Morning (again!)
I managed to get some more sleep but just cant face going in to work to sort out my parking permit so will do it over the phone in a minute.
So glad little Amelia is back home with her family! Hoping her time under "the bright lights" did her wonders!
Anyone heard about babyK'smam? I have tried to have a look for the thread but cant see it
Louise that really made me and your clothes roller! Hope your room isnt huge! But go you and hope your hubby feels sorry for you doing it all and gives you a rub or makes tea!
Oh F&C and mamabird 37 weeks...

I did nothing but eat spicey food, bounce on my ball, I ate pineapple everyday (but just either a tin of it or a snack pack type thing as I dont really like it) drank my RLT think I was on 2 or 3 cups a day. I think we tried sex once but to be honest it made me sore and uncomfortable
So I wont be doing that again

but I do have my pineapple in the fridge, been making hubby by me singapore spicey noodles from the chinese frequently to build up (last time I made him buy me two tubs and one was left over night to "mature" it certainly did as my eyes were loosign focus and felt like they were crossing over!) have been bouncing on the ball mainly at night as Nathan tries to push me off and I will be making mince and tatties maybe on Wednesday next week (when Hubby starts his days off!) and making mine extra strong!!
Optical I am so glad things are good between you and your husband now!

I have only just read about it now as have been using my pod which I am crap with so sorry for not replying
I am feeling so sore in the hips today (probably as I have been in bed so long

) but just feeling iffy and tired...just not right! I am hoping its maybe the start of eviction but its probably just me having an off getting my hair cut tomorrow at 10am so anytime after that she can come out please!
Is anyone on iron tablets? I had my bloods done at 28 weeks and my levels were great. They were redone at 35 weeks at my glucose test and they were REALLY low....I had obviously been feeling tired due to not getting comfy at night, up every few hours to the loo and looking after Nathan during the day so not able to nap but since I have started taking the iron tablets I actually feel more tired!
Also thinking maybe that my iffy feeling is the iron tablets getting into my system too...might even have to take an anti sickness tablet today as I just feel so pants and boaky....
Gonna see if a cup of strong tea makes me feel any better.