****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Morning, well I have had THE worst night sleep ever!! Been awake most of the night, my back is so sore, taken some pain killers and Ian has been rubbing my back but nothing works! I think its where I am sleeping on my sides as I am normally a front sleeper. I ended up crying most of the night, I am such a wimp! I know when she is here I won't get full sleep but oh to be able to get comfy will be heaven! I feel so sorry for Ian, but I don't know what else to do! No point in going to the Dr's as during the day my back is fine its just when I am in bed, tried pillows and everything but I am just giving up now!!
Thought I would get up and have some breakfast and a brew, gonna have a relaxing day today, no decorating!! I guess I really need to start trying to have some sleep during the day! But I hate it, it makes me feel awful and really drowsy!

Sorry for moaning girls, just feeling sorry for myself and hormonal!!
Its mostly when i'm lying down, but i won't have any letdown feeling at all (that i know of) and all of a sudden there's a little puddle on sheets :blush:
I've ordered a sleep bra so i can have pads on at night (my regular bra is far too uncomfortable to sleep in!)
I had quite the laugh at myself today and just thought I would share. I keep telling everyone that I haven't been nesting and don't feel like I have gotten anywhere near that point.
Well our vacuum broke down and its been driving me mad that I have little bits of things in my carpet until I can get it replaced, which I know wont be long as most likely going to pick one up this weekend. I had the bright idea today of running the clingy cat brush over a grubby looking patch of carpet to see if it would pick anything up, well it did. I spent 3 hours on my hands and knees running this silly brush over the carpet in strips.
Hubby came home and looked really pleased as he thought I had somehow managed to fix the vacuum at which point I had to confese to spending all day brushing our carpet lol.
Morning again ladies, just sent DH off to work. Now back in bed with my peanut butter crumpets & another cuppa :thumbup:
lol Laura, I've done that in the past but with rugs not the whole carpet bless you heehee.
Emma, there was a time when when I wouldn't be able to get to sleep but I've managed to change my sleep habbits else I'd be dead on my feet by now.
:hugs: to those with back ache, is it any easier to sleep if you prop yourselves up with lots of pillows? If not then day naps are definately called for (they make me groggy too)
Well I'm gonna see if I can get back off to sleep again now, night night .........AGAIN lol
Me and OH have been living in our new home for two weeks now and about an hour back I got my first random knock from a sales rep who asked me "Hi, is your mum or dad home?" to which I was like "Er. No. This is my house..." he then asked me how old I was and I said 21 and he said "ohhh you must be rich!" :rofl: made my day.
So funny, its great, you can just say, no my mum is out and shut the door!!:haha:
I love the look on peoples faces when i say I have a 16 yr old, he is tall and we get some real funny looks out just the 2 of us, especially since i have been pregnant, just wait til he is pushing the pram:haha:

Apaton, lovely to see you here!
I can't imagine moving house at this stage, not with nesting as it is and hormones, it must be a nightmare, sending plenty of :hugs:xx

I told mine to pack his book (for when i've had enough of him fussing lol) snacks & drinks as the hospital won't provide for the partners (and he sure as hell isn't leaving me) change of clothes & toiletries incase it's a long labour & he wants to freshen up & his swim shorts (were hoping for a water birth).
Hope that helps hun xxx
Im hoping for a water birth but we were told it wasnt normal for men to get into the pool, do they allow it where your having your baby?. food is a good idea.. will have to add that to list x

My dh was bored stiff while i was in labour with dd, i was 'DON'T TOUCH ME!!!' I wanted him to look at me with every contraction so i could concentrate on something but he just kept making a joke of it and really it is not the time to joke so i gave up with him and started looking and focusing on a picture in the room and he just snoozed until the head was born!!:haha:
I can't imagine having him in the water with me, I would be, 'Are you bloody joking???!'
Poor dh i can't see him being any more useful this time, but i would not let him take any console in or anything, I am sorry but i am giving birth, you can suffer being bored:haha:

i cant tell which way these babies are having been breach for so long and then possibly transverse the other day, im getting bulges which could be heads or bums just above my belly button and flicks down below but im baffled! ?
I must admit i am confused now, i have been thinking it was a bottom high, bit it is so hard i am not sure now, kicks are in the middle so that is not helpful baby!!
It must be a right mix of arms and legs in there for you!!

