****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

I am letting my toddler run naked around the house wreaking absolute havoc while I merrily post away on the computer.
There are only about 500+ mortal dangers he can encounter on such a tear, so might as well let him have his fun!

Drea - I have low platelets and and had them for Simon's pregnancy, as well. Most of the time, it doesn't mean much. It's a weird thing that happens to some women in pregnancy and most of the time, resolves itself after the birth and really has no effect whatsoever. That's been my case.
It can be serious if there are complications involving hemorrhaging, which I suppose is a possibility in any birth scenario, even if it's unlikely.
And I would think it would concern the docs if you are scheduled for a C-section, as you do bleed more with less platelets for clotting. I'm not sure what they'd do about it, though. :shrug: I imagine some clotting agent would be used? I don't know.
The biggest pain in the butt for me with this condition is that I have to go for blood tests monthly, and they have to do a blood test before you deliver. That was actually like something out of the Three Stooges when the poor fellow from the hospital lab came up to try to get blood from me when I was in labour with Simon. I was having really intense contractions one on top of another and I just couldn't hold still. He was dancing around me, trying to get a safe and steady angle to jab me while I was writhing around and groaning. He did manage it, though. I was very impressed! I would have been laughing if I hadn't been quite so miserable with back labour. It must have looked hilarious.
Anyway, sorry I'm not more help. Other than offering the reassurance that it doesn't mean much for most of us with the condition, I don't really have any advice.

Bekklez - keep cookin' that baby, girl! You are doing so well!

Louise - nursery bedding is so sweet and cute bump! :)

Sarah/Blob - I'm not in the best of moods with the entire health care system right now, so I am probably being harsher and less understanding than I should be, but a MW who lets you spend days worrying about your baby because she took the wrong measurement is appalling! If she said that there was no growth, why did they not immediately go in and check to make sure everything was alright? Negligent on both skills and follow-up in my opinion, and yeah - not the one you want delivering your baby. :nope:
I have completely forgotten everything else I was going to say - and I can't tell you how comforting it is that we all post that exact thing quite often! :)
Anyway, :hi: to everyone. Hope the aches and pains are minimal for everyone and that it's mostly just the mounting excitement - those little stars are so close now! :)
Grrrrrrrrrr! Sorry ladies but I'm her for a rant now!!

DH had a work 'function' last night... he's supposed to have 3 this week, two which are stags (no wives) and one for wives too on THursday... the oter two were supposed to be last night and tonight. The tonight one is a curry in town... so as far as I'm concerned not a work function at all but just a social, which is fine but it's now on Thursday, so the same night as the posh dinner. He is saying that he thinks he'll go to the curry one.... erm, hello?! Two nights out in a week, and of a choice of three events he chooses the two I can't be involved in? It's most unlike him and I'm annoyed because I thought I'd get to wear my posh dress again!!!

Anyway, last night came and went and he went to this management function in a local pub in town, it's practically a partnership pub with the regiment as their son is in the army, so they don't ever make you go home if you know what I mean!!!!? I said this to him last night and he said it's a function, not a night out, there won't be a lock in... I said regardless of if there is a lock in or not, please don't be stupid about the time you come in! PLus there are many better things to spend money on than beer at the moment!

He said don't be silly, trust him, and off he went and I sorted kids out etc.. he went out at 7pm.

I woke at 3am for a wee.... no hubby.... checked my phone, no text. Went downstairs to get housephone, kitchen light was still on where I left it for him, got phone and went back to bed and phoned him... intermittently changing from going straight to answerphone, to ringing (we have rubbish signal) but no answer anyway. Laid back down thinking he'd be back soon.

4am texted him asking him to ring me..... nothing. Kept ringing, nothing.

5am checked out the bedroom window to see the kitchen light still shining out into the garden where I left it on.

6.52am awoke to a noise, waited 10 mins, was quite quiet but went down to find hubby laid on sofa dozing. Asked him where he'd been etc.... he reckons he left the pub and got home at about 2.30am...... erm, am I stupid??? I told him I was awake between 3-5am as I couldn't sleep AT ALL... he just kept telling me I was wrong!! So unless he came in straight after I came down for phone at 3am and was in the whole time I was phoning him..... or he was already on the sofa when I came for the phone and I just didn't 'see' him.... he's lying... plus he could hardly speak he was so drunk.. I think after 4 + hours sleep he'd be making a little more sense?

