****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Had the SHITTIEST day today. After rearranging my schedule and my husband's to make this stupid ultrasound appointment, after calling the ultrasound clinic on Friday to confirm our appointment today, we arrived at the clinic to be met with blank stares and being told that I am not even in their system.
They sent us to another clinic close by, assuming that our prenatal clinic had simply sent us to the wrong place. Nope.
The first clinic somehow "lost" our appointment between Friday and today, and I spent two f**king hours trying to sort out what happened AND I didn't get an appointment, even though they were completely at fault, and I now have to take yet more time off work (time that I have to make up, thank you very much - it's not covered here like it is in the UK) to get this ridiculous and most likely unnecessary appointment done.
Not once did anyone apologize to us for the massive inconvenience and f**k-up.
Like we've all said before, if we are 30 seconds late, they can bump us right out of our appointment or make us wait for hours to be seen, but when they are completely incompetent and unprofessional, well, that's just our tough luck, isn't it?
I'm am so goddamn angry over this that I want to just tell my clinic to go shove these extra appointments up their ass. I'd like them to cut me a cheque for the time lost, the frustration experienced, the mileage wasted, etc. Maybe then they'd get their act together.
I have a regular prenatal on Wed and I swear to god, if they keep me waiting for one minute, I am going to toss their appointment desk through the clinic window. I refuse to be treated like this anymore. It's disrespectful, unacceptable, and rude.
I am so close to taking someone's head clean off that it isn't even funny.
And beyond my rather justifiable anger, I'm just flat out confused. What the hell is going on with my prenatal care this pregnancy?
I cannot believe the number of stupid f**k-ups I have experienced thus far. From being sent too early for tests and having to re-do them to this shit-show today.
I am done.
They had better hope and pray that I am calmer by Wed because I WILL lose it. And I will not be quiet and polite about it.

Obviously, I am livid over the treatment I received today.
Beyond that, I am starting to get really rattled: is this the kind of care I am going to receive during my delivery?
Callous indifference, incompetence, and poor care?
That goes well beyond annoying. That gets scary.

Apologies for the selfish rant. I'm just raging after today and I can't seem to calm down. Every time I think about the fact that I have to go back for another ultrasound appointment on Thursday, I want to throw something across the room.

Oh I don't blame you at all. Thats just completely ridiculous and I have dealt with things like this several times through out and it always makes me so angry and I have the same thoughts of if this is how it is now whats going to happen when I am actually in labor.
Its completely insane to me that these places don't even have the common courtesy to apologize when they f-up and put so much avoidable stress on a pregnant woman or anyone for that matter.

I hope things get better and you are treated better but I agree, I wouldn't put up with it either, I would definitely be filing a complaint or making what kind of treatment I will tolerate very clear.
Sarakha that does sound like a crappy day, I don't blame you for ranting. Doesn't instill any confidence for when you do actually go into labour if they can lose your appointment now!!

Jellycat that midwife sounds mad as cheese hee hee!! I remember back to when we had our antenatal classes with Archie, and most of the classes were a bit rubbish to be honest. We had one about breastfeeding, with an old fashioned Irish midwife who was so common sense and inspiring about breastfeeding. I came out really excited about trying it out! I still thought back to some things she had said when I was struggling to breastfeed Jack. Very inspirational lady!

I am going to attempt some cleaning this morning, around the kids as they've set up an emergency rescue station in the living room. Hmmm maybe not so simple as I thought! I'm also going to prepare sausage and gravy for our yummy sausage and mash tea, and do a bit of knitting! Domestic life eh!! Had some terrible dreams last night, kept waking up and then going back into them. Horrible pregnancy dreams!
Morning All,

Sarakha, with you totally on the rant, it is the way they look at you blankly too like its something you have done when they mess up, I have had the wrong notes up on screen, a doctor read my notes backwards and insist there could be a problem with my baby AFTER a consultant has confirmed things as fine, she argued with me that i had gone to one hospital first when I knew I hadn't then realised she had it wrong, did she say sorry....NO!
Then she went on about a low lying placenta b4 she even knows if i have one and sent me away to come back in 2 weeks for a scan when the sonographer had said they could fit me in that day, bloody useless.
The only thing that makes me a little less worried is its a different part of the hospital you give birth in, and last time they were very good, just hope they are this time, I almost don't want to look round the unit in case i see something that puts me off!!
It's a shame we need to put our foot down to get the service we should have but we do, I am going to have to moan like mad today to get my notes put right, all because of one stupid doctor! I will refuse to see her again if she is there.

