****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Blob I know what you mean...I want him here NOW!!! I want to see his little face and tiny fingers and toes. I am so impatient at the best of times. xx
hi i'm sure its about time some of our little ones :baby: begin to make an appearance (does that make sense think i'm going mad read it 3 times and still not sure it does):haha:

I tried to post on here last night but my pod wasn't having it, think it has trouble with the hundreds of posts on here...so I was whinging on facebook instead lol

I have a feeling that limpetsmum is going to have our next star...just a hunch so probably wrong! Has she posted today as am sure I read she was having pains and aches??

I was so tired yesterday I was in bed at half seven, but heartburn got me bad and I never managed to drop off to sleep until after midnight.
I then had crap sleep, bad heartburn and was starving as I was doing a fasting glucose at the hospital thismorning.
They dipsricked my urine and it had ++protien so it's been sent off and got bloods done too but BP was fine....so looks like it's been a urine infection making me vomit the last week!
Also she is having the doc write me up for ranitidine am sure she said for my heartburn so hopefully I will be sorted out!

Just back from the beach so am back in bed as am sore and feeling icky. But it's such a gorgeous day outside too here!!!

Hope your all well...I really need to have a catch up so sorry for my "all about me" post!!


Hi girls

Thanks for the comments on the bump! I never thought I'd be posting pictures of me in my underwear on a public forum, but hey ho! ha ha At least I cropped my head off so it doesn't matter if it ends up popping up on google images :haha:

Angelz I can't wait to get back in an underwired bra, my boobs are very heavy and need all the help they can get lol Oh and my face had looked like a moon for several weeks now too!

Good luck to all those having anal swabs!! Sounds wonderful! Does everyone get these? It's never been mentioned to me.

Everyone with achy bumps, I have this too. When she moves around it feels like it's bruised! Although I don't care now as I had a bit of a freak out yesterday as she was being a bit quiet, so she can move around all she wants! I'd rather have a sore bump than worry that there is something wrong! I think she must have been having a lie in!

Spooky dream little A!! I keep dreaming about forum people as well... I think I spend too much time on here!

Aww Asher that sounds like a nasty fall :hugs:

Good luck at the scan Teeny!

Blob I'm counting the hours as well, I'm well and truly at the 'get this baby out now!!' stage now lol Here's hoping it won't be much longer for us, anytime after Saturday would be lovely! :flower:

Sounds like we are all aching and not sleeping and stuff. Must be something in the water! I didn't sleep all night last night. I lay awake with the usual period pains and aching hips and braxton hicks and got up every half an hour for a wee! Everytime I drifted off I woke up with a start. I gave up at 6am and got up and had breakfast and watched TV for a bit and went back to bed for a couple of hours after Matt left at 8am.

I'm starting my RLT today. I asked Matt to pick me some up today from Holland and Barrett and think I'll have 2 or 3 cups a day. I don't know if it'll do anything, but nothing to lose really and I quite like fruit tea anyway!

I've just been to my one to one physio appointment as well, which was interesting! I had to stand there in my pants whilst the woman poked, prodded and pulled me about and apparently I have one leg significantly longer than the other (LOL!), wonky hips, torn down the middle stomach muscles, knees that bend back too far and a dodgy left foot!! I'm officially falling apart! She pulled my right leg a bit to try and realign my hips and said that should help, but otherwise I'll just have to put up with the SPD til after the baby is born! My pelvis now feels like it is going to fall off and it hurt so much walking home that I was sick on the pavement :wacko: :haha: Fortunately no one was around lol It feels a bit better now so think I'm going to attempt some housework this afternoon.

Morning Ladies!!

My Gosh Emma!! what did they do to you at physio!! :nope: Poor girl being sick on the way home. Maybe you should have a rest this afternoon instead of doing housework. :hugs:

Asher: Hope your right side feels better. I can't imagine having a fall right now. I don't think I could get up. Getting up out of bed or off the couch is hard enough.

Well another gloomy day here :growlmad: I hate this weather...it's so hot and the humidity is gross. And it's all grey and depressing outside. I wish you ladies were closer that way we could get together and keep ourselves occupied.

Not sure what I'll be doing today. Probably put away all the baby clothes that I washed last week. Keep sorting the gifts that we received...or maybe write my Thank you notes? :shrug:

Have a good day everyone!

MamaB, they didn't torture me or anything lol It just really hurt to walk after she has been pulling me about and it made me feel really sick!! I feel alright now though.

The weather is horrible here as well, all grey and rainy and windy. It's not particularly warm, but just a little bit muggy. Where is the sun!? My mum and dad are over in Canada at the moment! They were visiting my gran in Vancouver and they have just flown over to Winnipeg to visit the rest of the family. I wish I could have gone with them! I am well overdue a visit to Canada xx
Hi everyone - i am here just not caught up........still!

