****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

I have a baby who TAUNTS me :cry: Was having major backpains with cramps for like 2 hours and then i thought oooh as i got a really big one then... NOTHING!!! :hissy: :hissy:

Asher :hugs: Me neither, feeding Tabs is one of my favourite memories i dont think there is ANYTHING that can compare to feeding your baby and knowing that its you who is keeping them alive and making them look so happy :cloud9: Also i love the memory of when they latch on and their eyes roll back into their heads like its the best thing in the world to them :cloud9:
A quick hi from me!
I'm very tired.
Manage to read through all the posts today, but did not retain a word.
Sorry girls!
Maybe tomorrow I'll have more brain cells available! :)
Aw Blob hope baby stops taunting you and makes up its mind. I am so worried that if baby starts taunting me I will be rush to the hospital too soon lol but I still hopefully have a few more weeks.

I am exhausted today. I don't think I am nesting as I haven't gone completely crazy I just feel like I have been going all day. I washed all the baby clothes and blankets today. Organized all my diapers and wipes and then cleaned the kitchen...twice lol. My nursery is finally starting to look ready for baby though. I will be putting together my hospital bag tomorrow and the diaper bag so that should keep me busy for awhile. I have been gathering lists as to what is really needed so if anyone has any tips feel free to pass them on to me.

I had a good 3 or 4 week break from the morning sickness but it has returned now, I haven't been sick but terribly nauseous which is such a pain, blah.
Hey ladies!

I never really got back on last night but have tried to read back over all the pages but I just can't remember what's going on or who said what!
Am on my iPod which doesn't help as on the laptop I open another tab and flick between my reply and the thread lol

I have had the worst nights sleep. I was so tired by 8pm I decided to go to bed but by 9pm I was so sore so got up again and watched tv with hubby while he rubbed by hips/bum as it's so sore. Then bed again at 11pm.
Unfortunately I have just tossed and turned all night...well got in and out the bed all night as I can't turn in bed anymore. Then hubby starts snoring as he is knackered and has had a few baileys before bed. I recon I was at the loo about 10 times...then baby was wriggling! Onlyone behaving last night was Nathan!

Now for what I can sort of remember....

Seems everyone is packing their bags for hospital or finishing off nursery or baby shopping! It's getting so exciting!
I was going to say it's a guessing game who is gonna be next as quite a few of you are getting pains but I also just read someones waters have gone...but for the life of me have no clue now! But I hope all goes well for them and baby!

I do remember blob saying she had her birthing boxes delivered...that's so exciting but stuff was missing! Nightmare! Are they important things or if your baby stopped taunting you and decided today was the day would you still be able to homebirth? Oh and how lovely about Tabs and the rug...hope you got it cleaned and less stinky!

Right my eyes are closing so I am goingfor now.

Speak later and I hope all is well.

:rofl: Emma you really do sound exhausted :hugs:

Baby did more taunting and kept me awake until 4.40 having tons of pains :cry: i was able to fall asleep in between them though. But then again they just stopped :dohh: I swear this is going to keep going until i'm well overdue :hissy:

I'll be quite happy if i go utnil 40 weeks i would just like a date please baby stop teasing me :haha:
good luck BabyK! hope all goes smoothly :hugs:

Blob :hugs: that's one mischievious little baba you have in there!

Final day of nursery decorating today, should only be here half a day. Got to go and pick carpet this afternoon :happydance:
Oh blob you certainly have a naughty baby!

That's right babyksmams waters broke! I get there in the end!

Well I am still in bed and still awake. I swear Stuart wants a divorce!
He wanted to get up with Nathan today but he doesn't bloody talk to him when getting him dressed or changing his bum so Nathan either whinges or cries...so I get up after listening to Nathan going on for 15 mins to find him sitting on his floor in his night nappy
and Stuart just staring at him! 5 mins later and a few song have been sung and Nathan us happy, up and dressed! I go back to bed!
Then all I hear is whinging from down stairs...Stuart isn't the fastest at making his breakfast I have to say but honest to goodness at least chat and sing to the child!

Final straw is when I hear him crying and go on facebook to see Stuart is playing ruddy mafia wars!!! Nathan us obviously wanting the phone or laptop which is why he is crying! (oh and to those on my facebook I don't play mafia wars...Stuart plays my profile so he can send gifts to himself lol!) then he takes him out the back garden where he starts hitting a metal bucket with his mini garen scoop!! FFS it's 8am, under ours and the neighbours bedroom window!!!

He has now taken him a walk to the shops so there is peace...but seriously what doesn't he get???


Sorry for the rant I really needed to just vent as I don't understand men...or really just my husband! Bless him he says he tries (and he does) to give me time to sleep but seriously a few hours of book Reading or playing with Nathan rather than his gadgets would work better!

And on that note I am going to try for a few hours before I have to get up and do washing and shopping.

