Lol Amy!
Emzy, never noticed loosing mine but always been induced, but from what i hear it sounds like it, oooooohhh exiting! xx
Blob, your dd's room is gorgeous, my girls have a pink and white bunkbed, with white furniture, amd pink curtains and pink daisy rug, so lots of pink there too! I would paint the walls pink but if i have a girl i have to move the girls to the bigger room, then i can paint that pink instead!
We have little mermaid stick arounds at the moment, but i would like to change it, and can when baby goes into a bed, so a little while off yet!
Becs, hope you have a great night
Drea, Love the mini mode stuff at Boots, got some real bargains a while back 2 tops, 2 bottoms, 3 sleepsuits, a little day outfit, i think some vests it all came to just over £20!
May have another look if i get to go to another Boots, trying to get to an Asda before the baby event finishes, and now i have another voucher for a half price huggies starter box

my healthvisitor (who i know from way back) was at my surgery the other day and gave me another copy of Emmas diary, i said i had one and she said have another, feel a bit sneaky but think i will use all the vouchers again!
Been down to building society to order a new book, had a nice baby chat, with no 'your huge' comments in sight!
Cleaned carpets today, need more cleaner now and will keep doing it til its what i call 'clean'. Washed walls down in hall, looks much better, may avoid painting for time being think it's just nesting makes me want to paint and clean everything!
Have walked to town twice, and done some shopping for tea, got some cheese for later for cheese and biscuits trying to keep the protein intake up! Lasagne and garlic cheesy bread, cheesecake for pud thanks to the tesco meal for £5 deal, and me being a lazy bum, it feeds everyone and i don't have to do anything!

Done washing, and got ds to put my moses basket box in attic off the landing.
The girls watching Nanny Mcphee, (again) and boys gone to get rabbit hutch to turn into a hedgehog house so taking this time to catch up here!
Nothing else exiting happening here, very wriggly bump as soon as i sit down, i have noticed it really moves lots at night but i don't feel it so much, but i was awake last night and was watching as i was led on my side, it was going crazy, but i just don't feel it like i do if i am sitting up.
Time to go now, back soon!

thinkpink xx