****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Teehee what a madam i am :blush:

I like looking 'properly pregnant' but i kinda liked having a dinky bump too?? Bet you look gorgeous Asher :hugs:
Teehee what a madam i am :blush:

I like looking 'properly pregnant' but i kinda liked having a dinky bump too?? Bet you look gorgeous Asher :hugs:

I am a madam too, so there!! :haha:

Don't know about looking gorgeous, my bump is big I think. I might get the guts up to do a pic tomorrow. Some bloke was staring at me before when I was walking the dogs, and somehow I don't think it's because of my stunning beauty hee hee!! :haha: More to do with the sheer size of me!

Louise, sounds good to me about being text buddies!! Glad all went well at the appointment!!

Blob you look gorgeous xx

Just had a nice shower, the bbq was ok, we came home early as I am tired tonight!! Just enjoying a brew and some ginger cake!!
Hmmm maybe it was the waddle :rofl: I have to say i do not feel 22 at the moment :haha: i feel like i'm 90 when i stand up dohh: most of the time i breeze through its just the getting up and those first few steps :dohh:
Evening all,

Got a very wriggly bump tonight, been quiet all day but i have been busy all day and i find that happens.
I have worked out its a leg that goes across my tummy and is being rubbed, just seems to keep on going for rubs, lots of cuddles for this baby then!

Little A,
Yes i have had this b4, not so much with this baby but in a previous pregnancy baby popped and clicked all the time, I was sure baby would have click hips or something but she was fine. This baby has made a few weird clicks but nothing like my last! :hugs:

Loiuse, Glad things are sorted with the drunken stopout!!:haha: My dd doesn't really drink and rarely goes out but we are older and can't be arsed by our age:haha: I do find other things that he annoys me with though, if its not one thing its another! :hugs:

Love the comment about the inconsiderate giving birth first, made me chuckle!

I would like to thank whoever suggested putting a pillow between your knees to sleep, for relief of the bum pain, it works! I did it last night and went for longer than my usual half hour without having to turn over in pain!
It was great! I will do the same tonight but even if it was only a one off it was worth a few hours sleep last night!

Not stopped today, washing, ironing, dentist, mil and step son here so was cooking to feed 8, and did various chores in town, plus took some wood to the tip with ds (not quite sure what was stopping sh do this but it needed doing!) made some cakes with the girls, and a lemon cake for dh who kept going on about wanting a lemon cake!
Anyway got some baby bedding ironed, so will be making up moses basket soon, just need to wash the matching cover thing it came with, but have all the matching bedding also and will look so cute i cant wait!
I am still being nagged by one child or another, girls in bed, and i will get no peace til everyone is in bed!
Going to sort out yet more food for poorly ds who didn't want tea earlier but is now hungry :shrug:

I thought i would have more time on here in the summer holidays but I really hardly get a chance to get on here, I read posts then get disturbed!
Sorry to who i haven't replied/commented on, hopefully I will get a better chance another day!
Back soon,


:baby:thinkpink xx
Blob I'm sorry I was sure I had commented on your bump photo! I think your bump is perfect!!
Babythinkpink - Glad you've found a way to sleep easier

F&C - Hope you manage to get a decent night sleep soon

Blob - I think you have got a fantastic bumpage

Geat news about Bekkelez coming out of hospital tonight, must be a good sign !!

Louise / Drazic - Glad is all is well, must be nice to know babe is in the right position and heading for the right direction

Emzy - If this helps my sisters baby was 9ib 10oz when she was born and she managed to push without needing any stiches when she told me last week made me feel alot better...... I think if I take after my sis I'll have a big baby too

Went to doctors they told me nothing they can give me as im pregnant and dont want to give me anything not necessary, so breath in steamed air to try and clear my nose and chest..... I've never known to be ill for so long 2weeks so far !!

Im off now to try and wrap up nieces birthday prezzzie, I bought her fairy wings from Claires acessories... didnt think about me needing to post them. Need to do a bit of a cardboard blue peter thing and hope they dont break in the post !

