****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Ah yeah, I used to be on iron tablets and they made me constipated with greeny-black poop :blush:
Morning Ladies!!

First off MrsJ! I am sooo jealous! I would have peed the bed. I need to get up atleast 4 times now in an 8 hour spand. But so happy you got a good nights sleep. :hugs:

I on the other hand slept like crap. Fell asleep past 1am, then was up every hour an a half until I gave up and got out of bed at 8:25am. My days seem so long now....hubby works till 6pm so I am alone at home all day. No fun!:nope:

As for flip flops...that's all I have been wearing since like April I think? As soon as the weather is nice that's all I wear! And since June or July nothing else fits really!

And am I the only one who actually won't mind getting her period back!? :haha: I am also planning of BF exclusively so it probably won't come back for a while yet, but I really won;t mind when it does.:shrug:

Contraception has been on my mind as well. I gave up the pill about 3-4 years ago. I had been on them for almost 10 years and I felt like it was starting to interfere with my body's normal hormonal balance. So DH and I just used condoms. ALL the time though because we didn't want a "surprise", but we always said if we did get a surprise it wasn't then end of the world because we wanted 1 baby...we just wanted to wait until the time was right. But NOW, when we have 1 baby, I am REALLY scared to have an accident. DH and I are about 95% sure we only want one child...so having an accident after baby is here...especially if baby is still young would terrify me. I thought about going back on the pill...but even though it's safe...I really don't want to put those hormones in my baby. and I have head the coil is either a hit or miss for women. Either they love it or hate it...so not sure what I'll do...but I don't think I'll feel safe enough with just condoms.

Choc: the dark green/black poo totally freaked me out last month too when I started taking my iron tabs. But then when I started thinking about it...the iron was the only different thing in my diet so I figured it had to be that. Stopped taking them for a few days and YUP! that's what it was...so I just try to ignore it now. :haha:

Thanks for the advice everyone iv started to feel a bit betta takin them it just freaked me out lol nice of the midwife to warn me this could happen lol x
:hi: ladies

Anyone that is having contraception concerns - don't forget the diaphragm/cap. It's so under-used in the UK. I came off the pill in May and started using one then, right up until Dec when we started TTC. I found it really easy to use once I got the hang of it and unlike Condoms you can pop it in, in advance if you think some love action might be on the cards :rofl: I will have to be fitted for a new one after the baby is born but it's just takes a few minutes at your Family Planning/GP. I am also considering the Coil as an option. My Mum absolutely swears by the coil and has always used it, my only concern with it is whether it might effect fertility as ideally I would like to have another baby in a couple of years and at 35 I don't want to take any risks with my future fertility. I am not keen on going back on the pill as I've found it gives me too many side effects. I was on the dreaded Cerazette before TTC because I get Migraine's and I definitely never want to go back on it.

I've been wearing flip-flops too and a pair of wide fitting slip on leather sandals I got at TK Maxx for £12. They are definitely not the sort of thing I would normally wear and will be getting binned as soon as my feet return to normal. It's all about comfort for me at the moment as my ankles/feet swell up really badly during he day.
Thanks for that MrsJ! I hadn't even thought of the diaphragm/cap. I think it is underused here in Canada as well. But the women who I know use it swear by it. Maybe a combo of that and condom would make me feel safe!?

ive added our top two baby names to my signature i wanted to see what they look like written down, we arnt telling anyone and havent really discussed it since deciding , the midwife asked me today and i told her ,it sounded funny to be saying it out loud so ive put it on here for a bit so i can see it x
Oooh no Asher i think girl for you :lol:
Optical i only had one period from having Tabs to getting pregnant again :haha: so mine didnt start again for over a year :wohoo:
I dont think i will go back on the pill as it totally screws me up, then i used the one you can BF with and it made me all weird and emotional :wacko: So DH and I will stick with condoms i think :) We want 2 more anyhoos...
Awwww REALLLY gorgeous names!!!!!! :cloud9:

So most people say girl and 2 for boy :haha:
Hi ladies,
Firstly a big thank you to all the stars who are on facebook & sent me positive vibes when i needed them early this afternoon (stoopid damn bloody midwife!) Anyway i feel much better now so i'm not gonna dwell on it :flower:

My moms goin away tomorro so I'm really hopin I don't go into labour till she bk a week on wed as she's my other birth partner lol
Gimme a shout & i'll come with ya hun lol, if you do it at aquanatal it'll save time too :haha: sorry :blush:

(depends which one fits ov...er his personalised nappy lol) spossie nappies
Oooh good for you hun! I must admit i've bought some sposies for the hospital, ours doesn't really support washables as they don't like the dirty ones hanging around waiting to be taken home......plus i'm worried Tufty might be too small to fit in them (yeah right - who am i trying to kid eh :haha:)

OH is just away to the shops to get me some licky crisps (mcoys steak flavour..I lick the flavour off and sometimes eat the crisp)
hahahaha licky crisps :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha: brilliant!