Laura, what is it with carpets, I am like a woman possessed with mine, i sit looking at it to see if i can find bits on it, like scouring the floor for a bit! I couldn't pick it up if i did find something:haha:

I couldn't stay in bed today, so i thought i would get up and enjoy some peace, its bliss!
Had my boiled egg, and cup of tea, and now i feel a bit sick!
I am bored of being pregnant now! But i really don't want to start bouncing on my ball til Sept in case it actually works:haha: It never has, I have done all the usual things in the past and none have worked, except sex, and i onld discovered that the last time round!
Really hope i am not sick again today, starting to feel it already, i think i may need to go out today just to concentrate on something else.
Dh has to go to hospital for physio, perhaps i will see if i can get a look aroud the delivery ward, although next week would be better as 2 of the children are away!
Anyway enough of me gabbling on pointlessly, hope everyone has a great day,
Big :hugs: all xxxx
:rofl: Yea i remember that, everytime you think of your baby milk just comes in :dohh: I had that feeling a few weeks ago :shrug:
I didnt like being touched last time i just tried to ignore contractions as much as possible and kept busy was only the last hour that i got in the pool...then i just hit the pool :wacko:

urgh I am now pretty sure I have carpal tunnel syndrome - I have pain, burning and numbness of my thumb index & middle fingers of both hands, and my grasp is weaker. :cry: going to ask my physio about it tomorrow seeif she can suggest anything because using crutches for the spd is now pretty uncomfortable!

sorry for the selfish post, feeling a bit sorry for myself this morning!

oh, man bags - my dh has a list but hasn't packed it yet. in it he has a change of clothes, deodorant & toothbrush, swim shorts, phone numbers, a book, pack of cards, money for car park/vending machine/pay phone

todays job - start packing my labour bag since my pretty new suitcase arrive :yipee:
trouble is, it smells so good I just want to sit here and sniff it all day, is that wrong??? :haha:
Morning! Emma I have started to leak a little but only droplets which I'm not worried about so haven't bothered with breast pads as yet.

Right my baby is FULL TERM!!! And so is Brigitte's!!!! (Mamabird). So it's operation evict baby!! Poor DH is not going to know what hit him. lol xx
Oooh MrsN I hope the suitcase sniffing helps to take the edge of the other nasty stuff going on for you!

F&C, I can't believe you're 37 weeks! Eeek! Fab! And Mamabird too, operation eviction begins here! It's funny isn't it, these hubbies have gone a good few months with very little in the way of nookie, and then bam! Time to bonk!! Hee hee!! x
eee, congrats on full term! wow it's so exciting thinking people could be popping any day now!

lol, thanks asher!
Hey girls, hope you are all doing well.

Just to update you, I ended up back in the hospital yesterday. After loads of pokes and tests, they think I have a stomach infection - nothing serious or dangerous to babes, just not nice for me. Shockingly, when they went through my blood results from last time I was in the doctor asked if I had been starving myself!! (Urrrr, NOOOooooo!) Apparently my protein is so low its the sort of level they would find in people who couldn't eat! But they didn't think to mention that to me on Monday - no wonder I have felt so ill!

I feel jelous with all this talk of baby evicition. I am not sure what I can do! Sex is off the cards until after birth now to try and avoid spreading the GSB! I WANT HER TO GET OUT!!!! :rofl:
I had the best sleep last night! feel so refreshed. The night before that i had about 4 hours and i was shattered yesterday but i didnt cat nap and had such a good sleep! (bar about 5 toilet breaks).

I have a very naughty baby today, she is kicking the hell out of me, she keeps rolling, but when she is doing it she is really stretching my skin, its like she is trying to escape! I also dont just have the kicking in the ribs now, but some kind of kicking/punching on my hip bone too!

