****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Iv just woke up I'm not impressed was tryin to stay awake all day so I sleep at nite lol I feel shattered too.

Limpets happy full term to I and I am gonna drag myself to aquanatel this week !!!!!!

Was just wondering what to do for tea bit gonna treat the oh to a take away his nan not well she is in a home and been I'll for sometime but he had a call today to say she may not make it through the rest of the day poor bloke oh Neva in 2 years saw him cry my hormones
Kicked in and i then started

He upset as he wants izzy to meet her great nan he really really down at the min

Betta go and get cot sheets and moses basket sheets in off the line be bk later can't belive no more stars been born yet I only logged on as I had a strange feeling number 11 had been born lol


was bored and this is quite amusing! The babies giggle is so cute tooo!
Genies girl - lovely names :flower:

Limpets - can I join the mental and emotional club? I keep crying over silly things, poor DH just looks at me completely perplexed and doesn't know what to do. I don't feel particularly unhappy or anything, I just feel emotional. I got upset earlier because the drape rod for my crib won't thread through the fixings. Hardly the end of the world as DH can just screw it to the strut which holds the crib in place but it really upset me. Completely nuts considering the crib is second hand and we only paid £25 for the blinking thing.

I'm also annoyed with people assuming that just because I'm not the most svelte of women my baby is breech because it's big. :cry: I nearly bit someone's head off earlier who suggested it when I was at the park with the dog. This is a nice lady who I often talk to and has never been anything but kind to me, so I had to really bite my tongue. The MW says it's actually the opposite problem, the baby is quite small and I have a lot of fluid so it's got tons of room to wriggle around.

Snoozie - I know how you feel. I've just popped over the road to see my neighbour who is 27 weeks and I was telling her how I am in hibernation mode. This sounds terrible but I didn't actually leave the house from Friday night until this morning. On Saturday, my friend came around to see me for most of the day which was nice and apart from doing baby washing I did next to nothing. It rained all day so I had no inclination to go anywhere. Yesterday I kind of felt like going out but just never got around to it. I think it was fuelled by the fact that my hair needed washing but as DH was tiling in the bathroom I couldn't put the shower on. That was all the excuse I needed. I just don't feel like straying far from home at all, but what worries me is that if I go overdue I could still have 6 flipping weeks to go!

Babythinkpink - thanks for the coil advice

Shoot, there was something else I was going to say, I think it was to Louise but it's gone out of my head. Sorry :blush:

Hello lovely stars, thanks for all your positive thoughts, just bloomin typical tbh! Well today dh finally got his overdue holiday pay from prev job, they were ignoring him, lets just say I got on the case, tbh I didnt expect to get it but its in the bank so that really cheared me up! I also tided up Masons room today and was in his cupboard (where i keep our bedding and towels lol) and found all his old blankets and crib set and baby towels!! Im so pleased as I went though all his baby stuff in boxes in the loft and thought I must of gave them all away!! i also founf his cot mobile which goes with the crib set (Barnaby bear for m&p's) so today was better as ive been looking for another crib set, Ive bought some new towels and 2 gorg blankets but thats all i need now:) its all in the wash just now.

Lovely names Genies girl!!

:hug: to all feeling like poo & stressed

Limpetsmom i am so hormonal its not even funny........

I am also getting shooting pains when I walk, it really takes my breath away!

periods....no!! cant think about them...

Im with the hibernating crew, had enough tbh, quite happy in my wee bubble in the house, I ignored my door today it went twice, I was in the bath, knew if it was family they would phone as they would be paniking! When I got out bath I noticed it was someone promoting life assurance now all i can say is that she is glad i never got out my bath or I may of been in the police station on assault charges lolololololololol
Thanks babythinkpink on the coil, I've been thinking what to use whilst BF

Limpets :hug: Hope you feel a little bit better now hubby is home

Had another bizarre dream last night that I went into labour early and this time I had a boy.... so i'm back to not being convinced with a particular sex, will just have to wait and see.

