A word of advice on the post birth body - very few of us are able to put on pre-preg clothes after delivery. It's brutal, but expect to wear the maternity clothes for a few more weeks.

You will definitely need something like that to come home in, even if you didn't gain much besides the bump. It takes a while for that belly to shrink back.
Just wanted to second this! Because of the bump you kind of miss the rest, and think it is all baby!
I find breast feeding just kick starts the body back into shape, but even so it take a few months, my target is 4 months.
Another one to be aware of is the belly post baby, you get like a tear drop shaped sack left, and it is a bit upsetting, but it does go, honestly!
My last baby i didn't even look as if i had had her for about 2 weeks, I was gutted that i had not even lost my tummy a bit! It was because it was my 4th and i anticipate my 5th to be worse!

Its all worth it though
I have hardly had any bh, i get the odd good one, but not like i have had them previously.
I am getting this stitch like pain in the bottom to the left of my bump, it comes when i am not even doing anything, and takes ages to ease off, not sure what it is, just muscular i hope.
Dh at it again, i went food shopping, he did the washing up and mowed the lawn, who is this imposter? Not that i am moaning, i like this new man i have!

He said i need to pack my bag soon, I didn't know men were even aware of these things!
I will be putting my comfy velvety bottoms and a maternity top in, and a zipped hoody, and that is what i will come home in.
I have long and short sleeved vests for lo, and still to pick an outfit, but i have a cute wrap for the car seat to put baby in
It is like this but a different one, just so not to give away if its pink or a bee or ladybug!
Anyway time to go and start cleaning the lounge carpet, sort the washing and I think the girls want to do painting or go in the paddling pool.
Happy milestones to those who have one, I am 33 weeks today, i feel well behind everyone but still i am due next month now which sounds good
Back later, hope to catch up better with everyone, i have read through but can't remember everything!

thinkpink xx