Hi Ladies,
I made it out of the bath ok

shaved legs & all

Well i've decided my midwife is totally rubbish! I had an appointment yesterday to go through my birth plan, which to my expectations was to be discussing what i'd like & letting her know this as well as documenting it all in my green book. What ACTUALLY happened was she went through a mental speech (i recognised it as autopilot as i have one for work too when i'm tired or distracted) telling me everything which is written on my green book then ticking them off & dating them. Not once did she ask what my plans were or seem to care

oh well, glad she won't be delivering my baby. I'll make my own birth plan to take with me & give it to my allocated midwife on the day (send her for a read & a coffee whilst i settle into the pool hopefully heehee). Midwife did feel for Tufty's position & says she thinks i'm carrying a lot of fluid so not to dwell on what hospital said about baby weight (not that i was lol) she also wants to see me weekly now due to the fluid as she's worried it will make my blood pressure shoot through the roof at some point. As for my urine sample results - she mis labelled my specimin so the labs threw it away

sent another one off but it didn't show anything up on a dipstick test so i guess it'll come back clear, i tried to tell her the levels increase at night but i don't think she was listening. Also told her about my palpitations waking me at night, again she didn't seem to care & told me to see my GP if i was concerned (but when i go to my gp he says tell my midwife as it'll be pregnancy related ggrrrrr)
On a good point we covered massage in our hypnobirthing last night - DH learnt 7 different massage techniques to go with the various stages of surges, we were given practice oils (mandarin) and labour oils (if used now they can start contractions.......hhhmmmmmm

). The group seems to be relaxing more so it's a lovely session to go to, i MUST practice my hypno relaxation each day so i can relax quicker. DH & i also came up with a game plan as to what we will do should i start having labour signs, when we think he should think about leaving work, when to head to hospital etc.
Louise your bump is soooo sweet!
I just hope they don't go too far down my thighs, as sometimes I wear short shorts to go out in / in the summer.
My stretchmarks are in quite a small area so they are not too bad & to be honest i have them on my hips from when i put on a ton of weight in my teens anyway. What i'm not impressed with is the broken thread veins all over my legs - they are mostly around my knees & go upwards towards my thighs about 2 inches as well as down to my calves about 3 inches

these will never fade so i'm thinking i might be sorting my shorts out next year to throw away as i'd be too self conscious to wear them

LittleA how very scary to think of what was going on, the human body is just amazing when you realise how clever it is getting Amelia out of a risky situations like that

glad all is ok now hun.
MrsJ08 - my Mom was exactly the same (as are so many of my friends) they don't realise how simple new nappies are to use, none of the soaking, not using a new nappy every time, new fabrics so they are almost instantly dry etc, i can't wait to put them on Tufty - i have them all stacked in the nursery on a corner shelving system

one size, birth-potty, inserts, wraps, covers etc heehee.
Cat81 - beautiful Thomas! I couldn't stop giggling at the one in his car seat - his little head doesn't even reach the head support part heehee bless him! Even my DH was shocked at how tiny he looks - what a cutie! Are you struggling to find clothes to fit?
Choc i don't mind being your text buddy hun, esp as we already have each others details

just lemme know hun xxx
Asher - lol @ babbling! I just tend to get on with it & run it past DH once it's done

he came upstairs at 10.30 pm last night to see what the banging was - it was me putting a shelf up in the nursery lol
Remegel are nicer to chew, be careful of milkshake as the sugar can cause heartburn so it counters the milk

effects everyone different i guess.
Oooooh baby showers - i was meant to be having one but i'm getting too tired to arrange it now (usually happens at the mum-to-be's house in our dept) plus everyone keeps asking what i'm having so they can buy for it (they are convinced i know & am not telling them.....my Dad included!!!) so i've decided to go for a post baby shower

that way they can all have a munch, i'll get my arms back for a few hours & people will know exactly what sex & size to buy for

Well, apologies for the long post - lots of chatter to catch up on yesterday, gonna go put Tufty's washing away & admire my lovely nursery - might even hang the curtains