****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

I think I'm going to crack and buy this RLT you're all crazy about. :D

Have fun on maternity leave Fish&Chips! really are at the last mile now.

Congrats on the wedding Choc!

Becs - Hope the cramps werent anything yet, just body preparing for in a few weeks time.

Louise - I'm hating all the bathroom trips too and when I wake up after a few hours sleep my body is stiff and sore, I end up limping and waddling out of the bedroom and back. :haha:

Just trying to get my head around our washer/dryer that arrived Saturday. This is my second wash ever :blush: and I just screwed it up. I have no idea what wash cycle it's on but it isn't the one I wanted. Now Im just hoping for the best.

Got a scan today at 3pm! get to see if little Ellie has grown any more since my last growth scan two weeks ago. I'm hoping she's been piling it on, it's making me really nervous and everyone elses babies are sooooo much bigger than mine at lesser weeks than me, at their growth scans.

She's really wiggling and poking around today, I think she's ready for her debut :p

Hey ladies just wanted to ask if anyone can be my txt buddy so I can txt then
to update you all when my dd is born on the 27th I'm so excited!! Xx
I am Somerset,too, have we had this chat!! I am terrible for remembering these things, happy to exchange numbers if you need a buddy, I am an emergency/spare buddy at the moment:haha: The more the merrier!


I thought I was going into labour last night!! I woke up around 2am and was in quite a bit of pain around my back, front and my legs! I even ended up hoding myself against the wall as sitting was too painful!! Luckily it wore off after a while! It feels like she has moved further down as I don't look as big!!

I have dentist and midwife today!! Joy of joys!!

How scary, hope you are ok today, and Dentist and Midwife in 1 day???? NO WAY!!:haha:

OMG your bedtime sounds familiar, I am making little grunting noises as i turn over or fall off to sleep, but dh snores for ages and keeps me awake, yet my little grunts are 'worse' than him snoring all night:haha:
Your breastfeeding thing reminded me about something, not sure if they tell you to prepare your nipples but it is well worth doing, in the shower gently use one of those washy things that foam up, just massage the nipples without being too rough, do it every time you shower, it helps toughen up the (.)(.)ies for feeding, i am not sure you can avoid soreness if your little one has a particually good suck but it helps to get ready for them to be 'used' it can be quite a shock to them the first time! :thumbup:

Limpets glad your feeling good today, I had a day like that the other day, woke up feeling refreshed and had a great day, looking forward to baby being born and getting more days like that!

Geniesgirl, we are all watching you, having 2 squished up in there at that fab size!! :hugs:

Ohhh a wedding, how exiting, many congrats on that, I said to dh when i had just given birth to dd i think you should marry me now! I had to propose to him on the leap year, we did it all the same year, had dd, got engaged and married! :hugs:

Well i wrote my birth plan last night, scrawled it on a scrap of paper and hope to write it up later, it is just who i want with me, just dh and midwife, that i don't want student present, had a bad experience with no1 and it has put me off since.
That i want peace and relaxation, dimmed lights, water if possible, gas and air, little intervention, delayed cord cutting, dh to cut the cord, injection for placenta, baby to be born onto me, and myself and dh to be with the baby from that point.
I think that was about it, I need to put about vitamin K, all mine have had it orally, and i am pretty sure it is what the hospital does automatically anyway but need to check it.
I don't want to make a big fuss about the baby not being taken to be checked but the doctor to be bought to us as i am hoping they will miss that bit on my notes so i am just saying i want us to stay with baby instead where as if i go on about not taking the baby to be checked over at birth they will be aware it 'needs' doing so played it down!
I know baby will need a check but hope we can spend some time first. Still bugs me that this is all over crappy equipment having to go to a specalist unit, now they are saying the baby will be throughly checked over when the consultant said he would not have even questioned it.:dohh:

Well think i am going off to see if i can get a half price huggies newborn box today, they were out of stock so trying another Asda and will have a look at school uniforms for ds too, although it is tempting to cash in some tesco cash to double up and use on uniform, if i use it on days out i get 4x the amount and as i have lots of children we find them useful as a family for cheap days out.

Time to go, sorry i have missed things, Pretty rubbish at remembering things!

Big :hugs:

:baby:thinkpink xx
Morning all!!

I'm about to give up on bed times, I feel more stressed during my many wake up calls during the night than I do during the day! Then DH had the cheek to say that he barely managed to sleep a wink last night because I kept waking him on my trips to/from the loo and grumbling as I was rolling over! Funny, as I didn't notice the snoring stop for any length of time!!

Becs, that must have been a bit scary! I had some bad cramping pains last night before bed but I put it down to taking all 3 RLT tablets at once! Does everyone else space them out during the day?

