****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!


Was up at 6am, came down as I was hungry and needed a number 2 lol!! Had a dream that Emzy gave birth last night!!!

Blob I think my LO will go over, she seems very comfy in there lol!!

Our dog has only just got up, Murphy is one lazy lab, he is just over 8 months. He is so chilled out and not like a normal hyper puppy!! He has some funny ways!!
Hiya everyone!! Blob I just can't believe you've hit the 37 week mark!! Woo hoo!! Ooooh cleaning instinct!! Exciting! 35 weeks for me today, so am feeling much more happy by the day that even if I don't get to 37, at least my hospital stay should be shorter than it would have been if bubs had come earlier than now. Archie was home at 35 weeks exactly, so he's my little benchmark!

It's my turn this morning for a Louise style AAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!! I am so sick of discussing MIL with hubby. She is a pain in the arse. She means well but does my head in, so at the moment I am best avoiding her given that my fuse is short and my hormone levels high. She dotes on the boys but doesn't discipline them as I do or my mum does, which means that when they come home from her house, they tend to be wild, and I have to suffer the consequences of that. I do a lot with my mum. We haven't always had the best relationship in the world, but since the kids things are better. She lives literally a 2 minute walk around the corner from our house, and cares for my dad, grandad and sister who all have disabilities, so she's in most of the time and doesn't work. In the week, since I've been off work for a while, I tend to go round to mums a lot, and the boys love going for lunch or popping out to the shops with her. Yesterday we popped into town for an hour to get a few bits, it's just the norm. Well, this week, MIL mentioned to DH that she feels she's not as involved as my mum (she works full time) and DH and I ended up falling out about it. He basically wants me to take her out with the kids shopping and stuff on a Saturday (bear in mind he doesn't plan on coming with us) and doesn't see why I won't just tell my mum she's not coming anymore and his mum is. Erm, no, don't think so. This morning I happened to mention that I am going to nip up to John Lewis after Archie's swimming lesson (he's working overtime today) to pick up a knitting pattern for a hat...... he says "why don't you ask my mum to go with you?"....... I wanted to explode but managed to keep my cool. I know I am ranting but I think me and him are going to come to real blows about this. This is the woman who when I have a baby, tells me when it needs to be fed and winded (cos obviously I have no bond with my baby and have no idea when these things need to be done!) and then won't give me the damn baby to feed, when I am breastfeeding it!!!!!

Anyway, sorry, none of that made sense. I really needed to rant. Phew I need to calm down I think!!!!!!

Well I finished my baby cardigan last night and it's now hanging on the line washed and drying! I am soooo proud of it, it's fab! Not so perfect, but absolutely all my own work!!! So I have to post a piccy of it!

I think that pic is probably huge sorry!!

Right, I am going to go and calm down. Maybe I will be more chilled when I start a new knitting project. Hmmmmmm.

Catch up later ladies! I hope Ally is okay and her induction goes to plan today. :hugs:

PS Becs!! Our lab, Lucius (Looshy) has always been slightly odd. He has random habits and is a lazy lump!!
Asher - don't blame you for having a rant. Families eh? Who would have them? Maybe it's just me but why would your MIL expect to be as involved as your own mother? My Mum, Nan and Auntie totally expect to be involved in the pregnancy side of things (especially as I'm the only grandaughter) but my MIL while interested wouldn't particularly expect me to take her pram shopping with me for example, in the same way she wouldn't have expected to come Wedding Dress Shopping either as that was my Mum's job. (As it happens I didn't take either of them and went with my best friend instead :rofl:) If she wants to be more involved with the kids why can't your DH take them somewhere for the day with her so that you can have a break? That would make far more sense to me? No doubt your DH is taking it out on you because in typical man style he's not prepared to upset his Mum but thinks it's fine for you to upset your's! Hope you get it sorted either way :hugs:

p.s lovely cardigan!
Sorry for not much in the way of personals. Am just trying to take it easy and get my head round the fact I will soon have a baby.

Asher, your DH seems to have forgotten that your Mum is YOUR Mum!!! Of course you are going to have a better relationship with her and see her more. Likewise I would imagine he would be closer to his Mum. It's only natural. Yes she may want to see the kids more but you can do that as a family. I would be livid if my dh told me I HAD to give up my Mum a bit more for the benefit of his Mum.

I love my Mother in Law to bits but my Mum is my Mum and I can totally relax with her and say it as it is. You don't need the stress of getting worked up by somebody else who you can't talk to properly.