Night lol

Morning ladies, hope we are all well today?

I'm up bright & early (again) back & lower abdo ache woke me up then i went to the loo & from no where had diarrhoea (sorry if TMI :blush:). My feet haven't gone down at all overnight - despite me putting my anti embolism stockings on last night & i now have pain in my knee when i walk :cry: (i'm guessing it's fluid overload related) might go have a bath in a bit see if that helps my aches & pains :thumbup:

Emma - gotta love overheard conversations, as i nurse i love em :haha: Glad all is ok so far hun :hugs:

Limpets - I meant to ask you before, which brand of re-useables did you go for in the end.
I actually have a variety (thanks to the nappy swap thread on here :blush:) the majority are tots bots but i do have a cheap ebay chinese one to try, 4 flip ones as they look brill for when your out & about & a few minky ones. How about you? Although i'm sure you did tell me, sorry :wacko:.
Good work & keep going with the Moxibustion :thumbup:

Asher lol @ hormones heehee!

Everyone laughs at me cos i have peg ocd...i cant have different pegs on 1 item of clothing on the washing line!!!! hahaha x
OMG me too! I recently bought new pegs as i realised i don't have enough for all Tufty's clothes (being so tiny & all) & now it's even worse as i couldn't get ones to match my old ones so i have 3 sets of different pegs now! I can't even put different colours on each end of an item :wacko: and i absolutely can't bear for DH to put the washing out cos he does it sooooo randomly :dohh:

Emma - hope you got some rest hunny.

Oooh another one in labour :happydance: i asked my midwife what i do if my waters break but no contractions to which she replied 'that won't happen, your waters don't break until you are at the end of 1st stage labour' yeah right luv :dohh:

Hhmmmmm, do i have a bath then clean the windows or clean the windows then have a bath.........decisions decisions........
My goodness yet another... BabyK'sMam's waters have broke!! x

Good luck to babyk'smam :flower:

:hugs: Laura, i had morning sickness at the start, it went after about 6weeks
but since i hit 3rd tri every morning i feel :sick: and sometimes in the afternoon
i agree it is such a pain feeling nauseous blah.

awww emma :hugs: i know what you mean about getting up about 10times to pee arrrrah!! lets hope toninght you have a better sleep xxxx

:hugs: blob my friend was the same, she was in pain that would last on and off for hours, getting closer together and she always thought "is this it" and it just wasnt soooo frustrating!

oooooo how exciting Mrs N you must post some pic's when it is all finished! xx

Oooh another one in labour :happydance: i asked my midwife what i do if my waters break but no contractions to which she replied 'that won't happen, your waters don't break until you are at the end of 1st stage labour' yeah right luv :dohh:

my god, what planet was your MW on when she said that? :wacko:

OH is having a lie in, (which is great coz he hogs the computer when he is up :haha:)

Think im going to pack my hospital bag today :thumbup:
LO is all ready and sorted :happydance:
Good luck babykmama (hope that's right! sorry chick)

I haven't really been nesting - I was everything to be tidy, but I feel so ill with this blood pressure thing I don't have the energy to do anything! We are sorting out the whole house and it's getting there slowly, but being restricted is making me mad! I have felt like this for weeks though, so not getting hopes up!
Limpets i tell you you're going to have your :baby: soon
Blob I would put money on you being next!! These cramps will start becoming more and more regular! My hubby has just said that he thinks that you will be next and that your labour will be mega quick because your body is doing the work now! (He's quite involved with this thread and I think if he was allowed to join in he would!)

Good luck to BabyKsmam... anyone know how far gone she is?

I am sooooooooooo tired... stayed up far too late last night, and then tossed and turned all night, and then was woken up by SS as it's his 8th birthday and it would have been far too cruel to tell him that 6.45am is NOT wake up time!!! We're off to toys r us now so he can spend his birthday money and then we're taking some kids bowling and for a birthday dinner. SHould be fun! Did it this way as he thinks he's too grown up for a party plus it's a bit too much work for me at the moment! We'll probably do some apple bobbing and mucky games in the garden later on, the old ones are always the best!

Just in case anyone was wondering if anything is happening this end... nope, nada, nothing. No cramps, twinges or anything! Just feeling more and more uncomfortable and baby is obviously still quite high (or very long!) as I can barely breathe! And night times are getting worse and worse.. I can sympathise with all the ladies struggling at night!

