****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Thinking of Amelia, hope she's home again soon

:hugs: to those having restless nights. Mine are off and on - usually they are not great, but then every once in a while I have the best night's sleep ever and it's fab!

Sooo, the decorators are done and it looks fab, I'm so happy!
Here's the before and after pics. It's really hard to photograph the new colour - it's a pale green shade. Obviously now we have to get carpet sorted and get the furniture in then I can really start organising! :happydance:


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Hi everyone

Was gonna say loads but baby brain seems to have taken ova agen lol. Me And the oh had a argument which ended in me cryin like a baby lol damn hormones lol although he aplogised and things are ok now lol

Limpet txt buddies is fine by me although I dunno if I will be thinking about comin on here or txtin wen in labour lol

I was lookin forward to the givin birth part but now I'm scared out of my mind lol anyone else scared???

Lovley room mrs n xx

I thought the baby had dropped and starred to engage as I'd felt a lot of pressure low down but as I'm gettin breathless and finding it hard to breath I'm guessing she still quite high up!!!!!

Dunno If I mentioned before but we have decided to call our lil girl izzy-mai wat do u all think??

Right betta go off to c the midwife today 36 weeks today whoop whoop

If ur listening izzy any time now will be nice

Been gettin some really big kicks to the ribs today hurt like he'll and the tightenings of the uterus are gettin Stronger but still don't hurt

Right I'm really off now need to het ready lol speak later xxx
Hi girls

Hope you're all well today! Last night I was having my usual 'period pains' and felt really restless, so couldn't get to sleep. I eventually did and then woke up with an almighty cramp, sort of like the feeling you get when you desperately need a no. 2 (sorry tmi) so I went and sat on the toilet but nothing... this went on all night and it was driving me mad! I started to think, could this be something?? but it's gone now and I'm back to the usual dull period pain... very odd! I think my baby is teasing me like yours blob!!

I've just been to see the midwife too, baby is fully engaged (went from @ brim to fully engaged in 2 weeks!) and the midwife had a bit of a concerned look on her face when she measured and felt me! I'm measuring for 40 weeks and she said the baby feels a good size... she is having me back in a weeks time for a 'review'... she said seeing as I'm measuring big and baby is fully engaged she better see me again sooner than planned and she said to make sure my bags were packed and by the front door lol :wacko: I hope this means that baby will come sooner rather than later!! Either that or she will be massive :haha: I'm not sure what she will do if I'm still measuring very big again next week, my mum thinks they might induce me... anyone any ideas?? I should have asked!

Oh and naughty baby has also changed positions and is back to back!! Grr! She was in a perfect position before and is now lying on my back... I thought she had moved as the movements I am getting are quite different. I've heard that this can make labour more painful :cry: Turn round baby!!!!

Anyway I have my friend coming over in a bit as I'm helping her with her uni dissertation and need to show her how to make graphs and analyse her data (I did it for my dissertation when I was at uni) so better go and have a quick tidy round before she arrives! Sorry for lack of personals, but will be back later xx
Oooo Emzy you could be next then!!! Eeee!! How exciting!!! So glad all is well!!

Choc, Izzy Mai is a lovely name!!

I have been resting, I did a few brush strokes of painting lol, feel a bit lazy just watching Ian! Not used to sitting around!! Gonna nip out ans see my Mum in a bit, think I need some fresh air!!
great pics mrs n

Choc - izzy is a very sweet name

im 33 weeks today wish it was a bit further on than that !
Wow I love that room Mrs N! Do you live in a period property?

Hope Amelia is back home soon.

Emzy, my mw never seems to know what is going on with my baby's head! She even asked if I knew where the head was! lol. I told her the kicks were heigh up and he doesn't seem to have moved since my scan and he was head down then. I then asked if his head is engaged and she said she wasn't sure but he was low. Maybe his head is bobbing in and out. But how would she know if she wasn't even sure his head was down there?! agghhh

I'm still getting my period pains but they are not so bad now that I've stopped working. As I'm full term tomorrow I might start going for walks etc to get the ball rolling.

