****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Welcome pinkgem100 & congratulations about the news of your baby girl :happydance: getting excited?

Had a good nights sleep but woke up with bloody cramp!! I am eating bananas etc to try and prevent it but I think its because my legs get cold!

Laura thats so annoying for you xx

Pinkgem100, congratulations on the :pink:!!

Today Ian has a late start so he is still in bed, thought I would get up and have some breakfast and do some housework!! There is a nice breeze outside so might sit in the garden later with a nice cold drink and read a book!!
Today Ian has a late start so he is still in bed, thought I would get up and have some breakfast and do some housework!! There is a nice breeze outside so might sit in the garden later with a nice cold drink and read a book!!
Sounds lovely! I have to wait in for a delivery ggrrrrr! Hope it comes sooner rather than later as i need to take some clothes back to debenhams & would like to pop & visit my friends & her children as i haven't seen them in ages.
Just put some bits on the for sale section - want to raise some cash & clear some room out :thumbup:
Opticalillus - are you sorted for your wedding veil? Just put the one i bought but never wore on the for sale section :cry: i love it soo much! It is scattered with swaovski crystals which twinkle in a rainbow of colours, it never went with my dress :cry::cry::cry: but i think it's time to let it go now :haha:
Sorry for the selfish post, just had a call. I failed the GGT test and I have to go and see someone about gestational diabetes next week :(

Just wondered if anyone has any information/tips? I don't know anything about it.

Don't worry! That's my main advice. I'm still new to it too. They gave me a home testing kit and I have to stab my finger 4 times or 3 times a day. You'll get advice on what to eat. So it might be a good idea to start a food diary. That's what I'm doing. I also get a scan every two weeks now and every week after week 36 to monitor baby's growth. Try to cut down sugary and starchy foods and increase your fibre intake. What happens is: your pancrea doesn't work properly and the sugar stays in your blood longer instead of going into your cells. In most cases it will go away after your baby is born.
morning stars.

I will be resting a bit more today over did it a bit yesterday with the cupboard clearing :)

Im 30 weeks today exciting stuff esp as i dont know how many more weeks it will be until i meet the twinies!

Ill just go read the posts again and pop back with personals x
oooh genies - how exciting for you!!!

I'm online looking for lean to greenhouses, it's what we want from my parents for our wedding gift (told them to wait until summer) but having problems finding the one i remember seeing last year :growlmad: need to get it delivered & erected so we can crack on with building the tortoise enclosure onto it all before bubba arrives.......no pressure then :dohh:
Hey Limpetsmum,

yes getting excited, cant wait for her to come now, just want her save in my arms!!

I dont usually post in here (usually on PAL) but as it is getting close thought i would pop over and see what was going on and found reading some of the treads very helpful!!

Morning ladies, am supposing to be taking it easy today after yesterday, but the cleaning bug has got me at the moment. Have just sat down now though and might do a bit of knitting while I watch Jack play!

Oooh Limpetsmum you'll be tired later! It's cruel the not sleeping thing now. Just when we need our sleep. Hope you manage to get all the stuff done you plan to do today!

Congrats on your little girl PinkGem!

Genies it must be so exciting to know you're going to have 2 little ones! So lovely!

Enjoy your chilling out Becs!

Right, off to do a spot of knitting! The life I lead! Actually am off out for lunch in a bit, I plan to stuff my face AND have a pudding!! :happydance:
Good Morning all,

Been thoroughly sick this morning, think it was a mix of my cough and morning sickness, but not pleasant at all! Feel a bit better for it though!

I just wanted to share a thought with everyone, the pain in your lower pelvis, its like a sharp owch pain that is just a few seconds but can come back, I asked last time what this was and it is the baby turning its head, (so it twists in your pelvis thus the pain) although its a horrible pain, and i have just started to notice it, I find it does help to know why it hurts, that my little baby is turning his/her head about, nice sweet thought!

Laura, I am so sorry your surprise has been spoilt, I can't imagine how dissapointed you must be waiting so long on team yellow, It also means you holding something back from dh which is not nice either, it is such a shame that not wanting to know is so hard! My first 2 they wouldn't tell me!
I don't understand what bearing it has on anything and why it needed to be on your notes at all?

Pinkgem, welcome to you and your pink bump xx:hugs:

Genies girl, Happy 30 weeks hun, and put those feet up, hope you get a rest today, it must be pretty heavy for you, you are carrying the weight of a term baby plus waters and placentas and stuff, wonder when you will meet your twins, very exiting! :hugs:

Becs, ohh i hate cramp, i cant eat bananas either, they have in the past caused migraines, but i have not had one in about 10 years so i may give it a whirl! I miss them, they are so nice dipped in sugar!

limpetsmum, I need to do a shop to finish my hospital bag, defo a trip to primark on the cards, but it needs a day set aside for it as its not too local, may go Friday b4 the kids break up!
Well done on your bargains.

