****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Sounds a bit like it hun... most plugs (unless you go straight into labour) grow back so dont worry :hugs:

Awww Emma that sounds horrible :hugs: not long left hun!!
elmaxie- babe im so sorry to hear your sickness is getting your down, i was sick all the way through my pregnancy with my son, i swore ill never get pregnant again... well 12 years later look at me !! i remember wondering what it was like to feel normal....

123deirdre- I had the exact same thing happen to me three days ago, i asked MW who didnt seem too bothered and just said it was normal discharge. But i dont have much hope in my MW to be honest. It was just as you discribed, like a clear yellow jelly like blob...
My text buddy mel (mumto5) is off to hospital at 3 to get checked, she thinks her waters have gone!!!!! So exciting!

Good luck Mel, we are all thinking of you! I wonder if she'll have the 11th star?!?!?!?!
jeez, 27 pages to read through??!
hoping everyone is well :hugs:
Ladykara, nope thankfully! I was due to give up last Weds but I left the Thursday before due to getting lots of cramps and possibly loosing my plug.

Whoooo Emma, your poor bump!! Are the scratches painful? Lovely bump though!!

123Deirdre, I think I lost part of my plug about 3 weeks ago but I'm still not 100% sure. It was like snot after a cold if that makes sense? Really sticky and stretchy and clear. I then looked in the loo and there were 3 lumps of it in there. So yes I reckon that could be your plug.

oooh Mumto5 good luck hun!! Maybe there is another star on their way! Thanks for the update Mrs N. x
Good luck Mumto5!!!!

Can't believe it the sun is shining!!! Been out for a walk and had some lunch!! Not quite sure what to do, packed my hospital bag so I am all ready for the off!!!
Elmaxie - big :hugs: to you, your poor bump too xxx

Mumto5 - good luck!

I need to have a rant so feel free to ignore me!
Firstly, I'm getting really hacked off with people staring at me, it's no wonder I want to hibernate. I've just got back from the retail park up the road and it made me feel totally paranoid. This one woman was staring at my bump and frowning - what's that all about? I'm a married woman in my 30's what on earth has she got to frown about?? Stupid Cow!
Secondly, I ended up in tears this morning as I'm having real issues with two of my closest friend's at the moment and my brother if I'm honest. Both of my friend's run their own business' and are really busy. They have both had a rough time through the recession and have had the odd problem in their personal life. But then so have I, I got made redundant (at least they are both financially secure and relatively wealthy), my DH has been seriously ill and we have been back and forth to court over access to my SD. Basically I haven't seen one of them for 18 months as she lives 200 miles away, she has made arrangements to come and see me and cancelled probably 5 times at least usually at the last minute. On the whole she has been pretty good at keeping in touch via the phone but the last 3/4 months she's been awful, not returning calls and texts. 3 weeks ago when my DH was in hospital she cancelled a visit and then sent me a message to say she would call that evening (she knew my DH was in hospital and was v ill) she didn't call me when she said she would despite my staying off the phone. 45mins after the time she said I text her and said I couldn't wait any longer. I didn't get a reply! Several times over the past 3 weeks I've tried to call and text her and she doesn't respond so after trying yet again at the weekend I sent her a message to say I was upset and wasn't going to bother wasting my time calling any more. I haven't heard from her! We have been friends for 9 years. If that wasn't bad enough my other friend has been equally bad, he's cancelled meeting up 4 times in the past 2 weeks, most recently this morning. There is always a "valid" reason but it's really getting me down. I've had a bit of a rant at him this morning about it and as always he's apologetic. Now he's re-arranged for Thurs but I've told him it's his last chance. I haven't seen him for months either despite the fact that he lives in London. It's difficult because his OH is a psycho who despite the fact that we've never been an item and I'm married won't accept we are just friend's, he's always treated me like a little sister and we have been friends for 11 years. My DH doesn't have a problem with it as he know's it couldn't be more platonic but his OH is insecure. I can't help feeling that my two close friend's have abandoned me when I need them the most. Luckily my best friend has been an absolute rock. I don't know what to do for the best as I'm getting to the point where I wonder whether it's worth it any more, but when you have been friend's for so long and through so much together it's hard to just walk away from the friendship. On top of that my own brother is being a complete arsehole to the point that my Mum ended up having "words" with him about it last night because he's down there on holiday at the moment. We have always been really close and thick as thieves. In truth he has always relied on me way too much and takes advantage. I've lost count of the £thousands he's had from me in cash, presents and holidays over the past 15 years. Not to mention the number of times he's crashed at mine for what was supposed to be a few days but turned into weeks not paying any rent or lifting a finger. I first noticed he wasn't bothering to call/visit so much when I was first made redundant so didn't have money to go shopping etc. Since I have been pregnant it's gone from seeing him practically every weekend to every couple of weeks and now literally a month or two without him turning up. When my Mum confronted him about it he said he knew he was being crap but he had things to do at the weekend. However, he seems to be able to find plenty of time for his friend's and since my step-brother and his wife moved to London he's basically swapped seeing me for seeing them. I'm so angry with him, I feel really hurt and really used. Despite knowing how tough things have been for us on the few occasions he's turned up he has been really depressive and monosyllabic. My DH has quite a temper on him and he's come very close to having it out with him several times. I've intervened as I don't want to deal with the fall out of it but at the same time I feel totally used. Normally I'm not one to walk away from confrontation if it's called for but I feel quite vulnerable at the moment and just don't want the hassle. I'm hoping my Mum speaking to him will help but I won't hold my breathe. If you've bothered to read this far and not skimmed onto the next post - thanks I appreciate it. I think I just needed to get this off my chest as I've been bottling it up for months

