****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Mrs N we have a mental amount of clothes too, very few of which have been bought by us but she has been spoilt by others. Keep being offered more and people keep dropping off second hand clothes. Lovely, but she already has more clothes than me!

I think my theory about her dropping was right as my FH has gone from 37 to 35 in a week, so unless she has shrunk she must be getting ready. Loads of pressure down there, but no other signs. Upped my RLT to 2 drinks and a tablet today, and starting perineum massage (had to wait due to sore foof!) today. I have a feeling the Sept babes will all be popping before me though!

Teeny - did you want to be a text buddy as we are due on the same day? -x-
Mrs J I've got a question for you!! I've got a hyper exciteable dog aswell , just wondering how you have calmed yours down and anything you would reccomend? My dog is lovely but crazy i'm scared she will end up jumping at the moses basket or something!! xxx
start training the dogs now. Train them to stay out of the living room for example, if thats the room baby's moses basket is going to be in. Bring the basket down and train the dog to stay away from it. Make sure Doggies gets lots of walks and love ad attention to settle all that extra energy, but set clear and definite boundaries. Be firm, fair and consistent. Doggie will get the picture very quickly!

good luck!!
Hi Ladies

Good luck Genies Girl x

Elmaxie - the midwife said it's highly likely the baby would just turn back so they would prefer just to perform the ECV once if necessary. There is still so much room in there I think her feeling was it was better to wait until the baby is bigger although she did say they would ideally want to do it before the bum get's engaged because then they would have to push the baby up and turn it rather than a straight turn.

Lilia - our dog likes to sit in the window and had got into a bad habit of barking at anyone he didn't like the look of. It started off with him barking at people approaching the house (which I didn't have a problem with) but had started to progress to him barking at anyone wearing a hat, baseball cap or sunglasses (not ideal in the summer). Our dog is a Basset so very much pack oriented and also he's all about his nose as they have a supreme sense of smell. We have a baby gate separating the kitchen from the rest of the house so every time he displayed unwanted behaviour i.e barking, jumping, stealing things etc without a word he get's taken out of he room and put behind the gate. At first he would cry or bark when he was put behind the gate but he soon learnt he wouldn't be allowed out until he was sat quietly. It took about a week of having to do it every time, (Basset's are notoriously stubborn) but now he is behaving so much better. We don't really have a problem with him jumping up at things apart from the sofa which he is allowed on anyway. We have set our crib etc up and we allowed him to have a look around it and sniff at it. Now he completely ignores it, the biggest challenge is cuddly toys as he assumes they are his. To be honest I've been really impressed with the way he has adapted. I agree with Aurora, it's just a case of being consistent and firm although I think you have to adapt depending on the breed. I grew up with GSD's and then Labrador's and I can tell you that training a Basset Hound has been an entirely different experience altogether.

Mrs N - I'm not really Team Yellow, I know what I am having now but before I knew I still bought quite a lot of neutral vests and sleepsuits in Newborn and 0-3 although I didn't spend a lot of money on the neutral sleepsuits as I thought I would be more likely to use those at night rather than during the day when I'd probably want the baby to wear more gender specific colours. I then ended up being given tons of newborn stuff (nearly all white). Of course I then decided to find out what I was having afterall so have bought some newborn but mostly 0-3. I'm fairly certain that unless I have a tiny baby I won't get through all the newborn I have but I'll just sell it or donate it to the charity shop. I've asked my family to buy the baby 3-6 months as I have only bought one 3-6 month item. My family don't know what I am having so although my Mum and Nan have bought a couple of neutral bits I think they are itching to spend when the baby is born.

I've been to Breasfeeding Class today - it was really helpful and I learnt some things I didn't already know. I got a bit irritated as there was quite a young girl there 18 ish with her friend, she turned up late, didn't contribute and was texting on her phone during the whole class. Honestly, apart from the fact that her behaviour was extremely bad mannered, why waste her time and everyone else's if she didn't want to be there?? I find it so hard not to be judgemental in that sort of situation.
Hiii everyone, sorry i havent posted in a while.
Bought a gym ball £5 in Argos!! BARGAIN!! ive been told that the baby is in the optimum position for birth but not engaged yet. is there any point in me using it? or is it just good for exercise etc anyway?
Also were going to our 1st antenatal class tonight, has anyone else been/started them? what should we expect?
hey ladies how are you all sorry ive been a bit quiet recently.

Daves step mum (who lives in inverness - 15 hours away lol) died last weekend and we've been having a mad time trying to get help for his dad who is now completely on his own miles asway from any family and it all seems to have fallen on daves shoulders.