15 working days left at work and counting
Hi all, catch up time, Ive read through what I can without going cross eyed!!! Thanks for the advice re low placelets, ill see what blood is next week and what consultant says. Im back on the iron tabs so hopefully ill start picking up motivationally iykwim. Dh starts his job next week so a wage at end of Aug woo hoo, got all my wee jobs for him to get finnished this week!!. My wee bubba not been to active today, worrying a bit so gonna monitor for the time being, move baby move!

Louise glad you got things sorted with dh, men just can be so nice and doting and then get a beer or whatever and change, forget whats at home! Ive warned Wills now that no more biggies as you just never know when it can happen.

What a lovely bump Blob:)

Emzy your visit sounds really positive, its good when things go the way we want them!

How awful sarah, defo need to do/say something about that!

F&C Im the same with the period pains and not sleeping great

JellyCat & I swapped numbers but Im happy to be anyone elses buddy aswell, 2 does sound good

Very productive day thinkpink!, I do find the pillow a big help aswell!

Hope you start to feel better JellyCat

Sorry if Ive missed anyone.xxx
Had my growth scan today and baby's growth seems to have slowed down a bit. They're a bit concerned so they are going to give me another scan next week to look at blood flow to the baby and amount of fluid around the baby and then another growth scan in a couple of weeks. They have said that low fluid can be a side effect of diabetes so will see. I also got monitored for an hour at the fetal health unit to see if heartbeat was okay, baby was a bit quiet at first then had a load of movement so they weren't concerned.

Baby weighs 4lb 4oz today so not too weeny if baby has to come early for whatever reason.

Will see what next week brings as have scan first, monitoring for an hour afterwards and then consultant appointment so a busy afternoon next Wednesday.

Hi Ladies!

Just wondering if you would all do me a favour :) I joined this group on facebook. It's a local business here in my town and every friday they have a draw. This week we had to submit a water or summer photo so I submitted the picture of my belly painted from Canada Day. If you could log on to FB I have posted a link to their page in our Sept. stars group. Go to their page and write "vote" under my picture starting tomorrow morning I would really appreciate it. They are giving away a Sling that I really want. thanks! :)

Hi everyone!
Had a good (and calm) visit at my prenatal clinic today. :) Sympathetic listening and a few looks exchanged when I told them which ultrasound company had screwed us around so badly on Monday. Apparently, we aren't the first with a story like this.
I just hope they do something with that information and STOP SENDING PATIENTS THERE!!!:gun::gun::gun::hissy::hissy::hissy:
Anyway, at my request, notes were placed in my file to read that I will not have someone from their office make appointments for me at other clinics. I will make them myself and inform the clinic and they can send the requisition form over. And I will phone to make sure that it got there before I go to the appointment
Part of me finds it absolutely ridiculous that I have to take these steps, but I have just decided that I do not need to experience that kind of stress and frustration again. If it takes me doing every step myself, then I will.
The doctors at the clinic are so great. I don't want to not have their care because I'm fed up with the office admin. Might as well just be proactive and prevent the f-ups from happening, I figure. :shrug:
I felt like I was heard, but I could totally see this happening again, so I'll take what control I can over the situation.

I was 35.5 cm at 32 weeks, so I think I've slowed a bit on the growth front, too. Only .5 cm fundal growth in two weeks.
It will be interesting to see what baby's size is at the ultrasound tomorrow. There must be a global phenomenon of kicky babies today - my little guy was wiggling all over the place non-stop! They had to work for awhile to get his heart rate as he kept wiggling away from the doppler.
He's in the same position as Simon was - head down and curled with his back to one side. I must have a comfortable womb in that position! :) Let's just hope he doesn't pull the same posterior position as his brother. I would like to be spared the back labour. And the induction.
But I really kind of expect it to happen again. :shrug:

Cute bump, Blob! Quite impressive! :)
I still feel whale-sized and I had to put my feet up at work today to drain my cankles. GROSS! :sick:

