I HATE being like this with him. I absolutely hate it.
Totally normal, please don't beat yourself up about it. You are bound to feel like this when it is so hard to get anything done, i cleaned the carpet in the lounge yesterday, came back in the room to put the mat down and dd had put coco pops bar mess in the middle of the room! I nearly blew my top, but they really don't get it!
I find screaming and shouting so fruitless, you have to try and ignore the defiant stuff and reward the things you want him to do, and now is a great time to do it.
You may need some time out space for him, I had a travel cot up for my ds and if i went out the room to do anything he went in there so he couldn't do anything to himself or anything else, (he was diagnosed with ADHD at 6 so it explained lots as he was a pain in the bum as a toddler, and i was pregnant with dd, i ran after him many a time, falling flat on my bump once, they really do try the patience of a saint sometimes!)
At his age just say Mummy doesn't like that and sit him up out the way somewhere or give him something to distract him, you do right putting him for a nap and getting time out, it is the best thing you can do
Hey guys just a quickie, just been feeling poo for days

Sorry no personals just hope you are all doing ok, hopefully 2moro ill feel better if i get a sleep and then ill have a proper catch up with you all

Hope you feel better soon

Don't I get horny...NO! Ha ha, i was very frustrated last time, but my hormones are totally mucked up, I keep telling dh to brace himself for October when i will want sex! I have a higher sex drive than him anyway but I know it will be back with vengance, poor dh its one extreme to another, we were trying for 9 months for this baby, i think he felt he did his bit then!
Limpets, glad you had a great time camping, sounds lovely!
Well had an ok day, bought all my breakfast back, but felt all morning i would, once that was done, and i had a nice shower (blast stress incontinence!) and have done washing, a roast is in the oven, the girls have done making and painting, my ds has not had his medication today so has been hard work but we are all agreed on early nights tonight so no repeat of that I hope.
dd has sat in her tub of warm water to clean up from painting so she wont need a bath tonight! (i have a washing tub she has got into the habit of getting into, first time i gave it to her to clean the paint stuff up but she stripped off and got in, so now i wash the paint stuff up and she just gets into the tub on the patio!)
Not done as much as i wanted but house still fairly tidy so not too bothered really, will think about cleaning hall carpet tomorrow instead of today.
Anyway best check on food, back later or tomorrow, feel like we are all sitting round waiting for a baby now, wondering who will be next!

thinkpink xx