****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Hello! Hope all you ladies are keeping well :flower:

I haven't been on here in so long as been so busy but could you please change my due date to 18th September and we are team pink :)
Emma and Emzy, I have been getting cramps for a while now. They went away the last few days but have come back again, probably as I have been quite active.

Also I THINK I lost some of my plug today. It was kinda snot/creamy like. Sorry if this is TMI but it was glistening on the tissue and then when I checked the loo there was a big blob of it.. no blood though. Do you reckon that could be my plug? I've never had anything like it before.

Thanks ladies for the heads up about post birth bellies. I'm dreading it but at least it'll be easier than lugging this big bump around with me!!

My dh is also a great cook. I am so glad he's able to sort out our dinners etc as I'm just so tired now. I did cook a big portion of mince yesterday as we are starting to cook extra big dinners and then freezing the left overs for after the birth.

lilbumpblue, I would have loved for my grandparents to have met my LO. Unfortunately they both passed away about 5 years ago. I actually dreamt I say them yesterday and it made me so sad when I realised it was just a dream. My other grandmother also passed away but she at least met my sister's LO. My other grandad is a legend so he should see my little boy!

Becs sex at the moment is the last thing on my mind. I was really up for it not so long ago but I just feel too 'full' now iykwim?!
Evening everyone!!

Becs!! You made me laugh out loud with your flippant "but then again we had sex last night"!!! Ha ha!! My hubby said to me last night that he remembers when we used to have sex. He's cheeky cos we actually have still been up to it a couple of times a week most weeks, it's just now I feel very unsexy and not wanting to be up to much business!!

We've been out for MILs proper 60th birthday meal this afternoon/evening, and it was absolutely gorgeous. Best meal I've had in ages, and nice and relaxing too. Tomorrow, DH is off work and we are taking the boys to see Toy Story 3 in the morning and then to Pizza Hut for buffet lunch! yum!

I think I have been hormonal today. Lots of quite painful BHs, and tingly boobs when the BHs are at their peak. Think my body is beginning it's eviction process!!

Hope you are all okay this evening. xx
Hey Ladies,

Well, I've had a pretty nice day today. Went to the park with DD, OH n dog this morning, then grabbed a cooked chicken from Tesco on the way home for a Sunday dinner. I know, it's the lazy option, but they taste soooo damn good! Pigged myself out, then we all watched princess and the frog cabbaged on the setee. It made me cry... again.
Then a wander down to the horse for an hour or so... Bless OH doing all my poo-picking for me! DD even took her plastic spade and 'helped' him.. it was so sweet! Must say I'm really glad they did it though; I'm struggling a little with it. It's not the shoveling, but pushing the wheelbarrow to the muck heap that's the problem. Thankfully you go down the hill with the full barrow, then back up with the empty one, but it's still tough! I've found that my thighs ache really badly when I walk too much - as if i've been doing squats or something. Must be the extra weight or something.

I must say, I haven't had any Braxton Hicks, but I dunno if I got them with DD. Maybe I have and I just don't know what they feel like, so don't know they are 'them', if you get me.

Cafferine - I LOVE that bump pic. DD saw it, and drew a face on mine lol (but it looked awful so i didn't take a pic :blush: I have LOADS of stretchmarks and a zillion moles, and a dark patch around my bellybutton cos it's an inny that's had fake tan in it lol :blush:). Everyone else is looking fab on their bump pics too :thumbup:

I agree with the 'what is sex?' thing too... I think we've done it about 2 times in third tri! Poor OH.. he's mucking out for me and everything. Bless... I DO feel really bad about it, but I'm just sooooo not in the mood... I feel HUGE, stretch-marked, cellulite ridden and mostly absolutely knackered. Plus, it takes me about an hour to get comfy as I feel like the baby starts just under my boobs. And that's just sitting on the setee... God knows how long it'd take to get in a good position for sex! nope, the only thing getting anywhere near me in bed atm is my dreamgenii!
Evening Ladies

My lady bits havent changed, slightly swollen but nothing major

DH cooked Sheperds pie tonight.... he's been in the kitchen washing up as he goes along too !! I must admit his cooking is way superior to mine :blush:

Went and visited our local hospital today was pleasantly surprised, unfortunatly couldn't see the birthing pool as it was being used. It was nice to meet up with some of the antenatal girls. Passed couple of weeks DH and I have decided that if available we would like to use the birthing pool... anything to help with the birth :)