So he is going away on friday till wednesday to spend time with his dad as i cant fly because the GP wont declare me "FIT TO FLY" bless him!!! i know this sounds petty and a little selfish but im not very good on my own, the last 3 years weve only had 2 nights apart and one of them was me sat by his hospital bed for all bar 3 hours when i went home and had a nap..... and the other i had mates round. so 5 nights is going to be a real test for me lol. I know he's got to go and i support him 100%, im just a complete wuss.... not looking forward to friday

I know there are some of you that partners are away more often than not - i really admire your independence...

i feel so bad for him though because he wants to be here supporting me but the weight of the entire family has fallen on his shoulders because his brother is stuck in Cyprus and the rest of the family have "made their excuses" as to why they cant go and support daves dad.... not on really!

Hope everyone is ok.... and sorry again for being s quiet!!
Carley so sorry to hear your news, its poo that no one else can be 'bothered' to go and support, you will be fine on your own xxx You have us lot for company xx

Janey, we have had ours, they are ok but tbh they don't really teach you anything unless you are a complete novice, but I have helped bring my nephew up so knew about nappies, bathing etc!! I use my gym ball and have to say its good for your back etc!!

Has anyone else worked out their tax credit entitlements online?? I have just had a look using Ian's P60 as I haven't worked or anything in 18 months, so its all off his wages! I was quite surprised, I know you get more for the first year!!
Carley :hugs: So sorry to hear that... :hugs:

I'm so slleeeeepppppppppyyyyy
Hi ladies,
Sorry no personals - just checking in to say hi. Got horrid back pain & tummy cramps today so not feeling so good, going to lie on the bed for a nap as i feel shattered as i didn't sleep well due to above.
Hope to feel better & catch up tomorrow
:hugs: to you all xxx
Woooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo - I am now officially on maternity leave and can contribute to this thread properly and keep upto date with how everyone is doing.

We had our growth scan on Wednesday last week. Baby is head down and in a good position but is however measuring small so back we go on the 11th August to get her measured again and check she is going in the right direction. Will let you all know how I get on. Nursery is nearly finished just border and curtains to go up and were sorted. :happydance:

Am I the only one that isnt in a hurry for baby to arrive ?? Ive pretty much got everything ready apart from the washing to start (which is planned for next week) but right now I am not in a hurry for her to get here !! There is still so much that I can do whilst shes not here that I guess I am not worried to much.

Hope everyone is well. I cannot believe that either way by next month I am going to be a mummy :cloud9:
I wasnt in any hurry until TWO days ago :hissy: I was quite happy being pregnant and just enjoying my DD :cloud9: But since a friend had her baby and i see all her toddler and baby photos i just want Tabs to meet the baby :cry:
So sorry to hear about your oh's step mum. I hope his dad will be ok and it is good that he's gone to support him. I am also rubbish on my own so feel your pain but at least you know it's got to be done.

Limpetsmum hope you feel better soon.

Becs I haven't even thought about working it out. I'm pretty sure we won't get anything. Does anyone know the cut off?
lol - Yep I guess that would make you that tiny bit more in a rush ! I am very lucky that both my sister and 2 best friends are also pregnant although I will be the 1st of the 4 of us to give birth so I bet they will all be itchy once my LO is here !
Mrs N, I'm the same I'm team yellow and don't want to but too much neutral clothes, I just don't find them as nice as the girl / boy clothes

Carly - sorry to hear your news :-(

Limpetsmum - hope you feel better soon

Congrats Laura on starting your Maternity Leave... 12 days to go for me!!

Well had MW this morning and was feeling really positive, BP gone done since working from home in the afternoons, FH measuring correctly at 33 weeks, took blood to retest my iron levels. Really strong heartbeat today and baby has finally turned from breech to head down........

well just got to work and got a phonecall from parentcraft to say that one of the partners from last weeks antenatal class has got chickenpox. If I haven't had it I need to go to the gp and be tested for immunity asap..... rang mum who cant remeber if I have had it or not. Got gp Thursday at 7.45 am fingers crossed I am immune as I'm not sure what the next step would be if i'm not. I seem to be living in my doctors surgery at the moment, this will be the 4th time in 2 weeks !!
I'm not in a hurry i move house on the 2nd september and baby cant arrive before then!!

Although i cant wait to have pics of my two boys together either but this one will have to wait a while longer yet!
Good Luck for the house move - I love moving house !! Discovering all the old stuff that has been shoved up in the loft. Its also the best time for a bootsale clearout and then you can think of ways to spend the money !! (on baby of course !!!)
Thats what i cant wait for :cloud9: To see Tabs kissing the new baby and things EEEEK!!!
well back from my scan the babies are doing well estimated weights of 4lb 7 and 5lb 4 they have very long legs :)
My blood pressure has shot up since yesterday and they want to make sure its not the beginning of pre clampsia so they want me to go to the antenatal ward on friday for more tests.

Ill pop back with the personals x

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