Good Morning all,
Baby got hickups again, we seem to get them about twice a day, having a good wriggle with them now, so not sure if baby annoyed with them today, usually baby is not worried!
I think it is because everyone is being loud, dh was chatting to bump the other night and it was going nuts, I remember dd going nuts with his voice too, but he gets up close and talks through my tummy so i think that is why!
I have lost a savings book, I was searching all night last night, but just cant find it, so first thing went to building society and its ok no one has drawn all my money out! It is my Christmas savings so i was going nuts because obviously i start saving in January and so its a lot of saving! How annoying i have baby brain, I just don't know where this book can be, and always keep it in same 2 places, but when it was not in either i was stumped!
I am soooooo nesting, I want to get the carpets cleaned today in the lounge, but it is not a great day to dry out or send kids out to play either, I am also itching to paint the hall, it is in need of a paint, the only room in the house that has seen paint since dh moved into the house when it was new is the bathroom, and i did that!
Its all magnolia, and although i dont have a problem with that it is dirty from little fingers and i need a more wipeable hall.
I am going to get the paint and it will have to be a joint effort but dh is reluctant to do it in the kids summer holidays and i am 'BUT IT MUST BE DONE NOW' I must be a nightmare!
Will be happy with getting carpets done for now, perhaps i could clean the walls for now!
Mrs N, Hello, I enjoyed our holiday but i must admit I was glad to be home! Hope you had a nice time x
Asher, Lovely bump, I love the addition of the dog wandering about behind! I had to look at the big pic to check you hadn't grown a tail!
Krakir, Not sure on the rlt, i am not keen on fruity teas usually and i get the impression it tastes vile! I have various camomile and pepermints in cupboard untouched thinking one day i would like them, but i never do!
Think i would have to go for tablet form if i did but not too bothered this time, sex got the last baby out on time!
Sarahkka, I have felt much better eating egg at breakfast, it makes sense its protein, but seems strange it makes such a difference from being really sick to no sickness. I felt a bit queasy this morning but was not sick.

Glad your scan went well, sounds like a good size baby, I recon mine will be about a 7lb baby, the average of mine are about that, and at 32 weeks 4lb 2oz is on track for about that, I had my bet in at 7lb 2-4oz for mine because my last was just under 7 so thinking this will be just over, I can squeeze that out!
MamaBird, Happy start to maternity leave!

Or just happy no work days! Glad to hear you can take things a bit easier now, hope it helps with the blood pressure
My notes are in my bedroom, I will pack them in my bag at about 38 weeks but never had an early baby yet, my earliest was my waters breaking 1 day b4 due date, but my labour took so long to get going she was still not born til a day after due date, and i was shocked she was that close to being on time, and my first not needing to be induced!
Hoping for non induced again, it was a nicer labour, much more natural i suppose, the others seemed to quick fire out once induction worked!
I have plans for my birthing ball, and bouncing on it from about 35 weeks, and sex from 37, if i can get dh to agree, although he did last time
How shocked will i be if this baby is early!
Anyway time to go, dh is winding the kids up and he is the biggest kid out of all of them!
Big waves to all, hope everyone has a great day,

thinkpink xx