I have a feeling that limpetsmum is going to have our next star...just a hunch so probably wrong! Has she posted today as am sure I read she was having pains and aches??
I hope so for my sanities sake! I even researched pre labour symptoms last night as i was on my hands & knees in the living room swaying from side to side with DH rubbing my back whilst i practiced my breathing, all to relieve the pressure the baby was putting on me, basically i had every symptom of labour but the contraction :dohh: not even a BH in sight! The pains have settled a little now but they have been replaced by palpitations when i'm lying in bed & try to move :wacko: i have no idea what this means :shrug:. Tufty has been hyperactive today - almost like he/she's trying to find a way out.....only far too high up :dohh:.
I'm sitting in the nursery now drawing a scaled down room plan with cut out furniture :haha: needless to say i'm still not happy with the layout of the room so this is my last attempt to sort it (i just wish i could work a pc programme to make it all easier :growlmad:)
Also been trying to solve the fitting of my car seat - looks like the simplest solution is to send of my seatbelt & have it extended so it fits easier :thumbup:

How is everyone? Have i missed anything major?

:hugs: to everyone suffering xxx
Oh my god Emma poor you at the physio!
Nice that she is pointing out all your lovely features....so is your leg only shorter due to your hips? And is it being caused by pregnancy?
Good on you for walking home too but boo to throwing up on the pavement. I carry a nappy sack with either kitchen or loo roll in it just incase as I never did find a sick bag supplier! Hope you feeling better....oh and I had a quick look back and you have a gorgeous bump..loving the wee pointy bum shape too, even if it's a bit weird feeling when they do it (or is it just me?)

limpetsmum so good to see you!

Sounds like your body is gearing up...maybe you are next!!

Better go as I fell asleep for almost 2 hours so gonna eat before the heartburn catches me!

Thanks Emma! I agree it does feel really weird when she sticks her bum right out. It feels like she's going to burst out some days! It's no wonder I have split down the middle tummy muscles is it?! lol

The physio lady said that I most likely had one leg shorter than the other before pregnancy, as most people do slightly apparently, but it's been made a lot worse by pregnancy and so made it noticeable. Basically my hip joint on my right side is a lot higher now than on the left, so my right leg seems shorter than the left. Because of that, my tummy and bum muscles are overcompensating, hence the pain like sciatica in my bum cheek and the split tummy muscles (even though that doesn't hurt strangely!) I know, lovely lady pointing out everything on my faulty body, now I feel like a 90 year old!
Good idea with the nappy sacks! I'm sick really easily, even if I just smell something dodgy, so I might carry some around with me in case lol

Wish i could have some quality time on here, let alone any time!
Kids are all wanting their bit of me, the girls are playing which means getting everything out, the boys are arguing over cleaning up their room, my 10 yr old trashed their room last night looking for his ds and now i want it cleaned up, but the eldest is moaning his stuff gets touched, so they end up fighting, I refuse to go and referee the pair, they will have to sort it out themselves, I just get one down here then the other in turn putting their argument across, and now dh has joined in, need some ear protectors!!

Anyway I came on here to say about my bargain today, I have been looking for nursing bras, and not come up with much that i can get to the shop and try on, anyway, went into La Senza today in the clearance shop in Clarks village in Street, they had a whole stand of nursing bras, all for £5 each!! I asked if they were available online and she said they should be but i had a quick look and i cant find a nursing bra anywhere!
Anyway they did loads of designs, all for a fiver each, I have a black one already, so bought a black and pink one, and 2 white, I tried them on and they are perfect, so very happy not only to find what i wanted but at a bargain price too!:happydance:

Baby back to figety self today, nice and active, and had hickups earlier too, I have an anti natal tomorrow but going to have to change as dh has physio too, and that will have to be more important, sure it wont really matter, i just wanted my wee checked to see if i have sugar in it, if i do i will willingly have the diabetic test i am booked in for, but if i didn't then i would have cancelled it as it was only a trace last time, and baby was dot on for growth, so i would think it was just a one off, I just know they are going to make me go through the test and then it will be ok like it was last time, and its back to the hospital as well, :nope:

Anyway am trying to cook tea so best go b4 i burn it, will try and pop back later and catch up on everyone's news xx

F&C, I am watching the babies born number on September stars now to check i don't miss anything!!:haha:

:hugs: All xx
Hi ladies

Just a quickie from me - Emzy lovely bump but boo to the physio, you poor thing.

Limpets - maybe contractions are next.

I'm hurting all over today, especially my legs and aches and pains in my pubic bone. The baby isn't kicking much at the moment but is moving from side to side I really wish it would stop rotating and just do a full flip and go head down.

I've been to Boots and Mothercare today. Boots have a sale on Mini Mode. I'm trying to refrain from buying any more clothes but I succumbed to a couple of bits including some little hats and a cute bib. All I bought in Mothercare were some more giant "over the bump" pants. I'm passed caring whether things match so I bought some random blue ones because they were reduced to £5. I didn't want to pay any more than that for something I'm only going to be wearing for a few more weeks!

