****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

She had a midwife appointment this morning, I wonder if maybe they sent her to the hospital, oooohhhh!!!
Hey girls,

I will catch up properly later - just an update. Midwife sent me to the hospital AGAIN. Soon as I got there BP was normal, but been having quite strong period pain and it seems I have gone from brim to 3/5 engaged in two days - midwife thinks things are in the early days - could be like that for weeks - but could be like it for hours! Got a consultant appointment tomorrow to discuss 'options' whatever that means, going for a long walk now to try and spur her on! Hope you are all doing well and will catch up later :hugs:
Hi everyone,

MrsJ08 :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: send em my way & i'll sort em out (the mood i'm in lol). I kinda know how you feel - i have a friend who i once worked with & we were very close! The last time i saw her was at my wedding last October, i've made the effort to call her (& leave a message on the answer machine) and text her every week since i found out i was pregnant but she still hasn't ever got back to me! She doesn't even know i am pregnant as i refused to tell anyone by text. I can see her turning up when the little one is a few years old or something :dohh:

i cant even hope she comes when im full term on the 2nd of Sep as my baby shower is on the 11th of Sep... x
Course you can hun - i'm having my baby shower once Tufty is here :thumbup:

Well here goes my continuing grumble (apologies in advance!).
After walking out on my midwife appt yesterday i made an appt to see my gp this morning. I needed a few things on repeat prescription & thought it was wise to get him to check my bp whilst i was there too :thumbup:. I got my prescription, got my bp checked, then i got him to check my 3rd lot of urine specimin results (midwife mislabelled the previous 2 so they never got tested :growlmad:) only to find my white cell count is raised (indicating infection) however i also have thrush (sorry tmi i know) so i need to treat that first, then re-send a urine sample off to see if it is a true infection or just raised because of the bacteria from the thrush, then i can start antibiotic treatment for the uti, then i'll get thrush again as i always do after antibiotics so i'll need to re-treat the thrush!!! I need to get all of this cleared before going into labour else i can pass the thrush onto Tufty which can cause him/her complications at birth :cry:.
I wish i could say it ended there but it didn't! I then mentioned my palpitations (which i told the midwife about weeks ago) my gp immediately got concerned & was horrified the mw hadn't sent me into hospital to be investigated (given my brothers history & the whole reason i am under consultant care at the hospital!). He has booked me in for an ecg tomorrow & i went in today to have full blood count plus tft's & we will taake it from there.
Whilst having my bloods taken i had a call from fetal medicine saying my mw was concerned after yesterday & asked if i would like to come into the hospital to see the consultant tomorrow instead of re-booking with midwife (i think she got the message!) as i'll be there having the ecg i agreed. They said i can then discuss my midwife arrangements with them as my current mw won't visit me after the birth as i live out of her catchment area WTF!!!! Why was i even seeing her so far? Surely part of the idea of having follow up care is cos the midwife has gotten to know you & can spot things like PND :dohh::dohh::dohh:. I'll be having very strong words tomorrow regarding several aspects of my care!!! You may all even hear them!

OK, rant over - it's safe to come out from behind your sofas now :thumbup:.

I must admit i feel physically & mentally drained at the moment! Could do with a nap but then i won't sleep tonight! Oh well, such is life i guess, i'm off to get another cuppa - thanks for reading (or skipping.....don't mind either way lol) xxx
Bloody hell - Limpets what a bunch of inefficient idiots. What is wrong with these people? Why can't they just do their job properly??? I really hope all is well with the ECG etc and the Consultant get's on top of thing's.

Thanks for sharing re: your friend. It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one with useless friend's and relatives. I must admit I'm feeling a bit better about it now. At least I can sleep at night with a clear conscious that I've done the right thing and tried my best to stay in touch. They have to live with themselves knowing they haven't. If I don't hear from my girlfriend in the next week or two I won't bother telling her when the baby is born. I know she will find out I've had it from one of our mutual friends and perhaps then she will realise how much she has hurt me with her behaviour. x
Emma, that bump loos sore xx

Lilia, I agree with the others and go and get checked out xx

Mrs J, I too have friends like that, and tbh I don't really class then as friends anymore just people I know! People do drift apart and thats sad xx

Drazic, that sounds positive!!! Get walking girly xx

Oooo I wonder how Asher is??