Ooh does anybody know if Asher is in labour?! I'm sure she usually posts more than this...

Mrs JO8 :hugs: I know you're friends have been friends for a long time but if there not willing to be proper friends and keep letting you down then they imo they don't deserve your friendship! :hugs:

Good luck mumto5 x

Elmaxie - Your poor belly! :hugs:

EmzyWemzy - well done you! You sound like you're doing really well :flower: I am very jealous that you have a real life baby that you have taken for a walk when i just have a big belly ! :haha:

I'm really worried today (again lol) I've had the bare minimum of movement from bubs for the past few days, hes literally not been moving at all :( I've rang triage a few times and its constantly engaged, rang the doctors for a midwife appt. but shes busy and 'will ring me back if she can' Aaargh i just want to know hes ok! If i dont get any more movement before 5.30pm when OH finishes work then i am just going to go to triage, seeing as there not available to ring! What makes it worse is that warning about reduced fetal movement at the top of the 3rd tri page! I'm so scared :nope:

Well i hope everyone else is good today :flower:

x x x
Thanks Lilia. If I was you I would just go to Triage so that they can check for you. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about but you will feel so much better to have peace of mind x
Im more worried because ive had barely any movement since Sunday i think i am definitley going to Triage at 5.30! Oh my lords this pregnancy business is worry worry worry! I think from the moment we find out we are pregnant to when they are parents themselves we are always going to worry about our babies!! x
I think from the moment we find out we are pregnant to when they are parents themselves we are always going to worry about our babies!! x

And even then! :hugs: I think it's a lifetime sorta thing we have all gotten ourselves into. :flower:
lilia if I were you I'd just go now to triage :hugs: hope everything is okay

:hugs: MrsJ08, what a nightmare! It's difficult when you have been friends for a long time, but sometimes even the oldest friendships grow apart, and it has to be a mutual effort to keep in touch!