AND the kitchen light was off.... now don't get me wrong, I trust him completely, I do not think he has been off with someone else or anything like that, I had thought to be honest that he might have gone back for a drink to his mates and crashed there, or he just had a ridiculously long lock in, but the fact that he is insisting that he was here at 2.30am which I KNOW is not true is really pissing me off! He's laid there snoring away and it's all I can do not to slice his ears off!!

GRRRRRR MEN!! If he thinks he's going out on Thursday night now he has another thing coming! We have our antenatal class all day friday starting early! He doesn't usually do this.. he's usually very thoughtful. WANKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about that! If I didn't do that here then we'd be having an almighty row (if I could wake him enough) and the kids don't need to wake up to that.

On a happier note, I have my 34 week appointment today woohoo!
Oh Louise...men eh?? But on a little brighter note what he did in the nursery with the boys is lovely and I love those balloons...so thoughtful..I may have just cried!!
Your bump is lovely, not too big or small- I must admit I am a bit jealous!!!

Well, my OH has annoyed me too (over crumpets) last night and so we're not talking again....The joys of being hormonal and a grumpy fiance!

The sun is shining today so thats making me feel a little better especially as I have woken up with Thrush (TMI) and it is seriously annoying me. Off to the doctors I guess....AArrgghh.

Perhaps my day might get better..............
Louise lovely pics, bump is gorgeous xx I would be mad too, hope you are banging around and making lots of noise!! Good luck at your appointment xx

Teeny thrush is just awful, hope you get something for it x

I have to nip into town to get some fake tan and nail varnish for our mess do Friday night, and a bra extender for my strapless bra! I am not spending £30 on another one when I wear them once in a blue moon lol!! Rather spend £2!! We have our squadron do this afternoon, its Roman theme, luckily I have a grecian style dress!! I so can't wait to have my hair cut and highlighted on Friday! I slept ok last night, just everytime I get comfy does Hope wake up!!!!
Morning all!

Aw Louise your bump pics from last night are lovely! You are looking fab! Very tidy! I am envious! Loving what the boys did with the cot too, very sweet. Your rant post did make me giggle, just because of the WANKER!! bit! Something I would put, and it would make me feel so much better to put it down in words!! I bet he will feel awful when he wakes up and you'll end up feeling sorry for him!

Yuk Teeny, thrush. Hope you get it sorted quick, nasty stuff!

Good luck with growth scans and appointments today ladies. Bekklez, you keep your feet up and let's hope little lady is able to stay put a few more days yet. x

Well, I am definitely in nesting mode. I am just going to do a bit of a clean upstairs. Yesterday I did too much, but it's as though I just can't stop myself. I paid for it cos I couldn't sleep. If it's not my back it's my hips or the old BH's. Everything gearing up I suppose!

Hope everyone has a good day today x
Jellycat, we ordered the Oyster as well, not the pearl, just the normal silver one with purple colour pack :)

Bekklez, so glad they are taking good care of you. :hugs:

Louise, I would be furious too, utterly mad. My OH keeps being a twat, then lovely. I think its some kind of pre-baby burn out. Frustrating though.

Teeny, I apparently have thrust too - TMI, but half my foof has swollen up and apparently I have a small thrust infection in the swelling :sick: It hurts!

Trying to get hold of MAU this morning, little miss is VERY quiet and I want them to check us out. But will any bugger answer the phone? Fuming!
Ooooo Louise I sympathise... Oh has blatantly lied to me before when he was drunk (about how much he'd had to drink, funnily enough) and it winds you up SO much! Hopefully when he wakes up he'll realise that you're not daft enough to believe him, and that you know he was out late. My Oh only did it that once, but it's funny to look back at now cos he thought that if he repeated "I've only had 2 pints" enough then it'd become true (although he slurred while he said it!).

Your tale actually leads on nicely to the reason I went to bed early last night in a mood. I was talking to Oh about when the baby is born, and how it'll be strange for him to leave us at the hospital for the night after visiting hours are up... I said that I betted he wouldn't get much sleep because of the excitement.