We had our hospital tour last night. They have done up our hospital midwifery unit and its soooo nice! We first had a tour round the delivery suites for the consultant led (i think thats what they call it) for caesarian/higher risk pregnancies etc. We struggled to squeeze into the room to have a look round, they were very very small. Then they showed us the Midwifery led birthing unit which they have just finished doing up...i was amazed! They have mood lighting, large bean bag and birthing ball, a really cool bed that kind of converts into a chair, even a stereo which you can plug your ipod into! They also have en-suite bathrooms on the rooms with baths. DH commented that as the room was painted half purple, he half expected Lenny Henry to pop his head round the door advertising £29.99 premier inn rooms. Its so nice to think that we will have loads of privacy in there and they are so well done out. I think that i might just lay in the bath to ease the contractions if im in there for a while! She showed us the room for the water birth, and she said that if its not booked and no one is in there (and providing we are in the right point in labour) you can use the water birth room. I always thought that you had to decide these things really early! The reason they have this unit is so that people with 'no real complications' can have good mid-wife led care and comfort! I am very impressed! this is at the Luton and dunstable hospital.

https://www.ldh.nhs.uk/NewsList.htm (read about katie the first baby born in new unit)

Its nice to see little Amelia is home now and Little A and DH can enjoy their little girl properly now.

I have a feeling that a few more September stars will pop now...its getting very close! I predict that by the end of next weekend (22nd) we will have hmmmm......9 september stars bubbas born. Thats my prediction.

Right better go, need to go for a walk to move this baby a bit, hips and side are just sore now.

Im really useless at remembering who has posted what because there are always so many pages to catch up with...so hi to everyone and hope everyone is well (as well as can be in late pregnancy!)
I had quite the laugh at myself today and just thought I would share. I keep telling everyone that I haven't been nesting and don't feel like I have gotten anywhere near that point.
Well our vacuum broke down and its been driving me mad that I have little bits of things in my carpet until I can get it replaced, which I know wont be long as most likely going to pick one up this weekend. I had the bright idea today of running the clingy cat brush over a grubby looking patch of carpet to see if it would pick anything up, well it did. I spent 3 hours on my hands and knees running this silly brush over the carpet in strips.
Hubby came home and looked really pleased as he thought I had somehow managed to fix the vacuum at which point I had to confese to spending all day brushing our carpet lol.

Your post made me laugh out loud!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
I bought a couple of outfits for my little boy last night but seem to have an obsession with dungarees with long sleeves as I love them on baby boys. At this rate babe will be in dungarees until he's 16. Hee Hee!!!
Morning! Well what a crummy night's sleep that was, but seems I wasn't the only one! I really struggle with being comfortable and whatever I end up doing, my right hip goes numb and dead and then so so achey.... and it doesn't make a difference whether I'm laying on my left side or righ side! Weird. Sorry to hear that lots of us are having the same problems, at least we can moan to each other on here and we all have lots of sympathy! Oh, and I woke up with a rotten cold.. have felt it coming for a couple of days but thought it might not appear properly, appears I was wrong! I had hoped it was a less publicised sign of labour hee hee!

But had some lovely news which is that my mum, sister and nephew are on their way down to visit for the day, should be nice as I haven't seen my sister since I was about 20 weeks ish... my nephew has just had his 3rd birthday and he's so funny.... he says 'Aunty Louise has baby Lilia in her tummy, I think she has eaten her!' Bless!

WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO fishy congrats on being full term! I know how you feel re operation evict baby.... I keep saying to DH 'right, tonight we are getting jiggy with it' and his eyes light up, only for it to get to bedtime and my pelvis is so sore and I'm so tired I tell him sorry, maybe tomorrow... this has gone on for a little while now and he's being very good about it! As of Sunday (37 weeks) we will be doing it no matter what!! He has suggested that when I wake up for a wee in the night, if I don't feel too sore I can wake him up! Erm, I think not!

