Good luck BabyK'sMam
Genies Girl - your post about setting your DH a baby clothes challenge made me chuckle

I think I'm going to do the same to my DH and see how he get's on! I showed him where everything was when I organised the drawers at the weekend but I don't think he took it in.
Babythinkpink - as everyone know's because I keep moaning about it my baby is breech. If it turns out your baby is breech there is a great support thread in 3rd tri
Limpets - I haven't bought my re-useables yet. I am going to use disposables (the eco ones) for the first couple of months and then move onto a combo or disposable and re-useables. I've been debating what to get as I have a £50 voucher from the council as an incentive, to get started. I've been looking at Wonderoos V2 and the new TotsBots Easyfit V2's. I'm favouring the TotsBots at the moment and the best deal I've found for redeeming my voucher is with the BabyPur website where I can get a starter pack of 5 printed ones for £84.99 (so £34.99 with the voucher) or I could buy 3 individually and just use the voucher.
Little A - sorry to hear about Amelia's jaundice. Fingers x she will be back home soon x
MrsN - what a lovely room - I bet you can't wait to get busy with the furniture now
Choc - hope your MW appointment goes well. Are you going to call your baby Izzy or Isabelle and then call her Izzy as a shortened version? Nice name either way. I have a niece called Isabelle and used to have an assistant who's name was shortened to Izzy and she was lovely.
Emzy - great to hear baby is engaged. My antenatal teacher said the best way to get a back-to-back baby to move around is to sit really forward in your chair or even sit on a stiff backed chair the wrong way around so you are leaning against your bump against the back of the chair. All fours was the other position she mentioned
I've been baking a Birthday Cake for DH's Uncle this morning as we are off to see him in 30 mins or so. Tipped a load of mixture on my dress so have had to change
DH has just had his list of training days through for September and they are a bloody nightmare. They couldn't be worse in fact! The week the baby is due and the week after are literally choca-block and these are not sessions he can miss. I'm so hacked off as I'm actually going to have to hope the baby comes late i.e after the 25th September or before the 13th (but only if baby has turned by then) I suppose if I do end up having to have a C-Section because the baby hasn't turned, they would do it the week of the 6th September when he only has one session. A silver lining perhaps but not enough of one to make me want a section.
DH had another go at the Moxibustion earlier but this time it hasn't really prompted any movement. Actually the baby has been very quiet so far today, I'm hoping it's just because I've been busy and haven't really noticed. I can't work out how the baby is laying at the moment, I suspect it may be transverse hence the lack of movement.