****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

I keep mine in a special corner in my lounge but luckily my house is on my way to the doctors from work so if I do forget I pop back.
Hi Ladies!

So much I wanted to say....but my brain doesn't seem to be functioning well!:wacko:

First off thank you ladies that voted for my photo. I don't think I'll win this weeks draw though...maybe next week! :)

Bekklez: So happy to hear you are home relaxing now and things seem to be looking up!

Well I'm not sure if I posted this in here...but Wed. had a meeting with my MW and she told me she wanted me off work. My blood pressure has been rising for the last 2 weeks so she wants me to rest more, especially after my night in hospital last week. I wasn't going to go off, I was just going to shorten my hours...but DH convinced me last night to just get the hell out of there, stay home, relax and do what's best for Peyton and I. So today was my last day!!:happydance: It's two weeks earlier then I originally wanted...but I can't say I'm too sad! :shrug:

Hopefully I can keep track of this page now! :)

Hey ladies, just a quick post as I'm on my mobile. Blob-if you have the book your 2/3 of the way there, feel free to pm me any questions & i'll help you out as much as I can.
That m&p travel system is funky - it's the one dh would have bought if my parents hadn't bought us ours.
As for not letting me go over, it was the consultant who said that - who knows what the midwife will say as their advice usually contradicts each other lol

I feel a little better for having a lie down for a few hours, just had dinner.......not long till bed now :happydance:

Night night ladies :hugs:
Evening girls!
I had a really great ultrasound appointment this morning.
Excellent staff at the clinic and baby was the sweetest, plumpest, wiggliest little thing.
He's gorgeous!
Big and healthy and everything just perfect.
He's measuring 5 lbs 1 oz at 32 weeks, so officially considered big, but I don't think that's enormous. If he gains the .5 lb/week that they usually do around this stage, I'll be pushing out a 9 lber. That I can do.
Simon was 8 lbs 10+oz, and I had no problems there. So I'm good!
And watch him balloon to 15 lbs and rip me in two. That'll teach me to be overly confident! :)

babythinkpink - it's all about the protein with the sick feeling, I think! I really notice a difference if I don't have a good serving of protein in the morning and at lunch. It doesn't make as much of a difference for me at dinner, but morning and mid-day, I really notice it.

mamabird/Brig - very good decision on the sick leave. And now you can relax, enjoy, and just focus on baby and gestating. :)

drea - the room makeover sounds lovely. Our room is so tiny and cramped and horribly messy. I'm pretty sure we'll lose the baby in there at some point, buried under some nasty pile of laundry or something. Hopefully the cradle helps keep him safe above the chaos! :)

limpet - If you are sleeping on the ground, just be sure to bring lots of pillows. I didn't and it was pretty hard on the old pelvic girdle. If you are car camping, you can load up on them and have a reasonably comfy night.
As for traveling - just do it. It's pretty rare that labour is going to happen really quickly. Even if you did start, you 'd have time to get back. It would be incredibly unlikely that you'd have the baby in the space of two hours. And just bring a small "just in case" bag and you're covered! That's what I'd do, but I am also jaded and cynical and convinced that this baby is going to be dragged out by induction, so anything to tempt the gods to send labour upon me can and will be attempted. Remember, I'm the girl who's working until three days before her due date and not packing a hospital bag. At all. :thumbup:

Annnnddd.... all thoughts and messages just fell out of my head. I think I am going to stare into space and drool for the rest of the evening.
I bought my RLT today, the pharmacy i work at just got some in yesterday, good timing lol. Im really curious to taste it, but don't want to start drinking it to early -.-
Morning ladies.

Mamabird, I'm glad you finished work, you can relax now until baby is here.

Thanks Drea for the good wishes for this bloomin cold. Throat is sore today, but I am determined not to let it bother me too much.