He said "well, it won't matter if I get lucky with your timing like vinny did". Vinny is his best friend... Turns out that his partner had the baby at 9pm, and they asked him to leave the ward at 10pm. So he was back in the local pub for 10.30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This REALLY pissed me off. That poor girl had been through labour, was probably up all night with a newborn, and her Oh was in the pub 'wetting the baby's head'. WHAT?!? I couldn't believe that my Oh didn't see anything wrong with it, and thought he could do the same!!! His argument was 'well, he'd been kicked off the ward anyway, and he'd have just gone home to be bouncing off the walls, and he didn't get wasted, so what's the problem?'

Here's the problem: If you come to that hospital in the morning with even the faintest whiff of alcohol on your breath, or smelling of fags, I WILL NOT come home with you.

He couldn't believe what I was saying, and made me feel as if I was the one being unreasonable. 'Well what am I meant to do?' he said.
You're MEANT to go home, get a shower and something to eat, make sure the house is tidy and everything is sorted for me coming home, and get some sleep (if you can).
In the end he begrudgingly agreed, saying 'Oh well i'll just sit in the back yard and smoke my cigar on my own then'. For fuck's sake... as if he will get any sympathy from me. He doesn't even smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please tell me that you agree with me, and that i'm not being OTT?????? Now i'm worried that I'll go into Labour at the weekend, as there's not much I can do to stop him from going out when i'm in hospital. And, he could probably lie to me and not get caught out until well after.

My final line was "I'll tell you what, we'll do it really old school if you like. You just go out when I go into labour, and i'll call you at the pub and tell you what i've had. That suit you?" *door slam*

Sorry ladies.. after that rant i've forgot everything else I was gonna say! :flower:
My final line was "I'll tell you what, we'll do it really old school if you like. You just go out when I go into labour, and i'll call you at the pub and tell you what i've had. That suit you?" *door slam*

Sorry ladies.. after that rant i've forgot everything else I was gonna say! :flower:[/QUOTE]

Fantastic!!! xx Love the sarcasm there my love. :haha:
Optical I like your style!! Fantastic retort!

It would really really suit my DH not to be at the birth this time. He has made that plainly obvious and has said several times surely I'd be better with my mum or my best friend. I know the main reason is the whole not liking to see me in so much pain bit, but tough! I am thinking now that my homebirth will be out of the window anyway after the last couple of weeks, but plan to try and stay in hospital the least amount of time I need to, partly cos I don't want to be looking at his face with a mood on it! Part of me thinks he'd be better at home with the boys to be honest, cos he's a fab dad, just hates the birth bit!
Optical I'm with you! Even when said in jest by blokes, when you're worried about something or thinking about it or even just a little hormonal it suddenly takes on big meaning!

He is still insisting that he was home by 3.30am... I said he definately wasn't by 3 because I was AWAKE and came downstairs!!!! His mate who loves opposite was in at about 3.15ish though (according to his wife) so I suppose it is possible and that I didn't hear him come in.... however I was ringing him after this so.... oh I don't know! He has been told he's not allowed out on Thursday night though and at the moment he is accepting that! He's not yet apologised though!!!

Drazic I know what you mean about lovely one minute, annoying the next... maybe it's their reaction to our hormones?! Hope you get through to the MAU soon :hugs:

Becs enjoy your do tonight! Sorry I can't remember anything else that was said, must be the red mist in front of my eyes!!
Hey girls

Bekklez, glad they are looking after you, hope the scan goes well sweetie x

Louise, I would be sooo annoyed! I really hope you have been crashing around making loads of noise next to him this morning!

Teeny, hope the doc sorts you out, thrush is awful and makes you feel soo miserable x

Drazic, hope all is ok at the MAU (if you can ever get hold of them!) I'm sure your little one is just having a sleepy day

Optical, Matt has said the same thing. He said if I have to stay over night and he has to leave, he is calling his friend and going to the pub!! I was not impressed and I said after a bit of an argument that I wouldn't mind if he went to the pub for one or two, but if he comes in stinking of booze he is not going near the baby!! I think that made him think twice... lol

Well I've been for my growth scan this morning and the sonographer put the fear of god into me! It was the same crap sonographer I had for my 12 week scan (the one who made comments about my weight and didn't let me see the screen) and I have to say she was marginally better today and let me see the screen etc. However, after the scan she came out with my notes and said something along the lines of "wow, you are having a BIIIG baby" I was like WHAT?! HOW BIG?!? But she just smiled and said take your notes to the desk and the doctor will see you. I was crapping myself!!