This is my hospital bag i have ordered, my friend is picking it up today for me and i pick it up from her tomorrow, if it is too small for hospital bag i will use it as a baby bag to put all the little things in! I just couldn't resist! It was £8.99 last night and has been reduced again today! yay!

Anyway apart from being sick, and having lots of housework to do i think everything is ok!
Mil round Friday, why i may go shopping, it sort of kills 2 birds with one stone, she gets on dh's nerves a bit and so taking her out can sometimes help diffuse that a bit!

Well big waves to everyone, hope this weather stays put i need to get loads of washing done! I have not even started on the baby stuff yet, i want to wash all the bedding and leave the basket to air, better start it soon but need a day that is nice and i have no other washing to do, which is like....never!

Back later

:baby:thinkpink xx

Ps Only 2 more school days left! Louise don't you finish today? :happydance:
Babythinkpink that must be awful having morning sickness at this stage, I really feel for you xx Loving the holdall, what a bargain! I need to get some bits from Primark too!!

Done all my chores and all showered and ready to chill lol!!!

Limpets I hope you find your greenhouse!!

Asher what are you knitting now?!!!
Hi ladies

I'm sorry I have had to skim through so a lack of personals but just wanted to say to Laura - I'm really sorry your surprise was ruined :hugs:

Thanks for your supportive messages, just when we didn't think things could get worse DH was admitted to hospital again yesterday afternoon :cry: which means he has missed the 32 wk scan this morning. (DH was in hospital for my 28wk one too) Luckily I didn't have to go alone this time as my best-friend came with me. Scan results were ok - baby still in the normal range etc. But, I am now a member of the BREECH club. I can't believe it, baby has been head down for every single scan I have had up until this one. I'll be trying everything to get the baby to turn between now and 36 wks. I asked the sonographer what will happen and she said that they won't worry unless baby is still breech at 36 weeks. If the baby is they will try to turn it, obviously if they can't I will have to have a C-Section :cry: :cry: I really don't want a section, I want a natural birth. I'm feeling really sorry for myself.

Still don't know what is happening about SD coming to us for 3 weeks. It's been taken out of our hands now as DH is in hospital (and prob will be until Sat earliest) so it's impossible for him to collect her. MIL has offered to go Fri so SD is going to try and persuade her evil mother. If her mother says no, then we have done everything we could and so be it. I'm not going to get upset about it anymore, all this emotional stress is obviously impacting on DH's illness and to be blunt he's no good to any of us dead. I really can't imagine losing him and ending up a widow at 35 with a newborn, but if he keeps going to hospital like this it's a serious possibility. I'm just trying to put it to the back of my mind and focus on the positive because I don't want to fall apart for the babies sake.

Here are my scan pics - not the clearest but it's getting tricky at 32 weeks. The first one is a profile, you can see an arm at the bottom of the pic and baby has it's knees to it's chest. The second one is a split screen, two feet to the left of the pic and a footprint to the right.

Sorry again for the lack of personals. Hope everyone is ok? x


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Aw Laura :hugs: that's awful. I hated being team yellow to start with (OH insisted) but now i'm pretty pleased about it. OH did say that I could find out if I wanted, but I knew I'd have slipped up. I'd be devastated if I found out now. :hugs:

Opticalillus - are you sorted for your wedding veil? Just put the one i bought but never wore on the for sale section :cry: i love it soo much! It is scattered with swaovski crystals which twinkle in a rainbow of colours, it never went with my dress :cry::cry::cry: but i think it's time to let it go now :haha:

Thanks honey, but I think it's going to be my 'something borrowed', along with a tiara that my auntie's friend has. I'm still slowing down with the planning as I don't want to get stressed by it again. Thanks again for thinking of me though! :flower:

:hugs: again MrsJ - Fx your OH comes out of hospital soon. It must be awful.. :hugs: Your baby is gorgeous though, and don't worry about being breech, you have plenty of time for bubs to turn.

:hi: pinkgem! Welcome to the stars! :hi:

Well, I too had a terrible night's sleep last night. Next door kept me up AGAIN until after 1am, OH had to go around at half 12 to ask them to quieten down. They weren't playing music, or having a party, but their bedroom must be adjacent to ours, and we could hear them talking, going to the toilet etc. I felt bad going around to tell them to be quiet as they weren't *actually* being too bad, but with OH having to be up at 6 it wasn't really fair.
Then, DD had a bad dream at 2am. So I went in and turned her lamp on, as she was scared of the dark. Cue her coming in to our room in half-hour intervals until 5am because she couldn't sleep with the light on, but was scared to turn it off.

So, today i'm shattered. I've been for my first counseling session today, which was a little odd and really difficult. It's strange to talk about yourself in that way, and tell your ENTIRE life story, and internal thoughts to someone like that. Hopefully it'll help though, and keep the dreaded PND away. The counselor seemed to think that i'm doing well and am 'normal' at the moment though, which is good.

