I'm due between 8-10th September. But will have a better idea from tomorrow as have an early scan. Nervous doesn't even describe how I'm feeling about it, congrats on your bfp!
Hi I'm pregnant with #2 and due around 15th September according to LMP but I have a long cycle so I'm sure that will change. It all seems very surreal at the moment as not having many symptoms. How are you feeling? x
EDD is September 24th! So nervous and scared to get my hopes up too high, but it's also hard to not be excited! Lots of praying for this to be my beautiful rainbow baby. First baby appointment is the 21st.
It's nice to see so many ladies expected around the same time.
How is everyone?
Lilmor / Tish / LKamber - I'm feeling okay apart from sore BB's and feeling really really bloated! My trousers already feel tight on me! I have also woken up feeling a little nauseous the last couple of morning but was fine as soon as I are something.
Maryanne / Rae - I'm so nervous too that something may go wrong. I think it's natural to feel like that. I'm just doing everything I can to help the little bean by eating healthy, doing light exercise and taking my folic acid! I have an early scan booked on 2nd Feb.
Pinkee - nice to see you here! :wave: wow I can't believe your nearly 12 weeks already! How are you and bump? Are you showing yet?
Bet your excited for your scan! I had mine this morning. Pushed back to 5+3 but the hospital said sac is a good size so they are pleased! Honestly thought something would be wrong.
Gosh, I know. It has been agony for the 13 week wait! Makes the 2ww seem like a cake walk. I'm so happy to see a ltttc 'er. I've been pretty symptomless so not much to talk about.
I got a huge bloat bump in the PM, not so much the AM so I'm in pjs by 5 every day until I shop for maternity clothes.
I'm tickled you're here!
OMG Pinkee - I am suffering with a bloated tummy in the evenings too! I am dreading the next 8 weeks...the last 3 days has already felt like a month! Lol!
Congrats Bing! I'm pretty sure I Ovu'd xmas too My EDD is 16th. I've no symptoms and im pretty scared :/ no early scans for me either ...so it's a game of wait and see... Postitive thoughts, positive thoughts, postitive thoughts
Hi ladies! My EDD as of right now is September 21. I have an ultrasound on Friday the 30th when i will be 6 weeks 4 days SO very nervous and excited right now!
Just popping in, no yet; however edd calculators said 9/19, another said 9/24. Last cycle started December 13. The one before was November 13. I have an average 32 day cycle. Last 6 months have been 35,35, 30, 34, 29, 30. I decided to test on CD36 to have higher odds. At this point just wondering when you girls found out? How many DPO, etc? Thanks hopefully will join you guys on Saturday
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