I can't remember anything else I was going to write so will say bye bye for now!
We had our hospital tour last night. They have done up our hospital midwifery unit and its soooo nice! We first had a tour round the delivery suites for the consultant led (i think thats what they call it) for caesarian/higher risk pregnancies etc. We struggled to squeeze into the room to have a look round, they were very very small. Then they showed us the Midwifery led birthing unit which they have just finished doing up...i was amazed! They have mood lighting, large bean bag and birthing ball, a really cool bed that kind of converts into a chair, even a stereo which you can plug your ipod into! They also have en-suite bathrooms on the rooms with baths. DH commented that as the room was painted half purple, he half expected Lenny Henry to pop his head round the door advertising £29.99 premier inn rooms. Its so nice to think that we will have loads of privacy in there and they are so well done out. I think that i might just lay in the bath to ease the contractions if im in there for a while! She showed us the room for the water birth, and she said that if its not booked and no one is in there (and providing we are in the right point in labour) you can use the water birth room. I always thought that you had to decide these things really early! The reason they have this unit is so that people with 'no real complications' can have good mid-wife led care and comfort! I am very impressed! this is at the Luton and dunstable hospital.

OMG, this made me cry, I am so looking forward to birth, yet so worried, and scared, and everything, I have told dh i have so many mixed feelings about it, so he knows what is wrong with me!
My hospital was great last time and that was 2 yrs 8 months ago or there abouts, and i spoke to the midwife yesterday who said they have recently had a huge grant through and done lots of great things there, I am not sure i can look round without being emotional.
I keep having dreams about just being in hopsital, the feeling when you have this little baby in the clear cots the hospitals use, I just sat and stared at them all, each one of my babies has been a source of amazement and wonder to me, when i see the clear cots just waiting for the baby to be put in it sets me off!
I have noticed a huge shift in emotions recently, i think it is partly my body going up a gear for the birth and partly being anxious about birth, although i have no need, my last 3 births have gone smoothly and were lovely.
I feel hormonal and like just b4 i come on, and i think that is a good sign, just set to last another 6 weeks.....oh poor dh, at least he does get sex from 37 weeks:haha: (why he agrees to it at this point and not the through the pregnancy is a total mystery to me but he does! Last time i think it was just the thought of seeing his dd sooner rather than later!)

Sorry to go on, my dd is saying 'whats wrong with you' as i have tears down my face from just reading about another maternity ward:haha:

Oh dear, I don't half need the September Stars at times like this!!:haha:

Thank you all xx

Thanks for replies to my post about OH (on here and post..). All's good now, and it's been left at that. I guess it's not an issue now unless he texts her again (which he won't).

I'm sooooooo tired, even though my sleep wasn't actually THAT bad.. Well, not compared to some of you on here this morning! :hugs: to everyone in general about lack of sleep, especially becs :hugs:

Guess what? After whinging about it, my furniture came last night :happydance:
It took FOREVER to put the wardrobe up though, and i'm under strict instructions not to try the drawers on my own (but they're looking at me :blush:). It's MIL's bday today, so we're off for a meal tonight, so it'll be the weekend before they are put up. I might just open the box... :blush:

Bekklez.. your post made me laugh. I was hoovering up the stairs once when some Jehovah's Witnesses came to the door and asked for 'the Lady of the house'... I'm sure they thought I was the cleaner! lol.

Laura.. yours made me chuckle too. I thought my iron broke yesterday and had a MAJOR panic, until I realised that it wasn't switched on :dohh:

:hi: or :hugs: to everyone else... I'm too tired to remember much more! xxx
Babythinkpink don't worry I'm hormonal too! Just flipped the channel and it was the end of Ghost Whisperer and after only a few seconds I just got all teary!!!
Morning all,
i'm sooooo tired today, been awake half the night n from 5:30am i could get back to sleep! :dohh: DD had a lie in this morning too she was up at 7:30am typical!!!

forgot most of what ive read :blush:

love your babys room mrs N

drazic sorry to hear you have a stomach infection, pleased it's not serious :thumbup:

Congrats to fishy and mamabird on been full term!! :happydance:

my OH is looking forward to operation evict baby, he is actually counting the days!! 3 days to go!! :winkwink:

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