I am starting to get really impatient now, still 6 weeks to go - I want my baby! (but I don't want a prem baby!)
I can't drive so unless OH takes me it means 2 buses :/ I have just had a big bowl of sugarpuffs (and when i say big i mean huge haha) and since then i have had a little foot prodding out at the side do its relieved me slightly but i am still going to triage because theres such a reduction of movement.

x x
I am starting to get really impatient now, still 6 weeks to go - I want my baby! (but I don't want a prem baby!)

i know exactly how you feel honey...x :hugs: all i can do is keep taking LO clothes out of the cupboard and re fold them.. ,I swear im losing my mind with this waiting !!! i cant even hope she comes when im full term on the 2nd of Sep as my baby shower is on the 11th of Sep... x
Ooooh Good Luck mumto5 :wohoo:

MrsJ08 :hugs: :hugs: I'm sorry hun I think during hard times and pregnancy it shows you who your real friends are :nope:

Lilia :hugs: Have a cold drink and lie down and see if bubba moves? Then if baby does feel a bit happier but still go in later :hugs:
Sorry I wasnt gonna be on until later but I need a whinge:cry:

Just took Nathan out a walk as its the only way these days he will nap and for the first day in ages I didnt fee too sick thismorning but by god why I rounded our corner I felt so ill! I just made it home before I threw up my breakfast and well everything really:sick:

I dont know how I can keep going with it. I mean they have me on cyclizine which is an antisickness drug 3 times a day and its obviously NOT having any effect.

So I have 1/2 hour before my mum gets hre and to be honest I am glad I am spending the afternoon in hospital as my child is the devil today. Wont eat wont sleep and wont stop shreiking!!!:cry:

Oh and here is my poor bump after my night run in with the bloody door handle...its still achey and nippy...wo is me:haha:


I really just want to cry which is stupid but I have had enough!! And I havent even been having a "bad" pregnancy unlike last time:nope:

Sorry for the downer I just needed to let it out!



OUCH OUCH OUCH...that looks so sore u poor thing...id pop some sudocrem on it hun! xx

My text buddy mel (mumto5) is off to hospital at 3 to get checked, she thinks her waters have gone!!!!! So exciting!

Good luck Mel, we are all thinking of you! I wonder if she'll have the 11th star?!?!?!?!

Good Luck Mel!!!!!! xx

Elmaxie - big :hugs: to you, your poor bump too xxx

Mumto5 - good luck!

I need to have a rant so feel free to ignore me!
Firstly, I'm getting really hacked off with people staring at me, it's no wonder I want to hibernate. I've just got back from the retail park up the road and it made me feel totally paranoid. This one woman was staring at my bump and frowning - what's that all about? I'm a married woman in my 30's what on earth has she got to frown about?? Stupid Cow!
Secondly, I ended up in tears this morning as I'm having real issues with two of my closest friend's at the moment and my brother if I'm honest. Both of my friend's run their own business' and are really busy. They have both had a rough time through the recession and have had the odd problem in their personal life. But then so have I, I got made redundant (at least they are both financially secure and relatively wealthy), my DH has been seriously ill and we have been back and forth to court over access to my SD. Basically I haven't seen one of them for 18 months as she lives 200 miles away, she has made arrangements to come and see me and cancelled probably 5 times at least usually at the last minute. On the whole she has been pretty good at keeping in touch via the phone but the last 3/4 months she's been awful, not returning calls and texts. 3 weeks ago when my DH was in hospital she cancelled a visit and then sent me a message to say she would call that evening (she knew my DH was in hospital and was v ill) she didn't call me when she said she would despite my staying off the phone. 45mins after the time she said I text her and said I couldn't wait any longer. I didn't get a reply! Several times over the past 3 weeks I've tried to call and text her and she doesn't respond so after trying yet again at the weekend I sent her a message to say I was upset and wasn't going to bother wasting my time calling any more. I haven't heard from her! We have been friends for 9 years. If that wasn't bad enough my other friend has been equally bad, he's cancelled meeting up 4 times in the past 2 weeks, most recently this morning. There is always a "valid" reason but it's really getting me down. I've had a bit of a rant at him this morning about it and as always he's apologetic. Now he's re-arranged for Thurs but I've told him it's his last chance. I haven't seen him for months either despite the fact that he lives in London. It's difficult because his OH is a psycho who despite the fact that we've never been an item and I'm married won't accept we are just friend's, he's always treated me like a little sister and we have been friends for 11 years. My DH doesn't have a problem with it as he know's it couldn't be more platonic but his OH is insecure. I can't help feeling that my two close friend's have abandoned me when I need them the most. Luckily my best friend has been an absolute rock. I don't know what to do for the best as I'm getting to the point where I wonder whether it's worth it any more, but when you have been friend's for so long and through so much together it's hard to just walk away from the friendship. On top of that my own brother is being a complete arsehole to the point that my Mum ended up having "words" with him about it last night because he's down there on holiday at the moment. We have always been really close and thick as thieves. In truth he has always relied on me way too much and takes advantage. I've lost count of the £thousands he's had from me in cash, presents and holidays over the past 15 years. Not to mention the number of times he's crashed at mine for what was supposed to be a few days but turned into weeks not paying any rent or lifting a finger. I first noticed he wasn't bothering to call/visit so much when I was first made redundant so didn't have money to go shopping etc. Since I have been pregnant it's gone from seeing him practically every weekend to every couple of weeks and now literally a month or two without him turning up. When my Mum confronted him about it he said he knew he was being crap but he had things to do at the weekend. However, he seems to be able to find plenty of time for his friend's and since my step-brother and his wife moved to London he's basically swapped seeing me for seeing them. I'm so angry with him, I feel really hurt and really used. Despite knowing how tough things have been for us on the few occasions he's turned up he has been really depressive and monosyllabic. My DH has quite a temper on him and he's come very close to having it out with him several times. I've intervened as I don't want to deal with the fall out of it but at the same time I feel totally used. Normally I'm not one to walk away from confrontation if it's called for but I feel quite vulnerable at the moment and just don't want the hassle. I'm hoping my Mum speaking to him will help but I won't hold my breathe. If you've bothered to read this far and not skimmed onto the next post - thanks I appreciate it. I think I just needed to get this off my chest as I've been bottling it up for months


