****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Hi ladies

I've had a 24 hour nightmare (issues with SD again) I can't even begin to go into it. I got in to a terrible hysterical state last night and thought I was going to go into premature labour. I have felt dreadful today, sick, headache, painful eyes. I finally managed to get some sleep from about 5pm-7.30pm and I hope I manage to get a decent night of sleep. xx
Hope your feeling better soon :hugs:

ARRRGHHHHHH!! is anyone else getting seriously fed up with people saying something like the following what seems like every 10 minutes:

"you wait til the baby's born, then you'll know what tired is"

"just wait until the baby's here, then you'll never stop doing laundry"

"make the most of those lie ins, as you'll have no sleep when the baby arrives"

This makes me laugh, tell them to shut up!! It is the biggest load of cr*p anyway, you sleep so much better when baby is born, all the pains and uncomfortable gone, most babies make 2-4 hours at a time(some much more)which is more sleep than i am getting right now, I breast fed and had moses basket next to me so i never even got out of bed to feed, just picked up baby and shoved it to boob and when done back to sleep for us both!

Regarding pj's and such... I've heard to just wear hospital clothing as long as you can, because theres a good chance you're going to ruin whatever you're wearing anyways!

Would reccomend a night dress to give birth in, it is nice to keep it and a nighty can be pulled down, I wore pjs last time which was not good, and nothing to pull down, take a few in with you one for birth and others or pj's for after.
They do get messy if baby is placed on you but i felt that was all part of it!

The hob and grill are working but the Fan oven comes on but will not heat up, after some googling I think its the fan element that has gone, anyone any experience of this?
Yes sounds like the element, depends what model you have but there is a fan somewhere in your oven and with it the heating element, (turn off electric) take off the cover to the fan, find the element, unscrew it from the fittings and unplug it (make sure the oven is all switched of and the electric is of please!!!) then take it to a oven repair or supply shop, ours was £30 then just replace it the way it came out.
When ours broke it cost £50+parts just for the bloke to do that so i did it last time and so far its worked!

Babythinkpink, that film is brill, I prefered it to the first one!!

Ahhhh it was fab, I cried and watched the ending twice, I even watched the bonus features!!:haha:

Well just popping by to catch up, have to get dd ready and fed b4 we go out to take dh to doctors and then a costa coffee, which i really can't afford but is a treat we have every now and again, its last week of school so will have lots of kids about from this week!

Anyway nothing too much to catch up with me, will do it later!


:baby:thinkpink xx
Morning Ladies!

Draz & Emzy - I feel your pain with the heartburn! I'm chewing on rennies at the moment; it says on the packet that they can be used for treatment of heartburn in pregnancy so that'll do for me. I can't stand the taste of gavisgon - was it Louise who said 'man milk'? Lol.. it's foul.

Babythinkpink - Congrats on moving up a box - I LOVE that smileys post!

I must say though, my DD was a nightmare for sleeping. Her nose was too narrow at the top, which made feeding difficult. She kept having to break off to breathe, which tired her out, and then she fell asleep when she wasn't full. Cue me waking up every hour/hour and half for the entire time I breastfed (I managed 3 months). It helped when she was on formula, as I could then feed her the hungry babies one, so that then she could have less but still feel a little fuller. BUT she was still 4 yrs old before she slept through the night fully. There are reasons for that - when she goes to her dad's she has to sleep in the same room as him, so when she comes home, for the rest of the week, she can't settle in her own room.

Anyway, my point is kinda that, now I've coped with that (and still wanted another baby!) I'm ready for anything! lol.

Emzy, I've been switching from freaking out to feeling fine too. I've purposefully stayed away from ANY kind of birth programmes for the entire of the pregnancy so as not to freak myself out any more. But i'm still freaking lol, so i'm not sure if it's made any difference. I keep thinking 'well, it's gotta come out now' and I don't actually think that helps :haha:

Congratulations Louise! Fx she comes a little (but not too) early for you now so that you have even more time together!

Little A - I love your pram! It's gorgeous! Loving the nursery pics too :thumbup:

Sorry to hear you're having a bad time Mrs J - Fx things start to work out, and you feel better today :hugs:

Limpets - I know all about rushing things - we bought a house, got engaged and got our bfp in the space of a couple of months. I don't know why I do it to myself! lol. As for the wedding plans, I hope to go back to them today. I've had a few days off, so hopefully now I can turn my phone back on lol.

