Good Morning all,
Didn't even get a post up here yesterday, i did start but got interupted and gave up!
I feel huge today, and last night, can't believe i can get another 9 weeks of growing in this space, and it is supposed to be lots of growing the next few weeks too.
Baby feels quite cramped and as far as i know is still in the same position as a few weeks ago, i can feel back to the left, bum sort of jiggles about quite high, and all the limbs are in my right side, usually high, i think knees, legs and feet and i had some lower movement last night which i think was hands poking about.
Not feeling great again, but children away this weekend, just our little one with us, and my eldest who doesn't really count as he will be in bed all morning, then working for a few hours later then after eating tea will be up all night watching films and on his laptop, he lives with us but sort of on his own! He will interact when it means food or something nice!
Hope everyone is ok,
Teeny get it checked, any worry should be checked out, could be just baby getting into a bit more comfy position.
Becs, sounds like a lovely day, have fun xx
Louise, why would she need them for 7 weeks, i think anyone that can let the kids go off for that length is a bit strange, but its good for you to have them! Bit like my ex who insists on having the birth certificates, don't know what he thinks i am going to do with them?
Ohhh swollen feet, not had them but sounds nasty, big

to those suffering, oh and indigestion, I can sympathyse better with that but it is on and off, but when its on its horrible!
My only real symptoms are being cramped and feeling huge, being sick, (still) and the odd bit of leg cramps. My hips are painful and sleeping is the worst, but still compared to my previous pregnancies this is a breeze!
My dd decided to get up early today, on my first day of the school holidays! Then after sitting down here for an hour she wanted to go back to bed, not a chance! She got me up so i am staying up!
I have washing to do today, hope to start on the baby things soon, will get some fairy non bio powder and fabric softner, I am doing all the beds first then i think i can start on babys stuff!
I ordered a 2 in 1 travel system today, i have a zafira and the 7 seats are all going to be used so my boot space is rubbish, i have to fit something in as my pram is too big to get in the car, so decided on a 2 in 1 even though i have a car seat already, i want to have something where baby is facing me for a while and most fold up buggies don't do that where as a travel system will, just hope the frame fits into the teeny boot space i have, it is pathetic once the seats are up, i need a car that has 7 seats and a boot but my next option is like a mini bus and with the school run finished i cant see i will use the car too much, but when i do i don't want to be restricted to using the baby carrier.
Sorry red again like my pram, no hints there!
Bloody good job i don't have webcam, sat here hot so naked, dd keeps pointing out where milk comes out for baby!
Having concerns about the down below stuff, how am i supposed to do anything with it, I am not up for waxing as apparantly it hurts even more when pregnant, and cant see/reach for anything else, dh was not very forthcoming when i asked and said it would be fine til baby was here, great, not what i wanted to hear, and if i can trim his toenails!! I think feet are worse than anything else!!
Well on that note! Hope everyone has a great day and will be back later, hope to keep a closer eye on here so it does not run away from me too much!

thinkpink xx