****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Mine always seems to have their head down but the bum swaps between my left and right!
I can never tell where Hope is laying, and what bits what!! I can't wait to see her at our growth scan!!

Asher you make sure you take it easy!!

I can't tell either but since I know the baby has been head down since 30 weeks every time I feel a round bit up high I am pretty sure its the butt lol which amuses me being able to know that.
Mine always seems to have their head down but the bum swaps between my left and right!

That's exactly what mine does! I can always feel little hands and feet on one side or the other! Very odd!
Good Morning all,

Didn't even get a post up here yesterday, i did start but got interupted and gave up!

I feel huge today, and last night, can't believe i can get another 9 weeks of growing in this space, and it is supposed to be lots of growing the next few weeks too.
Baby feels quite cramped and as far as i know is still in the same position as a few weeks ago, i can feel back to the left, bum sort of jiggles about quite high, and all the limbs are in my right side, usually high, i think knees, legs and feet and i had some lower movement last night which i think was hands poking about.
Not feeling great again, but children away this weekend, just our little one with us, and my eldest who doesn't really count as he will be in bed all morning, then working for a few hours later then after eating tea will be up all night watching films and on his laptop, he lives with us but sort of on his own! He will interact when it means food or something nice!

Hope everyone is ok,

Teeny get it checked, any worry should be checked out, could be just baby getting into a bit more comfy position.

Becs, sounds like a lovely day, have fun xx

Louise, why would she need them for 7 weeks, i think anyone that can let the kids go off for that length is a bit strange, but its good for you to have them! Bit like my ex who insists on having the birth certificates, don't know what he thinks i am going to do with them?

Ohhh swollen feet, not had them but sounds nasty, big :hugs: to those suffering, oh and indigestion, I can sympathyse better with that but it is on and off, but when its on its horrible!
My only real symptoms are being cramped and feeling huge, being sick, (still) and the odd bit of leg cramps. My hips are painful and sleeping is the worst, but still compared to my previous pregnancies this is a breeze!

My dd decided to get up early today, on my first day of the school holidays! Then after sitting down here for an hour she wanted to go back to bed, not a chance! She got me up so i am staying up!

I have washing to do today, hope to start on the baby things soon, will get some fairy non bio powder and fabric softner, I am doing all the beds first then i think i can start on babys stuff!

I ordered a 2 in 1 travel system today, i have a zafira and the 7 seats are all going to be used so my boot space is rubbish, i have to fit something in as my pram is too big to get in the car, so decided on a 2 in 1 even though i have a car seat already, i want to have something where baby is facing me for a while and most fold up buggies don't do that where as a travel system will, just hope the frame fits into the teeny boot space i have, it is pathetic once the seats are up, i need a car that has 7 seats and a boot but my next option is like a mini bus and with the school run finished i cant see i will use the car too much, but when i do i don't want to be restricted to using the baby carrier.


Sorry red again like my pram, no hints there!

Bloody good job i don't have webcam, sat here hot so naked, dd keeps pointing out where milk comes out for baby!
Having concerns about the down below stuff, how am i supposed to do anything with it, I am not up for waxing as apparantly it hurts even more when pregnant, and cant see/reach for anything else, dh was not very forthcoming when i asked and said it would be fine til baby was here, great, not what i wanted to hear, and if i can trim his toenails!! I think feet are worse than anything else!!:blush:

Well on that note! Hope everyone has a great day and will be back later, hope to keep a closer eye on here so it does not run away from me too much!

:hugs: :baby:thinkpink xx
That's a nice travel system Babythinkpink! Neutral again eh!! Hee hee, cheeky!

I am in similar dire straits with the lady garden issue. I did have a go at it a couple of weeks ago. DH clapped eyes on it and the words "hatchet job" were mentioned, so it wasn't a great job ha ha! I am still just about managing to paint my toenails, although it is a task which involves me going a bit blue in the face ha ha!!

