Fishy I'm sorry you had a stressful time last night but glad your grandad is ok, now you must take it easy for a few days!!
Drazic every so often my foof seems to swell up! It's so not pretty, I even resorted to the 'mirror' pose which I WILL NOT be doing again!!
So happy for LittleA that she gets to take her princess home today! Saw more piccies on facebook, she is truly gorgeous!
Also very happy for Ally and baby Leni, glad everything worked out ok in the end!!
Sorry to hear about the various ladies and babies with upset stomachs! It's really not very nice!!!
Babythinkpink, I know what you mean with the behaviour after treating them! It seems that everytime we get something for my step sons they repay us by acting up and being very ungrateful... I know they are children but it does make you wonder why bother!!
Lovely bump pics too!
Becs enjoy your shopping! Rather you than me!!
I think that was most things I wanted to say, apologies if I have missed anything!
It's our 1st wedding anniversary today

Can't believe it's a year since we got married already! Oh and happy 36 weeks for me! Only 1 week until the eviction process will begin hee hee!!