****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Morning all. I can tell you for definate that my baby boy will definately not be next! He is too comfy I am sure. He would not stop moving last night and I had the biggest prods which I am guessing are knees or feet sticking out of me like some sort of alien invasion in my tummy!
It is now only 2 weeks until induction day and I want him out before so I get my homebirth. I started RLT 6 weeks ago, I have been DTD, I had a hot curry on Sunday which only served to give me a really smelly bottom! :blush:
He just wants to stay in there and get even fatter I am sure!
Its so horrible knowing that if he is not here in the next 14 days I will have to be induced and miss my sons first day at junior school. :cry:

Well, sorry about the selfish post but DS and I are off swimming and I need to get ready asap or we will be late for our session.
Enjoy your day and I will pop back later. xx
Morning ladies!

Choc so sorry to hear about your OHs Nan, that's really really sad. :hugs:

Good luck with your appointments Elmaxie and Genies! Genies, I love those names! So pretty.

I had a crap night sleep. All evening yesterday I was getting cramps and backache, and then they kept me awake when we went up to bed. DH was snoring away, and I was wide awake looking at the clock and wondering if this is it! They've been on and off all night, and this morning I feel as though I am about to start a really bad period. So I think something must be going on in there, but who knows? I am at the MW for my 36 week check this morning so we'll see what she says (not a lot, probably!).

Oh my word, I have just heard a box of toys crash in the living room, best go and investigate! Have a good day ladies, will update after MW appointment. :flower:

PS Enjoy your swim Teeny! x
Gorgeous nursery :cloud9:
Mamabird love your blinkie :)
Aww choc :hugs:
Bec you had better hurry up and be next!! Though i think Asher might be next :wacko: I'm here for the long haul now :dohh:
Genies girl its nice your mum is emotional :lol: My mum is going to be at the birth this time and i wonder if she'll show any.
Choc, so sorry to hear about your OH's nan. I hope he's ok.x :(

Genie's girl, gorgeous names!

Teeny, I hope he makes an appearance.x

Asher, sounds like you are getting ready, it could be any night :)

Well I have slept...if you can call it sleep.......I must only get an hour at a time and it was so hot and muggy last night! I'm wondering how I'm goingg to manage another 5-6 weeks of this! I don't remember feeling thios knarked off at this point in my other pregnancies......maybe I've forgotten lol.
Anyway mw this afternoon...chance to have a good moan about the silly registrar I saw.
Good morning all,
Having connection problems today, rubbish!

I really don't want to put the dampners on anyone but my first baby was 1 day off 3 weeks late! Some hospitals will induce but others will just let it run on.
I get niggly for some weeks b4 baby comes, and all the hormonal changes are not helped buy the lack of sleep and general aches and pains!

Having said that, waiting for the next Star to come along now, I know i am not due for a few weeks after some, its getting very close for some of you!:happydance:

Not going to do personals as i am having computer trouble and prob loose the lot, so just send waves and hugs to you all and try and pop by later,

Hope everyone has a great day xx:hugs:
Ooo Asher I am with Blob on you being next!
Really does sound like your body is gearing up for something!!
Hope baby isn't just teasing!

Gonna go make a cup of RLT for myself...hoping it helps with this labour like I have convinced myself it did with Nathans. Due to having the diabetes my consultant said it means my uterus muscles don't work ad effectively which is why diabetic mums are more likely to need "intervention" plus also due to the size of baby! But I pushed him right out lol...that said he wasn't actually that big!!

I have just cleaned my double buggy and pumped up it's tyres and inserted the newborn support thingie. I also have brought down the bouncer and change mat so Nathan can maybe get used to them being here. Unfortunately he likes to get in the bouncer which is either going to snap or catapult him accross the room!

My pains have all but gone except for all I can suggest is a large hard head in my pelvis which feels like a heavy bowling ball is trying to fall out my vagina when I am standing/walking!

Be back later after clinic.

Hope everyone is well and doing ok today.

Tabs was two days early :lol: and i had no signs at all :wacko:

Just made cakes with Tabs this morning :)
Also she learned 'shut up' this morning :shock: she picked it up from a story tape (harry potter) :rofl:
Morning all! I actually only had to get up once last night for the loo, and had NO PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooooooooohoooooooooo!!! Although I did have some faint dull crampy feelings, nothing regular or anything like that, hopefully it's my body starting to prepare or something! It's a better feeling than recently where I have had absolutely nothing!

Laura, gorgeous nursery! :cloud9:

Teeny, fx your baby will make an appearance so you can have your homebirth!

Geniesgirl and Emma, fingers crossed you'll get your dates today!!!

Becs, I take it your cramps have gone then? I was so looking forward to seeing a text from you saying you were on your way!! ENjoy doing hospital bag! And make sure you get it done lady! Although having said that, I have packed baby's but only half done mine, I'm going to buy all my toilettries for it and need to get quite a bit of stuff!

