****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Thanks Louise and Drazic. Apparently I can massage my hands before I go to bed and I should keep the elevated (along with my feet lol!). If that doesn't help my mw suggested sleeping with splints on! Fun fun fun :)
Splints? Because you just wern't uncomfortable enough hey?
F&C I've just seen my GP today and he says I have that too, hence the mega swell up and removal of wedding rings over the weekend! It's horrible isn't it? The paaaaiiiin in the morning is horrible! Big hugs and sympathy :hugs:
Right back at you Emzy!! :hugs:

I know Drazic.. how on earth would I manoeuvre myself at night whilst with splints on?! And then going to the loo in the night? agghhh! Think I'll try and put up with it instead. x
Sorry I haven't posted on here much over the last few weeks. I have been spending so much time at the hospital that I haven't really had time for much else. It has just taken me hours to catch up on all I have missed.

Massive congratulations to Little A and AOB on the safe arrival of their beautiful babies.

I am delighted to report that today we have finally been able to bring Thomas home from the hospital after he arrived more than 6 weeks early on 20th July. I have tried to attach some pictures - I hope they have worked. It is fantastic to finally have him at home and I still can't quite believe that he's here already. He is still so tiny, weighing only 5lb. I can't stop looking at him.

I hope that everyone is feeling ok and that you aren't too uncomfortable in the late stages of pregnancy. Now we are home, I will be checking in more regularly and I can't wait to hear about the arrivals of all the rest of our September Stars over the next few weeks.

Cat x



cat81, he is adorable, i bet your glad to all be home. you dont realise how small he is until the photo of him in the car seat x
aw congratulations, and how lovely you can finally bring Thomas home! How cute & tiny does he look in his car seat! :cloud9:

splints do not sound comfortable :hugs: hope you can avoid them, but maybe worth a try to see if they do help? you can always take them off if they are a pain!
Aww cat he is gorgeous! I agree you dont realise how small he is until you see him in the car seat bless him!
A huge congratulations again Little A...she is beautiful.
Cat...Thomas is so dinky...lovely little Bubba!

Drazic..the consultant will induce on my due date because baby is measuring big on his growth scans. He wrote in my notes that there is 'maternal anxiety' over delivery of a large baby. So...in his words, it is not because he is big but because I am anxious! Does that make sense?? If your baby is measuring ahead perhaps ask the MW about induction if you are worried.
At least I know when he should be here by which is so nice. However, eviction proceedings will start tomorrow! xx
Congrats Little A, Amelia is gorgeous. And congrats aob on the safe arrival of Leni.

Cat81- Thomas is gorgeous he is so tiny bless him.
Awww Cat he is adorable!! How tiny :cloud9: Must be so nice to have him home at last :hugs:

F&C I can not imagine wearing splints in bed... bloody hell I can't get in and out of bed as it is, never mind with bloody splints on!!!

Teeny how exciting that you have your induction date! Will be interesting to see if baby is born before or after midnight... youngest or eldest in the school year?!

Cat - thanks for posting pictures of Thomas:cloud9: I can't get over how teeny tiny but perfect he is! You must be so happy to have him home at last. Enjoy every second xxx

Carpel Tunnel - you poor ladies. Sorry to hear you are suffering so much. I thought my one swollen foot was bad enough!

F & C, splints, sounds uncomfy. I hope the swelling reduces.xx

LittleA, omg, beyond scary. I'm so glad you are both ok.xxxxx

Cat81, he is so yummy, congrats.

Teeny, yay on an induction date! :)
Cat, so glad Thomas is now home he's an adorable boy xx

F&C Lets hope you wont have to wear the splints, sometimes I wonder if health professionals live in the real world

Teeny congrats on getting an Induction date, how much is your baby expected to weigh ?

Genies girl, If your confused or not convinced phone the hospital MW's they would know, try and not worry and hope your BP behaves itself :hugs:

Louise your bump is looking fab, it looks text book to me xx

Little A - So glad that everything is ok must of been very traumatic for you xx

Cafferine - enjoy your scan... I have my first growth scan Thursday and also cant wait!!

Rubbish night sleep last night, woke up with tremendous backache and my front pubic bone ouchie.... I really need to give up work now its too tiring, people asking questions all the time I cant even get a lunch break at the moment. On a positive note i'm now over half way through knitting my baby blanket !!
Evening Ladies!

LittleA oh my goodness how gorgeous is baby Amelia...and wow you certainly went through it but thank goodness in all honesty since she and you are both fine. Quite scarey...:hugs:

Cat81 Thomas is sooo cute!! As was said you see how tiny he is when in the car seat. Congrats again...bet he is keeping you busy!:hugs:

F&C I had carpel tunnel with Nathan and it was no fun. It took a few weeks to go after the birth too which was a bit of a nightmare with the fiddley poppers on the baby vest:dohh:
I never got splints as my mw and doc said there wasnt much to be done bar elevate your hands at night like you said but it still didnt do it for me.

Genies I would go with the mw as to be honest GP are rubbish at measuring BPs...did they use an electronic machine or the old mercury pump up by hand one? I find the electronic ones give a higher reading and the GPs cant read a mercury one very well:blush: I guess if you have a great BP (which I am jealous of btw!) then she is just watching for it going up for now and taking precautions so try not to panic too much.:hugs:

Right I better head off for now.

Cafferine good luck with your ultrasound, the 4d will probably still look awesome

Louise great bump! :)

Wow little-A your birth story gave me goosebumps! how terrifying that must have been, so glad all is well!

Cat, those are fantastic pictures, glad he's home :happydance:

So i finally ordered my nursing bras i'm really hoping the sizing works out... i went for one size up of what i'm wearing now, but i've never purchased a bra without trying it on before o_O
F&C splints dont sound very comfy to me either! Hope you manage to get a better nights sleep tonight!

LittleA that must've been awful but thankfully your gorgeous girl is perfect and arrived safely.

Sorry if this is TMI but on friday and saturday i had diarhea (sp) which i found weird because i've been constipated the whole way through pregnancy. Anyway since then everything seems to be back to normal down there but now i'm feeling really sick and i havent been sick since around 9 weeks and even in first tri i wasnt sick much only 2 days! I know that our bodies have a clear out before labour but i'm only 33 weeks on wednesday so its a bit early for me. I never had this with my first because i had to be induced with him at 41+6. I cant go into labour yet i move house in 3 weeks and it'd be much easier to move heavily pregnant than with a newborn lol. Of course i know they arrive when they want i decided to arrive on the day my mum moved house ( 4 days early) lol
Fishy thats the same as i was last time... luckily when i was really struggling it was so close to the end it didnt matter. This time if i feel my feet swelling i do 10 circles of my foot? Seems to be working just now :wacko:

Cat he doesnt look too dinky he looks gorgeous :hugs:

Boony i've been like that for the past week :blush: I seem to be going 4-5 times a day...
Boony I had the same thing a couple of weeks ago (even during the night rushing to the loo), feeling nauseous etc . Im back to normal now still feel sicky every now and then but thats more down to sugar levels than anything else

Hope that reassures you ? xx

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