Back from swimming, kids playing nicely. Am going to make a cuppa and sit with them while they play for a bit. DH will be home from work 1ish so its leftover veggie lasagne and salad for lunch yum yum!!
Thinkpink I've been asking my hubby to do a bit of sorting out 'down there' for me recently and he says he is more than happy to, but it is yet to happen! It's not that my bump is too big to get to it but I can't actually get myself into the right kind of positions without being in pain!! And I definately agree with you with the toenails thing, I wouldn't touch my hubbys toenails if you paid me! Mind you they are in army boots all day every day so worse than most!

So most of you think it's SPD type pain, I had thought so, I will have to mention it to the midwife on wednesday.... pah I thought my complications were all over and it was going to be all lovely from here on in! Fishy, where do you get support belts from?

Teeny, I've had a few days like that, one day I'll feel I finally have a proper bump and then the next it seems to be gone again, also I have days where there seems to be very little movement at all but I put it down to position which seems to move every day! If you are worried do ring the midwife though that's what they are there for!

Becs... mowing the lawn?! I don't know how you do it!
:hi: ladies

A quickie from me!

Teeny - get things checked if you are worried hun, I'm sure it's just baby changing position but let the MW put your mind at rest

Louise - we recently had a passport issue, the court ordered we should be given SD's passport in May but as usual her Mum ignored the order. (Exactly what is the point of having an Order? I've concluded that there isn't one) After all the fuss of the past week we now know it's because she was planning on taking SD away without telling us (again!) it's not as if we wouldn't have given it back so she could go on holiday. Irrelevant now as we aren't having SD for the summer thanks to the evil cow and probably won't see her until October half term at the earliest. I don't see why the Court would order the passports be returned when the children are with you for 7 weeks as you don't need her permission to take the children away providing it's for less than a month. If it was me I'd tell her to go ahead and get an order if that's what she wants but you won't be giving them back until you return the children at the end of the holiday. Why should you jump through her hoops when she's prepared to send her children to you for 7 wks just because it's convenient for her.

Limpets - I'm in the swollen feet club too. I made the mistake of wearing my Gladiator sandals yesterday and by the end of the day my swollen feet were puffing out the sides of the straps like an old lady. I've only really got one pair of slip on shoe that are comfy all the time now.

Babythinkpink - nice travel system and great value too. I've asked DH about doing my lady bits as I'm having the same problem but like yours he is a little reluctant. I can just about do it in the bath but have to do it blind. I'm going to tell him he has to do it nearer the time! I asked him to paint my toenails, he said he would but he will probably be rubbish at it so has agreed to pay for a pedicure instead - result!

Right instead of sitting around I better have a shower and get dressed. DH is being discharged today so we will be off on our holiday tomorrow only one day late after all. I better think about packing at some point today too. I'll miss you ladies while I am away as I won't be able to keep up on my phone. I'll try and check the front page of this thread every couple of days just in case any of you decide to sneak your babies into July, like Cat did!

Morning girlies

Louise, that does sound like SPD to me. I have it too and you are right, they pretty much say the only 'cure' is having the baby! They gave me a tubigrip thing to wear which I hate and say to try sleeping with pillows between your knees and ankles and one under your bump, but I get all claustrophobic and end up throwing them all out of bed by the morning. I've found that sitting on my gym ball for half an hour seems to be helping a little bit and I'm taking paracetamol when it gets bad.

F&C how are your pains today?

Teeny this happened to me in the week, I think baby swapped sides and my bump looked and felt a lot smaller. Normally she has her bum wedged up on my right side with her legs on my left but swapped sides. She obviously didn't like it as she moved back within a few hours! If you're not happy though then please ring your midwife, that is what they are there for and it wouldn't hurt to get monitored to make sure x

Babythinkpink, there is no way on this earth that I can shave my own legs, cut my toenails or tend to my downstairs on my own! A couple of weeks ago Matt did it for me, but it needs doing again so I've asked if he'd mind helping out again this weekend! He is a sweetie and doesn't mind so I'm lucky. It is frustrating not being able to do it myself though!