Lovely cardigan Asher! Well done you! I really don't think I have the patience to do it.... ok, the truth is I followed a video on youtube on how to knit and I didn't even get past the casting on stage :(

Blob, I don't know why you would think I might be next!! I haven't had any signs at all yet! My nesting lasted 2 days and seems to be well and truly over, my excitement at washing and ironing baby stuff soon dwindled when I found out how fiddly baby clothes are to iron! The only thing for me is that I am going to the toilet for number 2s a lot more often than I ever did before! Every little twinge has DH saying 'oooooooohhhhhhhhh here she comes!' I think I will be pretty much bang on time if I'm honest, I don't think she'll be late as my mum and sister were on time with all of theirs but I don't think she'll be particularly early either!

DH is being lovely at the moment, he went out and bought me some 'twernt oil' for massaging my perinium yesterday, I don't know if anyone else would call it twernt oil though! He was also rubbing some cocoa butter into my belly last night and he was laughing at my belly button because I can close it by moving my belly around .. then he made me laugh and it went really weird and was opening and closing and it looked like it was talking to him, it was so funny, then it was ruined because a little wee came out :( (although he still thought it was funny!)

Has anyone heard from LittleA? I'm interested to know how her and baby are doing, i keep checking for updates but nothing!
Asher - I have ths same issue with my SIL... always seems to have an opinion about me , car, wedding etc. Luckily she lives miles away so I dont have to grit my teeth too often. Also your knitting is putting me to shame, havent finished my blanket yet and got stuck knitting my jumper I'm having to ask someone from work for help.

Had the most vivid dream last night I was in Clintons cards and I was holding my beautiful girl, my mum and aunty turned up too so happy..... now thinking its a sign and Im having a girl after calling bumo he for the past 8 months.

Used my new birthing ball yesterday its so comfy
Morning all,

been having weird dreams lately, some not nice at all!!
the other night i was dreaming that i was choking DD :cry: i could see my hands around her neck, when i woke up i was in a pannic, took me awhile to realise that it was just a dream.

Been on a cleaning spree this morning, nothing new 4me, just leaves me knackered lol

Hope little A is doing ok with her new arrival? :thumbup:

lovely cardigan Asher, ive so forgot how to knit :wacko: use to do it when i was a child.

Asher i agree with mrs j, why dosnt your DH arrange to go out with her and the kids for the day? then she gets to spend time with him and the kids just like you spend time with your mum and the kids.

Have a nice day ladies :flower: xxx
:hugs: daisybell that's not a nice dream, bet you were a bit shaken when you woke up!

fab cardigan asher, wish I could be bothered to learn to knit!
my mil gets jealous that we see my parents more than her, but she lives in Spain and they live only an hour away so what on earth does she expect?!
:hugs: MILs are hard i'm really lucky with mine (at the moment) But i agree OHs just do not get that you are going to involve your own mum more than theirs...thats the difference between having boys and girls. The cardigan is sooo sweet!

Louise i didnt have any signs last time... i dont think i will this time either except these annoying BHs :grr:
Good morning all,

What a lovely cardigan, wish i could knit, I am rubbish, my sister is briliant with anything needle craft, but sadly it didn't extend to me!

I know i wont be next baby born as not only as i am not due til 19th Sept but because the earliest out of 4 has been 1 day after due date, so no real hopes for anything else, my babies stay firmly in place til they are due!
I am going to start at 37 weeks, but i really don't want an August baby, only because of the school intake, I just can't imagine having to part with my just 4 yr old for school, nearly 5 sounds better! (not too selfish then!)
I put together my rocking stand for the moses basket last night, I am glad i did it as i have no energy, or patience now, i just will have enough to get the baby washing done, maintain the housework, and that is about it!

I think the next star was due to be induced at 11 today, we were due the same day so pretty scary really! Hope all goes well for Ally and her baby boy.
She is a pop in and out star, but starts lots of threads of her own, someone did ask!

Nothing exiting to report here, a very wriggly baby, and keep dreaming my waters have broken, or I am in labour or other strange things, all usual for the looming birth! Last night i was aware of wriggles all night, i wake up wondering if i was dreaming it!

Anyway, sorry for lack of personals, everything just runs on too fast, having discovered the last unread post button (thank you to who said about it!) I look and there are about 5 pages to catch up on and i forget what has been said! When i quote my posts take up a page on here!

Got to go, want to try and sort facebook and surprise surprise my boys are fighting!

