****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Becs, the ball is wonderful while I'm on it, but as soon as I get off it I'm so unbelievably stiff and I can barely move for ages afterwards! I think I overdid it on the day I bought it so I'm giving it a bit of a rest for a few days!!
Originally Posted by Louise3512uk
I can't lift a foot to put pants on, never mind open my legs to accomodate DH!!!!

Made me laugh so much!!! I am the same re the pants....and i have to heave my ankle up to put socks on...when I have to if notits flip flops all the way!!

:rofl::rofl::rofl:... SNAP to both !!
Louise are you just sitting on the ball or are you doing particular mnoevments? I picked up my sisters ball yesterday but dont quite know what to do on it :blush:
Aw lots of Rose's! Lilia Rose is a very pretty name too. My middle name comes from my great auntie Rosie in Canada :flower: We've picked Marie as a middle name for Holly as it's my Mum's name.

Louise I really sympathise, my hips and pelvis have felt like they are going to fall off for a few weeks now. I have my one to one physio appointment on wednesday, but strangely the pain hasn't been as bad this last few days! and LOL at being able to open your legs to dtd.... no way I'd be able to either! I can barely put my knickers on and don't even get me started on socks!!

Blob don't curse me! I'd love baby to come sooner rather than later but I'll prob end up going overdue :haha:

Jelly, at my physio they said to rotate your hips, bounce and rock back and forward. I've been doing it for 15 mins every day but like Louise I feel rather stiff after doing it! I am sure that it has been helping though seeing as the last few days have been a bit less painful

:rofl: Well everyone cursed me saying i would go first and now i'm getting NO signs at all :hissy:
Do you not get horny? I still have sex, I do feel ugly and fat and huge but my OH tells me I look amazing and knows how to turn me on :haha: So sex is still on the cards right now a good few times a week but don't know how I will feel i na few more weeks.

Cafferine: so happy you said this!! I was starting to feel like I had 3 heads or something! :haha: DH and I also still have sex, I guess about once a week. Yesterday was actually the first time I felt kinda uncomfortable and really heavy. :haha: So, not sure how I will feel for this last month, but happy I'm not the only one still being active in that department. lol!

I find it so exciting that some of our girls are getting cramps and period pain and that a lot of us have lost part of our plugs! I did a few weeks back, but nothing else happened. I know it can reform, but hopefully that isn't the case from here on out! :)


I have seen the sex conversations come up a lot on the forum and I have never chimed in but I gotta say good for you for still being active. I can't imagine being one of those women who don't have sex during their pregnancies (though I know there is often reason). I find myself dreading the wait after the baby comes as right now hubby and I are still a good 4 times a week at least lol so not sure how I will cope but imagine I will be tired and sore so that will be enough to make me not wanna.

Good for you ladies! I definitely wish I could still get jiggy with it. My hunny is sexy boy ;) In between kidney stone pain, cramps and just feeling huge... there is absolutely no sex drive.

I have a question for you lovely girls. Do you have a cat or cats? Hunny and I live have a dog and a cat. The dog is very submissive, loyal, laid back... but our cat is tempermental. He will be fine and happy with you one minute and then he'll spazz. I was just wondering if any of you had this problem with your cat and what you did or what you plan to do. I really hope he realizes he can't spazz with the baby here. I'm pretty worried about it.

We have a cat and he has been our baby for the past 4 years. I am already worried about how he will deal with the baby but I know animals tend to be very understanding around babies so I think its just a wait and see and of course monitor the animal around the baby. I have read its a good idea to have baby things out so animals can see them and its not such a shock when everything changes and all this knew stuff is added. If you are in the hospital and have time for someone to go to your house with something that baby has worn before baby gets home so the animals can smell it that is supposed to help them adjust too. Its just a learning process for both you guys and the pets and if all else fails just have to keep the pets away from the baby.
Alright ladies I have a question. I kind of over did it yesterday as we went to the state fair and walked non stop for a good 8 hours and I started getting some sharp pain in my lower abdomen, which I got the other day when walking as well, but I figured I was just putting too much strain on myself so I called it quits and sat down. Today every time I get up to walk around the pain returns. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so will ask about it there but want to know if anyone else has had pain like this. Its kind of sharp to start then turns into a burning sensation.
Hey ladies!! Haven't posed in weeks but i lerk around sometimes :)

Ive been on vacation in CA for 3 weeks still have 1 more then a 8-9hour flight back home to VA not looking forward to it!