Choc, so sorry to hear about your OHs nan, I agree with the other girls, just make sure he knows you're there if he needs you and otherwise give him space to deal with it in his way :hugs:

Asher.. I really think this is the start of something for you! Fingers crossed and make sure you keep us updated!

I can't remember anything else I was going to say... I too feel really disappointed when I log in and see the number on the front page hasn't changed! Silly, as it's still only halfway through August!!!

I better go and get dressed, we're taking the boys and the dog for a nice walk through Rendlesham forest, and DH has promised we'll go via the BMX track so they can have a go.... this scares me because they're only 6 and 8 and so little and it has proper jumps and alsorts, so I imagine I will be looking the other way most of the time! I feel I want to make the most of my lack of pain today as usually I can't join them walking the dog because it's too painful... I am a bit worried that it will make me hurt though! I might make DH carry a deckchair so I can sit down when I need to!

ANyway, will stop blabbering away, have lovely days everyone and I will catch up later! x
Morning ladies hope we are all ok

Thanks all for your kind thought reg oh nan he seems ok this morning he's got up and gone into town which is fine by me I can just chill in peice lol

Well I'm still getting tightenings but not hurting I'm sure this baby won't be on time and wen I went to the midwife she wasn't even engaged so much me hopin I take after my mum with the birth lol

She was 2 half weeks early with me with a2 hour labour and a 30 min labour from start to finish lol. Was 11 weeks early with my sis and had a emer c-sect

Sorry just a big of useless rambling there lol
Having lots of movement but no pains!! Think she is in there forever!!! My friend has been in labour for 24 hours, she had an epi at 2am and they are hoping she will give birth soon. I feel so sorry for her as she was adament that she wanted a natural birth, she had to be transfered from the birthing centre to the hospital, her OH text to say they are both shattered!!! Bless them! Paint is drying, done washing and ironing! Just having a cuppa before packing my bag!!

Mrs J, we have got a cat net but its useless!!! We even put the moses basket on top of the wardrobe but Missy still managed to get in it!!!
Choc I'm so sorry for your oh. Poor guy, especially finding out by FB.

MrsJ, I've heard that orgasms produce Oxytocin which is good for bringing on labour, however semen also contains the hormone prostogladin which is what is in the pessary (which apparently is actually like a teabag!) they pop behind your cervix to help induce labour. I think it starts thinning the cervix? So sex is definitely the best way to get things going!

Teeny, apparently hot food is suggested to bring on labour because it stimulates your anus!!! Therefore the fact you were stinky after your curry was a good thing... although it obviously didn't work.

Asher I agree with the other ladies that you will be next.

My cramps etc that I was getting loads of before finishing work, have now all gone. I get the occasional period pain type cramp but it seems most people are so I'm not seeing it as a sign. Also my bump is still really high.. no sign that it's dropped unfortunately.

Well I'm seeing my MW on Friday as I'm concerned the baby is breech. Mainly because the MW wasn't sure about where his head was at my last appointment and even asked me where I thought it was (!!) but also as his hiccups are really high up.
Morning all :)

Your poor OH Choc...i think facebook has a lot to answer for to be honest!

I think its a stubborn boy thing...'il come when im ready' lol my LO has been head down for quite a while then last night he was breech then rotated and was transverse and was poking out either side of my bump!!

Well i was woken AGAIN last night with cramp in my other leg this time and have been awake since 4:30am...its hitting me now thou and unfortunately im stuck at work so cant go back to bed!!! :happydance:...oh and 37 weeks today!!! :happydance:

Choc- im sorry to hear about your OH nan, men deal with things like that in different ways to us girls..

Genies - hope the scan went well....

Teeny weeny - hoping he comes out soon..

Fish and chips - are you still working?
seems like the wrest of our babies are staying put for a while longer :thumbup:
the past few times ive had a look theres been another baby born :haha:

Good luck Girls :flower: xx
im hoping Alfie says put till at least 26th for my next scan and getting c section booked
Sorry I wasnt gonna be on until later but I need a whinge:cry:

Just took Nathan out a walk as its the only way these days he will nap and for the first day in ages I didnt fee too sick thismorning but by god why I rounded our corner I felt so ill! I just made it home before I threw up my breakfast and well everything really:sick:

I dont know how I can keep going with it. I mean they have me on cyclizine which is an antisickness drug 3 times a day and its obviously NOT having any effect.

So I have 1/2 hour before my mum gets hre and to be honest I am glad I am spending the afternoon in hospital as my child is the devil today. Wont eat wont sleep and wont stop shreiking!!!:cry:

Oh and here is my poor bump after my night run in with the bloody door handle...its still achey and nippy...wo is me:haha:


I really just want to cry which is stupid but I have had enough!! And I havent even been having a "bad" pregnancy unlike last time:nope:

Sorry for the downer I just needed to let it out!


girls who've lost their mucus plug, does this sound like mine?
Ive had small pieces of whiteish boogery stuff, also slight pink on my liner this morning but nothing mucusy that has been pink. Ive also been crampy :s

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