Lovely bump pics ladies! I daren't take a naked one... I'm just toooo paranoid. I need to play the game a little more cos i'm not being fair
Ooooo Emzy that sounds like your plug to me! I don't know what happened to mine last time... My waters broke at 36+5 (with a gush in the middle of the night), and I had her at 37 weeks exactly after being induced. I don't remember losing it at all... I wonder if it came out with my waters? Hmm... I dunno. Anyway, not long for you now. As I've put, DD was early and completely fine (a little jaundice but not enough to be treated) and 6lb 9 - so your baby's already bigger than she was! Oooooo how exciting!!!!
I think i'm gonna start my RLT on Sunday (at 34 weeks), but i'm a bit worried to because of DD being my first and STILL early. Makes me think that this one might be early too? Or maybe that's just my wishful thinking lol. I didn't know about RLT last time, so looking forward to trying it this time.
Blob, Tabs' room is gorgeous. I love the canopy with all the butterflies.
Have fun camping Limpets, and have fun at the 'do tonight becs!
Babythinkp.. I must say i'd make tea without them. I'd do the lasagne you have, and get them to reheat it later when they are hungry.
Talking about food, i feel sooooooo sick. I took DD and my sister (who's 15) to watch toy story 3 this aft, and we got a HUGE bag of popcorn and massive drink. Add to that the macdonalds after (and strawberry milkshake) and i've just had waaaay too much sugar. It's actually given me headache, and made me feel really dehydrated, but I can't drink much water because then I feel like i'm gonna pop!
On a separate note, I was in macdonalds, and I noticed that there was a guy in there who kept looking over at me. Well, i completely forgot that I was pregnant, and thought 'hell yeah, i've still got it... looking good today missy'. Then I remembered that i'm the size of a house
I've been getting VERY mild period type pains today (so mild they're barely noticable). I'm not worried, as i've been wearing my linen trousers (which, even though they are maternity, are still a little too tight). But i'm gonna keep an eye on it all the same.
I'm with all you ladies who are in the night-time pee club. It's so annoying isn't it?!
Righty, best get off, DD and OH are back from MIL's and it's DD's bed time at half past (she loves the extra half hour she gets now it's holidays).