****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Aww, room looks gorgeous blob!

Amy - wishing being overdue on me is it? Nasssssty lady :kiss:
Bloody men,
Dh has gone to get a smelly old hutch from his mums, to turn into a hedgehog house, he borrows the car, shoves it in without using the boot liner, which is in the boot, gets sawdust and crap all over the boot of the car, shoves the smelly old hut in the garden (where it will be never b4 he does turn it into a hedgehog house, it will sit there and rot) leaves the car parked outside the house, i hover the back of the car or he will leave it like that, then he moans that no one has locked the car when he left it there, moans that his phone is in the car, um, which he put there, so i say i will put the car back.
He is stropping about because i am annoyed about all this, I just wonder on what grounds he is stropping when it is him done all this and me had to clean it up, put the car back or look at a crappy hutch in the garden for the forseeable...?
This highlights the huge box in the kitchen for his bloody powerwasher that i have been waiting about 3 weeks now for him to put in the shed, if i get ds to do it like i do everything else he will moan that its not been done right:wacko:

Which bit of 'I want the house kept clean and tidy doesn't he get?? He sat and watched me carpet clean today, that must be a hint i want it clean?

And while he was out he has fed him and ds with a mcdonalds so all the rest of us have to wait til they are hungry for tea and we havent eaten.:shrug:

Man rant over, mood so not over!!:dohh:
Man rant over, mood so not over!!
:hugs: They really are all the same just in different skins aren't they :dohh:. I'd cook dinner for everyone but DH & DS & blag you thought they wouldn't be hungry as they had already eaten :haha: oh how mean am i :blush:

Well the ebay seller has agreed on £35 but still not sure. It does look inviting & a few people have loved it - i guess like all things it depends on your baby at the end of the day. Guess i can always sell it on if Tufty hates it! I'd really like the Graco Sweetpeace but i can't justify over £100 & the amount of space it will take up! (also so not very portable)
Just realised my post might not make much sense as my previous one failed to load :growlmad:

Here's the swing & i had put that it doesn't have the most amazing reviews, but i like certain functions on it & it's affordable whereas a lot of the others i like are waaaaaay off limits for us xxx


  • starlight swing.jpg
    starlight swing.jpg
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Hi Ladies!

Sarahkka: So happy everything went well!! :hugs:

Asher: Your bump is gorgeous!! Not a stretch mark in sight!! Lucky lady!! I just took a bump picture too and well...it doesn't look anything like your perfect bump!:haha: here it is!

Becs: Have Fun!

Krakir: I am actually enjoying the RLT! I find it tastes a little like chamomile, my fav! which I haven't had this whole pregnancy.

babythinkpink: Seems like everything is on track!! :thumbup:

Teeny: I know exactly how you feel. I am due a month from Monday and I haven't even packed my bag yet! so many last minute things to do. I guess I have all the time in the world now though! :haha:

Limpetsmum: I know exactly how you feel about the peeing. Sometimes it's every 45 min. for me then sometimes I make it to 2 hours. It's so annoying! Definitely one thing of pregnancy I won't miss!:dohh:

Blob: Tabs room is gorgeous!!!!

Emzy: Sounds like plug to me!!!! I lost pieces of mine a couple weeks ago, it was so gross! but then nothing else happened? :shrug: I have heard it can reform so I guess that's what happened for me...but you are getting close my dear!!

Alright well I am off to try to be somewhat productive! :haha: Maybe laundry and put a few things away! Have a nice weekend ladies!

Limpets - Is that mamas and papas . It looks very similar to the swing my sister is giving to me... my niece loved it.... they aren't in it for long so I would go for it for £35
your bump looks ace mamabird!
that swing looks nice limpets, I reckon £35 is a good price for it, and you can always sell it on.
:hugs: babythinkpink, men are indeed useless!

Totally feel for you girls who are peeing all the time, that can't be fun! I am still getting up only once a night, and ocassionally not at all, which is pretty incredible! Reckon I must have a steel bladder :haha:
Blimey you lot have been chatty today! Thanks for the bump comments, I think it must have been having a neat moment this morning when I took those pics, cos it's huge and round again now! Mamabird, yours is lovely!

Blob that room is just FAB! I want one like that!!

Amy Caitlyn is just the cutest! Little honey!!

