****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

I've been away for a few days and i come back to see babies are here! Its so crazy but I am very happy for you guys. Huge congrats to both the ladies who now have their babies with them on the outside, I wish you all the best.
I had my baby shower yesterday and it was so lovely, everyone was so nice and it looked pretty plus I got loads of stuff. I was completely overwhelmed and so surprised at how much stuff I got but I am feeling much more prepared now lol. I will have to include some pics or at least get some up on my facebook.

I am completely exhausted though and not feeling too well so I am sorry for lack of personals but will try and catch up a bit later after I've had some rest.

Congrats on the shower Laura! I had mine just the other day as well. Isn't it amazing how exhausted you feel after you put away all that new baby stuff? I've been putting away things since yesterday and I still have lots left. Also I did about 3 loads of laundry, finally washed all my baby clothes. Tons of pink lint in my dryer! :laugh2:

It's starting to feel like I'm actually having a baby now, sure took me long enough! lol :haha:
Evening girls!
I felt especially pregnant today. It feels like my bump just expanded another 10 cm. And every time I stand up, sit down, or even try to bend over, I let out these very unladylike grunts and groans as Baby thrusts his plump little bottom further up into my diaphragm. And I am facing 7-9 more weeks of this rapid expansion? I really think I might split in two.

LittleA - thank the gods your body knew to get that baby out! What a story! Very scary. One that I would much rather hear after the danger was past.

Cat - lovely boy! So little and perfect!

Beautiful bump, Louise!

optical - I read that it's SLS or the sodium lauryth sulfate sudsing agent that can give lots of little girls that reaction. That crap is in everything - you really have to be vigilant to avoid it. Try the more expensive natural bubble bath at the health food store - that usually doesn't have it. Even there though, you really have to read the ingredients.

Forgotten all the rest I was going to say, as usual.

Meant to share:
I think I met the 3-year old version of Hermione Granger at the playground on the weekend.
She marched up to me and demanded to know if I was growing a baby in my tummy.
When I said yes, she just looked very superior and pompous and announced, "That's what I thought!" and marched off again.
Little know-it-all! :) Very funny.

Okay, must run off to eat some cookies! :)
Morning all! I missed so much yesterday!

LittleA thank goodness little Amelia is okay. She is just so perfect, I am loving the pics of her!

And Cat81, Thomas is gorgeous! You must be so proud, and glad to have him home with you now. xx

Lovely bump pics ladies.

Seems like a few of us are bubbling along with nags and niggles of cramps and stuff now. iminent babies hey!?

I was going to chat loads more but that will have to be later. A certain 3 year old boy I know has just spilt orange juice all over his PJs and is now standing naked next to me waiting to get dressed. See you all later!!
Glad your babyshowers were fun :thumbup:

:hugs: for all the sick people :hugs:

Well i've been having cramps and back pain on and off and clear outs :sick: I bet baby is just teasing me though... :dohh:
Also going to phone up the hospital in a few hours i think, baby is ALWAYS kicking and moving at this time of morning and she has gone REALLLLLLLLY quiet. I'm feeling a bit just not 'normal' :wacko:
:hugs: blob hope things are all okay, could be a sign of things starting??

I had my 33 week check this morning - all good and measuring 33cm :thumbup:
The nursery is looking good, the horrid bright yellow on the walls & ceiling is gone :happydance: Hopefully the colour will go on today and then just finishing off tomorrow.
Just popping by to say good morning to everyone!

Slept ok for 2 hours last night, was amazed i had slept for 2 whole hours non stop! Dh asked if i had heard a loud noise from a hamster run falling off my ds's bunk bed and i hadn't so i must have been so fast asleep!
Got stitch after that, on the side i had not been on, I think baby had got nice and comfy so was not keen on me turning over!

Hope everyone is ok, it seems none of us are getting much sleep for one reason or another, indigestion is not nice, but gaviscon is worse!

Well hope to go out today, sounds mad but i am doing one thing a day and not going too mad so a trip to the supermarket is a planned outing!:haha:
Hope the weather improves so i can get some washing done.

Back later :hugs:

:baby:thinkpink xx
Sorry to those who suffered last night. Blob and Shorman, have your pains gone yet?

Becs your friend sounds nothing like me! I would have moaned moaned moaned!! xx
morning ladies, :wave:
think ive woke up with cold my head is sooo stuffy typical!!

Huge congrats to littleA and cat on the birth of their beautiful babys!! :happydance:

LittleA that must of been so scary for you and im pleased that you and Amelia are ok :hugs:

Cat im pleased that Thomas is ok and is now home with you! he looks sooo ickle in that car seat bless him xxx :kiss:

:hugs: BloB hope everything is ok?