Ive been stressing soo bad lately right when i hit 32 weeks it was like i have NOTHING done and im freaking out....especially since i wont be home until after 34 weeks and havent even started the nursery! ahhhh!!

Sorry for lack of personals......i hope everyone has a great week!! Cant wait for some of us to start popping!!! Good Luck to all the last Aug Mommies!!:flower:
Alright ladies I have a question. I kind of over did it yesterday as we went to the state fair and walked non stop for a good 8 hours and I started getting some sharp pain in my lower abdomen, which I got the other day when walking as well, but I figured I was just putting too much strain on myself so I called it quits and sat down. Today every time I get up to walk around the pain returns. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so will ask about it there but want to know if anyone else has had pain like this. Its kind of sharp to start then turns into a burning sensation.

I get sharp pains sometimes when im on my feet too long. feels like a side ache or something....like when you drink too much water and run? Haven't got the burning though.....good thing you have an apt 2morrow!
Laura i get that feeling i think its muscle strain, i get it sometimes at the top of my bump if i pick up heavy things etc...

Jessica i only just started mine at 34 ish weeks and that was redecorting everything :dohh: Last time i didnt start till 38-39 weeks.
Morning ladies....
Well, 4 weeks today! Last night I had the worst pains at the top of my bump that kept coming and going...I really thought I might be going into labour!! Felt very uncomfortable at bedtime still but it has all eased this morning so no baby for me just yet!!! lol

Midwife and growth scan tomorrow so I'll ask her about the pains...FX'd it is my body gearing up for labour finally.

Just sitting drinking my RLT , then the housework and off to the park with DS so he can play with his friends. xx
Ooooh SO hope it is your body getting ready :wohoo: thats fab!! Mine is NOT!! I'm so in for the long haul :cry:
Laura - I get pains if I have done too much. i.e too much walking, moving heavy things around, carrying shopping bags etc. I find they tend to go if I sit down with my feet elevated for 30 mins or so.

Louise - I can empathise on the hip pain - I've resorted to taking paracetemol for mine as and when I need it. I also am finding it a trauma to put my knickers on. DH thinks it's hilarious :growlmad: I got my own back by insisting he apply my perineal gel for me :haha:

Rocky - I don't have a cat but I have a dog. The dog is very exciteable so we have been doing a lot of intensive training with him and also exposing him to small babies and toddlers. We took him to my Mum's last week and she commented on how much calmer he is. I know it isn't so easy as that with a cat especially as they can climb etc. I guess I would say invest in a cat net for the crib and pram just in case. Pet experts suggest you bring something that smells of the baby home for them to sniff but Caesar Milan said that as far as dog's are concerned you only let them smell it from a distance so they know it's yours, you can't let them have it because then they think whatever smells like that is theirs. We have also started setting things up around the house and leaving toys etc out so the dog gets used to it. The dog hates change and furniture being moved around. I haven't set up the pram yet but that will be the next thing as he is always a bit nervous of prams when we take him out for a walk.

I had my appointment with the Consultant Midwife yesterday and it was a bit of a revelation. The MW actually cancelled my Consultant appointment for today (although I've never seen the actual Consultant just her registrar) because as far as she is concerned I am a normal low risk pregnancy. The MW is going to speak to the Consultant because she's not happy with the way I have been treated and thinks they should have been listening to me more and paying more attention to my normal blood pressure, GTT and urine rather than fixating on BMI and well controlled Asthma :happydance: The MW is on hol after my next scan so I am keeping that Consultant appointment but the MW made the receptionist make a note on the system to say I am to see the Consultant only.