I have a craving today for peaches... just cant get enough of them nom nom

I've resided to the fact that it's going to take me 9 months to get my belly sorted after the birth... including following weight watchers :-(

Bekkelez - Glad you've settled in quickly to your new home !!
Also I know this is a stupid question but how do you know when baby is having hiccups? Last night for 5 minutes I kept getting movement every couple of seconds or so, almost like a pulse... could this of been hiccups?
Also I know this is a stupid question but how do you know when baby is having hiccups? Last night for 5 minutes I kept getting movement every couple of seconds or so, almost like a pulse... could this of been hiccups?

Sounds like hiccups to me! First time he got them i felt quite sorry for my LO cos i bet he wondered what the heck was going on! Bless x
Sounds like hiccups to me too :thumbup:

F&C thats not really what my plug was like with Tabs but then mine all came at once so who knows...also i was in labour at the time :dohh:

DH is banned from touching me if we :sex: the contractions start up again...he says its sods law that the first time we DTD baby will come :rofl: he said thats what happened when we were trying for a baby its sods law will happen like that again. :lol: Well i hope it does even if he doesnt :haha:
Well, I know there is definitely no sex in our house. We haven't DTD in so long I forgot what it is! DH has been a trooper though. I am just terrified that if we even try the contractions will go in full force. I have told him when we reach the safe point (around 35-36 weeks) I will be all over him trying to induce labor! LOL We booked our anniversary bed and breakfast trip yesterday and we both can't wait. Our trip will arrive right at the time we will be off our six week restriction following the birth. Wahoo!!!
I can't even imagine having sex at this point. I'm huge and just feel really heavy you know? I find very little sexy about that.
F&C when I was in labour with Nathan I had what was like the start of a period like discharge (SORRY IF YOUR EATING BREAKFAST!) and it turned light pink and the mw said that was my plug...but others describe it as globby/snot etc so who knows it could be starting to come away:shrug:

Sex?? Whats that??:haha: My poor OH has maybe had some sex 2 or 3 times since Christmas as I just honesty cannot be bothered with it...poor guy:blush:
But last pregnancy the poor man was chased for about 7 months for sex...how different each pregnancy is. That and I treasure my sleep these days:dohh:

Well today is my first day of 2 weeks annual leave before my mat leave starts:happydance:
my little boy is at the childminders as we are keeping him in his routine so every Monday/Thursday I am child free until new baby arrives then he gets time with his friends and I can spend time with baby...or thats the theory!
Just feels strange sitting here with my cup of tea not being harrassed by him want a shot on the laptop or the fact I should be at work!!

Gonna head back to bed for a nap soon...but of course I ordered something online last week which was dispatched Thurs/Fri and OH ordered a little chair off mothercare on Sat so I bet I just get comfy and off to sleep when the postie will arrive and bing bong my bell then rattle my door:growlmad:

Hope your all good this damp Monday morning!

Mrsj08- They havent said outright they won't turn the baby yet, but they wrote in my scan notes "Breech - Footling" which I googled when I got home and it turns out that's the worst position she could possibly be in from what I've read, her feet are dangling right down in my pelvis instead of just bum down, legs up and I've read most consultants or doctors won't try to turn footling breech babies because of risk of cord prolapse, the discomfort and distress to baby, but I'll be discussing it more today at my appointment to see what they say!

You're all lucky! my OH can only make a piece of toast so it's either I cook or we starve.

Scan later today, feel really ill this last few days. Feel sick, headachey all of the time and now I've noticed this last few days my arms and shoulders have started aching randomly out of nowhere. Gonna mention it today because now I'm paranoid something isn't quite right. :dohh:
Emma thats what we've done also...Tabs goes to her grans on a tuesday and friday afternoon :) Though TBH i would quite like some full days off just now i'm goosed entertaining her :haha:

F&C I hope it is Labour starting for you :thumbup: We need some more babies born!! August now have over 30 :wohoo: I now want to meet this baby...seeing the hospital photos i can so clearly remember with Tabs just makes me exited. 1 week 4 days and counting :rofl:
Good Morning all,

Got to laugh at the sex comments, we have not dtd since last year:haha:
Got to be a record but dh was the same last pregnancy, I was a woman possessed last time and we argued about it but this time i couldn't be less bothered!
I think the only reason sex worked to induce last time was because it was that rare! I will be asking nicely this time, hope he will conform!

