****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Rocky - Kidney Stones poor you :hugs: If my baby is still breech at 37wks they will turn it then.

Blob - I think girl

Emzdreamgirl - you are due the same day as me, I'm not having any symptoms though :cry: my naughty breech baby isn't coming any time soon

Well I had, wait for it........................................8 hours sleep last night without having to get up for the loo!!!! I can't believe I managed to sleep straight through. I woke up just after 8 as I could hear the dog whinging to go out and I thought it was about 6am. I was so shocked when I looked at the clock. I must admit I feel much better for it, the only thing is because I slept on one side all night my left hip is in agony. Can't have it all I guess :rofl:

Going to read Emzy's story now


I just noticed that you have a scan on wednesday. Ihave an app sameday but just for 35 weeks checkup (theyare behind a week as app are always on wednesday and I'm 36 week Thursday! LOL). What scan is it they are doing? Is it a growth scan? I don't think I get another scan, I think last hospital one was 20 weeks, and you don't get any more.:shrug:

It's a 36 wk Growth Scan, I had them at 28&32 weeks too. I was originally under Consultant Care as I was considered high risk but as everything has been perfectly normal (apart from my naughty breech baby) I've been "normalised" now. :rofl: they are still doing the scan though. I think it will be primarily about checking the position though as they know the baby has been average for growth and on the same line all the way through. All my scans have been in the right week but the follow up appointments not until a week later for the same reason as you - they do them on a Tues but my scan is on the Weds.
I'm with the flip flops girls, I can't go outside if it rains! As for discharge, mine seems to go up and down. Sometimes I have loads, othertimes I have hardly any. I asked the midwife when I was at the hospital and she said increased discharge is normal at this stage, as long as it's clear or white (tinged) and there is no blood or strong smell it's fine.

Got a bit excited last night, had spicy food and when I went to bed I was having pains in my tummy. Back to normal this morning though! I have tried spicy food, pineapple, BJ (can't have sex, or don't feel happy too, because of the GSB so tried the other route!) still drinking RLT though I know this doesn't start labour. Might have a Clary sage oil massage tonight - I don't think anything will make any difference until she decided she is coming though!

Sending labour :dust: to all the girls who are wanting it!
I too am having increased discharge, and have been for ages. TBH, it's really getting on my nerves :wacko:

BUT I just thought about something i'd not realised. In a few weeks, we'll all be back getting periods :growlmad::cry::growlmad::nope::growlmad:

Bugger. I don't want them. Not even a little one. Grrrrr....:growlmad:

I slept pretty well last night, and even had a lie-in this morning as DD decided she wanted to stay at my mums last night. Woke up at 6 when OH went to work, but fell back asleep till 10 :)

Emzy, your story is fab. Well, not fab, cos of all the pain n stuff, but you know what I mean :flower:

I have to live in my flipflops too. Drazic - Fx something happens soon!

Blob, I think girl. Dunno why. Looking at the scan yesterday I still have no idea what I'm having. After it bugging me all year, now i'm not that bothered about knowing (prolly cos I don't have much longer to wait! lol).

My doggy is snoring... better take her for a walk cos I bet she's bored sleeping all day - not that I would be! Then midwife at 2pm.

Have a fab day ladies :)
Just popping in to say hello and good morning to everyone,

Slept ok but not the best last night, dd was up a few times, I was hoping she would get better not worse!
She drinks loads at night, and i have tried to cut it down but it is her comfort as she is milk intollorant and so has a juice cup instead, so a few cups later and her nappy just can't cope for a night and she wakes up cold and wet so i change her and the bed, poor love, i really must try and find a decent nappy to cope, she is in huggies night time pull ups and they are rubbish for her, going to have to go back to a nappy more capable of the wet.

Looks like is may be a nice day today so could try and get some baby washing done, i have one load of dd's bedding in the tumble, one load of towels on the line, and once the tumble has finished i will cool it to get some washing in it!
Want to line dry the baby stuff, as the grows do shrink a bit in the tumble!

Anyway, dd being a little less demanding today, she has been a nightmare since the other children went away, i think she feels she has to be trouble for the all of them while they are away!
I hate them being away, part of why i can't sleep is worrying for them, their step mum is less than caring, and their dad drinks, i worry they will not be looked after, or have to do stuff on their own, they are on a campsite and i worry my 7yr old dd will be let to go to the toilets or showers on her own, i know she said the step mum refused to take her to the toilet once, and that is bloody mad, they have nearly split (ex and her) over the difference between care of her own flesh and blood and my children, and sometimes i wish they had, she works with children but some of the things i have heard from my kids scares me, i can't say anything as he will just kick off and he would have them more just to be stubborn.

