty and downright hurtful comments, and the disappointment from everyone else when we aren't getting positive results (we're disappointed enough, we don't need anyone else to comment on how upset they are that we're not pregnant or how ready they are for us to have a baby).

On another note, today was 14dpIUI...and I broke. I tested since AF was technically due yesterday and didn't come and then knowing they would have tested me today had my 2ww not ended on a Saturday... and I got a :bfn:
I don't see how I would get a false negative today and Monday morning it'd be we're on our way to our second cycle of IUI; praying for a better outcome!!

Oh it's possible!!! Can turn positive from one day to the next! You are not out till AF shows. Don't count yourself out just yet.
Good luck with that MIL.
How do you keep from going insane? I am only 3dpiui and i am going crazy!
How do you keep from going insane? I am only 3dpiui and i am going crazy!

something you like to do? I like gardening, if i'm not tired. I also cook, from scratch so it takes more concentration. I pick little projects around the house and completely focus on that. You just gotta keep your mind busy and dont stay on sites like these for hours.
graco strollert;21700907]
How do you keep from going insane? I am only 3dpiui and i am going crazy!

something you like to do? I like gardening, if i'm not tired. I also cook, from scratch so it takes more concentration. I pick little projects around the house and completely focus on that. You just gotta keep your mind busy and dont stay on sites like these for hours.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, i am on here too much. That is for sure.
well ladies... it's offical
On to cycle #2 of IUI...hope this one works.
We're not telling anyone this time...we're keeping it to ourselves from here on out - so there will be no additional stress and tension added to the process.

On another note, but kind of related, MIL asked if AF showed up and I told her yes...she huffed and said "I really wish these babies would be close in age..."
Uh hello... I am trying EVERYTHING to ensure we have a child...I don't give a s**t if we have our baby a month, a year, or two years after they do (her other son and his wife)...I just want MY baby!
Yeah her underlining reason however is..she wanted me to be pg this time so she "doesn't have to have 2 separate babyshowers"... I have a MONSTER-in-law ladies...a true monster!! She doesn't look like one, but trust me...she is the one that gives MIL's bad names! She has made such rude, nasty, and heartless comments this entire month... she made it bitter/sweet to get AF; just so we could continue and get our :bfp: and keep it to ourselves for the first trimester...and tell everyone on our terms.

Again, sorry for the vent ladies...
How is everyone else feeling? Any news for anyone?

Hi All
Vita - OMG - I don't know how you restrain yourself from attacking her! How insensitive- she really is a monster

I think there are a few tests coming in for some ladies here - baby dust to all! Hoping for some BFPs!

My 2nd beta came back Sat - so far I'm ok but still on the low side. DPO 17 and my beta was 275 - so it more than doubled twice from 48 at DPO 13, but is still on the lower end of normal - so I am still very very nervous. I started cramping on Sat (my first sign of loss with my last 2) so I am pretty nervous right now about it. I have my 3rd beta this morning and will have results tomorrow AM. Hoping this is finally our time - I am not sure I can take another loss...
I really hope your numbers come up and this is your month. Loads of baby dust to you!:dust:
Stillwait did you get your numbers results back?

I might have missed it in the thread, but Ali how did everything go?

Onto the Oct IUI thread...
Yes, my #'s came back ok - 1314 at DPO 20 - issue was they sent me for an early scan at DPO 21 and can only see a sack, nothing else. Now they are telling me it was too early - I am just pissed they have me all scared now and not comingback for 2 weeks. I feel like I have been on pins and needles for a month now - and the stress levels have not been low - especially the week I lost my dog.

So I guess I am in a tww again!

How is everyone else?
Yes, my #'s came back ok - 1314 at DPO 20 - issue was they sent me for an early scan at DPO 21 and can only see a sack, nothing else. Now they are telling me it was too early - I am just pissed they have me all scared now and not comingback for 2 weeks. I feel like I have been on pins and needles for a month now - and the stress levels have not been low - especially the week I lost my dog.

So I guess I am in a tww again!

How is everyone else?

OH my gosh, that is so mean. I hope this isn't too much worse than the first tww. I am praying for you.
Yes, my #'s came back ok - 1314 at DPO 20 - issue was they sent me for an early scan at DPO 21 and can only see a sack, nothing else. Now they are telling me it was too early - I am just pissed they have me all scared now and not comingback for 2 weeks. I feel like I have been on pins and needles for a month now - and the stress levels have not been low - especially the week I lost my dog.

