****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Limpets I had a dream about you last night... all very bizarre, you just couldn't stop helping people in the street including me.. I was hungary and lost???? ps your nursery was supurb in a little English cottage very quaint.... think I've been looking at too many of your garden photos :)

Mrs N - Sorry to hear you in pain wish there was something we could do to help

Had my growth scan this morning Baby looks well, foot above their head and knee in front of face. The baby weighs at 34 wks 5lb 5oz but its head is measuring over 37 weeks ouchie

Sorry for lack of personals i'm at work, catch up properly tonight xx
Afternoon everyone :) Its been a while since i've posted on here although i have been lurking lots!
I can't believe we are so close and already have 5 stars! It seems as though it has gone so fast up until about 33 weeks now it is really dragging!
I have just ordered my TENS which definitley makes everything seem real! I was supposed to go shopping today for the last stuff for my hospital bag but it is absolutley chucking it down here, and i really don't fancy a walk into town, so tommorrow i will go and get everything and also get fitted for some nursing bras (emzy just reminded me!!).
Then...I am ready! Bubs can come anytime from Saturday when my TENS machine arrives! Has anybody used one? Are they any good? I'm hoping to just stick to gas and air and my TENs so i really hope it works for me! Although, i got some pretty horrible strong period type pains last night and i was almost in tears, so its given me a bit less confidence in my pain managment and labouring skills! :nope:
I was in such bad pain and having to kind of breathe through it and once it had gone a bit and i could get back in bed OH said "when you're actually in labour can u say my name a bit less, because it makes me think you want me to do something and i don't know what to do" :dohh: When i am in labour i will say any name i want to thankyou very much haha!
Well i hope you are all good :flower: All those over 37 weeks get busy DTD and lets have some stars!!

Bec...you are mad!! I cannot do that much walking... i did first time around though i guess cos i could sleep but this time i cant with Tabs :dohh:
becs0357- your not alone babe, my back hurts so much i am awake every 2 hours. bless your OH though for rubbing your back

Babythinkpink- My OH is a bit of a joker and im worried he will muck around.. im taking a big stick with me so i can beat him from a distance if this happends.. or i may just do it anyway, amuse myself..

F&C- your full term !!! yay !!! congrats honey and to Mamabird.. Im very jealous.. and wishing your hubby all the luck in the world with his part in the eviction process..lol

Mrs N- new suitcase and new cot !! you lucky gal !!!
Hi girls, well had midwife appointment today and at 35+3 weeks little Tristy is 3/5 engaged! (Her saying 5/5 is fully engaged) so he is more 'in' than 'out' :) and shouldn't be popping out of that position now. She also sid she thought I looked like I have dropped.

She had to have a real deep dig to feel the head as she said I have a deep pelvis??? Does this mean anything??

She also hinted that he's a big boy and she will guess his weight in 2 weeks time at next appointment
Babythinkpink- My OH is a bit of a joker and im worried he will muck around.. im taking a big stick with me so i can beat him from a distance if this happends.. or i may just do it anyway, amuse myself..
So funny! this made me laugh out loud!!!
Hi ladies

Just read BabyK's story - :cloud9:

Congrats to F&C and Mamabird for reaching full term :happydance:

I've been feeling a bit down today :cry: there is still no sign of the baby turning around despite the Moxibustion and ball bouncing. Baby has been moving a lot and my bump feels so heavy every single move I make seems to hurt. I'm sure I must be bruised on the inside. I want to be doing my RLT and ideally bounce on my ball more but at the same time I don't want to do anything that might kick off labour now as I know baby is breech and the end result would be an emergency C-Section.

I feel so useless at the moment as even doing general household chores seem to exhaust me. I walked to the dentist and back this morning and felt like I'd done a marathon. The dentist told me off for not having been recently (I don't know where the time goes) for now he's put in a temporary filling and recommends I wait until after the baby is born to have it done properly as he wants to do an X-ray. I then set about cleaning the kitchen and putting on two loads of washing. Sorted out two more drawers of baby stuff and took all my bedding out of the packets ready to be washed. Finally I got DH to take me to the bank and then to Bravissimo to get fitted for a Nursing Bra. Ideally they said I should wait until 37/38 weeks but it took every ounce of effort to go today so there is no way I'm going to feel like it in a couple of weeks time. I ended up with a 38FF. Pre-pregnancy I was a 36E so I haven't really grown that much my most recent maternity bra was a 40F which is the same size as a 38FF anyway. There is at least a hand width of room and some stretch too so even if the milk pours in it will fit. I must say the Bravissimo feels much more supportive than the Panache one I got from Mothercare and the straps are wider too. At least now I know what size I need, I can look for some cheaper ones on-line. The Bravissimo one wasn't too bad £22 but I'm sure I'll be able to pick some cheaper ones up in the sales. I think Figleaves have got 20% off at the moment.