Fish&Chips, yep I reckon for me at least, the more painful BHs are a build up. They certainly were when I was having Jack. I think I had about a two week build up from the BHs beginning to build and get more frequent and serious. If the past is anything to go, this baby should hopefully get to about 36 weeks, which is fine for me. Little Archie was already a week old by now!

I took a couple of naked bump pics this morning. The quality is not so good, but here they are:

Claire you have a lovely neat bump!!

I am off to go get my hair cut and coloured, get a few bits in town then chill out ready for our summer ball this evening! Done all the housework so I am ready to go!! Think I might try and have a nap this afternoon as I will be ready to come home by 9pm!! Its the muggy weather thats making me more tired and the fact that I am up half the night wanting a wee and then most of the time its only a trickle!!!
Hi girls, I've been away for over a week now so I guess I've missed a load!
I've been to Devon and back twice in the last fortnight so I'm officially exhausted!
Hoping everyone is well :hugs:
Good Morning all,

Baby got hickups again, we seem to get them about twice a day, having a good wriggle with them now, so not sure if baby annoyed with them today, usually baby is not worried!
I think it is because everyone is being loud, dh was chatting to bump the other night and it was going nuts, I remember dd going nuts with his voice too, but he gets up close and talks through my tummy so i think that is why!

I have lost a savings book, I was searching all night last night, but just cant find it, so first thing went to building society and its ok no one has drawn all my money out! It is my Christmas savings so i was going nuts because obviously i start saving in January and so its a lot of saving! How annoying i have baby brain, I just don't know where this book can be, and always keep it in same 2 places, but when it was not in either i was stumped!:dohh:

I am soooooo nesting, I want to get the carpets cleaned today in the lounge, but it is not a great day to dry out or send kids out to play either, I am also itching to paint the hall, it is in need of a paint, the only room in the house that has seen paint since dh moved into the house when it was new is the bathroom, and i did that!
Its all magnolia, and although i dont have a problem with that it is dirty from little fingers and i need a more wipeable hall.
I am going to get the paint and it will have to be a joint effort but dh is reluctant to do it in the kids summer holidays and i am 'BUT IT MUST BE DONE NOW' I must be a nightmare!
Will be happy with getting carpets done for now, perhaps i could clean the walls for now!

Mrs N, Hello, I enjoyed our holiday but i must admit I was glad to be home! Hope you had a nice time x:hugs:

Asher, Lovely bump, I love the addition of the dog wandering about behind! I had to look at the big pic to check you hadn't grown a tail! :haha:

Krakir, Not sure on the rlt, i am not keen on fruity teas usually and i get the impression it tastes vile! I have various camomile and pepermints in cupboard untouched thinking one day i would like them, but i never do!
Think i would have to go for tablet form if i did but not too bothered this time, sex got the last baby out on time!:hugs:

Sarahkka, I have felt much better eating egg at breakfast, it makes sense its protein, but seems strange it makes such a difference from being really sick to no sickness. I felt a bit queasy this morning but was not sick.:thumbup:
Glad your scan went well, sounds like a good size baby, I recon mine will be about a 7lb baby, the average of mine are about that, and at 32 weeks 4lb 2oz is on track for about that, I had my bet in at 7lb 2-4oz for mine because my last was just under 7 so thinking this will be just over, I can squeeze that out! :haha:

MamaBird, Happy start to maternity leave!:happydance: Or just happy no work days! Glad to hear you can take things a bit easier now, hope it helps with the blood pressure:hugs:

My notes are in my bedroom, I will pack them in my bag at about 38 weeks but never had an early baby yet, my earliest was my waters breaking 1 day b4 due date, but my labour took so long to get going she was still not born til a day after due date, and i was shocked she was that close to being on time, and my first not needing to be induced!
Hoping for non induced again, it was a nicer labour, much more natural i suppose, the others seemed to quick fire out once induction worked!
I have plans for my birthing ball, and bouncing on it from about 35 weeks, and sex from 37, if i can get dh to agree, although he did last time:haha:

How shocked will i be if this baby is early!