Louise, and others with the drinky men, I get it that they are blowing off a little steam - after all, impending baby is a big deal for them, too. But at this stage, boys, we could really have the baby at any moment. Probably not the best plan to get plastered when your lady is this close to labour and you are the one driving them to the hospital? Just a suggestion! :dohh:

I am a bit of a stubborn luddite when it comes to cell phones and I deactivated the texting function on mine as I never ever use it. So I will just pop on and say "had baby!" when I get a chance, I think! :flower:
I actually said out-loud "nooooo!" when I saw two September babies have been born already. I'm miserable too, why can't my baby be out yet? lol! :haha:

Edit: Btw I just noticed that I'm not on the list for September. Can I be added please? Team pink, due date September 3rd. =D

I had bloody indigestion last night, thank goodness for rennies!! Took me ages to get back to sleep too!!! Hope is so wriggly too and it feels so weird when I am laid on my side!! I have to pop into town this morning to buy a new gym ball after my dog popped mine lol! I am looking after my neice for a few hours while my sister takes my nephew to the cinema! I am so looking forward to Ian being on leave from next Friday, be so nice to spend some time with him and start sorting the house out ready to move!!

Blob I saw your bump pics and then saw how lovely and slim you are and went off to sulk and ordered a chinese! :haha:

I thought I was having contractions last night I had like 2 in an hour and then went to sleep and woke up and had about 3 but I then had a poo and haven't had any since :blush: I thought that was painful too, I even breathed through a couple.

I'm in a blah mood this morning I went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of coke zero, a laptop and left over chinese and went back to bed. I'm just going to chill out till I need to get up for my midwife appointment. :thumbup:

Hope everyones having a nice morning!
Morning ladies!

Emzy - :shock: My DD was 6lb 9 when she was born... it's crazy to think that we have fully grown babies in our tummies now!

Jelly - hope you feel better soon. I've had a cough now for about a month (i'm not even exaggerating) and have had antibiotics and everything and it just won't shift. Maybe it's cos our immune systems are run down?

Asher & blob - I too feel HUGE. I cried yesterday because I couldn't fasten my shoelaces. Another month and i'm starting the eviction process... RLT, curry, sex.. you name it. This is baby's official one-month's notice. :winkwink:

Sarah - glad your appointment went better this time :flower:

Fishy - the nursing vests are new in at asda living, they are fab. They only had white, but they not only clip down, they have material underneath so only your nipple pokes out. And they're only a fiver! :thumbup:

I've got so much to do in the house today, but still can't be bothered. I can't believe I STILL haven't started nesting. Mind you, stuff is getting done. I started my hospital bag yesterday, but it's too small. I can't believe how much room maternity pads take up! They aughta do them vacuum packed lol.

Hope you all have a fab day :flower:
I actually said out-loud "nooooo!" when I saw two September babies have been born already. I'm miserable too, why can't my baby be out yet? lol! :haha:

Edit: Btw I just noticed that I'm not on the list for September. Can I be added please? Team pink, due date September 3rd. =D

Don't be wishing baby out for a few weeks yet! Bit more growing to do. Our Sept babies are a wonderful little premmie and a beautiful angel girl. Couple more weeks Missus! :winkwink:

Blob, you look fabulous, sorry sweety!

Blondie - I am sure everything will be fine. My bubs was 4lbs 4lbs at the same stage and they said everything was fine. Yet between then and the scan yesterday she seems to have had a growth spurt because she was on the line or under for all her measurements, and she is now over for them all! Her legs are even the same size as her body now! :rofl:

I have a super hyper Simba today! She is such a bipolar baby!