Anyway, so the doc sees us and he wasn't overly concerned. He said yes she is a bigger baby (already around 6lb 12 oz!!!) and likely to be around 9lbs. He said her tummy was in the 97th centile but as far as he is concerned it just means she is happy and getting plenty of food and I'll just have to push a bit harder!!! LOL So I was a bit more relieved then, I thought he was going to say she was going to be about 14lbs or something but I'm still a bit worried about giving birth to a large baby...

THEN when we came out Matt said "I don't mean to alarm you, but I'm sure I saw a willy on the scan" I was like WHAAAT?! We have had the sex checked 4 times (3 times at private scans at 17, 22 and 28 weeks and once at NHS scan at 32 weeks) and every time they have said girl so I didn't even ask this time. I am sure he didn't see a willy on the scan really, it is really hard to make out anything especially when they are all squashed up in there, I could barely make anything out but he said he saw something! I was like why didn't you say something while we were in there and he said he just didn't think to! Personally, I don't think there is any way that he saw a willy, it was probably something else, especially since we've been told girl 4 times, but he did put a seed of doubt in my mind... oh well if it does come out a boy it will have a lot of pink to wear!! ha ha!

Oh and we went for our tour of the maternity unit last night and it is lovely! At our hospital, they have a central delivery suite downstairs and a midwife led birth suite upstairs. People with uncomplicated pregnancies can use the birth suite, but if you want an epidural or need doctor assistance etc, you have to use the central delivery suite. Well both were lovely, the downstairs one was all new and shiney, all be it a bit more clinical than the birth suite upstairs. They showed us the room with the pool in it and I am seriously considering a water birth, if not just using the pool for labour. The room was lovely and had all mood lighting, lava lamps, twinkling lights on the ceiling, beanbags, cd player, tv etc. There is only one pool though and it's first come first served, so I will just have to hope it's free when I go into labour as I really want that room! The other rooms were lovely too, just minus the pool. They also have a double bed in all the rooms on the birth suite and you stay in there until you are discharged and your other half can stay with you, where as if you deliver on the downstairs bit you get moved to a ward afterwards and your other half has to go home. The good news is the doctor today okayed me to use the birth suite as my health is fine, so I am pleased!

Yay Emzy it sounds like it went well. The sonographer sounds dopey! Thank goodness the doc was able to put your mind at rest. Your hospital sounds nice, which one is it? Fingers crossed your DH didn't see a willy!!! x
Glad all went well Emzy xx

We are off to Ian's squadron bbq in a bit, looks like its gonna rain, its very black!! I think its muggy!! Hope is moving around loads this afternoon, she is very active!! Things are deffo getting cramped in there, I don't think there is anymore room!!
Have a good time at the BBQ Becs and Ian!

I need to sort out the birth/labour buddy thing, has everybody sorted theirs out? I have just realised with a bang that it will be kicking off for a lot of us in the next few weeks, and I would love to have somebody lined up as a buddy when the time comes! How are we sorting it? Just PMing each other or organising a bit based on due dates?

NB - How much of a control freak am I? :)
I was thinking about that the other day Claire, would be good to sort something out!! Maybe we could sort something out in the next week or so??!!
Defo Becs. It's something I need sorting in my head - another tick on the list!! x
Thanks girls. Asher it's the Royal Bolton Hospital, I'm lucky as the Maternity bit is all new and refurbished and looks lovely! Same can't be said for the wards really, but hoping not to stay on there very long if at all!

I posted a couple of weeks ago asking if anyone wanted to be my labour/text buddy but no one sent me a PM! :cry::blush: I'd like to get one sorted asap seeing as I am due a month today... arrghh! Anyone wanna be mine? x
oh and Becs have a great time! Hope the weather holds out for you x
My text buddy was Emma but i havent seen her around in ages?? :wacko: Did she go on holiday??

On a selfish note i had my homebirth midwife visit thing today all the papers are done and the boxes are coming in 2 weeks :wohoo:

Also OMFG i'm HUGE!!! This is my bump pic....

This was me last time pregnant with Tabs at 37 weeks... :dohh:


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