Hey Ladies,
Look at what happens when i don't come on for a few days! LittleA that name is gorgeous & top of my girl list heehee - just gotta convince DH!
Ooooh maybe Star No4 will be here today, & here was you lot betting i'd be next......no chance, Tufty is definately his/her Daddas bubba - i bet i'll be late

Not been on as i've been seriously nesting again - this time in the nursery, i now feel i can call it that

. Had a complete furniture shift around the other day, put shelves up, corner unit for my nappies, sorted baby changing unit out etc etc. I love coming & sitting in here now! Just need one more shelf for the books to go over the door frame then i think i'm all done!

i'm sure you'll be fine - chat to Carley, she's a wise monkey

Snoozie - thinking about you hun

Hope everyone else is ok? I've still not caught up & i think i've gone beyond that point now - i'd be here all week & suddienly i have a busy social calendar

. Reunion with 3 school friends tonight (1 of them includes my ex - who i was with for 10 yrs - sister, she was my best mate at school) got the scrapbooking crop tomorrow, work friends sons wedding reception sunday (all the asian food you can eat too - woohoo - spices here i come), monday midwife & 3rd hypnobirth class, next weekend frisbee golf & meal out for another friends birthday eeeek - actually i have no time to be going into labour right now
Oh & before i go - i just wanna say i bought the cutest little mits, socks & hats from boots in the sale on monday, i still can't get over how tiny they are - not sure they are even big enough to fit the cat let alone a baby