Bekklez, thinking of you hun xxxx:hugs:

Jellycat, lol to your appt, sounds like a laugh, I just think it is very hard to explain labour and stuff, I am sure i would do it differently too, but the biggest key is to relax and i think more emphasis should be placed on that than telling you how the baby comes out, quite honestly at the time you don't give a s*** as long as baby is out!! Relax, relax relax and breath is my advice!:flower:

I feel so rubbish in the mornings, and i just don't know why, I have the usual morning sickness, bring up a load of vile yellow stuff, then have toast and coffee and feel a bit better for a very short time then feel sick again, wobbly and hot like i am going to pass out, I get this every day and nothing seems to help, sometimes a square of chocolate helps, so think i may have a chat with the doc today when i go in for appt, hope i get a decent doctor, don't think i have seen the 'proper' consultant once in this hospital, its always been a jnr helping out.

Well not staying long as i need to move about, back later after scan, I bet my buggy turns up today while i am out, then will have to get re delivered, and i want it NOW! May see if neighbour is in to take it!

Back later, hope everyone has a great day xx:hugs:
Morning. :)

Sat waiting for my food shopping delivery. :)

Babythinkpink, me too, I have been sick all the way through. I'm so sick of being sick. I do find some chocolate in the morning helps. Not long now, ((((((hugs)))))))).xx

Sarahkka, (((hugs)).xxxx

Arghhh kids won't let me have two mins on here, blooming school hols lol.....I didn't time the last part of my pg very well with the kids on school hols lol.

Jellycat, my strategy for labour is to find my safe place and for me to be in control mentally of the contractions. Last time it made things a million times easier whereas my first two labours I felt so scared and it made it worse.
Bekklez you are in my thoughts! I hope everything is okay for the next scan!

This pregnancy diabetes is really strange. I have too high readings after breakfast no matter how little I eat. I hope the diabetic nurse phones today that I can ask her. I'm going to have my next growth scan an Thursday.

I have finally washed all the newborn clothes and knitted hat, cardigan and mittens. The next step will be me packing the hospital bag.

A question about the raspberry leaf stuff. Lots of you seem to be taking it already (if that's what it meant) I have been told not to take it before 36 weeks though. When did you start?
Sarah, I would be mad too. You are not asking for the world, just to be treated right xx

Babythinkpink and Snoozie, it must be horrible being sick all the time xx

Asher, good luck with the cleaning!!

I got up at 10am this morning, most unlike me and its made me feel awful! Its so muggy outside and I just want it to rain to clear he air! Ian is off work as he is ill, I didn't sleep very well last night, was up at 3am, my mind was all over the place!!!
Bekklez any news? I hope you're ok and managing to relax a bit, fingers crossed everything will be fine at your scan and there will be no need to get her out early!

Becs, with you on the horrible nights sleep! My left hip was giving me serious jip! It felt as if I had been punched there and had a dead hip! That on top of the problems turning over and the other pelvic pain I get made for a rubbish sleep, and hubby dared to say this morning that he spent most of the night right on the edge of the bed...... face, bothered?!?!

Sarah I would be mad too... make sure you tell them on Wednesday (or whenever it was that you're next in) how you feel and how incompetent they are!

Just got back from crabbing with my step sons, everything smells fishy and horrible now! No idea what to do this afternoon, I'm finding this maternity leave a bit boring already! There's only so much housework I can do before I get hot and bothered and loads of BHs! I have my 34 week appointment tomorrow afternoon so I'm looking forward to that!