I've been uncomfortable all day today at work, and the pain in my southern region really hurts at times to the point I can't walk properly. Going to ask MW about it tomorrow because I can't cope with this for upto another 7 1/2 weeks. Ive decided going to give myself next week to rest after finishing work and then start the eviction process.
Jellycat - you mentioning dreams reminded me I had a completely bizarre dream last night that my baby was able to talk when it was born :rofl:
Anyone else have a really stuborn back to back baby??
My brain has gone totally now, I came here to say something and its gone, It does not help my dd saying 'is that your baby' to every avatar pic i scroll past!:haha:

I washed my baby stuff today, the whites are still in the washer, and the sun has been in for ages, so think that was a mistake, may just shove it out anyway.

Anyway i spent quite a lot on a baby wrap, which i was raving about a few weeks ago, i got it from babies r us online, so no receipt as such, and it is too far for me to take back and their policy is send it back b4 they send another, and i don't want it not to arrive back on time, well it has a bit of fabric, like the top layer has come away under the legs so i have to, either, leave it and hope it doesn't get worse, sew it up or try and take it back.
The last is not an option its too far, so its sew it up, which is annoying when i am rubbish with a needle and don't want to bodge it up.
I hope i can find some thread tonight and do it so it is out of my mind, i can pack it then in the hospital bag and will not worry about it again, i know i am prone to go over the edge on daft stuff like this so i am not going to let it get to me!

Genies, lovely names, so pretty xx

Blob, not even sure where my baby is, midwife said question on breech last week, and today it has felt transverse, then either bum up or down again, its not comfortable whatever way its lying!:hugs:

:hugs: to those not having a good day for whatever reason!

I have ironed a load pf stuff, some baby stuff and the rest was just usual ironing, i keep wondering how many more lots of ironing i will do b4 baby is here!
I booked an appointment today for dh, it is for 14th Sept, I said, fine if i am not in labour:haha:

Time to go, everytime i get on here someone wants something, dd has been a pain in the bum since the older ones are away, she is making so much fuss and demanding so much attention, its strange how she has reacted, i prefer them being here and her in her usual 'place' she is still top dog but just seems so much less demanding.

Time to go, food to make!

Back soon xx
Heya, sorry havent had time to catch up again. Just popped in.

Had back ache and an achey stomach all day today, went out to town and walked around for 3 hours. Killed!

Really tired now, got in, lay down and I've been having period pain achey cramps in my stomach for the last 30 minutes, they get stronger then relax a bit but it isnt a timed thing, just a constant ache that gets worse, then a bit better but doesn't go away. Really hurts all around the bottom area of my stomach and hurts when I move too.
Thinking rather than wishful thinking and this could be it I probably have a water infection coming on :dohh: sent a sample off last week because the midwife thought it was a bit cloudy and showed a bit of everything.

Just wondering if any of you ladies know what the begining of labour/something starting feels like and if its similar? it's quite painful and uncomfortable but I don't know if I should risk leaving it incase it isnt labour or an infection and something might be wrong, dunno if its worth ringing the Maternity Assessment Unit :shrug:

I'm also on iron and I've been taking them a week now, I've heard people saying they can give you a bad stomach, anyone got any stories they can tell me from having iron that compares with the pain im having?

Anyway, my nans birthday is tomorrow so if it was labour I'm very happy to have a baby tomorrow and not a water infection! :haha:

Hope everyone is well x
oh i think i had something very similar Bekklez.... Back when i first started my iron pills, i remember one day that i had the worst stomach pains that would come in waves, with no rhythm or anything, just came and went every 5 or so minutes. After that day they went away and never came back, so i either ate something bad, or it was the iron pills wreaking havoc :shrug:
Hi girlies

What, no more babies yet?! What's going on?! :haha: Just wanted to pop on and say hi :hi: but haven't got time to read everything I've missed as there is LOADS! You lot talk too much lol I hope you are all feeling ok and I can't wait to hear about the next star making an appearance!