Is anyone else's baby getting hiccups alot? I was woken up 3 times in the night! I love it as it's so cute, but I must admit I was getting a bit impatient with it by the third time as I just wanted to sleep and then I was woken up at 7am with the baby kicking me and shoving her bum into my ribcage again lol

Ooh and happy 35 weeks to me, apaton and blob!! Only 2 weeks to full term eeeekk! Ok I'm scared now but totally ready at the same time!

hi all a flying visit from me ive been told im having a baby shower this afternoon , very nice of everyone.

Dont get me started on the tidying up issues i cant see down below anymore im sure its very embarressing and the backs of my legs well disgrace! :)
Thanks for all the support ladies so big :hugs: to you all.
Bubba is fine (they put me on the trace) although still very quiet so I am very happy with that. :happydance:
Whilst I was there they also took repeat bloods as the ones last week were incorrectly labelled so that saves me a trip to the doctors next week too. :happydance:

Also, the MW has written on my notes that she thinks a GTT would be good as this baby is on the large side..No sugar in my urine but he is on the very top end of the graph so she thought it might be wise to check...I have a consultants appointment monday so I'll guess I will find out then.

They are lovely at my new hospital and I am glad I transferred, I even got a lovely cup of :coffee: made for me!!

I am so pleased I got it checked though to save any more worrying and at least I can enjoy the rest of my day.

Enjoy your weekend ladies. xx
glad all is well teeny weeny :happydance:

I really must try to keep up to date with this post now that I've finished work! :flower:

After having a rubbish day yesterday, really bad backache, headache and earache! and crying half of the day, today i feel completely fine!! :shrug: :haha:
Emzy, every night at 9pm ish baby gets hiccups. I feel so sorry for her when she does, I hate hiccups.

Teeny, I'm glad all is ok.xxx

Babythinkpink, nice travel system :).

Becs, mowing the lawn, lol, I just couldn't manage it, I struggle with y pelvis just pushing a shopping trolley,

Louise, sounds like spd, it's horrific pain. Sleep with a pillow between your knees, that helps me loads.

ARE YOU ALL CRAZY!!!!! Do not let your dh's do your lady gardens lol. First pg I let dh home wax down there, it was horrific, he pulled too slowely, laughed all the way through and did a terrible job! I'd seriously rather go in bushy than let him loose again!!! Men!! Sick creatures!

I'm feeling a bit better today :) I got upset with a friend who lied to me, makes me so sad, I've been a good friend to her. That plus some hormones made me feel pretty down.

But I'ver just packed my baby bag for hospital and ~I feel better now. :)
Glad all is well teeny!

Here is my 35 week bump pic. I feel huge! What do you all think?



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Sorry Louise I'm not sure, my sister leant me mine which she got given when she had SPD. I'll have a look online in a minute to see if there are any.

I 'trimmed' down below yesterday with the help of our bathroom mirror propped up opposite me. Do we need to get rid of all the hair for labour? I'm going to an aquanatal class on the 4th so will have to keep on top of it otherwise might scare the other ladies!

Snoozie I can't believe how mean your dh was when 'helping' with the waxing! Mind you there is no way on earth I'm letting wax near me at the moment! I have enough pain and discomfort to deal with! lol

Hope you have a nice holiday Mrs J!

Emzy, thanks for asking. The cramps are still coming occasionally but have slowed down a lot. Still not sure if they're BH or a stomach thing though. Yep Little Fishy has hiccups at least twice a day now. They didn't help when I was having loads of cramps!! Emzy your bump is lovely and not too big. I would say mine is the same, possibly bigger? It's hard to compare.

Oh and happy 35 weeks to Emzy, Blob and Apaton! I can't believe you guys are full term in 2 weeks!!! I'm sure they'll be another star born very soon.