Hey cazza - you look fab hunny! Thanks for popping by - can't of been easy for you especially around this time, sending lots of good vibes your way though :hugs:

Opticallilus - glad your feeling better & it all seems to be working out hun :hugs: Your munch looks adorable in those piccies

Genies why are flip flops bad? I have seen a few ladies post this but have no clue why.
It is most likely because they offer no support at a time when your bones are weaker & need the extra support (says she who lives in flipflops too :thumbup:)

Well i went to mamas & papas yesterday, Solihull must be too posh for a sale though as nothing was on offer :shrug: so out i walked :haha:. I did buy 2 of the cutest dungarees from Pumpkin patch though (i lurve that place) and some mitts, a hat & a t-shirt. I must confess the dungarees are 3-6 month & 12-18 month :blush: but when they are reduced to £4.17 a pair who's to be fussy eh!
I then made the mistake of checking out boots! I am in love with their baby range of clothing at the moment :cloud9: i picked up several little outfits, 2 blankets, hats, mitts, socks & booties. I will photograph them all & post them later - they were all reduced by at least half price & some were only £1! Bargain!

Right, apologies for such a long post. I'm off to google pickling shallotts now - it's been so long since i pickled with my nan.

Oh & last but certainly not least 'HAPPY TERM TO MEEEEEEEE' :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Woohoo i made it! (even though i still get scared something might still happen! :dohh:)
Hi all! Very disappointed that there are no new babies to report! You're not trying hard enough ladies!!

Had MW appt this morning, all went fine, measuring 35cm on fundal height but she said she's not worried, she thinks that I will be having a petite baby 6 1/2 - 7lb at her guess... sounds ok to me! I was 8lb 11ozs so I'd rather this little one took after daddy who was 7lb!
Also, baby was 3/5 palpable so 2/5 engaged... she's engaged one fifth further in 2 weeks, if she carries on at that speed she'll never arrive!!!

In an effort to get things moving DH and I attempted to DTD last night... and I mean it when I say attempted! I was in so much pain we had to stop, stupid SPD!! My pubic joint at the front really was burning and it's been so so painful all day! I can't open my bloody legs... If I can't manage to DTD how am I supposed to give birth!!? Argh! Oh well, was hoping it would have been enough but nothing has been happening today :(

So happy for the people managing to get a good night's sleep! I'm still waiting for mine!!

I'll be back later, have a nice day girls! x
Has anyone used the coil before? What types can you get? They good? I plan on BF for at least 6 months, so hopefully that'll keep the periods at bay for a while too.

I had a coil fitted after my first son was born, it was fine, i found it so easy, you just forget about it, and check it every now and again, it is very much the lazy persons method!!:haha:
I had the coil removed after having one for 5 years and fell pg the same month it was out, i had one again after that baby and again it worked til i had it out then fell pg the month it was removed, again!
I then had a mirena coil fitted, I can't take the pill for health reasons, but this has a teeny amount of hormone in it and actually gradually your periods stop, or are mininised, this is a good one for those who suffer from heavy periods, and i must admit it was fab for me, although other women do complain of side effects, i didn't have any.
I was going to be sterilised but because of heavy periods we decided this method would be better, and i was so glad when i found myself in a new relationship and wanting more children with my new husband!
I had the mirena out and it took 3 months to conceive, i was 34 by this point, so i cant say the mirena interfered with my fertiltity.
I had a normal coil back in after that because we knew we may just try for one more and i didnt want any hormones involved, i had the coil out, expecting just to be pregnant straight away but it took us 9 months, I really feel my age had more to do with that than anything else.
So now at 37 and a bit(!) i am expecting no5!
I would go for the coil again, i don't believe in getting my dh snipped, i have never considered it, mainly as men can go on making babies forever and if something ever happens to me he could go on and have more if he wanted, i know so many women have wanted their dh's reversed because they are in second relationships and had the snip, although if he was unfaithful i would do it myself to him...i have warned him! :rofl:

Anyway i sound like a coil advert, but they have been great for me, not the best things to be fitted, (i have a funny shaped uterus which makes it a bit harder to fit) but once done, some even last for 10 years now without needing changing.