Still not heard anything about this physio appointmet.. I'm supposed to be on the cancellation list so I'm going to ring them up and cry down the phone and hope they give me a spot!! There are women there with appointments that are really early on, and I know they probably were diagnosed earlier but I don't have long to go and really want it sorted! I am worried about giving birth with this pain!
Told you my midwife was rubbish! Just had a bath as I felt quite achey, feel little better now just drained so i'm lying on the bed chilling.
The reason I came on here was to let you all know Amelia is in hospital, I think she is jaundiced as littleA is hoping her bilirubin will raise back up soon. Don't think it's serious but thought folks would wanna know how our star is getting on (found out via facebook).
Right, back to my bed rest........windows can wait ;-) xxxx
Thinking of little Amelia xxx

I went to bed quite early and managed to sleep till 1am then I was up and down all night, my hips ache and my arms go dead from laying on my side, tried everything posible but nothing gets me comfy! Hope is so wriggly at night too so that doesn't help. I finally got up and started crying, Ian rubbed my back and hips and I just feel so drained! I got up at 5.30 in the end as I was wide awake and starving! I have a stinking headache, iffy tummy and just gnerally feel pants, have to say this is the first time I have felt so lousy. So I am just relaxing on the sofa while Ian paints the kitchen, he has ordered me to rest but I am not a sit around type of person, I like to be doing things!! I am more than ready for this to be over now!!!

Louise have a nice day!!

Limpets I too think its either gonna be you or Blob next!!!
blob i feel so sorry for you and your teasing baby, i really hope to read that its you next!

its nice to see how we are all busy cleaning , packing or decorating! i have my list of jobs and when i feel able ill go and do one of them quickly.

I have my hospital bags packed and a spare bag in case we in longer and need more that dh can bring in if needed but i gave him a little test and asked him to lift our two vests and two newborn sleepsuits just so he knows where everything is (the babies room is extremley ordered with every clothes type in size order in seperate draws or boxes on shelves, need to be organised with twins so i keep reading :) )
so off he goes and comes back with 4 large 0 3 long sleeve vests and a very proud smile on his face bless him, he looked at me and realised he had somehow got it wrong so we went through the newborn stuff together , he is going to be a fantastic dad just maybe not so good at dressing them!
Everyone laughs at me cos i have peg ocd...i cant have different pegs on 1 item of clothing on the washing line!!!! hahaha x
OMG me too! I recently bought new pegs as i realised i don't have enough for all Tufty's clothes (being so tiny & all) & now it's even worse as i couldn't get ones to match my old ones so i have 3 sets of different pegs now! I can't even put different colours on each end of an item :wacko: and i absolutely can't bear for DH to put the washing out cos he does it sooooo randomly :dohh:
Me too, I thought I was weird but it appears to be normal!! I cant have 2 same pegs together, it has to be a different colour each one, I did solve it for a while getting same clear pegs, but now i have just gone and bought a load of coloured ones without thinking!
I have plate/bowl issues too, i wont stack certain colours together, omg this is just me isnt it!!:haha:

Well from what i can remember!
Its not unusual for baby to be jaundice esp as she was early, hopefully she will be home in no time:hugs:

My dh is also useless but tries, he says every now and again, you stay in bed and get some rest, then the kids run riot around him and he expects i can rest !!!:shrug:

Had fab midwife appt, had a student midwife and she was brilliant, had no sugar in urine so she agreed no gtt needed doing:happydance:
We were both unsure as to if its a head or bum up, so she has queeried breech, but we wil check again at 36 weeks, she said if its breech the heartbeat is up high, then the heartbeat was up high!! So after a good prod still not sure.
Back in 2 weeks.
I need to call the hospital get a few questions answered, we did chat about birth, the hospital, and we were just saying about birth plans, i said mine is a bit of something and nothing, as i know how many different ways it can go, she said it is best they are not too spacific as then the mum can be let down.
I asked about vit k, they mainly give it by jab or 3 oral doses, i would prefer the oral dose, and was explaining however easy the jab was when you had just given birth to this perfect little baby the last thing you were going to do was let someone stick a needle in it!
Anyway, feel much better, just was lying down so long being checked for breech that i had loads of acid come up, and when i got home was violently sick, and pee'd myself:blush:, oh the joys!!

Potty training not good today, floor 1 potty 0, :dohh:

Back later to see if we have any more stars, i need next week to wash and dry stuff, and i don't want anything happening til Sept, when i will be on my gymnball, and dh trying to get things moving! 38-39 weeks would be just great thanks baby if your listening!!:thumbup:

Big waves and:hugs: :baby:thinkpink xx
Morning (again!)

I managed to get a few hours sleep so I am feeling so much better! So sorry for my grumpy posts earlier!

Oh becs I hope your feeling better soon and your hubby is right you know, you need to rest....if not send him up to me I will swap you! Lol

Oh my limpets and blob I agree it's gonna be one of you guys next out of the chatty star mummies!
I do think that your body us working up to labour limpets and at some point either you will get regular contractions or your waters will go (ignore your mw!) and you will find your having contractions and you have a great pain threshold!

Blob I think you are going to post one night that your having you pains and aches and baby will be overdue then we are all going to wake up to a post that you have had her ( yes I think a girl) and that your mw made it to the birth....just! So remember to post a picture lol!!

Right am gonna get up now as am starving!



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