****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

My bag is done, i wasn't going to pack Tufty's as it was going to be my 'things to do whilst in early labour' distraction (as well as make up the moses basket for in the living room & take the baby swing downstairs). DH can sort his own bag out - that should teach him to think ahead :haha:
I've done the baby bag, and DH has done the man bag but I haven't done my one yet!!

Man bag !!! omg your such a good wife.. what exactly goes into a man bag?? I refuse to allow mine magazines and PSP's... he promised me full back rubs and his full attention when im in labor : )
I told mine to pack his book (for when i've had enough of him fussing lol) snacks & drinks as the hospital won't provide for the partners (and he sure as hell isn't leaving me) change of clothes & toiletries incase it's a long labour & he wants to freshen up & his swim shorts (were hoping for a water birth).
Hope that helps hun xxx
I told mine to pack his book (for when i've had enough of him fussing lol) snacks & drinks as the hospital won't provide for the partners (and he sure as hell isn't leaving me) change of clothes & toiletries incase it's a long labour & he wants to freshen up & his swim shorts (were hoping for a water birth).
Hope that helps hun xxx

Im hoping for a water birth but we were told it wasnt normal for men to get into the pool, do they allow it where your having your baby?. food is a good idea.. will have to add that to list x
Yeah - they weren't fussed whether he's in there or not it's our choice. My hypnobirth midwife did say most women don't want much contact (from anyone) when they are in labour so i may change my mind, she just said your quite irritable when touched as your so focused on your baby :shrug:. I'd like DH to have the opportunity to be as involved as possible though so i'll see how it all pans out, hopefully he'll be in there with me & will reach to recieve bubba & place him/her onto me giving us both instant skin to skin :thumbup:
It's worth pushing it if your adament - afterall it's your babies birth not theirs :winkwink:
Basically my hubby loves packing and organising stuff! He has packed loads of goodies, high energy snacks and drinks for me for while I'm in labour and water etc, camera, money for car park, a change of clothes for him in case of long labour, a little stereo (ipod dock thing) etc... just 'stuff' that might be needed but which isn't really for mine of babies bag!

I was advised at my breastfeeding class that we won't be allowed anything plugged into the wall as well, it might be as well for everyone to check the policy at their hospitals? I was expecting to be able to plug my mobile etc in! Apparently it's because they aren't checked and once a mobile phone charger blew the whole maternity ward!
yayy i went to my m/wife appt today and at 36 wks our litle fella is 4/5ths engaged. She said i have a trace of protein in my water so has sent it off to be tested, have to ring up for the results on monday.
Next appt is on 25th and she said shes going to do a sweep, ill be 38 +6. she also said if i dont see her then im to ask for one... wooooo fingers crossed eh??!?! now correct me if im wrong but isnt a sweep normally only done when you're over?

Im quite surprised though as 2 wks ago his head was down but free.... and now for him to be so engaged is a bit ?!?!?! so im hoping that he'll come quickly now!
Bekk that is so funny :rofl:
Though i have to say i went to Hamleys with Tabs and the guy behind the counter said to me 'you must have more money than sense' :saywhat: I should have just walked out though...How rude!!

Janey my bf was engaged from 36 weeks but she went on until 39+5 :nope: hope your LO comes sooner.

Limpet I HATED being touched in labour :hissy: It is just so much focus on your baby... however my friends OH used a shower to massage her back (if you can) and i think this time i'm going to get my DH to do that stroke your arm bit in the hypnobirthing relaxation part?
Apaton, think you made the right choice being at your mums.... let the boys deal with the mess and diy its what they enjoy :)

Limpets I think hypno woman sounds right for me, I want to be left alone but just know DH is there if that makes sense.

Got my growth scan tomorrow, I cant wait as its been 14 weeks since I last saw them. Decided I dont want the 4d though. Im still in pain with my front pelvis, I couldnt even walk properly this evening.... oh well 6 working days left till I start my Maternity Leave.... I cant wait :)

Hope everyones doing OK xx
i cant tell which way these babies are having been breach for so long and then possibly transverse the other day, im getting bulges which could be heads or bums just above my belly button and flicks down below but im baffled! ?

cleaning windows is on my to do list, im trying to tick something off each day, ive just been framing photos that have been waiting to be done .
Evening! Sorry to those who've had pants days today, mine's not been too hot, but let's hope for a better day tomorrow!