Having some problems with the in-laws at the moment...we were supposed to be going to Minehead to visit them on the 9th August for a few days, but we have been talking about it at home and we have pretty much decided that it's a bit late in the pregnancy to be going so far, it will cost us £120 in fuel to get there, £16 a day for the dog in kennels, we'll have to get someone to watch the cat, rabbit, birds and fish, I'll have to take hospital bags and car seat etc, and it's my eldest step sons birthday on the 11th so we'll have to take his presents etc too! I know the chances are very slim that the baby will arrive at 36 1/2 weeks, but we'll have to be prepared, and to be honest I'm not happy about 6 hours in a car each way! So DH rang to tell them last night that we wouldn't be going but that we would try our hardest to get down with the baby between the birth and his deployment... they were NOT happy!! I was so shocked at their reaction!! They seem angry and upset, I know they wanted a family get together before he goes away but they didn't seem to understand our point of view about pregnancy and costs etc.. feel really torn now, DH was in tears last night as he was so frustrated and angry at their reaction, he feels like this is going to turn into a big family row just before he goes away and the baby is born... I really don't want to go back on our decision because this could quite possibly be our last pay packet before Lilia is here and there are loads of unnecessary costs involved in going etc, but I don't want to be in the middle of a big row... I feel it's my fault because I initially brought up the fact that I didn't feel comfortable about travelling so far so late on, but DH agreed with me and he said he had been thinking exactly the same.... what would you lot do?!
Louise I would feel the same way, can they not come and see you guys?? I think they are over reacting tbh. We really wanna visit Ian's Nan, she only lives 2 hours away but the further I get along the more worry about being far away from the hospital!! Don't blame yourself, its not your fault and they should understand that.
Thanks Becs! I think it's mainly because their minds are more set on that this might be their last chance to see him properly before he deploys... whereas we are not really in that mindset yet, we're concentrating on baby stuff first! We decided that we'll ask the midwife tomorrow and see what she advises, and if she said she would advise not going so far so late on then we'll stick to our guns and they'll have to deal with it!
Hiya Ladies
Just after a bit of advice really im due on 2nd Sept.
Does anyone/has anyone experienced like a period pain after theyve been for a wee?
Ive been getting this for about a wk and a half now. Im at the mw tomorrow but last night i woke up and it seemed stronger than normal, it was before i actually went to the toilet and it lasted about 10 minutes after too.
any advice would be greatly appreciated xx
louise im sure it must be hard for them knowing there son is going away agin? but surely they could move the family party nearer to your house, the baby really has to come first and they are being unfair to you both when you must have so much on your minds?

I am so hot ! i pray for snow so i can walk in it with flip flops! Im fed up of hot flushes and unatractive sweats :)
Ok so i'm only going to read this page :blush: only got a little chunk of time and LOADS to do :cry:

Sarah that sounds awful :hugs: I would be feeling really angry too :(

Babythinkpink i sometimes get like that until i drink some coke?? Maybe it has something to do with sugar?

Louise i went to my cousins 21st when i was 36 weeks and TBH it wasnt massively comfy and i drove :wacko: It was about 4 ish hours though... I dont see why they cant just drive up to you?? Maybe it will calm down? Its bloody hard enough for you knowing your DH is leaving once your little girl arrives without all their shit too :gun: :gun:

Janeydee sounds like a UTI to me hun? I would get checked with the MWs...def tell them though! I know a friend got an infection in her kidneys hers got so bad and it really was not nice :nope:
THanks for listening everyone!
I was so upset yesterday. Much calmer now!
Louise, I am going to talk to my clinic about the number of screw-ups this time around. It doesn't instill confidence in their patients. If it was my practice, I would want to know about the number of clerical errors. Hopefully, it doesn't fall on deaf ears.

Louise, can your in-laws not come to you instead? I agree that it sounds more like they are thinking about the deployment than anything else, but the baby being so near it's date is a huge consideration. Surely they will see that once they've gotten over their disappointment.

Bekklez - really hoping everything is okay with you and baby! Thinking of you!

Jelly - read back to your birthing class post and had a good laugh. When it all becomes strange performance art, maybe it is time that she retires? :)

babythp - Frustration with the system seems global. As someone else said, we're not asking for much - just fair and courteous treatment. Nothing special! :nope: I really thought I had that with my clinic from my last pregnancy there. Now I'm really questioning their service. It's not nice to be feeling this way at 32 weeks. I don't have a lot of choice about where else to go at this point.
I'm not at the walking out stage yet. They need to hear from me, and I will do it in writing, if I have to, but I'm hoping they listen.
The doctors there are great. It's the admin staff that are the cause of all the fuss. Problem is, they can cause tremendous stress and inconvenience when they screw up. They need to have their shit together. They just do. :nope:
Here's hoping. :shrug:
Hi girlies

I've just caught up but can't remember everything...

Bekklez, thinking of you and hoping everything is ok at your next scan! :flower:

Sarahkka defo complain!! So crap and I would have been furious too!

I think it was babythinkpink that said she felt lousy in the mornings? Me too, I feel all shakey and yuk and I feel like I need to eat so I do, but then I throw it all back up again! It's been like that for the last week or so, so I think it's morning sickness coming back. I guess it's all the hormones! I always know when I particularly hormonal as my boobs hurt really bad, especially my nipples and they have been REALLY sore this last few days, so I think that's what's been making me feel a bit crap.