It's stormy here today, we had torrential rain, thunder and lightening earlier. It's cleared the air a little which was much needed but it still feels muggy

Hope everyone is well
Emma where did you go to the beach?? I want to take Tabs to St Andrews this weekend...going to be freezing :haha:

Limpet i seem to be going through the same thing :nope: But i'm getting the contractions also just the whole thing... but no dilation :hissy:
This baby is going to TAUNT me and come late :cry: :cry: :cry:
Eeeeeeee its so exciting, that physio visit seemed to do more bad than good id ask for my money back lol!! Hope everyone is feeling better soon, just think once baby is born it will all be over (hopefully)!! I know what you mean about the bruised insides....iv had a lot of funny sensations dont in the bottom of my bump and front and back bottom...feels like he is digging his way out!!! x
Asher - I hate it when you fall it hurts so much, hope your on the mend soon

Emzy - loving the bare bump its looking great :), sorry to hear physio was tough

Limpets - Maybe you will be the next Star, does sound like you might not be long now

Blob just realised your 3 days from full term !!!!! WoooooooW

Ive been aching bump and back since last night, I'm just so tired all the time too...... really dont know how im going to last with my friends wedding in a couple of weeks... maybe I could have a snooze in the car at midday?

Just watched Penguin Island I :cry: it was so sad when an ill penguin died.... I love penguins.

Should do some office work tonight as its month end but i'm just too tired, got gp first thing 2morrow for chickenpox test hopefully take blood from left arm as the mw yesterday has left me with a massive bruise and blood blister from yesterdays sample... not attractive
Just watched Penguin Island I :cry: it was so sad when an ill penguin died.... I love penguins.

I just watched the part where the penguin died too andd had to turn it over cos it upset me :cry: I kept thinking fill the sink n put it in there to cool the poor thing down!!!! lol x
ack! i keep typing out my replies, get distracted and shut down my laptop and lose it all :( silly baby brain!
Oooh Little A, maybe it was a premonition?!!!

Blondie I have been getting that on and off for a couple of weeks now. Make sure you're not over doing it.

Angelz, I'm the same bra size wise but have been wearing non-wired for ages as wired was too uncomfortable.

Asher hope you are ok after your fall.

Emzy I love your bump pic! That is terrible that you felt so bad you were sick after your appointment. That doesn't sound right. x

Limpetsmum I'm glad your pains are a bit better now. It would be good for LO to come soon but maybe to hang on another week just to be safe.

Babythinkpink, I went in to La Senza the other week and was told they don't do nursery bras... grr... naughty lying shop assistants. Yep no more babies yet to report!

It's my last day at work tomorrow!!! Whoo hoo!!!
Evening all...Well, my baby is the size of a newborn! he weighs 7lb 5oz already with 4 weeks to go! :nope:
Not a happy bunny, as by calculations if he gets to his due date he will be approx 10lb 8oz as he puts on way over 1/2lb a week. :dohh:

Just a bit stressed at the thought right now, so I will have to wait untiil Monday and see what the consultant has to say about evicting him!
My FH is spot on and I guess thats why my tummy hurts so much a lot of the time. Oh well, I guess he'll be here when he is ready but none of the 'first size' clothes will fit I guess so they were a waste of money! AArrgghh.

Sorry about the miserable rant. xx
Emma where did you go to the beach?? I want to take Tabs to St Andrews this weekend...going to be freezing :haha:

We were going to go to Gullan beach but wasnt sure the weather would hold and decided on Portabello instead...not the best of beaches but it had toilets on the prom and also a few cafes...and of course parking across the road so I didnt have miles to walk:thumbup: But it was sooo quiet...so we just sat and played in sand and collected shells...Nathan tried out the sand for taste:sick: and we had a paddle in the freezing sea. He loved it but I think if we had gone to Gullan just the walk to the beach would have done me in...let alone the potential of having to pee in the grassy dunes:blush:

I havent been to St Andrews beach but am sure its gorgeous since the rest of the place is.

The bra shopping seems to be going well for you ladies. I just kept my mat and nursing Bras from Nathan so been wearing them...although I might pop to mothercare and buy some more nursing ones...

Aww am sure your baby will be after limpets blob! After all I have had that dream about you texting me....hoping I dont jinx you!

LOL the first thing I do is check out the number of babies born on our thread...I will be so excited when we really start taking off...but hopefully I will be sitting at home with mine in my arms watching the numbers rise from early on....wishful/positive thinking at its best:haha:

Just heading off to my bed. Luckily tonight I dont have heartburn (yet) and managed to eat some tea too.

Get a lie in tomorrow as Stuart is taking Nathan to the childminders then him and Nathan are getting their hair cut...if Nathan lets the man do it as he has refused me cutting his hair for months (so has a huge mushroom hair do) so hopefully the man can win him over or pin him down:shrug:

Night night ladies...will speak tomorrow!


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