Good luck BabyK'sMam :hugs:

Genies Girl - your post about setting your DH a baby clothes challenge made me chuckle :haha: I think I'm going to do the same to my DH and see how he get's on! I showed him where everything was when I organised the drawers at the weekend but I don't think he took it in.

Babythinkpink - as everyone know's because I keep moaning about it my baby is breech. If it turns out your baby is breech there is a great support thread in 3rd tri

Limpets - I haven't bought my re-useables yet. I am going to use disposables (the eco ones) for the first couple of months and then move onto a combo or disposable and re-useables. I've been debating what to get as I have a £50 voucher from the council as an incentive, to get started. I've been looking at Wonderoos V2 and the new TotsBots Easyfit V2's. I'm favouring the TotsBots at the moment and the best deal I've found for redeeming my voucher is with the BabyPur website where I can get a starter pack of 5 printed ones for £84.99 (so £34.99 with the voucher) or I could buy 3 individually and just use the voucher.

Little A - sorry to hear about Amelia's jaundice. Fingers x she will be back home soon x

MrsN - what a lovely room - I bet you can't wait to get busy with the furniture now :happydance:

Choc - hope your MW appointment goes well. Are you going to call your baby Izzy or Isabelle and then call her Izzy as a shortened version? Nice name either way. I have a niece called Isabelle and used to have an assistant who's name was shortened to Izzy and she was lovely.

Emzy - great to hear baby is engaged. My antenatal teacher said the best way to get a back-to-back baby to move around is to sit really forward in your chair or even sit on a stiff backed chair the wrong way around so you are leaning against your bump against the back of the chair. All fours was the other position she mentioned

I've been baking a Birthday Cake for DH's Uncle this morning as we are off to see him in 30 mins or so. Tipped a load of mixture on my dress so have had to change :dohh:

DH has just had his list of training days through for September and they are a bloody nightmare. They couldn't be worse in fact! The week the baby is due and the week after are literally choca-block and these are not sessions he can miss. I'm so hacked off as I'm actually going to have to hope the baby comes late i.e after the 25th September or before the 13th (but only if baby has turned by then) I suppose if I do end up having to have a C-Section because the baby hasn't turned, they would do it the week of the 6th September when he only has one session. A silver lining perhaps but not enough of one to make me want a section.

DH had another go at the Moxibustion earlier but this time it hasn't really prompted any movement. Actually the baby has been very quiet so far today, I'm hoping it's just because I've been busy and haven't really noticed. I can't work out how the baby is laying at the moment, I suspect it may be transverse hence the lack of movement.
hi every one
well im bk from midwife not saw her since 28 weeks been seeing gp as i have shared care.

she looked at my 28 week blood results which show i have low iron which explains the cravin ice lol

also im measring small for my dates but mw said she not concerned ????

oh and my bp is high

hope ur all having a betta day than me xx
Choc - hope your MW appointment goes well. Are you going to call your baby Izzy or Isabelle and then call her Izzy as a shortened version? Nice name either way. I have a niece called Isabelle and used to have an assistant who's name was shortened to Izzy and she was lovely.

no we just gonna go with izzy althogh oh nan wasnt to pleased and said it should be isobella and refused to use izzy !!!
Thanks everyone :D
F&C yes it's an old house - the front half is 1600's and the back half (where baby's room is) is Victorian.

lovely name choc :thumbup:
how small are you measuring and how high is your bp? hope they are going to keep an eye on things!

ooh emzy, exciting stuff, make sure your bags are ready! will be checking eagerly for news! not sure what they'll do if she's still big - I guess induction is the most likely thing. To get baby to turn all fours is good - makes your belly into a nice comfortable hammock for baby!
oh, I forgot to ask - those ladies with carpel tunnel how did it start?
I've been getting lots of pins & needles in my hands and fingers for the last week - it's mainly at night but doesn't seem to be related to how I'm sleeping since it can be in both hands at the same time.
Today I've been getting a lot of discomfort in my left wrist, it's a nagging rather than any shooting pains.
any ideas??
Hey ladies,
Had a lie down & managed to drift off to sleep for an hour, woke up feeling groggy but a little more refreshed for the sleep - still achey though but hey ho, to be expected i guess.
Woke up & craved peanut butter on crumpets.......so i had to drag myself to the shops (didn't even bother to comb my hair :blush: i must have looked such a tramp lol)

