****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Hi LAdies!!

Sorry I haven't been able to catch up properly :-( There was about 17 pages of chatter to read through and I don't have that much time right now. Just like everyone else DH and I have been very busy trying to get everything organized and ready for Peyton. On top of that...I had my baby shower this past Sunday so now our living room is FULL of gifts...I have a mountain of clothing I have to wash! lol It was sooo lovely though! I had a fab time and I got such beautiful gifts. Last night we pretty much completed our shopping for Peyton. We have everything now from breastpads to infant carrier to "baby on board" sign! lol Will post pictures when I have them! :)

Bekks: I hope you get answers about your GD. Poor you :-(

Hope everyone is doing well! :)

Bekks I am sure all will be fine and that Ellie is ok xx

Why do people feel the need to be sheep?? A girl I know is now expecting her 3rd and it seems she has only got up the duff as its the 'trend' here atm! They are always moaning about how skint they are and he is always off work because she can't cope with army life! Makes me laugh!!!She even got him off a tour last year when she had her 2nd!

I have had a lovely day today, been to the beach this morning and here there and everywhere this afternoon!! I am a bit shattered!!
Evening everyone!

Aw Bekklez sorry about your GD news. I have to admit I know very little about it, but I know there are others who'll be able to help!

Loving the moses basket bedding sets Limpets, how lovely to imagine a little one all snug and comfy in there in a few weeks!

I am all achy and twingy tonight and it's my own fault. I did a lovely big swim before, and then came home and took the dogs out with DH. I should have done one or the other but I am stubborn and won't be told. So now I am sat here suffering in silence cos he'll tell me off if I tell him I am a bit sore. Bad, bad Claire. :growlmad:

On a nicer thread, I think I am obsessed with my knitting. The back of the cardy I am doing is shaping up nicely, I can't leave it alone!

Hope all okay tonight! :flower:
You will have to have a rest day tomorrow Claire!!

I have been getting alot of twinges in my lady bits lately, makes me feel like I need the loo but I don't really need a wee!!!
Hi Ladies,

Bekkelez, if I remember rightly I think Pinky had a positive GTT, maybe PM. When I had the test mw said if came back positive I would be sent to a dietician and would need to test my levels for a week whilst keeping food diary. Just aim for low glycemic food sich as beg instead of fruit, whole grains etc until you get to see somone. Let me know if you want me to fish out my low gi book to give you foods to aim for xx

Had mw this morning who wanted to sign me off work... I refused but have gine back to work and demanded I work from home every afternoon and if I need to rest i can. basically low iron, white as a sheet, faint etc. Hopefully I will pick up soon

DH has just cooked trout brocolli and green beans nom nom nom

Sorry I've missed loads of posts but hope everyone's OK, got my 2nd hypnobirth class tommorow night
Hi ladies. I haven't really been able to keep up properly because I had to leave my laptop at my office. Hope all is well with everyone.
Asher, I know what you mean about overdoing but it's just so hard not to. I started having some contractions again on Sunday I think mainly due to stress and yesterday was horrible. I have come to learn that Mondays are rough though because I take it pretty easy on the weekend but Mondays are a full day of work and running the roads. You're still making me jealous with the knitting. I wish I was that talented.
Becs, I hate those twinges b/c I run to the bathroom enough without having any false alarms. LOL
I plan to try and chill a bit tomorrow, am off out for lunch with my friend and her little girl, and Jack of course. I am my own worst enemy. But then to some point there is necessity with the cleaning and stuff, although my mum offered to help out with the housework when I want help. It's just accepting the help that's difficult!

Oooh Jellycat feel better. I hope your iron levels pick up, it's nasty feeling like that.

I too am getting the lady bit twinges. Eeek not the nicest thing in the world!
I have the same problem about accepting help, I would rather soldier on than admit I needed help, I am far too stubborn for my own good!!!

Jelly I hope you feel better soon xx

Nursekel, take it easy xxx
Evening ladies...had my scan earlier and it was so lovely to see him. He was in there sucking on his fingers the whole way through...so very cute!!!
He is on the top line for his measurements and 'a good weight!', I was told he definately won't be small! He is about 5lb 12oz and so will probably be over 9lb. A little chunky monkey! Can't wait to meet him now, I'd like him out in 3 weeks but I don't think that will happen.
My son breaks up for summer hols tomorrow which means 6 weeks of pregnancy, 6 weeks of entertaining a 7yr old, hot weather= Me being a grumpy cow! However, I can't actually wait to spend the time with him so I'll have to save the grumps till after bedtime.

