Oh my goodness another star is coming into the world!!
Good luck AOB1013
I really need to stop my predictions or I will have us all jinxed!
Well I am having a crappy day so not gonna be on long

mainly its my hormones getting on top of me but things are just annoying me lately.
We placed a mothercare order for a little bean bag seat for Nathan on 1st Aug and bought a few other little bits for him (mainly as it was free delivery on orders over £50 and we werent far off with his chair) so after a few days I see on my order the chair is out of stock until 26th Aug...am not amused but he will get it by Sept (I HOPE!) then yesterday me and OH were chatting in bed as Nathan was at childminders when we hear the post come through the door. Turns out it wasnt the post but a lazy delivery man who didnt bother to ring or knock the door!

Just posted a very undetailed card through saying he couldnt deliver! So OH calls the delivery people who say they will call the driver and call us back within the hour....they never so he calls again and the driver denies he didnt know etc etc LIAR!!!! and we arrange for delivery today before 10am. It doesnt turn up so OH again calls and we get that we are meant to pick it up at depot

so we drive 10 miles across Edinburgh to the ruddy depot and I go in as OH doesnt do angry and annoyed but I do (and very well recently!) so I ring the bell on the door outside and wait. After 5 mins still no answer so I walk in this HUGE warehouse filled with parcels which I could have stolen and noone cares so I stand and press the bell again and keep my finger on it in that annoying way and noone even bats an eye lid!

So I then walk around to find an office and try to get help and eventually a man decided to help and cannot find my parcel anywhere....he was gone for a good 15 mins before a woman walks past asking if I am still here....no your imagining me of course i am still bloody here!!! So she asks where the parcel was from and I say mothercare and she turns to the crate less than 1 meter in fron of me asks my name and address and pulls out my parcel (the other guy is either trapped or gone home as he still ahsnt returned yet!) then I swear to god she asks me for ID

SERIOUSLY I just told her the package was mothercare and my name and address and she wants ID??
Then I get home to find that stuff is missing from the postman pat bath toy...its a red letterbox with foam letters and bathcrayons and wipable postcards...but there are only foam letter...so defeats the purpose of the postbox....this is when I cave in and

But have just called mothercare and they are sending out a replacement asap and if I have anymore trouble with the couriers just to call them and they will deal with them...so its not so bad but with these hormones I feel like the world is caving in
Anyways sorry for getting it off my chest...OH when I cried at him I could tell he was trying not to laugh but obviously wanted to live
Limpets congrats on the last box...its so exciting!!
Genies girl have you posted a bump pic?

If not would you??

I am just

so interested in what a twin bump would look like but obviously if your shy dont worry I just thought I would ask.

It cant be fun trying to get comfy with two wee babies...one is a nightmare at times when I feel her squirming around afetr I get comfy.
Drazic I agree with step away from Google...there is never any good things to come out of google. I dont know much about it but am sure if they know you have it now its the best thing really
Right am off to have a glass of ice and diet coke.
Hopefully I will get a chance to be back later and see if we have anymore stars or star mummies in labour!

to all.