Hope everyone is ok today :flower:

Hi ladies

OMG Laura that's awful! I'm so sorry your surprise has been ruined for you :cry:

And :hugs: MrsJ, I do hope your DH comes out of hospital soon and that your baby turns!!

Optical, glad the counselling is underway. I went through counselling myself a couple of years back and you are right, it's weird to open up like that to a complete stranger, but I found it really helpful.

Well, I've been for my midwife appointment this morning and everything is fine, although my fundal height is 37 :huh: I've got a growth scan next wednesday anyway, so they'll check everything then, but I have a feeling I'm going to have a giant baby lol Matt is convinced that she is going to come early, but I just think we'll have a massive baby! She gave the midwife a good kicking when she was feeling her as well (which I thought was hilarious as I don't particularly like my midwife, so I'd like to think she was doing it on my behalf ha ha) and she is still head down and starting to engage... in fact wasn't it you optical who was asking about being "at brim"? Well, my midwife has written that on my notes too and she says it means that baby's head had started to move into the pelvis and the very top of her head is in. She also took blood again and said that last time my iron levels were 10.9 and if they have fallen below 10.5 I'll have to have iron tablets and won't be able to use the midwife led birth suite and will have to use the normal central delivery bit of the hospital... she said she'd let me know tomorrow if the results show it's dropped. I hope it hasn't!

After the midwife I went into town to get my mum a birthday present and a few bits and I ended up buying way too much and carrying very heavy bags all around town! My pelvis now actually feels like it is going to fall off lol I've just got to wrap my mum's present now and take it to the post office down the road, then I can chill out for the rest of the day... apart from making a roast!

Opticalillus :hugs: try & stay as relaxed as poss hun, lovely scan piccies by the way.....looking forward to mine next week :happydance:. Hope DH is getting sorted out & back home with you soon sweetie :hugs:

My ironing board & hoover arrived so i got my freedom back today :happydance:. Took some items which didn't fit back to Debenhams only to find out i can't get refunds on half price items :growlmad: annoyed isn't the word esp as i bought them so late in the day they had closed the changing rooms so i even asked if i could bring them back & was told i could........obviously not for a refund :shrug:. I managed to find a coat (not that i need ANOTHER one - but it matches my travel system........sad i know:haha:) and had the rest on a gift card.
On the way back to the car i was hungry so i went to withdraw some cash to buy food only to have my card declined :nope: i've reached my overdraft limit :nope: initially i was embarrased but now i'm just panicking........what the hell am i gonna do? I have direct debits going out tomorrow & in another few days :cry::cry::cry: it's gonna be such a struggle on mat leave - i may even have to go back to work early if i can't keep my head above water :cry::cry::cry: sorry to moan folks!

:hugs: to you all, i guess we all have our own little problems eh xxx
Hey Ladies!

Sorry its been a while and I really havent managed to catch up at all but I wanted to pop past and say all was well with me and baby.

Have had a bad week where I have been so hormonal to the point it was a constant arguement with my OH and ignoring each other, me being weepy one minute then a really horrible nasty cow the next...but it seems to have passed!:happydance:
I avoided here and facebook for a good few days incase I was horrible:blush:

Sorry I havent caught up on whats gone on but I will try to get online again in the evening or tomorrow!


Finally got my new dress and bump pic on laptop, bit out of date now!!

Holiday 2010 004.jpg

Holiday 2010 005.jpg

Had to take 2 pics to get in bump, and me!:haha:

Just love the big bump look the dress gives me!
I can't believe it, baby has been head down for every single scan I have had up until this one. I'll be trying everything to get the baby to turn between now and 36 wks. I asked the sonographer what will happen and she said that they won't worry unless baby is still breech at 36 weeks. If the baby is they will try to turn it, obviously if they can't I will have to have a C-Section :cry: :cry: I really don't want a section, I want a natural birth. I'm feeling really sorry for myself.


Just wanted to say my baby had been head down then for my 32 week scan was laying transverse! I took advice off here and would have my pelvis higher than my head and also was on all fours with my bum waggling in the air and today at midwife baby was head down!

You can have a natural birth if baby is breech...its just a bit more risky due to delivering head last.:hugs:
I was told I would get a section if baby was still transverse as it was more difficult to turn and because of laying across there was no way of baby delivering naturally. I say give it a try and it might just work. Dont panic just yet as there is still plenty of time.:hugs:

Sorry to hear about your OH missing your scan too again. Do you get another at 36 weeks??

Heeey, sorry im a bit of late comer but im due on 22nd September with a little boy :blue:
Hey Emma - you can come & be a grumpy cow all you like on here, tis the theme of the month :haha:

Babythinkpink - that is a gorgeous dress hun - makes your bump look lovely & beach ball ish heehee

Welcome to the fun farm abbstar :hugs:

Just got off the phone from my Mom - she is coming to stay next week for a few days :happydance::happydance::happydance:. This means i get to chill with my Mummy & she will be able to come to the scan with me & DH and see Tufty for the first time :dance:

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