Limpets I too think its either gonna be you or Blob next!!!
Nah, if this :baby: takes after it's Daddy it'll be as late as it can be :haha:

but i gave him a little test and asked him to lift our two vests and two newborn sleepsuits just so he knows where everything is (the babies room is extremley ordered with every clothes type in size order in seperate draws or boxes on shelves, need to be organised with twins so i keep reading )
hahahaa you & i are so alike. I've never done organisation until i fell pregnant & not i'm super organised :thumbup:. I have newborn in the 1st 3 drawers, 0-3 in the bottom 3 drawers, few outfits in order int he wardrobe, towels under the bathing/changing table next to the cot/moses sheets lol. I plan to test DH too.......that thought scares me :haha:

I have plate/bowl issues too, i wont stack certain colours together, omg this is just me isnt it!!
What do you mean different plates? Do they not all match :huh: oooh nooo i couldn't do different plates, that's just not right :shrug:

MrsN that room is gorgeous - soooo big too! I must photograph my mini nursery now i've found my camera :thumbup:

Choc - don't worrhy hun but if you do want to tell someone to post on here you know where i am hun :hugs: Issy-Mai is a lovely name :thumbup: (and bless your nan :flower:)

Emzy, i don't think they induce for a larger baby hun sorry! Also back to back tends to just make a longer delivery not necessary a more painful one as it'd be longer with bubba having to turn around

MrsJ08 - if you want to try any of mine before buying i'd be more than happy to send you a selection :thumbup:

Hhmmmm i think i need more peanut butter crumpets! Back later xxx
lovely name choc :thumbup:
how small are you measuring and how high is your bp? hope they are going to keep an eye on things!

i was goin up my chart quite nicley lol and iv dropped a lil bit on the line at 34 weeks i was measuring 36 cm and 2 half weeks later im measureing 37 cm normally grown a lot more that this

mw doesnt wanna c me for 2 weeks though by which pint i will be 38 weeks x
Mrs N, I've had slightly swollen hands for a while but the first time I suspected something was up was after waking up and not being able to clench my hands in to a fist. My fingers also keep getting stuck when I bend them and also my knuckles started to hurt. x
Oooh MrsN i meant to say - i lurve your pram !!!!! If i had of gone for the icandy that would have been my choice too - love the colour!!!!
I wouldn't worry choc - it sounds like baby might have had a growth spurt round your last measurement at 34 weeks which made you measure ahead then. It's only a small discrepency, and measurements can be a cm or two out each time anyway.
lovely name choc :thumbup:
how small are you measuring and how high is your bp? hope they are going to keep an eye on things!

i was goin up my chart quite nicley lol and iv dropped a lil bit on the line at 34 weeks i was measuring 36 cm and 2 half weeks later im measureing 37 cm normally grown a lot more that this

mw doesnt wanna c me for 2 weeks though by which pint i will be 38 weeks x

Hi Choc. Saw your post and I'm also having the same problem. I was measuring 31 weeks at 28 weeks and now over last 3 weeks have gone back to normal. They have said that they would expect to follow the same growth line around abdominal circumference but this hasn't been the case. I've had growth scans every couple of weeks and doppler scans which I would've had anyway because of GD and I'm also being monitored twice weekly but see consultant fortnightly so I guess they're not that concerned either. They have told to carry on counting kicks and if there's any concerns to give them a call. xx
Thanks for the tips on getting baby to turn around! Looks like I'm crawling round on all fours tonight then lol :haha: I've already been sitting forward in my chair and on my ball alot, as they mentioned doing this at my antenatal classes to help baby engage... obviously that worked but she's just the wrong way around! lol Limpets, I hope they don't induce me to be honest! I'd rather go naturally, but I also don't want to push out a giant baby ha ha :haha: I just don't know what the point is of keeping an eye on it if they aren't going to do anything about it! We will soon see next week :flower:

Mrs N that is exactly how my carpel tunnel started, pins and needles at night and sore numb wrists. Then all of a sudden my fingers were really swollen and I couldn't clench a fist and my knuckles became really sore :hugs:


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