I have a breastfeeding class this afternoon.. I'm quite looking forward to it but I am really hoping I don't have to get my jubblies out!! Anyone else been to one of these?

We had a lovely anniversary, thanks to all well wishers.. I made us fillet steak with peppercorn sauce which was really very nice if I do say so myself! I love cooking!

It seems a lot of ladies are having some twinges and cramping pains... I wonder if we'll be a bunch of earlies?! I still don't think I'm having any imminent labour signs at all, and my confidence at being early/on time is fading fast!!

I so understand the moaning. He he. I got that a lot from DH. He got really moany the other week and decided to sleep on the sofa. The job he was working on got cancelled the other week so he has been at home with me for a week job hunting and has become a lot more understanding. I guess its because he has seen me struggling in and out of the car, cat napping numerous times a day and struggling to lever myself out of the chair, think he has realised that I dont do it on purpose!

I have noticed today that i can now feel baby's hiccups in my bum...! rather than in my pelvis. I woke up feeling it last night and I was totally confused! Like a little pulse. She has had hiccups loads up till now, but always been at the front not underneath!!! Has anyone else had this? Does this mean she has dropped down? She is already head down and has been for about two weeks. Any advice? I have noticed that compared with waddling around yesterday i can move a lot easier today.
Morning Ladies!

Congratulations Choc! :happydance: I too am tying the knot next year - so exciting isn't it!! I love the idea of sending invites out at Christmas too :)

I took one RLT tablet yesterday, and am taking 1 again today. I just wanna try a few days on 1 tablet before I up it to 2, 3, etc - make sure it agrees with me first!

I haven't had any Braxton Hicks that I know of yet... Don't think I did with DD either.

As for sleep - I'm really not getting any, and I'm shattered ALL the time. Last night, I was fast on and DD woke up at 12.30 with itchy lady parts due to the new bubble bath that we tried last night. It was awful, bless her, and I tried everything - Canesten, Metanium, a fresh bath (to soothe it). In the end we went downstairs at about 2 and watched 'snow buddies' on dvd... trying to sleep was just making her itch more. That took her mind off it nicely, and I finally got to bed at about 4... only to have OH snoring his head off! Also, because of how the bed is in our room, we've had to swap sides so that the moses basket can fit next to me, which meant I couldn't get comfy. I'm like the walking dead today, and DD wants to go to the park.

Limpets- you sound like you well and truly have the nesting bug! I would have, If I could keep my eyes open long enough lol. I'm determined to get some washing in today though with the weather being nice.

I've got my 36 week app next week, although I might go in to the drop in later and quiz my midwife on group b strep. Like I said, I ordered the test kit, and I wanna know if she would recommend her doing the swabs, or me doing them myself. I also wanna know why they don't tell people about it routinely!!!!!! If it weren't for this forum, I wouldn't have a clue about it. :growlmad:

I kept feeling bubs wriggling as we were watching our night-time dvd. I really hope that it isn't an indication of bubs wanting playtime at 2am every day! Lol..

I really, really can't wait now. I'm feeling much less scared and much more optimistic about the birth as time goes on. That'll probably change though lol.

Hope everyone else is good today :)
Dentist went fine, no problems! I am lucky as I have never had so mush as a filling!! There seems to be loads of us with midwife appointments today!! Treated myself to a massive bag of pick and mix whilst in town!!

Louise I am so the same at night times, take me ages to drop off, then I do and then I have to get up for the loo!! I only managed 2 trips last night!!

Fishy glad you are taking it easy and relaxing!!!

Bekks, good luck at your scan this afternoon, hope Ellie has grown xx

As for RLT I am taking my tablets all at once as I know I will forget to take them during the day!!
Emzdreamgirl, the same happened to me last night!! I suddenly realised why my dh couldn't feel the hiccups and it's because they were around my bum!!! lol
I had some bad cramping pains last night before bed but I put it down to taking all 3 RLT tablets at once! Does everyone else space them out during the day?
I take all of mine with breakfast else i risk forgetting it altogether lol

Babythinkpink - they shouldn't give the vitK without your permission hun.

Right - my house is now amazingly clean (incase my fatigue makes a vengeful return tomorrow lol), i'm not off to shower & attempt to shave my legs......could be for the last time bofore bubba arrives.......if i can reach them sitting in the bath lol. If you don't hear from me later you'll know i'm stuck in the bath.....send good looking firemen please :haha:
Good looking firemen??? To help you get out of the bath because you're stuck shaving your hairy legs?!?!?!!!!!! :haha::blush::haha:
haha, I almopst got stuck in the bath the other day - ours is a big old claw footed tub so it's really really deep! Dh has banned me from bathing when the house is empty!