Louise, I totally would not travel all that way and would feel the same. In fact, I decided that I did not want to travel down to Kent for my Mum's 50th party this week as I already don't feel comfortable sitting down for very long, never mind 5 hours on a train and all the expense that goes with it, never mind if something were to happen whilst I was there! My Dad was a bit upset with me when I first said I wouldn't go, but he came around and eventually said he understood. My Mum understood from the start and said she never expected me to go anyway! I can understand that your DHs parents would be disappointed but they need to see it from your point of view and you have every right not to go! Can't they come and see you guys instead?

Janeydee you may have a UTI hun, I get period pains after having a wee when I have had an infection so might be worth getting your urine tested :flower:

I'm being a bit lethargic today, had a bad night's sleep again (nothing new there though!) and managed to finally get to sleep in the early hours, so didn't get up til 10.30. Then I just sort of lazed around until I got in the shower at 1pm and all I've done since is browse the net and shove a load of laundry in! I need to go to the post office but I can't get motivated...

Going for our hospital tour tonight which I'm looking forward to! I'm kind of sad that this is the last of the antenatal classes as I've been enjoying going to them every Tuesday night! Met some lovely people too, one or two of which we will keep in touch with. Matt even found a new call of duty mate to play with online on the xbox (urgh! lol)

Oh and I AM SICK OF NEEDING A WEEEE!! I didn't have an infection when my urine was tested last week, so I just think it's baby pressure making me need to go but it's driving me insane!!!

Hi all, just a quick pop in:) the wedding was fantastic on Fri and I managed the whole day, my boys looked amazing. I wa thinking I was feeling a bit better but not so much......

I missed a few calls on Fri while at the wedding and then yest i got a letter from my midwife, I got bloods done last week, I have a severe iron deficiency and I have to go and see my consultant as my placelets levels are way below what they should be:( i did not fully understand so called and googled...(not always good!). have any of you had this before or with this pregnancy? As Im scheduled for a section its not great for blood loss and midwife has stated that ill most likely have to be knocked out:( i cannot have epidural/spinal, I just dont know everything but I kind of know and hope it doesnt harm my baby and to me thats the most important thing but Im just a worrier! Ill see consultant and get some more firm answers.

Hope this finds you all ok, Ill pop back on later, get a proper catch up on whats happening, having a bit of a down time since sun its just been one thing after another since then really! STRESSED!! Be great to hear if any of you have any experience of low placelets.xx
Also Adsa baby event is on, i didnt see too much today but sainsburys are going half price again on all toiletries and wipes tomorow!!!

Stock up ladies.xx
Hey girls,

So much to catch up on! Sorry for being behind, been at my MIL and had baby shower and brought some bits for baby. Just to let you know we are good and sending love to you all.

Bekklez, thinking of you chic :hugs:
Hey Ladies!

Bekklez; thinking of you hun... :hugs: Hope all goes well in the next few days. As I said, your nursery is gorgeous... maybe she heard about how nice it is and wants a see for herself? :flower:

Louise; You're completely in the right, and I can't believe that your in-laws have reacted that way! They should be coming to visit you, and to get angry is only going to upset you and your OH. I wouldn't even consider going down there, and wouldn't budge now you've said that you can't. It's impossible - I fretted going to London at 28/9 weeks, so there's no way i'd make such a big trip at 30+! Remember that 37 weeks is full term - my daughter was born at 36 and was completely fine.

Jelly - what a strange midwife! I'm not sure how i'd have reacted to singing songs lol.. although our midwife had the men wearing a pregnancy suit, she wasn't quite that bad!

Sarah, glad you're feeling calmer today :hugs: do they not realise that so much stress is bad for pregnant women?! Idiots... Hope they get better with your next appointment.

Drea - :hugs: I'm afraid I don't have any experience of low platelets, but I must say that if I have to have a c sec then they'll have to knock me out anyway - there's no way i could cope with being awake while they cut my tummy. I'd freak - guaranteed. Glad you had a good time at the wedding though!

Well, today I've spent an absolute FORTUNE!! I went to Asda living for the baby event, and got all my toiletries, 2 nursing vests, hospital bag stuff etc for about £45. Then, I went to Matalan, who also have a sale on. I got 2 nighties, a pair of PJs and 4 tops, all with buttons on the front so I can feed in them for £25. Then, I called at Tesco on my way home to redeem a couple of coupons on washpowder (from bounty pack) and ended up spending another £15!

