Then she read through my notes and pointed out that i had to see an anaethetist regarding back problems (diagnosed mild spina bifida in my teens).
I get light headed doing anything too, i am glad i got the bulk of clearing done as i knew i would feel like this!
I find a cheese or chicken sandwich help, protein!
How were you diagnosed and how does it affect you?
I ask because i have been told my baby could have mild spina bifida (the skin is covered at the back of the spine but there is slight sacral splaying(i think) and i just wonder how it affects you, as a child and adult? xx
Sorry for the lack of personals. Other than to say you are all lovely and

- I was kept on the maternity ward last night due to blood pressure/possible pre-eclampsia and I hardly slept so I am brainfried. Just wanted to drop by with some love, and also celebrate being full term!
Hope your feeling better hun xx
Bread and butter pudding is lovely with a bit of marmalade on the bread and butter, or jam, it adds a little twist but it scrummy.
We are watching a different tv chanel today, its awful, all kids adds for every bit of rubbish going, my 7yr old dd is 'can i have that?' so wrong advertising on kids chanels like this, not having it on tomorrow!
Well i have had some funny pains today, from not having any bh i had loads in asda, and then a few pains so i have put my feet up and they have subsided eventually, i rest my case about not doing much in one day!
Baby nice and active though, but that is what seemed to trigger the bh, poor baby can't wriggle now without being squeezed!
Back later i hope,
oh and bargain of the day, huggies newborn box contains pack of newborn nappies and huggies mini tub of wipes to go in change bag, rrp £5 in asda £3 with £2.50 voucher knocked off it came to 50p, bargain!!!
Ohh i love a bargain

thinkpink xx