Bekklez, My hubby doesn't cook either, not sure how he managed b4 i came along, but then he has gained weight!
He does clean up though, a recent thing but credit where its due!
Not heard of footling breech, must be uncomfortable having feet down in your pelvis? Hope you find out a bit more about what they have to do :hugs:

Emma, hope you have a nice relaxing, peaceful day! :hugs:

Jellycat, I may ring the hospital and ask a few questions, I gave birth there 2 and a half years ago so not been asked if i want to look round, but i fancy a refresher, and to know if they have a pool on offer.

Asher, Sounds like something is going on! Just one more week to cook perhaps? :hugs:

Had a panic on last night about birth, I try and rationalise the fact that it takes 9 months to cook this baby and only a few hours to get him/her out, and that it is all worth it!
I was hoping i could work on relaxation more, last time i was fine and used lots of relaxation and focused on a picture in the room, it helped lots but i hope to do more this time.
Anyway I suppose we are all thinking more about birth now and its natural to have a bit of a panic on if its 1st 2nd or whatever baby!
I vary between looking forward to birth and total panic!

Going now, packed more of my bags last night, need a few more bits and pieces, mainly toiletries for me, I hope to only be in a short while and so won't need much, i will just make sure dh knows where to get things if i need them, want to pack minimal if i can.

Back later, Happy Monday everyone! :hugs:xx
Ouch footling breech sounds uncomfortable! Hoping baby will turn or get bum down and feet up....but I guess having a solid head in your ribs can't be enjoyable either?!

Blob he is only away until 13:30 at the minderd but when I worked my mum or dad picked him up and watched him. So my mum is taking him out and so will my dad occassionslly too to give me peace lol....love him really but he is being such hard work and now realises I can't get off the floor easily to catch him so runs off mid nappy change laughing!

I just had a thought. I wonder if any of our stars will have a cool birthday date of 08/09/10....me personally I don't want to see Sept lol but hey!!

Babythinkpink - Funnily it's not really uncomfortable! this baby is so quiet I hardly feel her kicking at all, she just rolls and moves over, it actually worries me sometimes! I sat thinking for a while last night and decided I'm worried she's got her foot/feet trapped down there and there might not be enough room for her to bring them back up now everything is tighter and she might be uncomfortable and cant move to kick :shrug:

Hope you have fun finishing packing and you've clamed down a bit about the labour. You're right, it'll be sooooo worth it :)
Babythinkpink - Funnily it's not really uncomfortable! this baby is so quiet I hardly feel her kicking at all, she just rolls and moves over, it actually worries me sometimes! I sat thinking for a while last night and decided I'm worried she's got her foot/feet trapped down there and there might not be enough room for her to bring them back up now everything is tighter and she might be uncomfortable and cant move to kick :shrug:

Hope you have fun finishing packing and you've clamed down a bit about the labour. You're right, it'll be sooooo worth it :)
....love him really but he is being such hard work and now realises I can't get off the floor easily to catch him so runs off mid nappy change laughing!

:haha: bless his little cotton socks lol! Sorry hun but that made me giggle...cheeky lil tinker!! x

I just had a thought. I wonder if any of our stars will have a cool birthday date of 08/09/10....me personally I don't want to see Sept lol but hey!!

I said this from day one...i so want this date of birth for my little man!!!! :)
Morning girls!

Sex?! What is this?! lol I realised the other day that we have actually only had sex twice in our new house... and we moved in in February!! My poor husband. He hasn't moaned about it or anything, but he must be gagging lol I just don't feel like it at all, especially now! There is no chance with my big bump and sore hips!!

Emma hope you're enjoying your time off! Hope the postie doesn't wake you up, very annoying lol

Bekklez hope your appointment goes well!

Babythinkpink, I was totally panicking about the birth a couple of weeks ago, but I feel fine about it again now. I think you're right, it's natural that we will start to worry about it the closer it gets!

I had a much better sleep last night, but woke up with a headache and mild period pains again this morning. It feels like it does the day you come on your period, that heavy, niggly, crampy feeling, do you know what I mean?

Sorry for tmi again, but just had another jelly like blob in my underwear! A bit smaller this time, maybe the size of a 10p. Maybe bits of my plug are coming away slowly? Or maybe it's just weird discharge?! x

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