Pleased you 33week check up went well Mrs N and all is well :thumbup:

Love the bump pic littlebumpblue, looking fab :thumbup:

Got my MW appointment this afternoon :happydance:

DD has gone to nanna's for the day, so im gunna enjoy the peace while it lasts :haha: xxx
Sarah - Thanks for the advice :flower: DD woke up again last night at about 3am, but managed to fall back asleep after some cream had been applied. It was pretty expensive stuff from Lush - a company which is meant to be all natural etc. BUT it was their pink glitter bath bomb :blush: I should have known really. I've given her (and OH) a threadworm worming tablet too, just incase. I really hope it's not that though, as I can't have anything for it if it is!

Little A - How terrifying! I'd have freaked at the sight of all the blood... well done! so glad she's here safe.

Cat - Thomas is gorgeous, and so tiny!

Emzy & F+C - so hope your hands don't get any worse. It seems unfair when you're feet are swelling too!

Laura & Angelz, glad you had a lovely time at your baby showers :)

My heartburn is *fingers crossed* at bay lately. I bet i've just jinxed myself there, and spend the full day munching on rennies.

Righty, i'd better get off - I'm off into town for OH's bday present. Plus, DD is really bored - I can tell cos she's constantly nagging me about trivial things while I type. She nags usually, but not this much!

Hope you have fab days ladies :flower:
There's about 10 pages since yesterday so I just checked back really quick, so sorry for all who I've missed.

Just wanna say;

LittleA- Really scary birth story but at least she's here and safe, and that's what matters! congrats again

Cat - He's gorgeous and tiny :cloud9:

Lovely bump pics everyone I noticed had posted one on the way back.

Scan seemed to go well yesterday, Ellie is 4lb 12oz now so she's put on just under a pound in two weeks which they think is good, they said she's growing nicely along the bottom line so they're not too concerned and that she's just going to be a petite baby.
Another growth scan in two weeks though just to keep check she isnt dropping below that line!

That's great news Bekklez!!

Oh and for heartburn I chew Remegel as they are much nicer than Rennies etc and they seem to do the job for me. x
My heartburn is killing me this morning...going to get some milkshake me thinks :)

Hmmm well i only notice them if i sit down (which i dont get the chance to do so often) :lol: I dont think that anything is starting really...i would just 'know' i think.

:sick: I just found that DD has been peeing under a mat in the living room :sick: Its SO gross and stinky...how on earth we havent noticed URGH!!! So been scrubbing the floor for a while.
What a lovely find for you Blob!!! I wonder why she's being doing that?

Glad your pains aren't so bad. I've heard that if they go (or I guess you can't notice them) when getting up then it's nothing to be concerned about. x
Hi all, not been on as broadband not been working and my dongle doesnt really cope with forums pffft! Hope you are all doing ok, Little A Amelia is gorgeous and Im so glad she came early, scary stuff hon, just thankful that you and your wee darling are ok.x Cat Thomas is so gorgeous, really see how tiny he is when in the car seat, so glad you are home:) Also so glad Leni and Ally are ok, he is a wee cutie.

Who's next??!!.......................................................................................
Good news about Ellie, Bekklez! She will just be a petite babe when she arrives!

Sorry to hear about your carpal tunnel girls, as though you need anything else to contend with grrr! Thank goodness we're all nearly at the end.

Blob that must have been a lovely find for you. Aren't toddlers just the best!

I've got all my housework done again today. Am waiting in on a parcel being delivered and the boys are so bored. Yesterday I did loads with my mum. She helped do the windows, and I cleaned all the lampshades and vacuumed around the corners of all the ceilings (I really can only put it down to nesting!), and this morning I have vac'd everywhere again and mopped the kitchen and cleaned the porch. I am antsy today. There are two buggies in the porch which I'm not really using any more. Jack will soon be going on the buggy board if he comes out with me to take the pooches out. So I am thinking of loading the old crap into the car and tipping them. Then I can organise the pram and stuff downstairs for when the baby's born, and there will be room upstairs then for the crib to go up. Hmmmmm. A million and one things running through my tiny mind. I want to run it past DH but his phone is going straight to answerphone. I am babbling I know but I can't seem to help myself!!!!