My friend had her baby at 2pm, he weighed 7lb 12oz!!! Bless I am so pleased for them!!! Been out and got a card and will get a gift at a later date!! I feel like Greenpeace should be sent out to rescue me!! Gonna have some tea and then take Murphy for a walk! We are off to Bury st Edmunds tomorrow to meet up with Ian's Nan, so lots of walking then too!!!
Hey MrsJ08 - good for you, you need to stay nice & relaxed, too much adrenaline running around you won't let that baby out anytime soon :thumbup:.
To be honest i'm quite scarily laid back about the whole thing now - i don't think anything they say or suggest can shock me anymore! A bit like water off a ducks back!

Well, i'm getting a lovely baldder massage courtesy of my adorable baby! :dohh:, not the nicest of sensations (i can actually feel both hands sweeping across it :wacko:) but i appreciate him/her trying to relax mummy!
I think a change of position may help so i'm off downstairs to iron the new clothes i bought on sunday so i can re-pack the hospital bag........again lol.

Chat later ladies, ouch! :hugs:
:hugs: limpets, it sounds like you are on top of things - good for you, I hope the people involved in your care get on top of things too!

ooh drazic, fingers crossed it's not long for you :hugs:

Just been packing my hospital bag, but a bit stuck with clothes - I go some cheap nighties from Primark which have buttons on the front, but I'm thinking I need to take some 'loungewear' too in case I want to get dressed!
selfish post coming up sorry

went for scan , didnt get my usual woman this one was a bit grumpy didnt say much and started to worry me a bit, one baby is still bigger than the other twin a is 5lb 2 and twin 2 is 6lb 6, its no wonder im a very uncomfortable WHALE!
then my bp went to 93 and my urine had traces of blood so midwife was full of doom and your going to be admitted doom!
So i see the registrar (not consultant i never get to see him) and she is concerned but not enough to admit me but wants me to go to hospital every other day for next few days for checks and to have a glucose tolerance test because although my blood results were fine before they now want to make sure thats not why i have a giant baby! so ive come home with a testing kit for urine with charts to fill in , new iron tablets and a diary full of dates.
And will they give me a section date for my breech babies..... nope it will be 38-39 weeks doesnt matter how large i get!

sorry just needed to rant a bit x
Hey ladies!

Back from CTG monitoring, liqor scan and clinic.

Will catch up once Nathan is in bed but i had an interesting time. Feeling better too and managed to eat.

Ooo mel and her waters and no word from Asher! I saw on her Facebook she had midwife at 3pm! Hoping it's a few more stars arriving!

Anyways sorry it's a flyby nut until I can get nathan to bed I can't get near the laptop for a catch up!!

Speak soon!xxx
Genies, no wonder you are so uncomfy, sorry you didn't have more of a positive apointment xxx

Emma, how did your appointment go??

Jen, I have packed my hospital bag but still unsure what clothes to put in!!

Limpets, aww bless baby on the massage xx
Just a wee quickie from me before I get out with the dogs..... no I'm not in labour yet!! I have had a crummy day but am fine, will be back later with gossip! Thanks for all worrying about me though. xxx
Asher, crap you have had a crummy day but glad you are ok xx
Genies - sorry about your rubbish appointment. I don't know much about twins but I thought it was quite common for one to be bigger than the other? I don't trust their estimates anyway as it's not an exact science. Fingers crossed all is ok and you won't be admitted. I don't really understand why they won't give you a date, seems a bit daft to me as twins rarely seem to go to term. I think they will end up giving you a section at 38 weeks, I don't think they will run the risk of 39 in case you go into labour. If their estimates are right, even your smaller baby is already a good weight.

