Babythinkpink, I went in to La Senza the other week and was told they don't do nursery bras... grr... naughty lying shop assistants. Yep no more babies yet to report!
It's my last day at work tomorrow!!! Whoo hoo!!!
I know, I could not see them online either, and they had a whole stand in the shop, defo la Senza ones, no other makes tags on them, makes me sound like i am imagining it all!!
Hope your last day at work goes well and YIPEEEE!!
I ended up having to go to the hospital this evening to check everything was ok, I had two massive pains in my side followed by NO movement at all, but a general feeling of nothingness.. if that makes sense... it was horrible, I was imagining allsorts had happened... the most likely explanation is either that it was a muscle /ligament pain, or it was her shifting round as the midwife seemed to think she was back to back so facing straight forward... it would explain the lack of movement afterwards as I have an anterior placenta and usually feel movements round the sides.... I felt a bit silly but the pain had me doubled over! I don't think it was muscle pain because it felt like it was her iykwim? But it was the stillness afterwards that had me thinking allsorts... anyway they put me on a trace for half an hour and heart rate was all fine, but we could hear loads of movements and I could feel hardly any of them... hence why I think she has turned and is kicking placenta! Little madam!! I hope she turns back though as they say back to back labour hurts! Plus she has been in the optimum fetal position at every other check up!
This describes exactly what i had, pains lower to side, really nasty, followed by a very quiet baby for a day, I am sure baby turned over, and then next night turned back, I hope so anyway because as you say has been in a lovely birth position so far!
Thanks for the reasurance ladies but unfortunately my DS was 8lb 14oz so they do expect this one bigger so I have little chance of having a small baby. lol
It usually follows next babes are a few pounds more than the last, My first was 8lb 5oz and i was told the next was bigger, I cried because I had such difficulties getting the first one out, I made them induce as i had gone nearly 3 weeks late with the first and i was sure he had done loads of extra growing, and I didn't want the same to happen, then at a week over due my ds was born....6lb 9oz and my smallest yet, and it was the bloomin consultant who told me he would be huge
It's driving me mad! I sleep with a dreamgenii between my legs anyway, and support under my bump, so I just don't know what else I can do! Any ideas??
Wish i had some suggestions for you, but i am the same, I seem to have maximised my sleep time with the help of the pillow, but that is about an hour or 2 with luck, but it was 30 mins b4 that!
I've never ever owned a designer handbag, I always get mine from tesco or somewhere like that so I'm quite excited at the prospect! I think DH is more into the idea than me heheh!
Oh it is nice, I cheated as I have a friend who reguarly is in China, she bought me back a bag as a thank you gift and said if i want one just ask, the one i had was prada (well a nice copy

) but it was lovely and you really couldn't tell!

I also had a prada back pack I used as a change bag!
I have been out for a walk and now have lost a significant amount of bloody stringy mucas. Enough to have some in my pants and alot on the paper.The pain is in my back and inside my vagina. Sometimes down my thighs. My bump does harden but is not sore the whole way up. The pains are not regular, dont last very long but are very painful. If this keeps up ill be ringing the midwife.
Good idea to call midwife, just see what it going on, I think the plug can come out weeks b4 labour but if you are having other symptoms? It may just be symptomatic of the plug coming out for you? Still may mean a while longer yet!
Either way term always used to be 36 weeks, it has changed now to 37 but it was always 36!
Good luck whatever is going on in there!
Can I vent here please?
Had my growth scan last week followed by my consultant appointment. My scan was fine, baby is just above average which is perfect. It's strange how I grow massive boy babies but the girls always sit just under 9lbs at birth. I'm guessing this one is on track for 8-9lbs at full term.

So then I had my consultant appointment. She questioned why I needed a growth scan so I told her. She mentioned my bmi and how I'm lucky I'm tall (thanks) and said great your on line for a normal delivery.
I then raised my concerns about my rash, I'm itching so badly in my sleep I'm making myself bleed, she fobbed me off with normal pg symptoms and told me to leave it alone. I suggested maybe I needed bloods to check my liver function so she gave me some forms. about useless, she didn't even examine my rash or body or bump!
I then wanted to query my spd, I am in so much pain, sometimes I get up at night to go to the toilet and I can't stand up straight to walk. She dissmissed my concerns as unfortunate pg normality. Yes I know it will go adfter ther baby but I feel so dissmissed and let down by the nhs, she just wanted me in and out of her office.

Silly moo bag. Plus there was none to take my bloods because of staff shortages and my spd was too bad to walk across the hospital to the regular bloods place.

Oh and while I'm whinging I'm still being sick and it's not even just in the mornings now, I was sick at 10ppm last night and at 1pm in the day in the kitchen's so cruel and so gross, I have never had extended sickness like this.
I feel better for getting that out thanks to anyone who read it.xx
Vent away hun, I feel your pain from crappy antinatal visits and midwifes pushing you out the room!
Also the sickness, still getting it to, and its so random, some mornings i am fine others i am stupidly sick with no warning!
Well we went out this morning, we were trying to make a day of it but i felt so ill had to come home, I feel ok now but at the time i couldnt do any more, I am glad i am as prepared as i am!
I did get a huggies change bag size box for wet wipes i have been looking for, I have a nice change mat that came in a Sainsburys baby pack freebie, and it has space for a few nappies, and wipes and i have some nappy rash cream wipes should i ever need them, I have it all filled up now and in my change bag.
I also got some minitures for my hospital bag, shampoo, conditioner, deo, shower gel foam, toothpaste, and really cheap pack of 2 tooth brushes for 10p!! Put ti all in my bag and just need a towel and to wash all the baby stuff now, I will do that when the 10 and 7yr old are away in a few weeks, so they don't see my colours on the line!
I bought a baby gym for £10 too, I have been looking but my swing has some toys on it, and i thought i could use that for a while, but baby may not like it, I have a change mat with toy bar as my dd used to love to kick with her nappy off and this would have been ideal, that is if this baby loves the same stuff!
I just had to come home after that, i think i am done with shopping days out not will after baby is here, I just feel huge and like everywhere is busy and like i am going to get bumped by someone or a trolley, I am struggling to do the weekly shop now, just glad its not months to go just weeks!
I had to re arrange my midwife, she was great, she has booked me in for next week, and i said about my glucose tollerance test and she said she can do it, Just wonder why they wanted to send me off to the main hospital to do it when i can go down the road and get it done, I am really not up for miles in the car, they don't think in these places, just think you can pop in at the drop of a hat!
Sorry this has turned into a huge post, I really wanted to catch up but also gabbled on about shopping!
Better go and let everyone else get a look in!
Bye for now, washing to do while the sun is out, have tons of it from the boys clearing their room up, its always washing they just shove on the floor!

thinkpink xxxx