My sleep seems to have gone seriously downhill too, I just toss & turn all night (which is really painful!).

I have my 33 week appointment tomorrow morning, although it's with the GP not the midwife
Afternoon all....just to say that I am feeling great!! :thumbup:
The wedding reception saturday night was a lovely night out and I got to have a dance- even though I could feel everyone looking thinking 'that pregnant girl shouldn't be moving like that! ' :haha: However, on the down side I did wear heels and I am now sporting rather attractive cankles!!! :dohh:

Just back from my consultant appointment and I have my induction date as 31st August at 6pm. :happydance: So I will be a september star for real after all I do suppose.
I didn't get a straight answer on a homebirth if I spontaneously go into labour, but I will talk to the MW this week and I think she will okay it. So potentially I will get what I want if this little man decides to put in an appearance a few days early, but if not at least I won't be going overdue which is nice to know.

I guess that means in 3 weeks and just 1 day I will be preparing to meet bubba which is quite a scary thought! Not long now! :happydance: :happydance:

I am expecting some of you ladies to meet your :baby: before me and jump the queue though...I want some cute pics and birth stories to read!

Hope you are all well and Monday morning hasn't been too cruel. xx
I know that we're all a lot more interested in actual baby photos rather than bump photos now, but here is my 36 week bump! (Well, 36+1.... the +1 makes all the difference!)

bump 36+1.jpg


What do you think? I think it's finally popping! And I feel like I should now be pleased it was so small for so long as I have no sign of stretchies yet!
fab news on the induction date teeny! :happydance:
louise your bump is lovely!
Yey teeny! I wish I had an induction date to look forward to, but I doubt that will happen. I'll be one of the ladies posting the '10 days overdue and fed up' threads I bet. How do you have the energy to dance? I'm in awe :)

Mrs N - I have an old deep bath too. It's lovely, but I do struggle in it.

Louise - your bump is so neat! I sooooo wish mine looked like that; mine's pretty compact too, but it's covered in stretchmarks, and my moles look HUGE because they are stretched too! All of my old stretchmarks have gone back to red/purple from the nice silver they were before, and I have a million more too. They're all over my hips, and bum. Ah well, never mind. It's not like I was ever planning on wearing tops that show off my stomach anyway, and the only time i'm in bikinis is on holiday (and then I don't care). I just hope they don't go too far down my thighs, as sometimes I wear short shorts to go out in / in the summer.
Teeny thats brilliant!!!

Louise, lovely bump!!!

Optical, I think I will be one of the overdues too!!!
I'm having a scan tomorrow! It's my birthday on Friday and we're going back to Insight Ultrasound where we had our first ever scan at 6 weeks (same place and on the same day as fish and chips if she remembers!) and we're having a full growth scan and then a look in 4d. It probably won't be great pictures because of how far I am now but it will be nice to see him or her and know that everthing is fine! Excited now.
Afternoon all....just to say that I am feeling great!! :thumbup:
The wedding reception saturday night was a lovely night out and I got to have a dance- even though I could feel everyone looking thinking 'that pregnant girl shouldn't be moving like that! ' :haha: However, on the down side I did wear heels and I am now sporting rather attractive cankles!!! :dohh:

Just back from my consultant appointment and I have my induction date as 31st August at 6pm. :happydance: So I will be a september star for real after all I do suppose.
I didn't get a straight answer on a homebirth if I spontaneously go into labour, but I will talk to the MW this week and I think she will okay it. So potentially I will get what I want if this little man decides to put in an appearance a few days early, but if not at least I won't be going overdue which is nice to know.

I guess that means in 3 weeks and just 1 day I will be preparing to meet bubba which is quite a scary thought! Not long now! :happydance: :happydance:

I am expecting some of you ladies to meet your :baby: before me and jump the queue though...I want some cute pics and birth stories to read!

Hope you are all well and Monday morning hasn't been too cruel. xx

Hey sweety, can I ask why your consultant has gone for induction? I am hoping mine will do the same! :hugs:

Have a great scan cafferine, looking forward to seeing pictures!
Louise your bump looks just like mine!! Glad im not the only one with a petite bump...i hate it when people stand open mouthed when u tell them how far gone you are! Im 36 weeks tomorrow!!!

Hope everyone is coping and feeling well today...im beiginning to feel the struggletoday! x
Good Luck Bekk :flower:
Gorgeous Photos Louise :)
I really wish we were just given a date and thats when :baby: comes... would be SO much easier than all this waiting :dohh:
Wow Cafferine that brings back memories!!! I remember my dh and I walking from the hospital (we got there early so went to the hospital for some food) and saying that no matter what happens we have each other. I was so incredibly nervous!! I can't wait to see your 3D pics!!

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