Anyway enough of my ramblings, really not sure how this baby is lying today, hickups are still up high, yet the other day when i was lying down they were starting low and vibrating to my ribs, they are starting at hip again today, so perhaps we are head down? Find out next week, i really want a scan though, i am not sure i trust anything else, my friend was told her baby was head down til she delivered his bum first and they went into panic!

Big :hugs: to all, sorry for the selfish post, but i seemed to have missed so much! :hugs:

:baby:thinkpink xx
Oh bloody hell yeah, periods! Going to have to think about birth control too. I really don't know what to do with that because I really want to avoid hormonal BC.... oooo blimey!
I'm hoping to BF as much as possible to avoid my periods returning immediately!! Also our NCT lady said you could get a contraceptive bill which is ok to take when BF so will speak to my Dr about that after the LO arrives. x
Hello Everyone hope everyone is good today :flower:
I can't believe we have 10 September Stars already, is there going to be any of us still pregnant by September?!!
Congrats to all the new mummies :hugs:
I'm getting so impatient now and the thought i could still be pregnant for another 5 weeks is scary! I went on a 8 mile walk with OH yesterday hopefully that will have got bubs a bit more in the right position. When i had my 36 wk midewife appt last week the student midwife was concerned baby might be breech but then suddenly her and the MW changed there mind and said he is 4/5 , but i'm really scared now! His hiccups are quite high up my tummy and i'm terrified i will go into labour breech and no-one will know! I've had hardly any movement yesterday or this morning, i'm trying not to worry because i know movement slows down later on but i want him to wriggle! Wow jus realised what a worrier i am!!
My TENs machine arrived and OH had a practice putting the pads in place and we tried it on the lowest setting, it feels very strange but i'm really hoping it will work for me!
Thanks to whoever mentioned periods :dohh: haha that is one thing i am not looking forward to! To the ladies who have had previous babies do periods tend to get heavier/lighter more painful/less painful after having a baby?
Well that is me for now anyway, we have finally got a bit of sun today so im going to do my cleaning then read some of my book in the garden :)
Sending lots of labour dust to Blob, Drazic and whoever else is wanting an eviction!!

x x x
Breast feeding can stall periods for months, although you still need birth control, my first ds my periods didn't come back for 6 months!
The next were just a few months, but i am going for a mirena coil 6 weeks after the birth to minimise periods anyway.
God periods! I feel like i have a horrendous one today anyways but certainly dont want them back!!:nope:

My mum asked me the other day is my OH was going to get the snip:haha:
I said no why would he?:shrug:
She then asked if I was going to get sterilised....:wacko:

To say I was a bit embarrassed is an understatment so I said well maybe we want to have more kids?? Not that we do!!

But seriously I think she might think we have only had sex whilst trying for our two kids:shrug: I mean we use condoms as thats all OH has ever used and I have a thing about the pill and coil etc etc but thats just me being me:dohh:
So I have managed so far in my life ok to get pregnant the twice while trying and had no other accidents etc etc....so gonna stick with that until am a bit older then if I feel we need soemthing more then I might dabble with the pill or something.

Gah my morning has gone far too fast...only an hour until I collect my wee boy...were does time go when you have stuff to do and noone to pester you...but it drags when you have a small child who is throwing a wobbly as he wants everything he isnt allowed.:coffee:

im with you elmaxie... dave and i have not used the pill/coil/injections or anything like that and not managed to have any 'accidents'. So we are just going to use the normal condom method (and sometimes not even that depending).... :blush:

Im a flip flop gal too..... havent worn anything else for MONTHS now.. tried on some of my shoes the other day and it was like one of the ugly sisters trying to get into the glass slipper..... was sooo upset... i was a total shoeaholic before and now nothing no pretty shoes for me...... i'd have periods back no problem as long as i get my shoes back.....
Elmaxie- kitten was fine thanks just jabs today, how are your p0ains?
Mrs J- glad you got some good sleep
Blob- i think girl (i always assumed you knew it was a girl so never thought any diffderent)

i think my poor legs are going too fall off after walking about all morning and im now nvery crampy down below.
The midwife had no idea which way the babies were and didnt want to guess , she found the heartbeats easy enough though as there is usually ten beats difference between them.

The midwife i saw last time was the one who picked on my flip flops, id mentioned my back ache and she said it was the flipflops fault (not the two babies and giant bump out front) she suggested i buy trainers in a bigger size to wear , im a size 8 shoe
already so thats a no.

