and I was a hairy monster with clawy feet
Lol ! xx
Ann: You are the 3rd person to say that after seeing the photo!? I guess so!??? I haven't noticed because I have been carrying low the whole pregnancy.
I was going to say you looked lower too, it's a good sized bump, and i agree it has always looked lovely!
and yes protein in the morning makes ALL the difference to me in the morning, if i don't eat enough protein before work, i get heart palpitations, hot flashes, the shakes, even vision spots and come close to vomiting or passing out, it can be pretty scary. I always have a stash of peanuts or cheese around work now, just in case.

never thought of peanuts, did used to have pnut butter on toast now have an egg, but could nibble on peanuts, will give it a go xx
Lovely bump pics ladies! I daren't take a naked one... I'm just toooo paranoid. I need to play the game a little more cos i'm not being fair
I must too, but i am rubbish with the camera! xx
On a separate note, I was in macdonalds, and I noticed that there was a guy in there who kept looking over at me. Well, i completely forgot that I was pregnant, and thought 'hell yeah, i've still got it... looking good today missy'. Then I remembered that i'm the size of a house
Lol this is the sort of thing i would do!! I got whistled in my last pregnancy (kind of yuck!) had a building site full watch me walk by yesterday but like you say i was just thinking, sod off i am flippin huge!
I'm with all you ladies who are in the night-time pee club. It's so annoying isn't it?!
Having a poo day today

My blood sugar is playing up really badly.

Really want this baby out soon! I've also spent the last two days in a state of nervous panic constantly waiting for her every movement. I'm so scared I'm going to lose her to stillbirth because of the Gestational Diabetes and what they said about her cord.

I'll get some snaps of my house once im moved in tomorrow for you all to have a nosey at
Cant wait xx
One thing I learned that I hadn't realised is that if you want delayed cord clamping (which me and DH definately want) it meams you can't have the injection to deliver the placenta....I had presumed you still could, but no apparently if you have the injection they clamp it immediately, so looks like if all goes according to plan I'll be delivering the placenta naturally!!!
Don't know if its different in different authorities but i requested the cord stop pumping with dd and was stlll able to have the jab to deliver the placenta, and have not been told its any different now?
Get it checked with the actual midwifes in the unit you will deliver, call for a chat, the hospital are not always clued up on stuff unless they are actually at the doing end of things!
okay i need to moan, i know we all in the same boat , i am sooo tired because i just cant get back to sleep when im up on so many loo visits ! my feet and hands have swollen right up again and i have a pain at the very lower point of my back .
My morning sickness has started to come back and it makes my vision go blury because of it.
I just want to cry!
There i just had to get my moan out sorry girls x
Moan away, I just can't imagine having 2 in there, i am stressing enough about the 1!!

Bekklez im with you on the stillbirth fear hun...please tell us its normal ladies!?!?! xx
Totally normal, try not to stress
Well sick again today, never mind, not long to go!
Getting plenty of kicks and wriggles, poor baby gets woken up in the night when i go for a pee, dh came to bed late and woke baby then too!
dd's nagging to do arty stuff today, which means...MESS!
Dh ordered a carpet cleaner yesterday, we borrow mil's but i really would like to do it reguarlly so it stays clean, i was looking at them but they are too much, so dh was looking and found one half price at £60 and was thinking about it, so i said i would go £30 each to make it easier, ha, it means i get my carpet cleaner for £30, when i wanted one anyway!
I have decided this is a good plan, to hint, than let him think it was his idea!
Time to go now, not much going on today, just cleaning carpets when we pick it up! Hoping weather improves as i have loads of washing!
Have a great day all xxxx