The MW also had a good feel of my bump, the baby is still in the breech but apparently my bump is more fluid than baby and she said she could easily have turned the baby around, she did a quarter turn just to show me. I feel much better about it now and more confident. The MW also said that the baby is in the best breech position so if they are unable to turn it they will allow me to attempt a vaginal breech delivery. I was quite surprised by this as I thought most hospital's wouldn't allow you to attempt a breech delivery now. I also addressed the issue of using the Natural Birth Unit, the MW said she would prefer me to use the Active Birth Room on the labour ward which has the same equipment. The trade off being that if I use that room instead I can get in the pool. The MW reassured me that, that room is run my the same MW staff and I won't see a doctor unless there is an emergency. I'm feeling much more relaxed about the whole thing now :thumbup:
Sounds like a great appointment MrsJ08 :thumbup:

ooh teeny weeny sounds like your body is preparing! :happydance:

Laura it sounds like muscle strain, fingers crossed it eases off for you.

We haven't started the nursery yet either, but the decorators are coming in on Monday so I think I'll feel better once that is started. Still got to order furniture though, I just can't decide what I want!

I totally did too much yesterday and was in absolute agony last night. I have strict instructions from DH to do NOTHING today!
Laura sounds like you over did the walking but get checked out at your appointment!

MrsJ that's great!! Bet your feeling so much better about everything now.
Did the midwife not just turn baby because they may turn back again or just as there is plenty time for baby to turn themselves??

Well I am still in bed and trying to use my I-pod so if I have random words etc I am sorry as I just am rubbish with it lol...
Just had the worst night ever!
It started with heartburn early evening and it's got worse overnight. I just couldn't get comfy in bed as my hips were aching then baby woke up and found it fun to burrow deep against my bladder (I swear I was up and down to the loo for trickles about 10 times!) then she would stick her bum up really high making the heart burn worse and me feel like I was going to be sick...which in the end I was at 6am.
What a naughty girl I have in there, she must be taking tips from her brother!

Only good side is OH is now off work for 12 days so I have lots of help and can nap when I need too...I love him so much right now (no not hormones talking lol)

tomorrow I have my last glucose test and it's just a fasting one thank goodness then I am starting on the curry, spicy noodles, pineapple and ball to get eviction underway...and obviously increase my heartburn lol

right I am away but will be back later on a real computer and I want to see lots of baby labour signs....

hi all

I have my growth scan and consultant appiontment today, looking forward to seeing how much they have grown, im hoping to see the main consultant, if babies are still breech i want to see if we can book in a c section if thats what its to be, i just feel in limbo. they are probably going to tell me its too soon to tell dont you think?
Genies girl, good luck xx

Teeny I have those pains around my ribs, I read it was the skin stretching! It bloody kills tho!

Mrs J, so glad you had such a good appointment, sounds very positive xx

Emma, hope you get plenty of rest while OH is on leave!!

Well been out with Murphy for a 2 hour walk, he is pooped!! Its a lovely day here, gonna dust and hoover upstairs and then pack little misses bag!!! Hope you are all well xxx
good luck genies girl, I guess it is still quite early but then again the time frames for twins are a little different

okay, I'm worrying that we haven't got many clothes for baby - we've only got a few vests and sleepsuits. I've also got 2 hats, a pair of scratch mittens, a couple pairs of socks & booties. Any other team yellows feel like they don't want to go and buy loads yet??
Mrs J that sounds like a great appointment! Laura I agree with the others that you probably just overdid it. I got told yesterday to be careful with the walking as I've been getting cramps and may have lost my plug as walking is a way to help induce labour. Make sure you take it easy hun.

MrsJ that sounds fab :thumbup: Think i'm more baby than anything you can feel everything on my baby even standing up :wacko:

Genies girl i would talk to them about it anyway? I was told it was quite unusual for twins both to be in the optimum position for birth? Be good to know where you stood anyways?

Mrs N i have a MENTAL amount of clothes...i have so many up to 0-3 that i cant fit anymore in the draws :shock: Though i have to say some might be pink that were Tabs ones :blush:

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