Evening girls!
It's the start of a long weekend and I am so glad!
I'm getting to that place where I have to really flog myself to keep focused at work. If I didn't, I would probably be staring into space for hours. And I have to put my feet up at work to drain the cankles, which makes sitting at my desk very awkward!
Baby is going to kick and squirm 24/7 for the rest of this pregnancy. I can tell it's not going to get better.

He is a wiggle worm, just like his brother, but maybe even a little worse. The movement is good, but a little rest here and there would be nice, baby?
Came home to a beautiful dinner: steak, salad and baked potato. I married good 'un, let me tell you!

Only thing is, after eating that excellent meal, I promptly got terrible indigestion and am just sort of rolling around groaning and moaning.
Bloodwork for me tomorrow, then chores. Hopefully fun chores, though. Some are just errands, but I have a fancy to go browse at the knitting shop and maybe head back to pick up more clothes for Simon and maybe even some cupcakes for mama.
What do you think, girls? Is half a dozen cupcakes a week excessive? That's not even one a day, after all.

I think I'm being a model of moderation!
Bekklez - hang in there, she'll be fine! Just be sure not to overdo it with the moving in to the new house.
And there goes the rest of the personals I was going to do.
Damn it anyway! I want my wonderful brain back!