Anyway sorry for the selfish moany post. I'll be back later - hopefully in a better mood
i have had a tiring day still tired grumpy ,dr stressed me out was sick again and my hips feel like they going to fall off!
im sorry to be moany i shall pop back later and see how everyone else is doing, sorry girls x
:hugs: genies sorry you are having a rough day
oooh teeny exciting stuff! :happydance:
:hugs: MrsJ08

I've just written my birth 'wish list' (don't want to call it a plan, cos things never go to plan lol!) :thumbup:
Teeny its quite cool isnt it!! Also HOW CRAZY is it seeing the newborn bounty pack and scales...:shock: We are going to have babies :rofl:
Babythinkpink- My OH is a bit of a joker and im worried he will muck around.. im taking a big stick with me so i can beat him from a distance if this happends.. or i may just do it anyway, amuse myself..

Mine is a nightmare, really one big kid, he mucks about and i 'disown' him in public places when he acts up!
The hospital he is going to play up but the midwife's have seen it all b4, and i don't feel responsible for him any more!!

Happy term, to well it seems loads of you! :happydance:

I still have a few weeks yet but been twingy today, i remember this from b4, from about now by body keeps playing tricks on me and for ages i think it is going to happen any time now then i go over! :dohh:

Done tea early tonight, vegi bake and it was yum, did a fish cake with it, dh did the 'manly thing' and bought me back some shopping, and i think he felt fishcakes were good!
Going to shower the children, (i love it in the evening when they are all clean and in their jim jams, they are all yummy like that!!)
Then i think its early night for me, shower also as i decided i prob can't get out of the bath any more so best i don't try and just get stuck! (I have a job getting in and out of bed let alone the bath!)

Hope everyone is good, Hugs to those who need them, genies girl:hugs:, mrsjo8:hugs:, waves to everyone else:hi::hi::hi::hi::hi::hi:, back soon xxxxx
baby think pink - My DH thought it would be funny to start humming the casualty theme as we walked round the hospital tour the other day. What he doesnt realise is that because he has such god awful hearing (ear problems when he was younger) he is actually a lot louder than he realises and it can get us in a fair bit of trouble sometimes when he feels the need to take the mickey out of some one in public! Which he does frequently. Latest one being (and i hope this doesnt paint him in a bad light because he really isnt a bad person) we had a guy sitting behind us in hospital cafe who had something wrong with his voice box and had to push against his throat to speak, and he was sniggering. I could have died!!!!!! Is this normal for a man or have i just got a bad'un?
I actually think letting him take his DS or PSP to the hospital will be a good idea! Like a kid who needs distracting!
Hi there. Does anyone else feel really agitated and restless? I'm also feeling sick and no patience at all? I didn't feel like this at all in my last pregnancy!!!
I had quite the laugh at myself today and just thought I would share. I keep telling everyone that I haven't been nesting and don't feel like I have gotten anywhere near that point.
Well our vacuum broke down and its been driving me mad that I have little bits of things in my carpet until I can get it replaced, which I know wont be long as most likely going to pick one up this weekend. I had the bright idea today of running the clingy cat brush over a grubby looking patch of carpet to see if it would pick anything up, well it did. I spent 3 hours on my hands and knees running this silly brush over the carpet in strips.
Hubby came home and looked really pleased as he thought I had somehow managed to fix the vacuum at which point I had to confese to spending all day brushing our carpet lol.

priceless Laura!!! :thumbup:

Limpets I had a dream about you last night... all very bizarre, you just couldn't stop helping people in the street including me.. I was hungary and lost???? ps your nursery was supurb in a little English cottage very quaint.... think I've been looking at too many of your garden photos :)
Ooooh sounds lovely - when can i move in? lol. The helping people does sound like me! I heard an announcement as i was getting dressed after aqua natal asking for a first aider to reception - i had to stop myself running to offfer my services :dohh:.

Your DH comment made me lol - brilliant! At least he's had a bit of a practice run now :haha:. Breathing through it is what they teach you in hypnobirthing - imagine with each contraction you are breathing your baby down & out :thumbup:.

Awww MrsJ08 - try not to stress hun, i went through a similar patch & it did pass so hopefully it will for you too! Keep on with the Moxibustion and ball bouncing - you never know & it's only been a few days :hugs:

Mine is a nightmare, really one big kid, he mucks about and i 'disown' him in public places when he acts up!
The hospital he is going to play up but the midwife's have seen it all b4, and i don't feel responsible for him any more!!
Mine will just try to kill anyone who tries to come near me let alone examine me :dohh: he's already told the midwife no internals :shrug: whatever!!!!