I did get a cuddle with my friend's 6 week old baby, and I have to say, it felt lovely holding a little one, so lovely and warm and making gorgeous noises. The boys were pretty good about it too, so let's hope that's a good sign for when our own baby arrives!

My baby appears to have moved position slightly, I am confused as to where it is now! I am getting lots and lots of movement this evening, with lots of pressure and discomfort around my bladder and my cervix I think. Whether baby has dropped a wee bit, I don't know, but I am getting lots of big kicks around the lower right side of my bump where I don't usually feel much more than a bit of scrabbling around. I am confused!! This baby is keeping me guessing!

I keep remembering bits of things which need to go into my hospital bag at the last minute, I think I need to write a list tomorrow and put it onto the top of the bag so I know I've got everything when we need to go!
I need to pack my part of the bag :dohh:

Asher maybe baby has just moved sides?? I dont feel anything if baby is kicking placenta or if baby is facing inwards? :shrug:
Blob no stroke arm for me, my hypnobirth mw recommended it to me but I hated it... I cant stand soft touch or strokes AAAAHHHHHHHHHH
Blob, yep maybe it's just swapped. It's bum is usually quite high up though when it swaps, and I'm pretty sure I can still feel it's bum on the same side. What on earth it's up to is anybody's guess!!

I can't stand to be touched in labour either. I am really hoping I get into a pool this time to see if that helps.
Told you my midwife was rubbish! Just had a bath as I felt quite achey, feel little better now just drained so i'm lying on the bed chilling.
The reason I came on here was to let you all know Amelia is in hospital, I think she is jaundiced as littleA is hoping her bilirubin will raise back up soon. Don't think it's serious but thought folks would wanna know how our star is getting on (found out via facebook).
Right, back to my bed rest........windows can wait ;-) xxxx

Awww poor Amelia...hope she is better soon x

Thinking of Amelia, hope she's home again soon

:hugs: to those having restless nights. Mine are off and on - usually they are not great, but then every once in a while I have the best night's sleep ever and it's fab!

Sooo, the decorators are done and it looks fab, I'm so happy!
Here's the before and after pics. It's really hard to photograph the new colour - it's a pale green shade. Obviously now we have to get carpet sorted and get the furniture in then I can really start organising! :happydance:

Love the colour and that room is fab!!! I want it!!! x

Hope everyone is feeling ok today, goodnight sleeptight xx
Hey ladies, I'm up having a cuppa & a choc hobnob, woke for a wee (earlier than normal) & knew I'd feel thirsty as soon as I got comfy back in bed (ha! Angie-1 body-0).
I remember DH holding my hand & rubbing his thumb over it when I was on hospital last year to the point where my hand went sore then numb, I had to ask him to stop (I think it was for his comfort more than mine) so it's an ongoing joke now), I didn't like the arm stroke when he tried it the other day but I enjoyed a feather touch technique we were showed, one of the reasons I like the hypnobirthing, it gives you alternatives & your not just stuck with one thing.
Well, I guess I better go get some sleep - or at least try to. Hope it's only me up at this ungodly hour. Night night ladies xxx
5 07 and ive given in and come down stairs for a cuppa!
got a headache and a cat stuck under my chin making typing tricky :)

I started a reply and dozed and must have hit something as when my eyes opened I wasn't here anymore!

I was just up my morning wee trip. After a night of about 6!

Lol what you ladies like with your cuppas? Limpets lovin the morning choccie hobnob! Hope you and Genies got back to sleep!

If I got up and had a cuppa that would be me wide awake and I am not having that today.

I went on a mad baking spree yesterday and made choco loads and little fairy cakes...so much infact that I am gonna take 1/2 into my work as they have been having a rough week. I can't remember if I have wrote this already lol!!

Is anyone else having the letdown sensation but nothing coming out?? I am begining to dread it just incase I start to flood!
I remember when Nathan was a few weeks old standing in my jammies and dressing gown in the kitchen and I thouht about him and how sweet he looked sleeping....then I got distracted by a dripping sound and something hitting my slipper! Let's just say in a matte of seconds I was soaking and dripping milk!
So should I be using my breast pads now just incase? I just feel it's maybe a waste as I have only had the odd little leak at night.

Back off to sleep!


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