Anyway time to go, dh is winding the kids up and he is the biggest kid out of all of them!

Big waves to all, hope everyone has a great day,


:baby:thinkpink xx
You lot talk so much..I missed a day yesterday and have been forever catching up! :haha:
Well, I have my 2nd growth scan next wednesday to check his size again and then on Mon 9th August I have to visit the consultant. I think the possibility of a homebirth has passed me by. :nope:
I am hoping that they don't let me go over as my first son was 8lb 14oz and they think this little man is bigger...2 weeks over and I think I would be in for a 10lber! :dohh:

I guess all I can do is wait for the advice of the consulant and see what they have in store for me. It is getting a little scary now as there is only 4 1/2 weeks left and I don't feel ready. Not even thought about my hospital bag yet. :blush:

Off topic, but I have sold my beetle...:cry:. It is going in for its MOT today and then it is heading for bonny Scotland. I am just hoping that a 40yr old car can take 7hrs of driving! :haha:

All that reading and I have forgotten anyone I was going to mention. Bekklez, glad Ellie is in there a bit longer getting bigger and stronger by the day.
To those that mentioned RLT, I started mine at 32 weeks and drink 2 cups religiously everyday. I think it might me time to up the dose!

Must go, so much to do so little time.
Hugs to all. xx
:hugs: teeny weeny, hope things go okay with your scan and appointment

babythinkpink baby is also getting hiccups a lot here, at least a couple of times a day, it's such a wierd feeling! Hope you manage to find your savings book.

I am starting to get seriously annoyed with DHs lack of ability to do anything about the house. Having been away for a week to go to my Grampa's funeral you would think he could at least have done the dishes. It's probably partly nesting, but I want everything to be super clean and tidy, and I just can't do it all myself with the SPD. He tells me to rest, put my feet up, but then he sits on the sofa all evening too. :dohh: Grr, men are rubbish!
Hi girls

Limpets you me and fishy can be in the massive baby club then! I've also been predicted 9lbs+ :wacko: My friend just had her baby yesterday at 6 days overdue and her baby was 9lb 11oz!!! Ouch! I haven't spoken to her much but she ended up going for an epidural but it didn't work (she wanted natural so must have been in a lot of pain!) and lost 3 pints of blood. Ok now I'm crapping myself!! As for camping, I think if you feel ok physically then go for it otherwise you will feel like you missed out. However, I went at 28 weeks and that was the last time I could have managed it and I would defo not go now, but that's only because of my hip pain and getting up and down would be too hard!

Becs yay for the pram! How exciting. It's a lovely one too. Isn't it the one stacey slater has on eastenders? lol That's sad that I know that... And I am also having to get up in the night every 5 mins for a trickle lol

Asher boo for the cold, hope it goes soon x And lovely bump!

Yay for getting the grant Drea! Sounds like a good day all round :flower:

Fishy nothing has been said to me about being induced because of a big baby either :wacko: I also feel enormous and keep getting sympathetic looks from people when I am out and about lol

MamaB yay for finishing work!!! :happydance: Make sure you have a nice rest now x

Sarahkka glad the scan went well, you can join the big baby club as well if you like! I'm like you too, I'd much rather the baby be big and healthy :baby:

:hi: Mrs N!

babythinkpink my baby gets hiccups at least 3 times a day too and seems to get annoyed sometimes!

Teeny hope the scan goes well.... seems like a lot of us are in for bigguns!

Anyway, I'm super lazy today and STILL not dressed :blush: so better go get dressed and get on with cleaning the house!