Things with us are good, had a bit of a hard first night at home, I was really struggling to get Holly to latch on and feed during the night and she wouldn't stop crying as she was hungry bless her. I got all upset as I was so tired and sore and just really needed to sleep! Things have been much better today though and she has had a good few feeds on the breast so think we are getting there! The midwife visited us at home today too and is pleased with how Holly is doing and praised me for persevering with the bf which made me feel a lot better. She's popping back tomorrow to make sure we are doing ok. We took Holly out in her pram for a nice walk this evening as well... it's still all a bit surreal!

Anyway, better go and get something to eat. Speak to you all soon xx
Oh and I think I saw someone taking about iron pills and black poo?... I've been put on them as I lost quite a bit of blood during the birth and they've made me have black poo as well. Lovely!! xx
hi Ladies!!

Just a quick update from me! Sorry for the selfish post.:blush:

Soooooo....just got back from seeing my MW!!! My weight is still the same as last week!! (ok..I'll fess up...it's only been 4 days...but my weight has never stayed the same since first Tri!!) My blood pressure was just a little lower 132/82 (instead of 84) Peyton is still in perfect position and measuring 39cm still. And...Drum roll!!!!!!! I am GBS NEGATIVE!!! I know it's not a huge deal if I was positive...and I know that you can get it anytime...but it's still nice to know that chances are I won't have any complications with that.

I just needed to post that!!:happydance:

sending hugs to Limpets and snoozie xx

i too would like to know how you tell the baby is back to back?
Yay Mamabird for the GBS neg! And the weight!

Emzy I just can't believe you're back chatting with your little lady here and even been out for a walk with her! So exciting!!!! You sound like you're doing really really well. x

I'm in achy mode too. Was walking round Ikea this morning with mum, wondering what felt different, and managed to figure out I've got period type backache. And it's developed a bit this afternoon and I have a bit of tummy ache. I am not getting excited but things do seem to be moving along a wee bit. Last time I felt like this I had a baby within 48 hours! We'll see eh?! Just in case, I have showered and straightened my hair, and done my best to defuzz everywhere!

My mind is blank of the rest of the stuff I was going to write! Sorry.....
:hugs: :hugs: Emzy BF is so hard to start with but SO worth it :hugs: I remember sitting crying and Tabs screaming at me and Robin every feed had to take Tabs to calm her down while i calmed down :hugs:

I dont seem to have much water i can feel legs feet hands the whole lot :wacko: But i know where the bum is so if it wiggles baby has his/her knees on my tummy :lol: Also it feels soft and squishy when they are back to back :dohh:
:hugs: :hugs: Emzy BF is so hard to start with but SO worth it :hugs: I remember sitting crying and Tabs screaming at me and Robin every feed had to take Tabs to calm her down while i calmed down :hugs

So true!! I remember this very well, but it all settled in the end. x
I've been on iron tablets for the last 5 weeks and they give me a real upset stomach but I am perservering as it made my blood count go up a bit!! I don't like the black poo nor the upset stomach either!

My baby has moved really low now and feeling kicks down below like nobody's business to the point that they're giving me occasional backache. I'm about ready for baby to come now as I'm really uncomfortable, roll on c-section date 9th september which is only 3 weeks away now. Whoo Hooo!!!
I've also ben on iron tablets for the past month or so now. MW said to aim drinking with a glass of orange juice as it can help to absorb the iron the better. I found they gave me upset stomach so I now take them every other day... get my iron results tommorow so cross fingers my levels have improved.

Asher - I was planning on doing the same thing when labour starts ie complete top to toe wash, scrub and shave. Hope all goes well FX xxxx

Mamabird - Big congrats on your MW appointment sounds like it went really well !!

Was meant to do housework this evening instead i've done nothing.... I feel really naughty !!

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