OOooo and girls - have any of you found anywhere good and cheap to buy bedding? I especially need a waterproof cover and come cellular blankets. They are super cheap at Asda and tesco but they only seem to have moses basket sized ones and I need cot ones :)
Grrr Cafferine I feel a bit like you this morning too! Have done some chores and am sat here nursing a cup of very sweet decaf coffee. Boys are playing nicely, but we need to go out in a bit. I am trying my best to get organised, and have been upstairs to sort out the nappies and things in the baby's room. I have also put a sheet and a blanket in the pram carrycot and got some crib bedding out which DH should see clearly, should he need to get them at short notice. I still can't bring myself to pack the baby bag, that's next week's treat anyway cos if it comes now the stuff will be too big!
I also booked my hairdresser to come round next Thursday night to colour and chop me, and I need to take the boys for haircuts next week so they'll look nice on the new baby pics. All these things are running through my head constantly at the moment, must be my brain attempting to nest!

Hmmm Drazic, not sure about the bedding. I would have said Asda or Tesco! Mothercare has them but they're not cheap! I noticed some baby bedding, sheets and things in Dunelm Mill the other day if you've got one of those near you? Glad Simba is bouncing around for you today. These little ones do like to worry us!

I am very torn at the moment. I am starting to feel all fed up, then I remember it's great for me to still be pregnant and not have a baby already like I did with Archie. Jack was born at 36 weeks, so I think mentally I am prepared for this one to arrive at about the same time. I think I am inpatient but not ready at the same time?! Does that make any sense at all? Ooooh I am so not myself this morning!!
:wave: Hey everyone, i'm finally home! had a good nights sleep last night, it was well needed after being in there for the last three days.

They rescanned me yesterday and were happy enough that the flow through the cord had seemed to have improved and seemed normal compared to Mondays scan, they're keeping a close eye on it now though and I'm having another scan on Monday then another one after that sometime next week. I think they want to scan me twice a week now which is good because it means if there is actually a little something there, I've had the steroids for baby now and all they'd have to do is catch it quickly and whip her out :D

One of the main reasons I was kept in other than the cord is because of the steroids, and because of my gestational diabetes, typically the steroids contain loads of glucose and they screw up your blood sugar so I had to have insulin and be monitored after every meal. I only ate a salad on Tuesday night and my blood sugar went up to 10! what the hell!?
I was pretty annoyed though because they never offered me a diabetic menu or anything so I had to eat what was on offer, which of course being a hospital isnt the best. It didnt taste too bad but it was all prepackaged foods and I'm 100% sure they were packed full of undeeded sugars and that the food wasnt doing me any favours with my blood sugar either. :dohh:

So far since 28 weeks they've found;
Gestational Diabetes,
Reduced cord flow,
baby is measuring small.

The list seems to be growing endlessly, I'm now officially 100% scared to death that something bad is going to happen to this baby before she's out! Sorry to worry anyone else, I'm sure it's just my bad luck though :p

They've mentioned a few times that they'll probably be taking baby out at 38/39 weeks anyway and I definitely wont be left to go overdue so only 5 weeks left I'm hoping! just cant wait to have her here now and safe for cuddles. I'm very nervous since I keep saying she's not much of a wiggler and she doesn't seem to be moving veryh much :( the only thing I can keep thinking now is that when they put a trace on her the last 3 days she wiggled like hell, her heartbeat was fine and they said the scan was ok and I have another soon.

Cheeky monkey is STILL breech by the way! they told me she was head down at all my last appointments but apparently they were feeling her bum down there instead of her head :dohh: she's now officially been breech since 16 weeks and I dont think she has any intention of turning over, only 5 weeks left for her to. I think I'm definitely heading for c-section

I think I did mention that she's 3lb 15oz at the moment at 33 weeks which I think is a *little* small but not overly! I don't think almost 4lb is too bad but they keep insisting its "small for you" whatever that's supposed to mean. I suppose they're trying to insinuate because I'm over weight and have GD that they think I eat like a pig and that the baby should be massive *eye roll*

Will come back and pay more attention to personals later! got loads to do. Only got out last night and I move house on Saturday! eeeeeeeeeeek.

Oh - I noticed on my notes that baby is measuring in the 10th percentile? is that bad? I get paranoid after I read my notes but I cant help it and I noticed all her limbs and everything were a bit small too? :shrug:


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