Carley - What an awful experience! I've realised that this happens waaaay too much since coming on this site.. as if pregnant women need all the EXTRA worry; It's terrible :hugs:

I've just watched jeremy kyle and i'm cross. Why the hell would you base life-changing decisions on lie detector results??? I can't discuss it properly (forum rules), but it bugs the HELL out of me. If someone has cheated 3 times, why would you make a HUGE decision based on whether they have cheated a 4th??? :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: I'm not sure whether watching jezza is good for me, as (as much as it entertains me) it winds me up. In the renaissance, it was common for wealthy people to visit mental asylums for entertainment. I'm not sure much has changed...

Anyway, seeing as i've had such a productive morning, I'd better get ready for my consultant appointment.

Hope you all have a fab day ladies :flower:
Hi ladies

Thanks for your messages. I had a slightly better night although we were both up again at 5am. I went to my volunteer work this morning but ended up losing my temper with an argumentative, lazy teenager who wouldn't do what I asked her to do (also a volunteer) so I walked out. I just don't need additional stress after the last couple of days which have been hell. My DH has been trying to persuade me to stop volunteering for a few weeks as it's quite physically demanding at times and I've been coming home wiped out. Today was the first day I have thought "I just can't do this anymore". I feel guilty but I know I have to do what is best for me and the baby and this baby coming at 32 weeks is definitely not what I want.

I'm getting so much pain in my lady bits and lower back - I'm wondering whether the baby's head might be partially engaged as my bump has dropped a little too? Is this happening to anyone else? I've just taken two paracetemol so hope they kick in soon. I've got my 32 week scan tomorrow morning so I guess I'll find out then what position the baby is in. Last time baby was head down laying on it's side. I suspect baby is still head down but sometimes baby seems to be to my left side and other times with it's back to the front of my tummy.

I was supposed to go to Breastfeeding class this afternoon but I've cancelled and am going in two weeks instead. I don't feel well enough to go today and DH has a hospital appointment this afternoon and I feel I should go to support him. I've got a horrible feeling that he is going to end up in hospital over the next couple of days. That's been part of the stress but the bigger issue has been SD's Mum who is doing all she can to prevent DH picking SD up for the 3 wks we are supposed to have her for the summer. At first she was insisting that she be collected today but not until 8pm as she's going to a party (it's an 8 hour round trip to go and get her) now she wants her to be picked up tomorrow afternoon at 3.30 pm or not at all. I have my scan tomorrow and DH is supposed to be working in the afternoon. As far as we are concerned we were picking her up on Saturday at 12 and going straight to Dorset on holiday. We both completely lost the plot on Sunday night about it and I was hysterical crying and sobbing. We have had 18 months of constant stress (emotional, mental and financial) for what? SD acting like a total brat and her mother doing everything in her power to make our life difficult and breaking the court order (which isn't worth the paper it's written on) on a weekly basis. We both feel we have to take control of the situation for our own sanity and that may mean taking a step back for a while. My DH has decided that our lives have revolved around SD for far too long and the time is come for other things to start taking priority, like the new baby for example and my DH's health. DH is no good to any of us constantly in and out of hospital and the Consultant has made it clear that stress is a contributing factor. Not wanting to sound melodramatic but DH could die from his illness, with every attack the risk of complications increase and he has had 11 attacks since all of this hassle with SD started. At what point do you have to say enough is enough? It's a very difficult and complicated emotional situation and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Optical - I caught the end of JK too and agree with you. I think it comes down to one of my DH's favourite sayings - "50% of the people you meet in your life are below average intelligence" That's the teacher in him I guess, but it's a valid point and very easy to forget that some people really aren't all that bright. x
Morning everyone!

Aw Mrs JO8 as if you really need this AGAIN. I really feel for you and your situation. Hope things go okay with your hubby today. :hugs:

Argh Carley what a horrible day for you. :hugs:

I am sick of people feeling they can comment on any aspect of your pregnancy. It's as though if you've got a bump they've got free rein to say what they want. The current thing I'm having is people commenting on my previous early births and it being a good thing! My neighbour across the road said this morning at least I know I'll be saved the trauma of going overdue! I was speechless! I'd rather go overdue than sit by an incubator with an early baby! Grrrrr....

