Just set my appt, earliest available is next Monday 1/26. I will be 6w2d according to last cycle. They usually see patients at 8 weeks + but because I'm high risk they will see me now....
when is everyone else's first?
I am calling to schedule mine tomorrow. Will update then.
My SO doesn't even want me to schedule an appointment until after I miss a second period..like my period just decided it didn't want to show and the tests were wrong. He's dealt with 3 mc's so I can understand him not wanting to get his hopes too high..but he's only tearing mine down. I'm starting to get freaked out and run to make sure I don't start bleeding..I wish he could just be happy and optimistic. The most I have heard is that he is indeed excited..has an odd way of showing it though if you ask me. How is everyone else's other half taking it?
Jordypotpie - how are the hormonal surges? I love your idea about the ticker. We decided we aren't going find out the gender. My OH is excited but doesn't want to tell anyone until after the 12 week scan. I'd like to tell our parents and siblings before then, so we have some compromising to do!
Babifever - sorry your ultrasound didn't go as you planned. I'm sure it's just too early though and everything is fine
Rmsh - when did your MS start with your first? I kinda want to get it as it will make me feel like everything is okay! so far I've just had sore BBs, bloatedness, and waking in the night to pee.
Mel - welcome :wave: I have my booking appointment on 2nd Feb and also have an early scan booked for then too. As our fertility specialist offered us one so we jumped at the offer! Guessing it's maybe just procedure in the fertility department where I live if things took a while to happen. I'm in Basingstoke, Hampshire UK so not far from you either. Do you have another job other than the bikram yoga? Me & my hubby used to do bikram yoga myself but we gave it up about 6 months ago after we were told the heat isn't good for his spermies or my eggs!
Kaths - welcome :wave: Your first son was born on my wedding day! And 10lb 11oz for your second - wow! Let's hope they are wrong when they say each baby gets bigger!
Hi ladies
I thought that I would all let you know that I lost my baby yesterday..
So I wont be joining this topic anymore ladies.. thanks for having me on the topic.
Hello all,
pretty much I'm just chilling. My high risk appointment is tomorrow and I'm hoping they do an ultrasound, if not next one is next Tuesday. I have been feeling fine, nausea stopping since I stopped taking the metformin ( but blood sugars are still high), breast get a very very mild pain every now and again, and I'm losing my appetite (perfect now that I'm pregnant, lol). Things will be real and feel 100% once I see my bean on the screen. At this point I want to dismiss the possibility of a ectopic pregnancy. More likely probably couldn't see anything because I'm 4 weeks/6 days, not 5 weeks/4 days according to lmp. I believe my due date will change from 9/19 to 9/24. I got the lesser estimate when my cd average was added.
hows everyone else feeling?