Well i had a fab time at aquanatal, i think the midwife was trying to send us all into labour as it was a very bouncy & strenuous workout today (even she had to stop & get her breath & she hadn't got the force of the water to contend with). I ammended my earlier post as i have now got my wheeleasy to fit :happydance: i have a feeling it's what we'll take on our holiday to save taking up the complete boot with the pram :thumbup:

Just waiting for DH to call so i can walk out to meet him & take him to try some work shoes i spotted for him - he's a nightmare to buy for!
Thanks MrsN, Babythinkpink & Limpets :hugs:

Emzdreamgirl - sounds exactly like the sort of thing my DH would do. Last time he was in hospital himself he told me the guy opposite was "a complete Spaz" in a really loud voice. I could have strangled him. I'm sure half the time he does it to get a rise out of me.

I'm still feeling fed up. I'm hungry but I've been really rubbish re:food shopping lately and the only thing I have in abundance is eggs. I even think I've run out of bread but I can't be bothered to go to the supermarket. DH isn't feeling too good so doesn't want anything himself which always makes life more difficult. I haven't been eating very healthily at all the last couple of weeks and I feel quite guilty about it. DH would probably drive me to the supermarket but I honestly don't think I have the energy, I'd rather not eat or just have a boring Omlette.

I've got "Active Birth" Class tomorrow :rofl: I've got about as much energy as a slug so I'm not quite sure how I am going to manage. DH is coming with me so at least I will have some support.

I suspect I might be feeling a bit down because I've got my scan next week - DH has missed the last two as he's been in hospital. Earlier on today he said he was in some pain and not feeling too good, so I'm bracing myself for the possibility another hospital admission may be on the cards. It's really upsetting, it's not his fault and there is nothing he can do about it but I feel really angry - not with him but the situation. I really feel like we have had more than our fair share over the past two years but there seems to be no let up. I'm starting to think I better sort myself out with a Birth Contingency Plan as it will be just our luck he will end up in hospital and missing it! I just can't bare to think about it at the moment, it's too distressing :cry:
Hi Ladies!

Once again I have read about a dozen pages and now I can't remember anything.:dohh:

Thank you for the Full term well-wishes!!! So pleased that F&C and I have now made it to 37 weeks!! and as she's said...let the eviction process start!!! Well...maybe in a week or so for me. DH are meeting friends from out of town for dinner next Friday and I still have a bit of stuff to do around the house. But maybe I'll start things off slowly by drinking more RLT and eating pineapple! YUM!!!

Drazic: sorry to hear about the infection hun!

And you can all add me to the sleepless preggo club. UGH! I have such a hard time sleeping now!

Yay for HB kits arriving!!

Well that's all that I can remember. :dohh:

Have a good day ladies!~
Here is my 37 week bump!

Babythinkpink- My OH is a bit of a joker and im worried he will muck around.. im taking a big stick with me so i can beat him from a distance if this happends.. or i may just do it anyway, amuse myself..

My god this reminds me of when I was in labour with Nathan and had the epidural and was told to try and sleep while dilating and my OH fell asleep in the seat and started snoring so loudly and of course he was just out of arms reach and I couldnt shout at him loudly incase they thought I was in distress...I was trying to whip him with the bed sheet and everything until he woke up!! I might just get a big long stick too....just incase!:thumbup:

Well its been pouring with rain here. I still feel quite crappy but I did drag myself with OH to the shops to get a few cards for birthdays and house movings...but it was a slow walk round.

Awww I am so glad everything is goign well with Evan! I love that name!
Congrats BabyK....cant wait to see some pictures of him! Sounds like there was no stopping him as he was ready to meet you!!:cloud9:
Gotta admit I was having a wee cry reading her post...its just so nice but yet so scarey that anyone of us could be next at meeting our little bubba!:cry:

I am meant to be putting the tea on while OH baths and puts Nathan to bed so cant stick about for long:haha:

Yay teeny at the HB pack arriving! I wouldnt be able to keep out of it...or are you meant to be in there checking things and doing stuff??:shrug:
What all comes in it?:blush:

Right I better go or Stuart will wonder what I have been up too...:dohh:

Later! Hoping mabe someone will be having signs of labour by the time I come back!

Oh and if there are any facebookers who are yet to be friendly I am always checking mine (I find it easier than BnB on my i-pod:blush:) so feel free to add me....Emma Clark, Edinburgh. Its me, hubby and wee Nathan...we all loook a bit stunned in the picture lol..

Right I better go....:wacko:

Yes I shouldnt be here but mamabird posted her bump pic!:blush:

You are looking gorgeous! You really look like you have dropped!


Right I am away this time....honest!


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