Good Morning all,
Got to laugh at the sex comments, we have not dtd since last year
Got to be a record but dh was the same last pregnancy, I was a woman possessed last time and we argued about it but this time i couldn't be less bothered!
I think the only reason sex worked to induce last time was because it was that rare! I will be asking nicely this time, hope he will conform!
Bekklez, My hubby doesn't cook either, not sure how he managed b4 i came along, but then he has gained weight!
He does clean up though, a recent thing but credit where its due!
Not heard of footling breech, must be uncomfortable having feet down in your pelvis? Hope you find out a bit more about what they have to do
Emma, hope you have a nice relaxing, peaceful day!
Jellycat, I may ring the hospital and ask a few questions, I gave birth there 2 and a half years ago so not been asked if i want to look round, but i fancy a refresher, and to know if they have a pool on offer.
Asher, Sounds like something is going on! Just one more week to cook perhaps?
Had a panic on last night about birth, I try and rationalise the fact that it takes 9 months to cook this baby and only a few hours to get him/her out, and that it is all worth it!
I was hoping i could work on relaxation more, last time i was fine and used lots of relaxation and focused on a picture in the room, it helped lots but i hope to do more this time.
Anyway I suppose we are all thinking more about birth now and its natural to have a bit of a panic on if its 1st 2nd or whatever baby!
I vary between looking forward to birth and total panic!
Going now, packed more of my bags last night, need a few more bits and pieces, mainly toiletries for me, I hope to only be in a short while and so won't need much, i will just make sure dh knows where to get things if i need them, want to pack minimal if i can.
Back later, Happy Monday everyone!
