Hi everyone, haven't been around for a while as i've had my Mom down to stay! I had my 1st hypnobirth class on monday which was awesome! I'm actually quite looking forward to the birth now

. On wednesday i had my 34 week scan, placenta has moved out of the way (well it's been nudged aside & is next to babies head now

but they say it will move up as baby moves down). Baby was measuring big, they are predicting a 9lb er+ but they said this seems normal for the birth weights in the area (we are breeding fat babies lol) and i don't really care as long as bubba is ok

. The consultant also said because bubba is big they won't let me go over & would most likely preform a sweep on my due date if nothing has already started

(my birth plan says no medical intervention) hey ho - we'll see what bubba thinks eh

Bubba looked grumpy in the scan too heehee - was as impressed as mummy having to get to the hospital at 8.50 in the bloomin morning! Will upload scan piccy when i get a few minutes & feel a bit better.
Not feeling too well today - think i may have overdone things yesterday, although i did find some lovely leather sandals which fit & are comfy (plus a lush pair of shoes for post baby lol) so kinda worth it. Feels like bubba has moved & has feet in my stomach today - can't sit forward & feel sick a lot of the time.
Upped my RLT tablets this week - now taking 2 a day, plan to increase by one each week until i'm on full dose of 6 tablets by 38weeks
Bek - you look gorgeous hun! & that nursery is delicious! Typing reply as i read - sorry your scan didn't go well hun! Poor you & bubba eh

Glad your out now thought & things looking under control

Mamabird what a lovely surprise - such wonderful friends you have hun!
Ah but then we can be massive baby bump buddies!

me tooo!
i pray for snow so i can walk in it with flip flops!
OMG that sounds like heaven!!!! If you get some can i come to stay? pleeeeeeease

Blob - lovely bump hun
Can i ask some opinions please? I'm due to go camping this weekend to a race meeting with DH & 2 close friends, do i go or not? I'm excited about going as we have all access passes (to the pits & everything

) but i'm worried how i will cope sleeping in a tent, not sure of the actual place & it's facilities (all i know is it's a track on Anglesea). I've packed my normal stuff plus a very basic supply incase i go into labour

& i know the nearest main hospital would be Bangor so we have an emergency plan in place just in case. Has anyone else been away at this point in their pregnancy? I wouldn't think twice about staying home but i know i will be bored stiff on my own all weekend & i'll miss DH loads!
Phew - that's me caught up i think, sorry if i missed anyone - i wanted to skim through & try to catch up but also trying to get off the pc as i really wanna go have a lie down & try to perk myself up for when DH comes home (he must be so fed up of me lolling around the house all fed up & grumpy bless him lol).
Catch you all soon