I hope all you ladies are well. xx
Thats fab news Teeny!!!

I can't wait to see my little munchkin again in a couple of weeks!! I keep wondering how big she is and how much she weighs!!
Brim is the brim of the pelvis, so baby is head down and heading towards being engaged, 1st babies usually engage, subsequent can bob in and out.

Thanks hun!!! This is my second, so I guess s/he could go in and out for a while... I hope this one isn't back to back like Emma was, but they didn't tell me that. I've got a scan on the 15th August (my free one from the 4d place) so that'll tell me I guess! I must say though, it hurt like a bitch when she was feeling the baby's head near my pelvis.. I'm such a wuss!

Aw Bekklez hun.. Fx it won't be too serious and it'll just be mild (if there is such a thing). I'd be furious with the jobsworth midwife too though for delaying your diagnosis :hugs:

Hope u feel better soon Jellycat :hugs: Don't go overdoing it with work!

I'm being a little morngy tonight... I'm grumpy and snappy, and i've no idea why. Poor OH.

On the plus side, it looks like the adsa baby event starts saturday (according to another thread on here) so I'll be able to pack my hospital bag n get all the last bits. I know i'm a cheapskate but I hate paying full price for toiletries!

Can you remember A-G-E-S ago me posting (probably in first tri) about the lady who I used to live next door to? She had severe mental problems, and I used to have to call the emergency services in the middle of the night when I used to hear her shouting and smashing her house up. Or, sometimes, she used to wander around inappropriately dressed, or say inappropriate things to people, in which case i'd again call the ambulance for her. She used to harass me for cigarettes, but then come over and say people were trying to kill her, or there was a python in her yard. Anyway, I digress. Basically, I used to live in terrace housing next door to her (in mid terraces). She told me once (when she seemed to be having a pretty good day illness wise) that she ended up sectioned the first time because she set her house on fire with her children in it. I wasn't sure whether to believe her, but it caused me nightmares, and I was REALLY glad when we moved 4 months ago.
Well, today she has set her house on fire, and stood in the park over the road watching it burn. Thankfully, no-one has been injured, but the fire spread next door and has even burnt the plaster off the walls in the living room (where she started it by setting fire to her curtains).
As much as this has scared me, i'm also pretty upset and a little angry. I lost count of the amount of times which I said that she shouldn't be living alone, as she had no-one else in the world to look out for her. But they kept taking her away, only to return her back to the house less than a week later. Hopefully now she will get the care she needs, but it's ridiculous that it's taken this to get her it.

Anyway, hope everyone else has had a good day... I'm watching CSI with a cherry bakewell :)
Bloody hell - the poor woman!! she should definately have some sort of care package....
Hi Fish and Chips!! How have you been?? All is going well over here. Just wanted to let you know that I found out we're having a girl (yes- a while ago but still wanted to let you know). Could you update me with that cute little pink stork? Thanks so much.
All the best!!
Well was going to reply to everyone i could remember then my shopping came came im sooooo angry though...i did it sunday online and the site was so slow it took almost 2 hrs to do, then i had a phone at 8:50 to say they were running 40 mins late, shopping turned up at 9:50 let him go checked all the stuff was there...NO FROZEN...arghhhhh!!! Phoned the call centre (South Africa) to get them to make the driver turn around, no good...then get a call from store manager saying that he will get it redelivered tomorrow!!!!!! How many hours of my life do asda want to waste!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry rant over!!!!!! :) x

Did notice thou from what i can remember that we all seem to be having the same ailments... twinges in the lady bits!