Have a nice day everyone. :flower:
Limpetsmum, I'm gonna wear some old loose PJs for after the birth as I'll feel so much more comfy in them, even if it means binning them afterwoods. I hate nighties as they ride up all the blimen time, although I think I might have to get a cheap one for the labour as the old 'long' top I was thinking of wearing isn't so long now!!

Carley, that is awful! That poor woman who hasn't been diagnosed! Good on your dh though for checking it out. Thank goodness all should be ok for you and the LO.

Emzy there are several people at work who KEEP saying the same things to me.. like how painful it is when the baby engages and how tired I'll be bla bla bla. Are they trying to warn me so that I don't get pregnant, cause it's a bit blimen late for that?!
Hi ladies

I'm glad it's not just me that's sick of the nosey people's comments!!! Like F&C said, are they trying to put us off as it's a bit late LOL! It's like people must enjoy saying negative things? Very odd. The main thing that annoys me is Facebook, I can't update my status saying I enjoyed something like a day out or a lie in without someone random saying something like "enjoy it while you can" or "your life will never be the same". So thank you to blob and babythinkpink for saying that it is actually easier to sleep once the babies are here! How refreshing lol

MrsJ Big hugs for you x

I'm packing an old primark nightdress to give birth in, then I can just chuck it away if it gets too messy and I've just bought a pack of 2 nursing nighties from mothercare for afterwards. They were on sale too for £16... not sure why they are not on sale online though! Here they are: https://www.mothercare.com/M2b-Pink...ing=UTF8&m=A2LBKNDJ2KZUGQ&n=42797041&mcb=core

I'm off to another antenatal class tonight which I'm looking forward to! Matt is going to hospital this afternoon to have a mole removed and they said he'll have to stay for a little while afterwards, so I hope he is home in time as I don't want to go on my own!

Ooooh the doorbell just went and it's my yummy mummy changing bag!! How exciting! I'm off to have a look!

Mrs J, hope you are ok, what a complete nightmare for you xxx

Emzy, I know exactly how you feel. I am sre people think that you are so naive that you don't realise that things are gonna be hard etc!!!

We have been out at the beach since 9am and just got back, was lovely down there! Took Murphy and my neice, Maisie! We walked quite far and had a paddle, I feel pooped now!! Gotta pop into town this afternoon to get some bits, I feel like I deffo slowing down more and more each day with chores!! I am still doing what I always did just alot slower lol!!
Oh Mrs J... That sounds just awful, and like she sees you as a babysitting service, is extremely selfish and crazy, and hell-bent on making your lives miserable. I agree that, with all you have going on at the moment, as awful as it sounds, you need to start putting your health, your OH's health, and the baby first. I really feel sorry for your SD, as it isn't her fault that her mum is crazy, but you can't keep getting yourself into states like this. Maybe when she is older, your SD will realise that it was all her mum's fault, and there wasn't much you could do. :hugs:

Ooooo Yummy Mummy Changing bag post!!!!!! Lucky you Emzy :happydance:

Well, i'm back from my appointment, and I don't have to see the consultant again, just my midwife from now on. Baby is head down, I'm measuring a little behind, but I have done all the way through so I'm not worried cos baby is still growing (it's only 1 cm behind my dates).
The consultant wrote 'at brim' on my notes under 'relation to brim'. Does this mean that bubs will start to engage soon? I know that usually they put 'free' or how many 5ths are engaged, so what does 'at brim' mean?

Oooo babythinkpink - I could murder a costa coffee. I just can't justify driving into town (petrol money) + carparking to sit in there on my own. I need one of you ladies to move closer :)

I'm off to iron my curtains for baby's room in a min. Oh was saying last night that he's beginning to get nervous now, bless him. He's already a fantastic dad to my DD, but this is his first child, and he takes ANY type of responsibility really seriously. He's gonna be brilliant, but he even said that he had a dream the other night about me going out and leaving the baby with him to look after for an hour, and it's made him nervous.
So it's not just me that's getting a bit nervous about this baby coming now! Although for different reasons I guess.

