Do you not get horny? I still have sex, I do feel ugly and fat and huge but my OH tells me I look amazing and knows how to turn me on

So sex is still on the cards right now a good few times a week but don't know how I will feel i na few more weeks.
Cafferine: so happy you said this!! I was starting to feel like I had 3 heads or something!

DH and I also still have sex, I guess about once a week. Yesterday was actually the first time I felt kinda uncomfortable and really heavy.

So, not sure how I will feel for this last month, but happy I'm not the only one still being active in that department. lol!
I find it so exciting that some of our girls are getting cramps and period pain and that a lot of us have lost part of our plugs! I did a few weeks back, but nothing else happened. I know it can reform, but hopefully that isn't the case from here on out!