I hope everyone starts to pick up from their random immune stuff soon. It's crap when you get a cold or cough or something when you already feel run down. Mine has totally zapped all of my energy today. I went for the usual swim and enjoyed it but it was really hard work, and now I just feel like I want to go to bed! And I can't! Mother in law is 60 today, and some bright spark has organised a surprise girly meal for her, which obviously I have to go to! She isn't going to be at all pleased either!! Ha ha! I asked DH before if he fancies having a go at my make up and straightening my hair for me. He said no. Boooo.

Becs, have a lovely time at your summer ball tonight.

Emzy, eek!! I suppose it could be some of your plug! I always remember mine resembling snotty bloody slugs. How nice!

Grrr I have forgotten everything else I was going to say!! Limpets, hope you get the swing!
My husband always straightens my hair for me, i have really thick hair and i cant do the back myself so he always does it. I sit in my sons mini armchair and hubby sits on his armchair and he happily does it for me whilst watching telly think he likes doing it really lol.

I also have a bladder made of steel i haven't once needed to get up in the night to go to the toilet but during the day i am going more than often but not much which is really good for me because as a child i had urge incontinence which meant i couldnt hold it in!
Hi Ladies....remember me??:blush:

Have been having a rubbish time with our internet the last week and I cant use my i-touch very well. But it seems to be back up again and working ok....fingers crossed!

Sorry I have read a few pages back but not got a clue on whats going on!:shrug:

I have scanned the bumps and they are looking gorgeous ladies:thumbup:
Blob Tabs room is beautiful...such a princessy room! I love the canopy!:thumbup:

Nothing much changing here except I am feeling more and more crippled every day in my hips and the pressure in my vagina is so immense I think baby is gonna fall out:blush:
I have also been feeling really sick the last few days...so much so I missed my last day at work as I was busy being sick and crippled. The clinic mw thinks I might be getting SPD...but hoping its just my big baby tunneling her way out soon.
I am gonna have a look at my pregnancy journal with Nathan and see hwo I felt in the weeks leading up to his birth as my mum is convinced she will be here in the next 3 weeks:shock: In some ways I hope so but as long as she arrives after the 9th AUgust I will be happy as I have a mini pampre session booked and am getting my legs waxed, massage, facial and a pedicure! Its an early birthday present to me. But with Nathan I booked in for waxing and everything and he arrived early and I was a hairy monster with clawy feet:dohh:

Anyways....hopefully I can try to get a just of how you all are over the next few pages of posts which am sure will be in the next 10/15 mins:haha:

Hope your all good and am sorry if I am missing anything major...please point it out to me if I am as I would hate to think someone thinks am rude for not mentioning.

Emzy I've been checking constantly and nothing plug like has come out yet. My friend on Bumps and Flushes lost her plug and then had the baby a few days later!

Asher and Brigitte, lovely bump photos. Brigitte has yours dropped? It looks lower. x
Emma i've been wondering where you were!! :hugs:

F&C my friend lost hers for weeks and weeks before hers arrived :(
Ann: You are the 3rd person to say that after seeing the photo!? I guess so!??? I haven't noticed because I have been carrying low the whole pregnancy.
LOVE the bump pic also BTW :D Its really nice bump!!
I wish i got size scans here :(
We pretty much just get a suprise when we try and push it out!
my fundal height is 36cm, so a little ahead, i'm expecting a slightly larger than the norm baby, especially since OH was such a large baby! i don't think i'm going to buy any more new newborn sized clothes just in case.

i also wish i could go camping, i would totally go now if i had the opportunity, however were currently suffering from a fire ban :growlmad:
soo camping wouldn't be too enjoyable anyways.

i brought up RLT with my doctor, (as we don't have midwives here) and she says not before 36 weeks for me :( But baby is still head down, she didn't mention anything about if she was engaged, but i think she might be as she sounded a little suprised at where the babies head was and asked if i was feeling a lot of pressure.

Today is my LAST day of work...hopefully.
I brought my benefits papers to my doctor to be signed off, and the papers said they were supposed to be done like 30 days ago, and they can be declined?! But they weren't given to me till today, so i'm hoping all will go well with it.:shrug:

Everyone's bumps and nurseries look great!!:thumbup:
and yes protein in the morning makes ALL the difference to me in the morning, if i don't eat enough protein before work, i get heart palpitations, hot flashes, the shakes, even vision spots and come close to vomiting or passing out, it can be pretty scary. I always have a stash of peanuts or cheese around work now, just in case.:thumbup:
Lovely bump pics ladies! I daren't take a naked one... I'm just toooo paranoid. I need to play the game a little more cos i'm not being fair :blush:

Ooooo Emzy that sounds like your plug to me! I don't know what happened to mine last time... My waters broke at 36+5 (with a gush in the middle of the night), and I had her at 37 weeks exactly after being induced. I don't remember losing it at all... I wonder if it came out with my waters? Hmm... I dunno. Anyway, not long for you now. As I've put, DD was early and completely fine (a little jaundice but not enough to be treated) and 6lb 9 - so your baby's already bigger than she was! Oooooo how exciting!!!!