6.30 - I wonder if Lilia went to Triage with her DH. Hope she is ok x

Mrs N & Becs - I've packed most of my hospital bag and the babies is done completely but even though I've slimmed it down I think I'm probably still taking too much for the baby :blush: I don't seem to have a massive amount for me, clothes wise I have a pair of PJ's, 2 Nighdresses, dressing gown and slippers oh and 2 Nursing bra's and cheapy knickers from Primark so I can bin them if necessrary. I will put one of my maternity dresses and a cardi in for coming home but I'll have to do that nearer the time as my wardrobe is seriously limited at the moment. I can't think of anything else I need clothes wise. I can't imagine I'll wear them but I've also thrown in a couple of pair's of socks & I've got some flip flops for wearing in the shower. I'm lucky as we only live 5 mins for the hospital, that said I'm not sure DH could be relied upon to find anything I'd forgotten though :rofl:
Genies :shock: wow how good are the size of them :wohoo: Its SOOO unlikely you'll go to 38 weeks with babies being such good sizes i imagine?? Though i'm no expert it really sounds like they are getting cooked on rapid :thumbup:

Limpet thats shocking... when i was pregnant with DD I went in with protein in urine and swelling all over (i was HUGE) then i had really bad headaches, dizzy, seeing spots and the MW wrote down 'well' in notes :nope: Sometimes seems a waste of time turning up?

Becs congrats to your friend :cloud9:
OMG do you lot ever chat!!!

Trying to catch up is impossible!

Re the staring, I had it so much today, like really staring at the bump, i mean has no one seen a pregnant woman b4?? I know i am quite big, but not gigantic or abnornmally huge! I felt like a freak today, and i love my bump so don't like being made to feel like that!

Have had a quiet baby today, but as soon as i sat down it has gone nuts with stretching, its like, at last Mummy has sat still for me to move!

I have had a few people ask 'how long have you got left' i don't really answer properly, i just say who can tell, as long as its September i don't mind!

Genies, that is mad, you will pop b4 then!! You have a huge amount of baby in you already, can't imagine how big they could get? Perhaps if the one starts getting considerably bigger they may think of birth? At least they are keeping a close eye on you xx

Limpets, i know i was going to say something, but its gone!!!:dohh:

Everyone else, hope everything is ok, and all the term Mummies are bouncing on their gym balls!
I agree F&C about sex being a good way all round to get baby out, it seems to be the one method that consistantly works more often than not, and the effects combined make sense it would work, its like a mini sweep, mini pessary (not insulting dh's here i mean the amount of protawhosits in the sperm!!) and the orgasm thing stimulating the womb as well its an all round one!
It's gonna be my method anyway!:haha:

Less crampy today, but i did walk slower, i am glad to be home now though, was out with mil, who is usually a bump grabber, and it drives me nuts, but she was good today and only did one un-invited rub, so i put her hand on the bump when baby had hickups, she was pleased and hopefully it will encourage her to be invited b4 she grabs me! I was wearing my hands off the bump t-shirt too!:haha:

Well off to check out other things now, dh has another late night planned on the x box tonight, :happydance: i don't tell him how nice it it to have the tv remote, and bed to myself so just say ok when he 'asks' if he can have a late one on the xbox, i pretend its a hardship:haha:

I had a dream last night my waters broke, it was really weird, i was doing pe at school, and was packing all my stuff up, considering its been 20+ years since i was at school its a bit of a weird one:haha:

Back soon, got to check on you all!!
Update, mumto5 txted to say false alarm and she's in for more monitoring tomorrow.

I can't take the excitement lol......soon we will all have gone popcorn!!!!!!

All was ok at the mw, just plodding along now for the next 38 days!
Hey ladies i have a question!

1.When did you babys head engage? or has it not, this or previous preg

2. What did it feel like??

3. does labour start soon after that? or no?

just curious! Thanks! :)
MrsJ08 I've heard lots of women get cold feet during labour, so I am also packing socks (with non-slip soles, don't want to be sliding around!)
:hugs: carley
jessica I can't answer your questions, sorry! baby wasn't engaged at my 31 week appointment, although the last few days I have felt more pressure and needing to pee a lot more so maybe that's a sign, not sure.
thanks for the update on mumto5 snoozie

urgh I feel really 'periody' this evening. not really cramps just aching and completely lethargic!

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