Hi everyone!
Had a good (and calm) visit at my prenatal clinic today.

Sympathetic listening and a few looks exchanged when I told them which ultrasound company had screwed us around so badly on Monday. Apparently, we aren't the first with a story like this.
I just hope they do something with that information and STOP SENDING PATIENTS THERE!!!

Anyway, at my request, notes were placed in my file to read that I will not have someone from their office make appointments for me at other clinics. I will make them myself and inform the clinic and they can send the requisition form over. And I will phone to make sure that it got there before I go to the appointment
Part of me finds it absolutely ridiculous that I have to take these steps, but I have just decided that I do not need to experience that kind of stress and frustration again. If it takes me doing every step myself, then I will.
The doctors at the clinic are so great. I don't want to not have their care because I'm fed up with the office admin. Might as well just be proactive and prevent the f-ups from happening, I figure.

I felt like I was heard, but I could totally see this happening again, so I'll take what control I can over the situation.
I was 35.5 cm at 32 weeks, so I think I've slowed a bit on the growth front, too. Only .5 cm fundal growth in two weeks.
It will be interesting to see what baby's size is at the ultrasound tomorrow. There must be a global phenomenon of kicky babies today - my little guy was wiggling all over the place non-stop! They had to work for awhile to get his heart rate as he kept wiggling away from the doppler.
He's in the same position as Simon was - head down and curled with his back to one side. I must have a comfortable womb in that position!

Let's just hope he doesn't pull the same posterior position as his brother. I would like to be spared the back labour. And the induction.
But I really kind of expect it to happen again.
Cute bump, Blob! Quite impressive!

I still feel whale-sized and I had to put my feet up at work today to drain my cankles. GROSS!
Louise, and others with the drinky men, I get it that they are blowing off a little steam - after all, impending baby is a big deal for them, too. But at this stage, boys, we could really have the baby at any moment. Probably not the best plan to get plastered when your lady is this close to labour and you are the one driving them to the hospital? Just a suggestion!
I am a bit of a stubborn luddite when it comes to cell phones and I deactivated the texting function on mine as I never ever use it. So I will just pop on and say "had baby!" when I get a chance, I think!