Hey girls
Blob, I hope you are right and I go sooner rather than later! Anytime is fine now as baby is FULL TERM TODAY WOOHOOO!

Happy 37 weeks to you too Blob! I have a horrible feeling that I am going to go overdue though

I don't think I can stand another potential 5 weeks!! Anyway, I agree with Louise I have a feeling it will be you next!!
And Becs, I can't believe you dreamt I gave birth last night! Unfortunately I didn't, but keep em coming! ha ha I woke up STARVING in the middle of the night last night too, our bodies are doing weird things to us.
Happy 35 weeks Asher!
Asher, I agree with the others. Of course you are going to have a closer relationship with your mum than his, she is your mum after all!! I don't have that problem... veerry long story but Matt isn't in contact with his parents and so we only see my side of the family and that's a bloody good thing believe me! I won't go into details but they very nearly ruined our wedding last year and in the end didn't come. We are better off without them in our lives! And absolutely love the cardi! How talented are you!
Daisybell that dream sounds terrible!! I hate having bad dreams, they make you feel funny all day.
Drazic wouldn't it be fab if we could tell them when to come out?! Ok, I'm ready now, out you pop!!
I haven't been doing any perineal massage... I really doubt if I could reach so I'd have to get Matt to do it I think!
Lovely bag Mrs N! My bag's all done and sitting waiting!
Have a great time at the wedding Teeny! Nice to get all dressed up, I haven't in ages. And I regularly feel like doing a Britney with my hair, it would be much easier if I were a skin head!
Have a very wriggly baby today who has had hiccups all morning! It feels like my bump is bruised on one side too, either I've banged into something or baby has kicked so hard she has bruised me!
Matt's out at the football with his mate, watching nottingham forest and someone at Burnley. When he left at 1pm, I felt a bit dodgy so I lay on the bed and fell asleep til half 2!! I need to get a wriggle on and clean the house as my friend from Leamington has decided to come for a visit tomorrow and it's the first time she has seen the new house, so I want it to look spik and span!
I'll have to do a full term bump pic and post it later on