Everyone laughs at me cos i have peg ocd...i cant have different pegs on 1 item of clothing on the washing line!!!! hahaha x
OMG me too! I recently bought new pegs as i realised i don't have enough for all Tufty's clothes (being so tiny & all) & now it's even worse as i couldn't get ones to match my old ones so i have 3 sets of different pegs now! I can't even put different colours on each end of an item

and i absolutely can't bear for DH to put the washing out cos he does it sooooo randomly
Me too, I thought I was weird but it appears to be normal!! I cant have 2 same pegs together, it has to be a different colour each one, I did solve it for a while getting same clear pegs, but now i have just gone and bought a load of coloured ones without thinking!
I have plate/bowl issues too, i wont stack certain colours together, omg this is just me isnt it!!
Well from what i can remember!
Its not unusual for baby to be jaundice esp as she was early, hopefully she will be home in no time
My dh is also useless but tries, he says every now and again, you stay in bed and get some rest, then the kids run riot around him and he expects i can rest !!!
Had fab midwife appt, had a student midwife and she was brilliant, had no sugar in urine so she agreed no gtt needed doing

We were both unsure as to if its a head or bum up, so she has queeried breech, but we wil check again at 36 weeks, she said if its breech the heartbeat is up high, then the heartbeat was up high!! So after a good prod still not sure.
Back in 2 weeks.
I need to call the hospital get a few questions answered, we did chat about birth, the hospital, and we were just saying about birth plans, i said mine is a bit of something and nothing, as i know how many different ways it can go, she said it is best they are not too spacific as then the mum can be let down.
I asked about vit k, they mainly give it by jab or 3 oral doses, i would prefer the oral dose, and was explaining however easy the jab was when you had just given birth to this perfect little baby the last thing you were going to do was let someone stick a needle in it!
Anyway, feel much better, just was lying down so long being checked for breech that i had loads of acid come up, and when i got home was violently sick, and pee'd myself

, oh the joys!!
Potty training not good today, floor 1 potty 0,
Back later to see if we have any more stars, i need next week to wash and dry stuff, and i don't want anything happening til Sept, when i will be on my gymnball, and dh trying to get things moving! 38-39 weeks would be just great thanks baby if your listening!!
Big waves and

thinkpink xx