The good news is that I have EVERYTHING now that the baby will need. I can pack my hospital bag, and once the wardrobes are here (should be this week) and put up, I can start doing baby laundry.

The bad news is that I spent £85 + daughter a dvd & bracelet + trip to macdonalds (she was good as gold so I had to get her something - I can only begin to imagine how bored she must have been being dragged shopping for baby toiletries at nearly 5 yrs old). Ooops! Methinks I may have to hide the receipts from OH when he gets in.
Hello all,

Thanks for all the sympathy about the sickness!! Its great here, dh hears me throw up every day, and says nothing, i come on her and say how i feel and get :hugs: all round! :thumbup:

Well had a really good day,:happydance: it started by me getting my pregnancy grant, I was told by midwife i wouldn't get it because it was not my first, and then I was not sure because dh is on a weird income because he has worked all his life it does not automatically entitle unlike if he had never worked we would have got it without question! :)wacko:) Anyway its a lot of money, it is a bit sad i need it to pay stuff off rather than get something nice, but i am paying off baby stuff so i suppose it makes sense i am not in debt!

The hospital were much MUCH better, I said to the nurse when i got there about my notes, and about the doctor i saw, i said she had read my notes backwards and made a fuss about nothing, and had gone on about the placenta b4 she even knew if it was a possability, she was brilliant, she said it was awful she had been like that, and understood how it had made me feel, I mean this woman seriously is used to hormonal pregnant ladies and knew all the right things to say to me!
She said she would get the senior doctor to see me, and set it all straight, and she did.
The scan was good, placenta right out the way, and i got the fluid checked that i still had plenty, and baby is dot on for size, and weight, 4lb 2oz based on measurements. Sex we think is still the same although things are so squished up it is harder to see, poor baby is all squashed up already! Head is down, nicely down and comfy! Baby is all set now!
I did have glucose in urine and have to have bloods done in 2 weeks, but i am not too worried, she said watch diet first, and it was only a small amount of sugar, i was hoping not to have the test but tbh if i have glucose in my urine and only had coffee and toast today b4 i gave the sample I am happy that the glucose should not be there and it should be tested.
Anyway, as if things couldn't get better!! My travel system is here! I thought i would miss delivery being out, but no it got here just after we got back:happydance: It is lovely, dh said i was like a kid in a sweet shop, but it is lovely, i am very pleased with it, so much nicer than i thought, it is lovely quality, and the seat has a lovely fleeced covers on the straps and just looks so cute and comfy, it is quite a big thing, but i am determined to fit it in the car! (its tough, will just have to leave the kids behind!!:haha: only joking!)

opticalillus, nothing like a bit of retail therapy! Glad you had a nice time, just hide the receipts!:hugs:

Drazic, waves to you xx

Drea, Try not to worry about your iron, i am sure they should be able to replenish it before you are due, enough to get the levels up, just make sure you write down all your questions for the consultant so you remember it all and please, step away from GOOGLE!!!!
Not sure i have any more room for any more nappies and wipes!:haha: I am undecided about if i should buy and newborn dummies, my dd really needed them but she was my first to have one, think i will see how this baby is and if i need any!:hugs:

Emzy, sorry to hear i am not the only one with the sickness and feeling rubbish, on the bright side, not long now!:happydance::hugs:

Louise, sorry the inlaws are so wrong here, they are missing the point totally, I would not want to be doing that trip from now on tbh, I couldn't do any longer than an hour in the car, I just managed the holiday a few weeks ago and that was awful driving up and back, i really had to stop and that was a 4 hour trip.

janeydee, agree it sounds like a urine infection, but either way best checked out:hugs:

Got to go, this holiday is a nightmare for the kids, they have been a pain again, the hospital i could hear them when i was in my appointment, and hear dh telling them off, not sure what has got into them, I so need Nanny MacPhee in this house, or just her stick would do:haha:
The upside is they all get early nights and i get peace!

Back tomorrow, hope everyone ok, thinking of you Bekkles:hugs:


:baby:thinkpink xx
Thanks guys, the iron doesnt really bother me, had it at the start and now back on iron tabs, just worry when its things I dont know about!!

I know what you mean optilicious, I was awake during last one and was fine but I realy want to be awake for baby being born, but Ill do anything that is safe for me and baby.xx

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