Oh and for heartburn I chew Remegel as they are much nicer than Rennies etc and they seem to do the job for me. x

I like these, will get some today, much nicer than the old man juice gaviscon, why i didn't think of them b4:dohh:
Think i should get a few boxes in! :hugs:xx
Hi Ladies,
I made it out of the bath ok :thumbup: shaved legs & all :haha:.
Well i've decided my midwife is totally rubbish! I had an appointment yesterday to go through my birth plan, which to my expectations was to be discussing what i'd like & letting her know this as well as documenting it all in my green book. What ACTUALLY happened was she went through a mental speech (i recognised it as autopilot as i have one for work too when i'm tired or distracted) telling me everything which is written on my green book then ticking them off & dating them. Not once did she ask what my plans were or seem to care :dohh: oh well, glad she won't be delivering my baby. I'll make my own birth plan to take with me & give it to my allocated midwife on the day (send her for a read & a coffee whilst i settle into the pool hopefully heehee). Midwife did feel for Tufty's position & says she thinks i'm carrying a lot of fluid so not to dwell on what hospital said about baby weight (not that i was lol) she also wants to see me weekly now due to the fluid as she's worried it will make my blood pressure shoot through the roof at some point. As for my urine sample results - she mis labelled my specimin so the labs threw it away :growlmad: sent another one off but it didn't show anything up on a dipstick test so i guess it'll come back clear, i tried to tell her the levels increase at night but i don't think she was listening. Also told her about my palpitations waking me at night, again she didn't seem to care & told me to see my GP if i was concerned (but when i go to my gp he says tell my midwife as it'll be pregnancy related ggrrrrr)
On a good point we covered massage in our hypnobirthing last night - DH learnt 7 different massage techniques to go with the various stages of surges, we were given practice oils (mandarin) and labour oils (if used now they can start contractions.......hhhmmmmmm :haha:). The group seems to be relaxing more so it's a lovely session to go to, i MUST practice my hypno relaxation each day so i can relax quicker. DH & i also came up with a game plan as to what we will do should i start having labour signs, when we think he should think about leaving work, when to head to hospital etc.

Louise your bump is soooo sweet!

I just hope they don't go too far down my thighs, as sometimes I wear short shorts to go out in / in the summer.
My stretchmarks are in quite a small area so they are not too bad & to be honest i have them on my hips from when i put on a ton of weight in my teens anyway. What i'm not impressed with is the broken thread veins all over my legs - they are mostly around my knees & go upwards towards my thighs about 2 inches as well as down to my calves about 3 inches :cry: these will never fade so i'm thinking i might be sorting my shorts out next year to throw away as i'd be too self conscious to wear them :cry:.

LittleA how very scary to think of what was going on, the human body is just amazing when you realise how clever it is getting Amelia out of a risky situations like that :hugs: glad all is ok now hun.

MrsJ08 - my Mom was exactly the same (as are so many of my friends) they don't realise how simple new nappies are to use, none of the soaking, not using a new nappy every time, new fabrics so they are almost instantly dry etc, i can't wait to put them on Tufty - i have them all stacked in the nursery on a corner shelving system :thumbup: one size, birth-potty, inserts, wraps, covers etc heehee.

Cat81 - beautiful Thomas! I couldn't stop giggling at the one in his car seat - his little head doesn't even reach the head support part heehee bless him! Even my DH was shocked at how tiny he looks - what a cutie! Are you struggling to find clothes to fit?

Choc i don't mind being your text buddy hun, esp as we already have each others details :thumbup: just lemme know hun xxx

Asher - lol @ babbling! I just tend to get on with it & run it past DH once it's done :haha: he came upstairs at 10.30 pm last night to see what the banging was - it was me putting a shelf up in the nursery lol

Remegel are nicer to chew, be careful of milkshake as the sugar can cause heartburn so it counters the milk :winkwink: effects everyone different i guess.

Oooooh baby showers - i was meant to be having one but i'm getting too tired to arrange it now (usually happens at the mum-to-be's house in our dept) plus everyone keeps asking what i'm having so they can buy for it (they are convinced i know & am not telling them.....my Dad included!!!) so i've decided to go for a post baby shower :thumbup: that way they can all have a munch, i'll get my arms back for a few hours & people will know exactly what sex & size to buy for :thumbup:.

Well, apologies for the long post - lots of chatter to catch up on yesterday, gonna go put Tufty's washing away & admire my lovely nursery - might even hang the curtains
Finally, 5 minutes to sit down. Today I have decided to 'sort out the house'!! DS room is done and his turtles all clean, the filing is done, the wardrobes sorted, the outside cupboard is getting there too. Just about to iron the bedsheets and I guess it is then the trip to the tip! Oh how fun my life is!

I hate gaviscon...it seems to burn on the way down just as much as the heartburn!

I can't remember who said it, but I have been feeling nauseous these past few days too and its not nice. I am determined not be sick as I haven't once been since being pregnant and I am not starting now!

37 weeks today.....I am term!!! Yay. xx
Happy 37 weeks Teeny!

Limpets, I am sooo sorting out the crap in my porch once this parcel's been delivered! It's bugging me now, and I still can't get hold of DH. Boooo.

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