Carley :hugs: again hun xxx

MrsJ08 - oooooh it makes me mad when people take the pi**, good for you guys deciding to take a step back though.

My mom woke me this morning asking about the moses basket cover, basically my parents bought me a basket with everything but i'm not too fussed on the frills, so she offered to go buy me some replacement covers. 1; does anyone know how difficult it is to get replacement covers for a moses basket??? You just can't get them anywhere 2: when Mom did find some they are £22 for 1 set WTF a new basket is on sale at only £29.99!!!!! So she offered to buy me a new basket & me sell the other one. This seemed a bit crazy so i had a think :haha: and came up with the solution of using my cotbed covers & bumpers instead :thumbup:.
Here's a few piccies - the Winnie the Pooh is the original frilly set & the 2 Humpreys corner ones are cotbed sets which i think do the job ok. It's only for daytime naps in the living room as bubba has a swinging crib in our room for proper sleeps :thumbup:


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the last shot of the 3rd option


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Aww opticalillus how sweet! I must admit i think my DH is getting excited as he's turned quite maternal on me lol. He loves feeling the baby all the time now & keep talking to my bump bless.
I think i might get some cheap primark nighties - great idea :thumbup: then i can get some proper pj's afterwards when i know what will fit :haha:
Right......better go pack up all that moses basket stuff now & get it back in the loft - no room to keep it down just yet. Another 4 weeks & i'll wash the linen but the basket won't come down until as close to my due date as possible (probably when my contactions start lol)
Mrs J, I'm glad you and your dh have come to this agreement. It sounds like your SD's mum has probably polluted her head so maybe some time away from it all will help.

Optical I've never heard of the 'brim' before but yey to not needing to see the consultant any more!

Will also have to visit primark for cheap pants and nighties!
Sorry for the selfish post, just had a call. I failed the GGT test and I have to go and see someone about gestational diabetes next week :(

Just wondered if anyone has any information/tips? I don't know anything about it.
Sorry i can't enlighten you much Bek but i'm sure some of the others will once they read your post :thumbup: Good luck & try not to stress over it hun :hugs:
The consultant wrote 'at brim' on my notes under 'relation to brim'. Does this mean that bubs will start to engage soon? I know that usually they put 'free' or how many 5ths are engaged, so what does 'at brim' mean?

Oooo babythinkpink - I could murder a costa coffee. I just can't justify driving into town (petrol money) + carparking to sit in there on my own. I need one of you ladies to move closer :)


Brim is the brim of the pelvis, so baby is head down and heading towards being engaged, 1st babies usually engage, subsequent can bob in and out.

I want some closer Sept Stars too please!!

I knew the answer to this so why i have posted!

Can't help with the diabetic thing, perhaps a new thread to ask anyone who has had this?

Back later, its bath night, girls first!

From the detective work I've done over the last 3/4 hours, I need to find out how drastic it is and if I'd need to inject insulin or just control it dietry, I should have some growth scans every few weeks it seems and I'll more than likely be induced at 38/39 weeks so I could have a late August baby and only 6 weeks left! Eeeeeek! We haven't even moved in to our house yet.

Just hoping Ellie is ok in there now and everything goes ok during the last bit of the pregnancy, can't believe I didn't find out until this late in the pregnancy. Damn the stupid nurse who butchered my arm and turned me away at 28 weeks for being 5 mins late. Could have known four weeks ago! :grr:
Hey all, thanks so much for advice on oven! Hopefully get it fixed as soon as, we will wait until the wedding and all is out the way, well the wedding of my dh sister is on Friday and today we got Mason & dh's kilts, they tried them on and ong how gorgeous my boys look:) I know Im biast but I will post piccies on sat, I was crying, such a saddo!!

Im defo on the look out for cheap nighties now, last time I had all lovely new jammies to take in and needless to say all got a bit ruined and for the first 24 hours I couldnt wear jams because of my bag friend I had attached..... As I know Im getting a section for sure im defo going to get some nighties asap and then use my nice jams the next day or when im home, which hopefully wont be too long!!

:hug: Mrs J, you really need it.xxx

Louise you are so strong and Im so glad your man gets to have longer with you, plus the comment about dog and bath was sooo funny!!!

I like what you have done Limpets, so creative some of you stars!!!

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