My baby stuff is on the line, the first lot is all coloured so the curtains are drawn to stop ds seeing them, the next load is all white, i have quite a few white vests and a few grows, newborns look lovely in white!

I had some real pains walking today, i have backache, and baby feels low enough to drop out, and being my 5th i am a bit concerned it will!!
I just want baby to stay put til September, but i am going to have to take it easy and keep walking down to a minimum at this rate!

Hope i have answered a few coil questions, I don't want to sound like the know it all of pregnancy and birth, but having had 4 babies already and being an oldie i have been there done that and got 4 t-shirts, so if i can help or reassure anyone that would be nice!

Back later :hugs:
Stoopid post but......
I just can't stop crying over the most stupidest of things today! Someone just sold an item i was meant to be buying from them to someone else & it's set me off again! I don't understand why i am like this :cry: inside i feel quite happy with myself but i can't stop these damn tears! Am i going mad or something?
Well, I'm back from the midwife (eventually). Although bubs is still head down, s/he's flipped over, and spine is now on my left (rather than right). I can vaguely remember being laid on my left hand side last night and bubs not liking it one bit, so maybe that's why they flipped over (to get more comfy). S/he's also back to 'brim'... so i've been brim, 4/5 (basically brim anyway) and now brim again. Oh well, must just be comfy in there.

I saw a lady who was at my childbirth prep classes, and she was due yesterday. I want to be due now too! I don't want bubs to come out just yet, but I want to be due lol.

Louise, i'm measuring 35cm too, and was last week as well. :hugs: over your SPD.

Happy term Limpets! Glad you're feeling better now :hugs:

Babythinkpink - Thanks for your advice, that sounds great and it's really something i'm considering. I would like another baby after this one, but not for a couple of years (with the wedding next year we're gonna try and get our finances back on track), so it might be worthwhile to prevent any unexpected surprises! I like the fact that there's no hormones in it, so it can't make me go crazy like the pill does.

Righty, i'm off to wash some of DD's old baby toys for the new baby. I have a washing line full of teddy bears at the mo, but some stuff needs hand washing.
10 babies!!!! That number shot up quickly! So who's next? LOL.

Girls I'm hitting the wall, I am so darn close to having had enough. I've had a mental week/weekend with so many blooming visitors. All I wanted to do today was to veg out and relax. Dh had a doctor appointment first thing and I received a text from my friend who I saw on Friday asking what I was doing in the sunshine today. I was going to reply but got distracted and missed two calls from her. She then turned up at the door, the house was a mess, the kids were half dressed....not great. So instead of relaxing I started cleaning, fussing and finding actiuvities to entertain the children.
Am I being mean....I really did not want any company today. Nobody ever decends on me uninvited. And as lovely as it was seeing her I am now absolutely shattered, I really need a nap but can't as I have all three kids and dh has been sent to the hospital for his eye. Sheesh!

I just want to hibernate for a month with no visitors, no trips out until this baby is ready to come out.

Yet when she's exhausted from work I darent call her ort she's really rude. But she's never done the pg thing so I guess she just doesn't realise how truly exhausting it is.

I've turned into a miserable old whinge haven't I!!??!!??!!??!!??!!

What it boils down to is that I need a good nights sleep!!!!!!

Anyone else dropping with exhaustion?
Sorry, probably none of that makes any sense, I can barely keep my eyes open.
Ooooo scrap that last post re. limpets... sending loads of :hugs: your way....


Just remember my post the other day about wanting salad instead of veg.. :blush:
Ooooo scrap that last post re. limpets... sending loads of :hugs: your way....


Just remember my post the other day about wanting salad instead of veg.. :blush:

:thumbup: thanks hun! I feel so bloody stupid! I just told the woman to keep her damn huggalugs if she has sold the nappy :blush:. How very rude of me! I just can't seem to help it, roll on DH coming home, i know a hug from him will solve everything.

Snoozie - wanna sneak off into hibernation with me for a while hun? :hugs: I know what you mean about people never ccoming round - all our friends live over 50 mile away & it's always us who ends up visiting them, if they think they can come round willynilly when Tufty is here they can just think again grr grr grrr. Right - i should get off this pc before i seriously offend someone!
Thanks my beautiful stars :hugs:
Limpet :hugs: :hugs:
Well my naughty baby KEEPS going back to back :cry: My back is so sore all the time...naughty baby!! Thing is though i can try getting on all fours but baby doesnt stay that way long anyway so seems like there is no point?
Awww, :hugs: limpets. If it's any consolation, I feel mental too!

Blob, my girl is exactly the same. If I do get her to move she just moves back so I just try and be comfortable now, she is having none of it!

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