Im laying on the sofa now but i keep geting stuck from seizing up :)
Well the health visitor isn't coming as she is ill!! Damn, I am sooooo disappointed....NOT!!! So gonna crack on with painting my lounge back!! LO is being relaxed today, think she is knackered from all the walking yesterday!!! OH keeps pestering for sex, he is a right randy git today, maybe I will give in after I have got some piant on the walls!!!!
hey girls,

Still only 10 stars?? you just never know who may go into labour now.

Hope everyone is doing good, glad some of you are sleeping better, alas i am not, if im not woken up to pee its my bad back keeping me up.

I went to my 35 week App, baby is head down !! i thought she was breech and doesnt look like she is going to be a whopper like my son was..

My hospital dont do routine strep B tests or growth scans so i found out today, do most hospitals do them?.

My husband has shocked me, he has asked the MW if he can help deliver the baby and be hands on... And i was even more shocked the MW said yes !!!! God help me !!

Im back to work on Wed :cry: it been great being able to find the time to keep up to date with the thread.. I dont go on maternity leave till the 6th of Sep, most of you girls would have had your baby the way things are going :flower:

Off to read emzy's birth story and wooooooo and aaaahhhhh at photos of holly.. xx
Ummm baby's hiccups today are quite high up. Do you think he might have turned so is now breech? Just texted my MW and she wants me to come in on Friday.
All you naughty girls with your risky contraception! I might be tempted with that, but he got my pregnant our first full month without the implant, which I sadly lost, and then I was pregnant again almost straight away after my MMC despite trying to be safe! :rofl: Don't think I would be a good small age gap Mumma!

I have period pain today, and back ache. Trying not to hope too much, but will keep you all updated. I am trying to be mellow though, she will come when she is good and ready! :)
Hi hope we are all ok today I also am a flip flop girl just cos j can't bend to put on socks lol

Been for a walk this morning hope to get things movin lol 37 weeks on wed whoop whoop although the eviction process has started lol been gettin a few period type pains but that's about it and a few tightening around my tummy area but nothing painful lol

Baby hasn't been so active the weekend but dunno if that's Cos iv been rushing round everywhere although dp said wen he came up to bed lst nite he was touching my tummy and izzy was movin around see it's amazin how u sleep through it lol

Right here's for my embarrising question sorry tmi lol

Iv started takin iron tablets and the pharmacy sed u may get very constipated ( great as I don't go often anyway lol )
Well iv been today after bein on iron tablets since sat and my poo wasn't it's usual browny colour was lookin dark nearly black could this be iron tablets or could it be my body gettin ready for labour ??
I have heard other people have the same effect from Iron tablets hun. It's very normal for them to either make you constipated or have dioreah.
Yes iron tablets can cause very darks stools! ...still in pain with my calf muscle :( am getting worried now that its DVT not just cramp :S! X

The flipflop issue is due to them having little or no support...tbh i bought a pair of shoes with a good sole/heel and had no problems, until the dog ate them, now im wearing flats my feet really hurt! x
tried on some of my shoes the other day and it was like one of the ugly sisters trying to get into the glass slipper.....

:haha::haha::haha: Sorry Carley but I LOVE this!!! :haha::haha::haha:

I'm so missing my heels too. I went for a meal the other night, and BIL's GF was wearing some (she's only 18 and looked GORGEOUS) and her legs looked like they went on forever. Then there was me with my cankles and flip flops lol. I have the most gorgeous pair of shoes that I bought for NYE (the night I got my BFP) so have only worn them that once! Still... not sure i'd have the periods back for them tho.

As for contraception, I just used condoms before as every pill I have ever been on has turned me into Bitch-zilla and then given me really bad migraines. Same with any hormonal stuff... messes me up. Might look into getting a coil though after bubs is here as I caught on in the first month of actively trying, so I wouldn't want any mishaps until we're good and ready. I can't imagine morning sickness with a tiny baby!

Has anyone used the coil before? What types can you get? They good? I plan on BF for at least 6 months, so hopefully that'll keep the periods at bay for a while too.

I was meant to go to the MW at 2, but instead I've been to the kennels with my friend to find a dog for her. BIG mistake... there was a dog there who looked exactly the same as my dog (who we also got from the same place), and it looked really sad, and thin. Now I can't stop thinking about this dog, but it growled at me when I went near it so there's no way we could have it. Poor lil' mite. :cry:

So i'd better get a move on and get to the centre to see the mw. It's a drop-in 2 till 4, so it's not like i'm late. I just have to find something to pee in as I don't have any sample bottles! Wonder if a fruit shoot will do? :blush:

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