:hugs: :baby:thinkpink xx
See it really doesnt matter here as our intake is really random..the school Tabs will go to i'm sure its like Dec or Jan. There were people in my year more than a year apart :wacko: So i'm quite happy having an August baby :haha:

I just want to wait one week and then i will be jumping around to get her out :wohoo:
Afternoon ladies!

Gorgeous cardi! I just wish I could knit!
As for you MIL I agree your OH should go out with her or invite her round for tea etc etc plus your mum is your mum and by what you said she looks after her family and is there for you all but you mil works so what does she expect...
I won't be having "in law" problems this time round as they still dint talk to us and I refused to have anything to do with them after everything they did to us after Nathan was born. OH tried his best to reason with them for about 4 or 5 months then cut his contact as they were so childish. It started with them ignoring OH when he called to say I was in labour/had given birth then expected they should visit every visit time. Carried over to wanting to come out at 8/9pm to visit when we were home (they are retired!) and felt my family were being favoured over them...all my family worked at this point and would drive 30mins after work to see us!
Also they had a huge problem with me breastfeeding and his mum smoked like a chimney and refused to stop before we visited or opened a window!
So glad we are free of them this time round as horrible as I sound.

Hoping everything is going well with Ally aob.
And hopefully littleA will be in touch soon...I would love to see a picture of Amelia....I think she will have hair too(can't remember who said that the other day)

anyways I better get back out of bed and dressed as am going up to my dads to relocate plant pots to my house as my stepmum has finally moved out the house(all be it left it in a state like squatters have lived there!) and my mum is coming too to help him with the jungle/garden...wonder if love will reblossom lol don't worry I am being funny about that last one but it's so nice get get on again after years of bitterness.

Later ladies,

I'll go next! I really want to get her out and away from my GBS and safe. Tuesday would be fine - book me in please ladies!
I've mentally booked you in for Tuesday afternoon, waters to go at about 3pm is that ok?! I wish it really did work like this!!

Well its our first wedding anniversary tomorrow so i've just been out to buy two fillet steaks to make, can't wait! I'll be doing our sunday roast today too to make up for it, so busy busy in the kitchen! I'm also going to make a proper start on my hospital bag! I thought to myself yesterday that it seems wrong sitting and bouncing on my ball wanting something to start happening when I haven't even packed a bag yet!
Louise, Ian calls it a twernt too!! Must be a squaddie thing LMAO!!! He has been massaging oil into mine as I can't quite get the right angle!!! I too need to pack my bags, although I am sure I could do it in 5 mins if I had too!!

Asher, you make me glad we have nothing to do with Ian's family! They are a bunch of selfish twats!! Lovely cardi xx

Hope all is going well for Ally!!!

Can't wait to see some pics of Amelia!!

We are gonna take Murphy out, I am doing so much walking, it better pay off!!!
Must be a squaddie thing hehehe! Most embarrassing when your mum asks what a twernt is though!!

I am literally on my way upstairs RIGHT NOW to do my bag.... argh can't get motivated! I better though because there's only half an hour till the season kicks off!
for some reason the thought of perineal massage makes me feel a bit nauseous! :sick:

I should really get started on my hospital bag - I've been putting everything to one side so it's all in one place, but I still need to do clothes! I've started on baby's bag already, but it felt a bit wierd doing it, guess it makes it seem real!
I've just ordered my labour bag - been needing to get a new weekend bag for ages since our old one has practically fallen apart, so this is as good an excuse as any!


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I really should pack my hospital bag with only 3 1/2 weeks to go. I think it will most likely get done next week when DS is on holiday with his dad!
I have my sisters wedding reception this evening so I should really be getting ready but all I am ready for is bed!! lol
At least I have the chance to do my hair and make up for a reason and it might just be the last night out I get for a while.

Short post, brain is mushy...sorry. xx
Thanks ladies for your comments, I'm glad it's not just my preggers hormones making me feel so upset about this MIL situation. I confess that she rang my mobile phone before and I didn't answer it. I can't stand her pestering me. Anyway, got my next knitting pattern for a very cute hat, will start it tonight!

Becs and Louise, I have never heard of a twernt but I quite like that name for it! Heard worse!!

Loving that bag Mrs N! Very nice, where's it from?

Teeny enjoy the wedding, you'll probably enjoy it once you're there.

We're supposed to be at a friend's daughter's 3rd b'day party at 3.30. DH is still at work and the kids need to be showered and me changed and make up done before then. I think I had better get a bloomin move on.

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