Helloooooooooooo everyone, a happier Louise this afternoon I promise! I was thinking about asking Becs to be text buddies as we've already swapped numbers and we're due 3 days apart??
Me and DH are all sorted out now, he has apologised, it turns out he was here earlier than I thought but he said that after seeing a text from me that said 'ring me NOW.' he was scared to come upstairs in case I was mad, even though he must have realised I was still awake cos the text had only come through minutes before!! Doh! Oh well, he said last night marked his last alcoholic drink until the baby arrives and THursday night is not happening now so I'm happy! Plus I get to be pampered and choose tonights film!
Had 34 week appointment today, went well, she prodded the baby around a bit as she has been very quiet today and she well and truly woke her up!! She is head down and head is engaged, 4/5 apparently which means just a bit is in my pelvis?
She estimates her birth weight to be between 6 and a half pounds and 7 pounds 2 which sounds good to me, she said she certainly won't be huge! Might get some use out of the newborn clothes we've been buying then!!! She also gave me the number for the obs physio person about the SPD, she said thats most probably what it is and it certainly sounds like it, and it's self referral apparently?!
Anyway, happy with all of that, fundal height was 32 1/2 so a bit under but she didn't tell me an estimate of her weight now... Nor would she tell me when she's going to arrive!!!!
Hope everyone is well x