I think i'm gonna start my RLT on Sunday (at 34 weeks), but i'm a bit worried to because of DD being my first and STILL early. Makes me think that this one might be early too? Or maybe that's just my wishful thinking lol. I didn't know about RLT last time, so looking forward to trying it this time.

Blob, Tabs' room is gorgeous. I love the canopy with all the butterflies.

Have fun camping Limpets, and have fun at the 'do tonight becs!

Babythinkp.. I must say i'd make tea without them. I'd do the lasagne you have, and get them to reheat it later when they are hungry.

Talking about food, i feel sooooooo sick. I took DD and my sister (who's 15) to watch toy story 3 this aft, and we got a HUGE bag of popcorn and massive drink. Add to that the macdonalds after (and strawberry milkshake) and i've just had waaaay too much sugar. It's actually given me headache, and made me feel really dehydrated, but I can't drink much water because then I feel like i'm gonna pop!

On a separate note, I was in macdonalds, and I noticed that there was a guy in there who kept looking over at me. Well, i completely forgot that I was pregnant, and thought 'hell yeah, i've still got it... looking good today missy'. Then I remembered that i'm the size of a house :dohh:

I've been getting VERY mild period type pains today (so mild they're barely noticable). I'm not worried, as i've been wearing my linen trousers (which, even though they are maternity, are still a little too tight). But i'm gonna keep an eye on it all the same.

I'm with all you ladies who are in the night-time pee club. It's so annoying isn't it?!

Righty, best get off, DD and OH are back from MIL's and it's DD's bed time at half past (she loves the extra half hour she gets now it's holidays).

I have never experienced loosing a plug with either of my last 2 babies! So I'm not expecting one this time. I wish I could have some sort of sign that baby is coming. I just start contracting out of nowhere! lol
Emzy - No idea about the plug but maybe it's the start of something and you won't have to wait too much longer to meet little Holly. 38 weeks would be nice for cuddles eh!

Mamabird - your bump is and always has looked fab

Asher - Your bump is looking fab too! :thumbup:

I haven't thought or decided if I'm going to be having any RLT yet! Since I know Im probably gonna be induced at 38 weeks and have her early anyway I think I might just skip it.

Having a poo day today :( My blood sugar is playing up really badly.

I had two pieces of wholemeal toast today for breakfast and it was 7.2 afterwards compared to yesterdays breakfast which was the same and only 5.2 afterwards!?! what the hell is going on there?

it was also 7.9 after a wholemeal chicken and cucumber bap and 7.7 after a grilled chicken salad so im feeling rather sorry for myself as I'm practically starving and cant even eat anything, sugar or no sugar :'(
I've ended up at the hospital feeling ill twice in the last few weeks both times they found +2 keytones in my water which indicated i wasnt eating enough and was basically exhausted but then i get told i cant eat anything.

Really want this baby out soon! I've also spent the last two days in a state of nervous panic constantly waiting for her every movement. I'm so scared I'm going to lose her to stillbirth because of the Gestational Diabetes and what they said about her cord. :(

sorry to sound depressey! hope you ladies are all having good days for me too :hugs:

I'll get some snaps of my house once im moved in tomorrow for you all to have a nosey at :)

Emzy, with my DD I slowely lost my plug over a few weeks but when induced I had a blood streaked show and that's when I went. :) Exciting stuff!

Gorgeous bumps girl!!!!!

All is well here, I had my 32 week scan and baby is as she should be, head down, growing well (not too well ;P) and they estimate that she's about 3lb12oz at 32 weeks. My consultant was a bit rubbish today but I won't have to see her again until full term with the aim to be inducing me at 41 weeks. Seems all a bit too real now lol.
I am so tired but I'm not sleeping well, how's everyone else doing. I feel like my body is resting but my brain won't relax. Hormones lol.

Big hugs to all the Sept stars.xxx

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