@Suggerhoney thank you so much love. Yes worried is an understatement right now. I’m offered one more non invasive test that’s just bloods and if that’s positive again then I’ll be offered CVS. I’m still in disbelief, my scan was perfect. Nuchal translucency was perfect, nasal bone seen and nothing noted that would cause concern. It was in my bloods. It’s just a lot to process as I’m on my own again. You give me a lot of hope that everything will be ok and I need to keep the faith that it was a false positive. Hope you’re doing ok and I’m sending boat loads of dust your way for this upcoming cycle
it’s just horrible news to receive.
My scan was perfect too. I had scans at 6+1 due to bleeding and saw a HB.
Then they got me back in at 8+1 just because of the bleeding at 6 weeks and wanting to make sure things were still progressing. That scan was perfect.
Had a private scan at 10+3 only because I lost my first baby at 10+4 weeks.
Then finally I get to my 12 week scan.
I was out forward to 12+6 weeks and all was perfect. Neutral fold nasal bone everything.
Then I finally start to relax and I get that dreaded phone call.
When they said it was 1in33 my heart absolutely sunk.
I had another scan at 14 weeks and a gender scan at 16 weeks and again showed a healthy baby.
I was then told I had to wait for the 20 week scan which is where they check everything. I was told that some markers may show on that.
That was agonising wait. But again all was perfect.
Heart kidneys everything. No markers where found.
I was told that not all downs markers show on a scan so then I had to spend the rest of my pregnancy worrying.
Basically the whole 2nd trimester and part of the 3rd trimester, the time your supposed to be glowing and excited, I spent it all crying and scared.
I booked a 4d scan at 32 weeks and that made me feel so much better.
But I still wouldn’t know for sure until birth.
When he was born they had to do loads it checks. And other than losing a lot of weight. He was 7lb 3oz at birth but dropped to 6lb 5oz, but other than that he was completely healthy.
So I’m my case it was a false positive.
And that lady in my old due date group, hers was a false positive.
I did go for other bloods, I went for the Harmony test but my results kept coming back inconclusive. Went back to have bloods done agian at 16 weeks and again 2 weeks later inconclusive blood results.
So that was 4 whole weeks of waiting for results.
Yours will be fine tho hon.
Mine came came back inconclusive because I’ve had a transplant.
I know if I do fall with my rainbow I will probably get a very high risk result again.
But I’m going to try and enjoy every second of that pregnancy because it will be my last.
Those stinking results ruined my last pregnancy and the pregnancy b4 was ruined because I had ICP. So I just want my last pregnancy to be enjoyable.
it’s just horrible because I was so worried and pregnancy goes so so fast. It’s blink and you only have a few weeks left:
By the time I finally started to relax I was 32 weeks and right near the end.
I felt cheated.
feel free to pm me hon. I know waiting for those results is torture.
Here if you need me ok