So my birth story is pretty mild and not too exciting.
But I was 40+1 weeks and I have been feeling mild cramps since 37 weeks but nothing horrible, so that day I ate my regular spicy food, bounced on my birthing ball and walked a lot all day, I went to bed but by 2 am woke up to painful period like cramps and then it hit me that it was go time. It's really weird how you just know when it's time.
Got to the hospital and it was empty thankfully, I got checked and I was 4 cm dialted so they admitted me right away. Contractions picked up fast and my blood pressure went up since I didn't know how to deal with them, my nurse just kept saying take deep breaths and slowly let them out. She was my moms age and so comforting, and she said I'm not going home until you have "my baby". That's what she calls babies she delivers during her shifts.
I asked for the epidural cause I knew I'm getting one anyway and I've read that you should request it early on before it's too late. It was completely painless and fast but by that time I was shaking so bad for some reason, I was probably transitioning but I had no idea.
My contractions were back to back so I was glad I can't really feel them. I felt so high and so happy and thought wow I would love an epidural everyday. After that baby went into distress cause my labor was going too fast for him so the nurse gave me a shot to slow them down a bit and his heart rate went back up, my contractions kinda stalled after that so they gave me like a drop of pitocin to get them going again.
The nurse came to check me and after she was done my water broke and I told her oh... I think my water broke. It feels so warm and soft! I was like 8 cms by then. I was feeling so much pressure like right on my butt like something is forcing its way out.
She told me lets do a "practice push" since you could be pushing for 4 hours, so I pushed and she was like "oh we need the doctor now! That baby is ready!" So in a blink of an eye the doctor was there but by then my epidural was wearing off so the pushing part for me wasn't that great, I cried and cried and begged her to get him out of there but the doctor kept saying "you can do this!" And DH said "he's just right there hun!!" So I put my hand down and felt his head all full of hair and slimy. DH said my face was purple from the pushing lol.
Then suddenly one last push then I felt a huge relief, turns out he came out in one push. It was the best feeling ever to get him out, like being so constipated then finally relief. I only pushed for 30 minutes! They put him right on me and he screamed and cried and then I started crying with him. It was the most intense feeling I've ever felt. They took him to warm him up under the warmer and that part I hated, it's so true what they say about mothers NOT wanting their babies taken away. I felt like mama bear just lost her cub so I kept asking them to give him back!
The whole labor lasted about 7 hours from the time I was admitted to delivery. I also didn't tear at all.
I'm pleased by how things turned out really. I don't feel like it was traumatic or scarring or anything. Also pushing with pretty much zero epidural felt empowering!