Bekklez id put a complaint in about them turning you away especially now you have found out you do have GD!!! x
I am completely beyond upset right now. I had a doctors appointment this morning and was getting the results of my in depth ultrasound (that i had last week) and all looks good (so no not upset with that) but i knew the ultrasound tech had checked baby sex so i told my doctor to make sure he didn't say anything when reviewing the paperwork, he said it wasn't even on the paper work and even checked twice before giving me a copy so I could go over it myself and review all that was said. So I look and at the bottom of page two is the gender. I dissolved into tears in his office as I was so happy to be team yellow and its now ruined.
I made a point to tell him to keep it to himself as I will be doing that as well because I still dont want to let it slip to hubby and ruin his not knowing but I am so sad right now that I know. :nope:
I am completely beyond upset right now. I had a doctors appointment this morning and was getting the results of my in depth ultrasound (that i had last week) and all looks good (so no not upset with that) but i knew the ultrasound tech had checked baby sex so i told my doctor to make sure he didn't say anything when reviewing the paperwork, he said it wasn't even on the paper work and even checked twice before giving me a copy so I could go over it myself and review all that was said. So I look and at the bottom of page two is the gender. I dissolved into tears in his office as I was so happy to be team yellow and its now ruined.
I made a point to tell him to keep it to himself as I will be doing that as well because I still dont want to let it slip to hubby and ruin his not knowing but I am so sad right now that I know. :nope:

Awwwe Laura:hugs:

I'm so sorry that after 31 weeks your surprise had to be ruined that way. :-( That is very upsetting. Hope you feel better soon :hugs: I'm not sure how I'd feel being put in your position...maybe buying a few blue or pink bits in a few days will cheer you up? But maybe not? :shrug: Like I said, I knew I wanted to know from the start so I can't imagine how I'd feel finding out by accident.

Feel better soon though. xo
I am completely beyond upset right now. I had a doctors appointment this morning and was getting the results of my in depth ultrasound (that i had last week) and all looks good (so no not upset with that) but i knew the ultrasound tech had checked baby sex so i told my doctor to make sure he didn't say anything when reviewing the paperwork, he said it wasn't even on the paper work and even checked twice before giving me a copy so I could go over it myself and review all that was said. So I look and at the bottom of page two is the gender. I dissolved into tears in his office as I was so happy to be team yellow and its now ruined.
I made a point to tell him to keep it to himself as I will be doing that as well because I still dont want to let it slip to hubby and ruin his not knowing but I am so sad right now that I know. :nope:

Awwwe Laura:hugs:

I'm so sorry that after 31 weeks your surprise had to be ruined that way. :-( That is very upsetting. Hope you feel better soon :hugs: I'm not sure how I'd feel being put in your position...maybe buying a few blue or pink bits in a few days will cheer you up? But maybe not? :shrug: Like I said, I knew I wanted to know from the start so I can't imagine how I'd feel finding out by accident.

Feel better soon though. xo

Thanks, i'm sure I will get over it in a few days and really what matters is a happy healthy baby but I am just so sad over it.
I will be doing my best to not drop any hints to hubby so for now I am playing it as though I don't know and sticking with neutral so he at least can be surprised.
:growlmad:Morning ladies! What a weird night! I went to bed about 11.30 (early for us but DH had already fallen asleep on the sofa an hour before) then woke at 3am & have been awake ever since. Usually it's annoying to be awake during the early hours & i feel restless but i just felt very peaceful. Had 2 cuppas & a few choccie biccies then back to bed, read my hypnobirth book, tried to get back to sleep but then DH alarm went off so i got up with him. May as well make the most of the day whilst i feel energised :thumbup:.

On the subject of pj's & nighties i went to primark last night & bought my entire maternity needs for £12!!!!!! I had 2 pairs of soft cotton pj bottoms, 4 tops (3 vest with v neck & press studs & 1 stretchy t-shirt - all ideal to breast feed in) and an extra long (i.e. it comes to my knees not just about covers my ass :haha:) nighty with press studs at the neck! That should just about do it as i have my huuuuge hypnobirth t-shirt & a birthing gown as well :thumbup:. i just wanna :cry: for you hun!!!

Jellycat - why won't you go off work yet hun? Might make you feel a little better......even if it's only for a week or so to rest up :hugs: I start my hypnobirth classes next monday :happydance:

Awww Teeny, at least he'll have mummy all to himself for the holidays then as he goes back little one arrives :happydance:

opticalillus - lets hope your right & she does get the help she needs hun, must have been a worry for you though :hugs:

Awww Laura - i am soo sad for you hun! It's a worry i have myself when we have our scan next week. I know it's not the end of the world but i imagine it's so upsetting as it takes the shine off the final part of your pregnancy & the whole delivery! Don't know what to say hun :hugs::hugs::hugs: apart from a formal complaint is required to prevent it happening in the future

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