Drazic it does help but I have to have loads!! To be honest I had it anyway as I have a hiatus hernia which gives me heartburn anyway, but it's been really bad since I got to about 25 weeks pregnant! x
I have this too, I was born with it, and weak stomach valve, although pregnancy is supposed to make the hernia worse i found with my first the stomach was so pushed up it never really returned as bad as b4 i was pregnant, i can eat much more happily now than i ever could as a child, in fact my hatred of indigestion remedies stems from a childhood gulping them down!
fake pina colada banana pineapple and coconut blended with ice and imagine your by thye beach, worked for me!
Oh yummy yum, you can buy pineapple and coconut juice in tesco, perhaps whisked or cocktail shaken up with ice for a home made version, oh think i may be going shopping again tomorrow it is yummy pineapple and coconut, and if you drink malibu and pineapple it is a nice reminder without the alcohol, and i prefer it because i can drink so much of it!
Louise it makes me feel sad your dh has to go away, you are both very brave and it really must be gut wrenching to let him go

, your clothes comment made me laugh, two totally different outfits, try the green one first perhaps baby will throw up on it and a change will be required
Blob, its the contraception lady who gets on my wick, I mean you just have squeezed a melon out of a hole the size of a lemon and she comes in all chirpy asking what you intend to use as contraception, as if the baby was not enough for you!!
Then she starts about your pelvic floor, which may just be useful if you could even feel it, i delight in my first wee having given birth let alone knowing anything about the state of my pelvic floor!!
I have been very good at avoiding her now!
hopeful 39er, Good luck with your pregnancy xx
Got to go, bought the new Nanny Mcphee film today, really wanted to see it at cinema but didn't manage it, so hoping to watch it in bed!
Bye for now, big


thinkpink xx
Whoo, having a good day, finally have this quote thing sorted, only taken a year or so!!!