Awww hun i feel for you, just a good job you have us virtual friends :) xx

Ooh does anybody know if Asher is in labour?! I'm sure she usually posts more than this...

Mrs JO8 :hugs: I know you're friends have been friends for a long time but if there not willing to be proper friends and keep letting you down then they imo they don't deserve your friendship! :hugs:

Good luck mumto5 x

Elmaxie - Your poor belly! :hugs:

EmzyWemzy - well done you! You sound like you're doing really well :flower: I am very jealous that you have a real life baby that you have taken for a walk when i just have a big belly ! :haha:

I'm really worried today (again lol) I've had the bare minimum of movement from bubs for the past few days, hes literally not been moving at all :( I've rang triage a few times and its constantly engaged, rang the doctors for a midwife appt. but shes busy and 'will ring me back if she can' Aaargh i just want to know hes ok! If i dont get any more movement before 5.30pm when OH finishes work then i am just going to go to triage, seeing as there not available to ring! What makes it worse is that warning about reduced fetal movement at the top of the 3rd tri page! I'm so scared :nope:

Well i hope everyone else is good today :flower:

x x x

Yes id go up hun if i was you even though you have since has a 'protruding foot'!! Im sure all is well though xx

Hope everyone else is ok!! Il check Ashers facebook!! x
hi everyone - there has been 50 pages of writing since I was last on here, so I literally cannot keep up!!

I can see 8 beautiful babies have been born - so congratulations to you ladies

Hope everyone is ok

MrsJ :hugs: sorry you're having a rough time, I agree though if they are not willing to make the effort then they are not true friends any longer.. although the male one I would possibly give the benefit of the doubt to until Thursday if you are supposed to be meeting up then :hugs:

OOooohhh I wonder if Asher is in labour?!

Lilia... I agree with the others, if you are concerned then if only for your piece of mind I would go and get checked out, I have been a couple of weeks ago and they're very good... but they did suggest to me first of all to lie down on my left side, have an ice cold drink AND some sugary food to see if that gets baby going! Good luck :hugs:
It is unlike Asher to not post anything.. umm... has she got a text buddy?

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