So I guess I am in a tww again!

How is everyone else?

I'm pretty sure you only see the sack until like 6 wks so don't lose hope! Keep us posted :)
Hi Ladies,

Haven't been posted on here for a while as had a lot to deal with, but have been trying to keep up to date with you all.

Want to wish you all good luck for the coming week, as know a few of you are approaching your testing dates.

Look forward to seeing BFP's

Hi ladies - I also haven't posted for a while, but I've been following everyone's progress (or trying to). I've sat out the last two cycles, trying to figure out whether we're ready for IVF; we did two unsuccessful IUIs and it seemed a bit like throwing good money after bad. Last cycle we just tried on our own, but BFN. This cycle I tried something new: after doing research, I wanted to try estrogen priming with Femara, since I have low egg reserve and a problem with lead follicles developing too rapidly, which then stunts the growth of other follicles and makes stimming almost futile. There is a lot of information out there about estrogen priming (EP) with IVF, but barely any information on it's use with Femara or with IUIs. I happen to have an extra refill of estrodial (estrogen) from last year and a few Rxs of Femara - so although I'm the last person that would self-medicate, I decided to try it. (To be fair, I did call my RE before this cycle started and ran this idea by him; he said i was stalling and that I need to do IVF soon, and said that this approach really is not done at his office and he did not see the point in it. I hate to say this, but I do think that IVF is a big money maker for him and I did feel like he really wanted me to get on w/it already). To make a long story a little shorter, I ovulated much later than I normally did (day 19 instead of day 12, and the OPK was the darkest I've ever seen it in over two years of ttc and came up even before the control line!). We bd-ed for three days straight, and today is DPO 9 - still early, but I finally caved in and tested - and could not believe my eyes! The IC was soooooo faint, I thought I imagined it, so I tried another one - same thing - then I tried First Response - the BFP was still faint but much darker on that one. I can't believe it......:bfp: I'm scared to think that this is real, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I'll test again tomorrow and Monday morning, and then probably go in for a blood test during my lunch. (I'll try to post pics as soon as it becomes dark enough, right now the second line won't show up at all in my camera phone).
Hi ladies - I also haven't posted for a while, but I've been following everyone's progress (or trying to). I've sat out the last two cycles, trying to figure out whether we're ready for IVF; we did two unsuccessful IUIs and it seemed a bit like throwing good money after bad. Last cycle we just tried on our own, but BFN. This cycle I tried something new: after doing research, I wanted to try estrogen priming with Femara, since I have low egg reserve and a problem with lead follicles developing too rapidly, which then stunts the growth of other follicles and makes stimming almost futile. There is a lot of information out there about estrogen priming (EP) with IVF, but barely any information on it's use with Femara or with IUIs. I happen to have an extra refill of estrodial (estrogen) from last year and a few Rxs of Femara - so although I'm the last person that would self-medicate, I decided to try it. (To be fair, I did call my RE before this cycle started and ran this idea by him; he said i was stalling and that I need to do IVF soon, and said that this approach really is not done at his office and he did not see the point in it. I hate to say this, but I do think that IVF is a big money maker for him and I did feel like he really wanted me to get on w/it already). To make a long story a little shorter, I ovulated much later than I normally did (day 19 instead of day 12, and the OPK was the darkest I've ever seen it in over two years of ttc and came up even before the control line!). We bd-ed for three days straight, and today is DPO 9 - still early, but I finally caved in and tested - and could not believe my eyes! The IC was soooooo faint, I thought I imagined it, so I tried another one - same thing - then I tried First Response - the BFP was still faint but much darker on that one. I can't believe it......:bfp: I'm scared to think that this is real, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I'll test again tomorrow and Monday morning, and then probably go in for a blood test during my lunch. (I'll try to post pics as soon as it becomes dark enough, right now the second line won't show up at all in my camera phone).

So I'm likely crazy, but I took another IC this morning - and it was darker!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: I don't wanna be happy yet, it's still too early - but still.....:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Here's a picture of the FRER from last night, not sure if you can see the line from the picture, but it's pretty clear, though faint, in real life.


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