I really need to write a birth plan, I have usually just sat down and scrawled one off and they have been brilliant, but this time they are sort of, if i can do this, if i can do that!
I would like a water birth IF there is a free tub, and I would like the cord delayed clamping, they did this last time at this hospital no questions so i assume they still will do, I just haven't checked.
I hope to manage on gas and air but i have heard the water has a huge pain relief qualities and would love to get by on less gas and air so i am with it a bit more.
My last birth was lovely and relaxed, I hope for the same, I know the relaxing is the best way all round, its just easier said than done!
I am hoping being no 5 it will be quickish, but then have heard 5 can be troublesome
Sorry just a bit of a vent about my birth plan there, not really connected to anything else!
I think once an early baby arrives amongst the Stars panic tends to set in, I would just not be ready yet!
Back later! Again!