Teeny, glad the LO is fine. It's strange cause at our growth scan I was told our LO is in the 98th centile and therefore way over the top line on the chart. They checked my urine and there was no sugar so have left it at that. I'm so worried he's going to be enormous!

Glad you're feeling better today Patience :hugs:

Just been to a spa and had my hair cut and a pedicure at the same time. It was total bliss! It was my birthday present from my dh. I'm going back next weekend for a head massage and something else which I'm yet to decide! Lucky me!!!
Hope Limpets is ok xxx

Fishy that sounds nice, I have my hair app next Friday then I having some reflexology and indian head massge!!!

Emzy lovely bump pic xx

Mrs J have a lovely holiday xx

Patience hope you are well xx

Tenny so glad all is well with LO xx

Just got back from a lovely long walk, Ian is now doing the ironing!! He is very well trained!! Its quite muggy outside! I let DH trim my lady garden, he is very careful!! I can still do my legs and cut and paint my toes!! Can't believe some of you are 35 weeks!!! Arrrgghh where is the time going?!!
Emzy - our bumps are so similar!

Just been reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth before picking DH up from hospital and according to her book there is no health reason to shave your lady bits before labour, in fact she says there is a higher infection rate if you do. Personally, I feel I will have to have a tidy down there at the very least! :rofl:

Hi all,

Hope Limpets is ok, hope she will update soon!

Thanks for the comments on the travel system, i must admit cost and colour were the 2 main reasons for the choice! Size matters,(!) but i am sure i can squeeze it in the car. It matches the pram i have too which is nice, I do like red, and it is nice to have a new car seat, I think i will sell my complete old system once baby is out of the pram, because the chasis does the buggy, pram and car seat and was never that easy to connect the base, and if i have the 2 in 1 i wont need the other bulky stuff.
I dont think i will need it again, never say never to another baby but I would get a new pram!

Emzy, nice bump, seems neat and not too huge, and in proportion! Mine looks weird like i have a beachball shoved up my dress! I love my bump but it is just all bump!

Teeny, glad things are all ok, I was told my second was a big baby and he was 6lb 9oz and my smallest yet, so we will see! :hugs:

Snoozie, what a mean dh! Waxing is out of the question!

Patience, Glad your feeling better today x

Genies girl, enjoy your baby shower x

Well on the lady bits thing, i think a trim may be in order til birth, although i worry then i will itch and that would be awful!
Going to wait til after baby is here then get a nice neat job done at a salon, make me feel better anyway!
My legs i can reach, and not too sure about toenails as i cut them a few weeks back really short, and have not painted them in a while ao i dont get into the need of having them done.

Feel like these last few weeks are flying, 32 weeks tomorrow, then 8 weeks tops, I make too much fuss to go too far over, i start spouting my history of having one with very little water and i get it agreed no later than a week before induction. I will be bouncing on my ball and dh will have no choice but to dtd, i will sulk otherwise!

The weather a bit uncertain to wash bedding, but done plenty of other stuff and on top of everything so next its baby bedding.

Tea tonight is chicken enchaladas, i really fancied it, dh wants a takeaway, and ds wants pizza! Good job we don't have any big food places near us, the closest kfc, mc d's or dominoes are too far to use takeaway, we would all be at least a few stone heavier it they were closer!

Well hope everyone is having a great day! :hugs:

:baby:thinkpink xx
Oh no...why has Limpetsmum gone to the hospital??

Totally off topic, but thanks to Loiuse (who posted a fab link ages ago) I bought my son a hoody from the baby 'Worlds Coolest Big Brother' from CafePress.
Well, it is too small so I emailed them for an exchange. They wrote back saying don't return the other one to save on postage costs and we'll send you a new one free of charge!! How good is that? It was £20. I will sell it on ebay I think but thought what fantastic customer service!

I'll keep checking for updates on LimpetsMum...hope she is okay. xx

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