Have a good day girls

Hey Ladies,
Hope we are all well today? Well i feel much better for napping yesterday afternoon & sleeping in until 11.30 today :thumbup:, guess i had just overdone the activities & under done the sleeping at the begninning of the week.
I'm just negotiating a deal with an ebay seller heehee, i want a swing they are selling which ended this morning (whilst i was dreaming of dyeing my hair :wacko:) he wants £40 for it - i've offered £30, only time will tell & there are always more for sale on there anyway (i'm just too impatient to wait as i can collect this one today heehee).

limpet - If you are sleeping on the ground, just be sure to bring lots of pillows. I didn't and it was pretty hard on the old pelvic girdle. If you are car camping, you can load up on them and have a reasonably comfy night.
As for traveling - just do it. It's pretty rare that labour is going to happen really quickly. Even if you did start, you 'd have time to get back. It would be incredibly unlikely that you'd have the baby in the space of two hours. And just bring a small "just in case" bag and you're covered! That's what I'd do, but I am also jaded and cynical and convinced that this baby is going to be dragged out by induction, so anything to tempt the gods to send labour upon me can and will be attempted. Remember, I'm the girl who's working until three days before her due date and not packing a hospital bag. At all.
I have an inflatable double mattress in the attic which we take (i prefer to camp in style lol). I must just remember lots of blankets - last year my only discomfort was being sooooo cold at night! I have packet a mini labour bag just in case - it'll be the only chance i might get to use the prem clothes i have i can tell you :haha:) as DH would have to come home anyway to get car seat & he can always pcik up more supplies if needed :thumbup:. It's like a military operation!

Within our group of friends we always have birthday celebrations, the next one (next weekend) has chosen to go carting :cry:i am gutted!:cry:always wanted to go carting:cry:. Still at least i can participate in the frisbee golfing the weekend after :happydance:

I have no idea why i am online as i have soo much to do today :shrug: aaah well, it'll all get done sooner or later :dohh:

Have a good weekend if i don't come on again ladies - take care all :hugs:
I'm with you Emzy :hugs: i'm hoping the hypnobirthing does it's magic for me :thumbup:that or a prem baby lmao, i keep telling Tufty it's safe to come out anytime now :haha:.

I'm also peeing about every 1 1/2 hours! It's quite annoying as when i go there's not much comes out........even my lousy bladder is capable of holding more than that lol.

We have started putting classic FM on the radio at night when we are going to sleep - Tufty seems to love it, gets excited at 1st then settles down nicely & doesn't wake Mommy all night :cloud9:. Although that all changes as soon as Daddy gets up :dohh: Tufty kicks & wriggles until DH comes & puts his hands on my tummy & that seems to settle him/her awwwwww - it nearly melts me every time :cloud9:
This baby gets hicups SO much :wacko: its mental Tabs was really the same and then she was like that as a baby too :cloud9:

EEEEEKKKK almost finished my hospital bag...perhaps will finish it before i'm 37 weeks :lol: ONLY one week away :sick:

Limpet i went away to Blair Castle (the horse trials my sister was competing) I was grooming :haha: but i slept in the lorry for a week with no problem :thumbup: I dont think you'll have any problems.

I'm about to go and have a nap...i really should spend this time cleaning the house while Tabs isnt here but i'm sleepy :rofl:
ALSO here is a photo of Tabs room that i was doing... :)

Still got to put the new light on and also i think i put the canopy too high :cry: think i might take all the bits off it also...hmm


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haha - i'd opt for the nap too!
I have decided to go :thumbup: Dh packing everything he can to make it comfy for me bless him & i said i'll take my book so i can take myself off for a quite rest if i feel a bit weary. Lots of snacks & drinks too - need to go shopping for munchy style goodies :haha:. Our friends are planning to eat from fast food vans all weekend but i don't trust them at the best of times so we'll pack a dispo bbq & some cheese baps to keep us going :happydance:

Ebay negotiations continue :winkwink:, hope i get it - it really is soo pretty! Hi-tech too so hopefully DH won't shout at me too much for buying it lol
Mmmmmmmm snacks :haha: I hate burger vans too :sick:

Oooooh what does the swing look like??
OMG blob! I WANNA MOVE IN let alone your daughter :haha:. That is just gorgeous! I'm soooo jealous (for me not the baby lol)

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